"When we were monitoring Kawashima Hideo's residence, we heard several gunshots and faint screams coming from inside the residence."


Kazami Yuya exclaimed. Hakuba

Matsu also frowned. Hearing this, Kawashima Hideo was shot? Did Asai Narimi take action in advance? But this is not right, Asai Narimi does not have a gun!

In the island country, gun control is very strict. It is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to get a gun. For many policemen, sometimes just confiscating a pistol is enough to get a promotion.

But if it was not Asai Narimi who did it, who could it be?

"Send a few people to keep guarding and wait for me and Detective Fengjian to come over."

Bai Masong said in a calm voice.

""Okay, okay."

The police officers over there were also confused by the gunshots, but when they heard Bai Masong's order, they felt more confident.

"By the way, send a few people to Kuroiwa Tatsuji to make sure everything is alright over there."

Bai Masong added.

Kawashima Hideo and Kuroiwa Tatsuji are in the same boat. Now one of them may have been in trouble, and the other is also likely to be in danger.

After explaining the matter, Bai Masong and Feng Jianyu hurried to Kawashima Hideo's mansion.

When they arrived at the door, Bai Masong found three public security police officers dressed as ordinary people in different positions.

Feng Jianyu also saw them, waved, and asked them to come over.

The two public security police officers saw their boss coming, and they also hurried over.

"What is the situation inside now?"

Feng Jianyu asked hurriedly

"I don't know," said a public security officer, shaking his head.

"We are guarding the main gate. No one is coming out from here, but there is no movement inside the mansion."

"So that's it…………"

Yuya Kazami frowned tightly, it seems that the situation inside is not optimistic.

In fact, it is not that they want several police officers to stay at the main gate all the time, there is really no other way.

This time, they gathered intelligence in advance. Kuroiwa Tatsuji and Kawashima Hideo are actually small workshops, and they don’t have any armed means.

So this time, they came with only about one department, ten people. Including Yuya Kazami and Hakuba Matsu, there are only twelve people.

Two people were just asked to look after Nishimoto Ken, so Kuroiwa Tatsuji and Kawashima Hideo had only four people on each side.

The four people can only watch the main entrances and exits, and there is no way to miss some.

Hakuba Matsu didn’t want to think too much, everything still depends on seeing the situation inside.

"Detective Fengjian, bring some people with you, let's go in and take a look"

""Okay," replied Yuya Kazami,"everyone follow me and Inspector Hakuba in."

The two public security police officers nodded in agreement.

Everyone walked into Kawashima Hideo's mansion together. First of all, the first feeling that Hakuba had was - what a strong smell of blood!

This house originally belonged to Kawashima Hideo, the largest capitalist on Yueying Island. It should have been extremely luxurious.

However, at this time, all kinds of things in the house were thrown on the ground at will.

As soon as you enter the door, the floor of the living room has been soaked in blood. A middle-aged woman and a young man have fallen in a pool of blood.

Before coming to Yueying Island, Hakuba had carefully read the information of several people and recognized them at a glance. The two people lying on the ground were Hideo Kawashima's wife and son.

Yuya Kazami obviously recognized them as well. He bent down, put his hand on it, felt it, and then shook his head.

"He has stopped breathing."

Seeing this, Bai Masong thought, it seems the situation is very serious.

Previously, after a few days of investigation, they all believed that Kawashima Hideo and his team should be a small workshop on Yueying Island.

But now it seems that it is probably not the case.

Combining what Jinchuan said before, Kuroiwa and Kawashima used to purchase goods from abroad, and later processed them themselves. It seems that they have joined a larger drug trafficking organization.

Now, that organization knows that Jinchuan Hideji has been arrested, so they hurried to silence Kawashima Hideo and Kuroiwa Tatsuji.

Bai Masong thought so, his eyes were still looking around, he was looking for someone

""Why isn't Kawashima Hideo here?"

Bai Masong asked.

After hearing Bai Masong's question, Feng Jianyuya finally realized that there were only the bodies of his wife and children here. Where was he?

At this moment, Feng Jianyuya's phone rang again.

"Feng, Fengjian Detective," the breathless voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What happened?"

Feng Jianyuya asked hurriedly, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Hei, Heiyan Tatsuji and the others, they are all dead!"

The police officer on the other end of the phone said tremblingly.


Kazaki Yuya opened his eyes in disbelief. The pupils of

Bai Masong beside him also shrank slightly.

The police who can enter the Ministry of Public Security must have strong basic abilities. The community center of Yueying Island where Kuroiwa Tatsuji is now working has been monitored by six public security officers.

The community center is far smaller than Kawashima Hideo's mansion in terms of area. Six people can already watch the community center to death.

However, Kuroiwa Tatsuji still died!


After receiving the news, Shiramasatsu and Kazami Yuya also rushed to the community center.

When they arrived, Shiramasatsu found that the community center was already surrounded by many residents. Among these people, Shiramasatsu also saw Maori Kogoro and Conan. Next to them, there was a"woman" with long hair and a sweet smile. When the six public security police officers in the crowd saw Shiramasatsu and his team coming, they hurried forward to report.

"Inspector Hakuba, Detective Kazama, this is what happened"

"We followed your instructions and stood guard outside this community center. We also carefully observed the people coming and going in the community center, but we didn't find anything unusual until half an hour ago, when Mr. Maori Kogoro went in to see Kuroiwa Tatsuji for some business."

"According to him, he saw a dead body as soon as he entered the door. After a brief moment of surprise, he called the police."

Hearing this, Bai Masong felt that the situation was even more serious.

"How about this, Detective Kazama, let's go in and investigate the scene."

Hakuba Song said to Kazama Yuya


Feng Jianyuya answered.

The two reached a consensus, and Bai Masong squeezed into the crowd, took out his police officer ID, and said in a voice that was not loud but powerful and a little cold.

"I am Inspector Hakuba Matsu of the Metropolitan Police Department's First Investigation Division, and we are going to cordon off the crime scene and conduct an on-site inspection. Please cooperate with us, residents."

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