When Bai Masong talked about solving cases, he changed his usual behavior. He was like a top student teaching the poor students how to solve problems.

Sato Miwako also listened very seriously. She took out her police notebook and pen and started to take notes.

Seeing Sato Miwako like this, Bai Masong stopped explaining and waited for her to finish taking notes.

""Shuashasha" Miwako Sato was writing when she found that there seemed to be no sound. She looked up and found that Bai Masong was also looking at her.

She blushed and said embarrassedly:"I, I'm afraid I can't remember it."

"Have you finished memorizing it now?" Bai Masong asked.


"Next, let's talk about the proof question," Bai Masong continued,"The proof question means that although the murderer is unknown, there is only one suspect at the scene, and he is most likely the murderer, such as the disappearance of the body incident encountered a few days ago. What we have to do is to solve the puzzle he set."

"For this type of question, if we want to solve the puzzle, it may be troublesome, but we can just ignore the question."

"Don't you want to answer the question?" asked Miwako Sato.

"That's right. For the proof question, we basically know the murderer. At this point, in our eyes, any of his actions are problematic. We only need to restrict his behavior, bypass his puzzles, or even prevent him from setting questions, and we can solve the case directly."

"Soga!" Sato Miwako understood,"So, Inspector Hakuba, you followed Mr. Tanaka upstairs a few days ago to restrict his behavior and prevent him from setting questions!"

""Yes." Bai Masong nodded.

""In addition," Bai Masong said,"we can use one method to deal with all problems. This method is very effective, and that is body search!"


"Locard's exchange law states that once a criminal commits a crime, there will be a material exchange between the criminal and the crime scene. Therefore, after the suspect sets a question, there will be more or less traces of the crime scene on his body, and a body search can effectively find"

"Yes, yes, body search, I remember that." Sato Miwako nodded vigorously, and then asked,"Inspector Hakuba, is there anything else?"

"There are also some techniques to quickly identify suspects. Bai Masong asked the boss for a bottle of water, took a sip, and then said

"First, we need to classify the suspects. We must first rule out the possibility of roving crimes and random crimes."

"Eh? Why?"

Because there are no roving crimes or random crimes in Conan, Bai Ma Song thought so. Although he thought so, it was impossible to say so.

"Because these two possibilities will consume a lot of manpower and material resources, instead of doing so, we can first check the suspects present. Moreover, after the suspects have asked a question once, they are generally very confident and will not flee the scene."Bai Masong said seriously

"Oh, that makes sense."

"Also, among the suspects at the scene, the one with the least likelihood of committing the crime and the most complete alibi is the most likely suspect."Bai Masong said

"Eh? Why is that?" Sato Miwako was even more confused. Shouldn't the person in this situation be the least suspicious?

"This one should be combined with the previous one, because the suspect was very confident and stayed at the scene. Why was he so confident? Because he was least likely to have committed the crime and his alibi was the most complete!"Bai Masong explained,"This is taking advantage of the suspect's criminal psychology, which is a kind of criminal psychology."

Well, this is actually a scientific theory.

"That's amazing! Did Inspector Hakuba study this when he was studying abroad?"Sato Miwako said with admiration.

""Yes." Bai Masong said calmly without changing his expression.

"There is another point. If one of the suspects keeps revealing things himself or dragging others to reveal things, then his suspicion will increase."

This time, Sato Miwako didn't continue to ask why, thinking that she would wait for Bai Masong to finish speaking.

"Because the suspect did this to muddy the waters and make everyone suspicious. Plus, if he has an alibi, he can be cleared of suspicion."Bai Masong continued,"This is also the application of criminal psychology."

This is also the application of science!

"Well, that's about it. If you encounter a case in the future, you can also practice it. If you find anything new, I will also add it. Any other questions?"

"No, no more. Today, I am really grateful to Police Chief Baima!"

"It's okay."

After receiving Sato Miwako's answer, Hakuba Matsu said it was time to end.

After Sato Miwako rushed to pay the bill, the two left the ramen shop and headed for the parking lot. During this time, Sato Miwako repeatedly expressed her gratitude, and then the two went home..............................

Time quickly came to the next day.

Bai Masong felt something was wrong today. At work today, many people looked at him with"emotions", the kind of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Bai Masong came to his seat, sat down, and took out a case report.

Officer Nara Zezhi, who was sitting at the desk next to him, saw Bai Masong coming, stood up, and came to Bai Masong's desk.

"Shiramasan." Narasawa said seriously,"We all know about your relationship with Detective Sato. Since Miwako chose you, please treat her well and take on your responsibilities as a man!" Officer

Narasawa put his hand heavily on Shiramasan's shoulder and said earnestly.


Nara Zeji is 48 years old this year, with the rank of deputy inspector. He is a senior criminal police officer who has been working on the front line for many years. He and Sato Miwako used to be in Inspector Tomonari's team. He is also an old friend of Sato Masayoshi. He is an elder who has watched Sato Miwako grow up and has always regarded her as his daughter.

At the same time, he is also a member of Sato Miwako's defense line.

Bai Masong also knew this. After hearing this, he realized that Officer Nara Zeji had misunderstood.

"You misunderstood. Detective Sato and I are not in that relationship."Hakumasong said calmly.

Nara Zezhi frowned when he heard this and was about to get angry.

Sato Miwako also heard what they said and quickly stood up and explained with a red face.

"Officer Narasawa, I just asked Inspector Hakuba for some tips on solving cases yesterday. Nothing happened to us."

Narasawa looked at the two suspiciously and wanted to say something, but then Officer Megure walked in and said loudly

"Just received a report.××××There is a murder case in the area, Hakuba, Sato, Takagi, follow me immediately to the scene."

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