
Everyone couldn't help but exclaim when they heard Bai Masong's words.

Hattori Heiji was even more unconvinced and questioned Bai Masong

"What makes you say my reasoning is wrong?"

Bai Masong looked at Hattori Heiji who looked unconvinced, and said calmly with the same tone.

"Your reasoning has always been theoretical, but it is impossible to do it in reality."

"Haha," Hattori Heiji laughed after hearing what Hakubamatsu said,"You just saw with your own eyes me putting the key into Inspector Megure's pocket, how can you say that my method is just theory?"

"Yes, yes, Brother Baima………………"Officer Megure couldn't help but say

"The key went into his pocket, but did he go into his double pocket?

Bai Masong interrupted Inspector Megure and asked casually.

Into his double pocket?

"This, this is of course going in!"

Hattori Heiji hesitated for a moment and said affirmatively,

"If you don't believe me, we can give it a try!"

Hakumasong listened to Hattori Heiji's argument, but did not answer. He just nodded his eyes to his pocket, signaling him to go ahead.

Hattori Heiji certainly would not back down, and immediately walked towards Officer Megure, hurriedly reaching into Officer Megure's pocket.


"How is it possible!?"

Inspector Megure and Hattori Heiji couldn't help but shout.

They saw that the key fell out of Inspector Megure's pocket and did not enter the double pocket.

"This, this" Hattori Heiji was very puzzled,"Could this be a coincidence?"

Bai Masong shook his head

"This is the first mistake you made this time. You didn't notice that the deceased was sitting."

"Sitting? What do you mean?" Hattori Heiji asked humbly.

"Officer Megure was obese, and the deceased was even more so. When they sat, their pockets were severely folded, and the key would be forced to disconnect from the fishing line before entering the double-layer pockets due to the folding."

"But there are unexpected situations, what if we can get in?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"No, look carefully at the direction of the key and the keychain." Bai Masong said


Hattori Heiji looked over and recalled carefully.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

"You should have thought of it, right? When we found the key, it was folded together with the keychain. But your method cannot fold them together."

Hakumasong saw Hattori Heiji's idea and solved the puzzle.

"Not only that, you made another mistake. Bai Masong continued

"What?" Hattori Heiji asked. He no longer had any confidence at this point. He just wanted to hear if he had any other flaws.

"Poison needle." Bai Masong said

"Poison needle?" Hattori Heiji muttered.

"Have you ever thought about how you put the poison needle in there? You know, we found it next to the desk."

Yes, yes, the key went in, but how do you get the poison needle in there when it's a needle and thread thing?

"This, this………………"

Hattori Heiji was sweating as he thought about it. He found that his reasoning was like a child's play in front of this police officer.

In addition, the cold, serious tone of this police officer, Hakuba, gave Hattori Heiji a different feeling.

He felt like he was facing his father, who was the chief superintendent.

Seeing that Hattori Heiji realized his problem, Hakuba no longer kept him in suspense and said lightly:

"These two questions are enough to show that your reasoning is incorrect."

"How did the key get in there?" Hattori Heiji asked humbly.

"The key has never been taken out." Bai Masong said

"Well, the suspect………………"Hattori Heiji asked again.

This time he didn't need to finish, everyone knew what he wanted to ask.

How did the suspect get out?

"The suspect doesn't need to go out at all. Bai Masong solved everyone's doubts.

"What are the books piled high and the opera playing in the room when you came in for?"

Bai Masong said patiently.

"What is it for?" Hattori Heiji asked anxiously

"The books piled high are to hide. The opera playing is to cover up."

Bai Masong continued

"What exactly is being covered? What is being concealed?"

Shiramatsu's words made Maori Kogoro on the side unable to bear it. He couldn't wait to ask.

Shiramatsu didn't say anything, but quietly looked at Hattori Heiji on the side.

Hattori Heiji felt as if he had touched something after hearing what Shiramatsu said, and an inspiration flashed through his mind.

"I understand!" Hattori Heiji shouted excitedly,"The murderer wanted to cover the face of the deceased and conceal any screams the deceased might make!"

"But who was the murderer trying to protect himself from?"

Maori Kogoro still didn't understand and asked.

"To guard against you." Bai Masong said lightly.

"Guard against me?"

Mouri Kogoro pointed at himself, looking confused.

"To be precise, I am on guard against all the people who come in with you. Right, Mrs. Tsujimura Kimie?"

Bai Masong said directly.

He was originally thinking of training Sato Miwako, but was interrupted by Hattori Heiji. Seeing that Hattori Heiji seemed a little impatient, he got angry and wanted to give her some advice.

Now that he saw that Hattori Heiji had calmed down and found the answer, Bai Masong didn't plan to drag it on.


Bai Masong's words were like throwing a stone into the lake, which caused a thousand waves and made everyone present boil.

"Madam killed the master, this, this is impossible!"

Butler Xiaochi Fumio was the first to raise the question.

"Nothing is impossible," Bai Masong said calmly,"The key in the double-layer pocket is enough to prove that the key has never left the pocket of the deceased. Then, Mrs. Tsujimura Koie, who also holds the key, you are the biggest suspect."

"You knock Tsujimura Isao unconscious, pose like this, and then wait for Detective Mori and the others to follow you in, prove that this study is a secret room, and your trick will be complete."

"After you come in, you just need to pretend to wake him up, but actually give him an injection. Since the poison takes effect very quickly, Tsujimura Isao has no time to react and dies under your needle. In this way, people will think that he has already died."

"To prevent Tsujimura Isao from showing any pain, you piled a pile of books on the table. To cover up his possible screams, you played opera in the study."

"In order to frame someone else and lure the police into a trap, you should have placed fishing lines in every corner of this house."

"These are all your modus operandi."

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