Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed since returning from Yueying Island.

During these three days, it was as if the drug case on Yueying Island had never happened. Bai Masong, the Investigation Division 1, and the Public Security Bureau of the Metropolitan Police Department kept silent about it.

Bai Masong also returned to the kind of life where he drank coffee, read reports, and chatted with the policewoman from time to time.

On this day, Bai Masong was looking at the report on the"Sannisi Murder Case" in his hand.

Suddenly, the landline phone in his hand rang.

"Hello." Bai Masong answered the phone.

"It's me." A voice that sounded calm and gentle, but with a hint of seriousness

""Father, good afternoon." Bai Masong said calmly and respectfully.

"Good afternoon, Asong."Said Shirakawa Police Chief Shirakawa

"Now there is one thing for you to do."

"What's the matter?" Bai Masong asked

"You will soon receive a report about the diplomat Tsujimura Isao. I need your help to confirm his death!"

Tsujimura Isao?

Bai Masong silently repeated the name in his heart. It sounded familiar.

"I understand. Bai Masong replied concisely.

"Well, I'll wait for your news."After getting Bai Masuke's reply, Bai Masuke hung up the phone. After hanging up the phone, Bai Masuke thought while waiting for the report.

Bai Masuke had an impression of this Tsujimura Isao. There are two possible reasons for this impression.

One is that Bai Masuke told him and mentioned it. The second is that this person existed in the original plot. Or maybe it's both.

Bai Masuke told him that asking him to confirm his death is definitely not to make sure that he is dead, but most likely to find out how he died.

This kind of investigation can only be that the cause of his death will affect many things.

And the only thing that can affect the overall situation is that he died from a power dispute or something like that.

In other words, what Bai Masuke actually wants to investigate is whether Tsujimura Isao died of revenge or was killed for violating his interests!

Just when Bai Masuke was thinking, the report came.

"Department 3, we just received a report that a murder occurred at the residence of diplomat Tsujimura Isao. Everyone, follow me!"

Officer Megure shouted towards the office.


Soon, as the sky gradually darkened, Hakuba Matsu and Inspector Megure arrived at Tsujimura Isao's residence.

As soon as they arrived, Inspector Megure said to Takagi Wataru

"Gao Mu, Ni first took people to control everyone in the house, and no one can leave the scene."

""Yes." Takagi Shigeru replied.

After instructing Takagi Shigeru, Inspector Megure took Hakuba Matsu and Sato Miwako to the second floor, which was the scene of the death of diplomat Tsujimura Isao.

After going up to the second floor, several people entered the study. At this time, there were already several people in the study, including Maori Kogoro's family, a black young man, and a middle-aged woman.

Looking at the crowd in the study, Inspector Megure said with disgust:"Why are you here again, brother Maori!"

"Ahahahaha, Officer Megure, there is a case calling for a famous detective like me!" Maori Kogoro said with a grin.

"So, this case is murder again."

Inspector Megure concluded based on past experience.

""Well," Maori Kogoro touched his chin,"it's hard to say, after all, the deceased didn't have any obvious external injuries."

Hearing Maori Kogoro's words, the dark-skinned young man standing next to him finally couldn't help

"Please, uncle, could you please look more carefully?"

"There was a tiny pinhole on the victim's neck, it was obvious that he was murdered!"

""Huh?!" ×N

Inspector Megure and Kogoro Mori were both surprised.

Hearing the young man's words, Shiraba Matsuya put on white gloves, bent down, and began to examine the body.

As he looked closely, he found that there was indeed an extremely tiny pinhole on the neck of the deceased Tsujimura Isuna. In addition, the lips and fingers of the deceased were slightly purple.

Shiraba Matsu used his hands to pry open Tsujimura Isuna's eyelids and carefully examined him. He found that there were bleeding spots on his conjunctiva. Combined with the previous clues, it was enough to show that the deceased died of suffocation.

Shiraba Matsu quickly came to the conclusion

"This is poisoning!" ×2

Bai Masong and the young man who just stood up and spoke said at the same time


Inspector Megure and Maori Kogoro exclaimed again.

Inspector Megure asked

"Brother Bai Ma, is the stone you mentioned real?"


Bai Ma Song replied calmly. He did not explain the reason in detail. The forensic class would give the result.

Seeing that someone had reached the same conclusion as him, Bai Ma Song and the young man looked at each other with exploratory eyes.

At this time, Officer Megure seemed to remember that there was a"newcomer" at the scene whom he had not seen before, so he asked Maori Kogoro,

"Brother Maori, who is responsible for this?"

"His name is Hattori Heiji, and he is just an arrogant young detective.

Maori Kogoro waved his hand and said nonchalantly

"Hattori Heiji!?"

Inspector Megure couldn't help but exclaimed again. As soon as he heard the name, he recognized the boy.

"Are you Hattori Heiji, the son of the current chief of Osaka Police Headquarters, Hattori, who is currently in high school?"

"He is the son of the chief of the Osaka Police Station?!"

After hearing what Inspector Megure said, Maori Kogoro unconsciously repeated it.

"That's right, it's me."

Hattori Heiji nodded and said with a smile.

When the people around heard him admit it, they all cast surprised eyes at him.

The behavior of the crowd is understandable. After all, this is the son of the chief of the Osaka Police Station.

What level is Hattori Heiji's father, Hattori Heizo? Let's put it this way, Hattori Heizo is equivalent to Qi Tongwei who is one or two levels higher.

As the chief of the Osaka Police Station, Hattori Heizo is higher than many county-level chiefs and belongs to the level of Superintendent of Police. The island country stipulates that there are only 20 Superintendents of Police in the country.

In addition, the Superintendent General is elected from among the 20 Superintendents of Police, and Hattori Heizo is the most popular among the 20.

Qi Tongwei can even let the local dog in his hometown be a police dog, let alone Hattori Heizo.

Generally speaking, it is not easy to see a young man of this level. It

's just…………

Miwako Sato turned around and looked at Bai Masong who was concentrating on examining the body, thinking,

This guy is the eldest son of the current Superintendent of Police! How could two sons of police families collide to create such a spark this time?


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