Three days passed quickly after the case of Tomoya Tanaka.

At this time, Bai Masong once again stood at the crime scene of a homicide.

Bai Masong was a little puzzled. Since he came to the Third Department of Investigation Section 1, he encountered more homicides than before when he was in other classrooms.

I don’t know if it’s a problem with the Investigation Section 1 or a problem with the birth of Conan.

However, this time, what surprised Bai Masong was that Conan was not at the scene!

This case took place on a remote road. There are two tunnels on the road, which are not connected to each other. They are two driving paths of the road, from south to north, and from north to south. Not far outside the tunnel, the two roads will intersect, probably like this."-=-"

Bai Masong arrived at the scene and Yumi Miyamoto from the Ministry of Transportation introduced the situation to him

"The deceased was named Nishikawa Ke. He died in a tunnel running from north to south. The cause of death was a collision. It was initially confirmed that he was hit by a vehicle."

"The deceased was dragged northward in the tunnel, and the car's brake marks were also from south to north. Therefore, we judged that this was a hit-and-run case in which the pedestrian died due to driving against traffic."

"We investigated and found that at that time, only three cars passed through this section of road. And all three cars came out from the north exit.

Bai Masong understood after hearing this. This case, hit-and-run, should be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation, but they were unsure of the culprit, so they asked their three departments, which had solved more cases recently, for help.

Sure enough, Officer Megure immediately verified Bai Masong's idea.

"The Ministry of Transportation was unsure, so they found the Criminal Department. Today it's our turn."

Miyamoto Yumi nodded in agreement. But there was another reason. He and Sato Miwako were best friends. During this period, he always heard from Miwako that there was a handsome guy in their third department. He came from a famous family and had strong reasoning ability. So, he wanted to meet him.

Miyamoto Yumi continued

"The owners of the three cars were Mr. Yamaguchi Kazuo, Mr. Aokigawa, and Ms. Kimura Reiko."

After saying that, he pointed them out to Bai Masong one by one.

Bai Masong looked in the direction he was looking. Yamaguchi Kazuo was a big man, Kimura Reiko was a petite lady, and Aokigawa looked like a stay-at-home boy.

"Have you done any inquiries?" Bai Masong asked Miyamoto Yumi.

"We have done it. We just listened to their confessions and felt that there was nothing wrong, so we asked you to come here."Yumi Miyamoto said.

Bai Masong nodded and walked to the three suspects.

He wanted to meet these three people in person.

"Were you all driving when the incident happened?" Bai Masong asked

"Yes, officer."×3

"How do you prove that you were not driving in the wrong direction?" Bai Masong asked the question directly.

Yamaguchi Kazuo was a little impatient,"Are you policemen ever going to stop? I've told you so many times. I was bored while driving, so I looked at the big screen in the tunnel, which was broadcasting the noon news."

Yamaguchi Kazuo said this because the tunnel is a one-way street and the big screen will only face the correct direction of travel. If people driving in the wrong direction want to drive, they will not be able to see the big screen.

Yamaguchi Kazuo recalled,"The news at the time said that residential sunlight rights. Well, speaking of it, two years ago, an apartment was built in front of our house, and our sunlight rights were also………………"

""Yeah." Bai Masong nodded and looked at the next person, Qing Muchuan.

Qing Muchuan recalled,"At that time, I was concentrating on driving, so I didn't pay much attention to the big screen. I only remember that the host was wearing a blue military uniform, but she seemed a little careless at the time."

Bai Masong listened and continued to look at the next one.

Kimura Reiko thought for a while and said,"I remember when I watched it, the big screen was showing a promotion for Kudo Yusaku's new work. It seems to be the Dark Night Baron series. I quite like this series.……………"

After the three of them finished talking, Bai Masong had someone bring the TV station's videotape of that period, and then lowered his head to think.

However, Yamaguchi Kazuo didn't want to wait any longer, and shouted loudly,"Can you police officers detain ordinary people if you can't find the person?"

Kimura Reiko also said,"Yes, my husband is still waiting for me at home! It's been an afternoon, why isn't it over yet!"

Aoki Gawa analyzed,"Dear officers, in my opinion, the suspect may have taken a small path and ran away? The three of us have all watched the big screen. Logically speaking, we can't see him going in the opposite direction. So it seems that none of us went in the opposite direction!"

After listening to Aoki Gawa's words, Yamaguchi Kazuo and Kimura Reiko also nodded in agreement.

At this time, Takagi Wataru brought the suspect's identity information.

"The other two people had no connection with the deceased, but Mr. Yamaguchi Kazuo was an old friend of the deceased. The deceased borrowed 200,000 yen from Mr. Yamaguchi half a year ago and has been refusing to pay it back."

Takagi Shigeru looked at the information and concluded

"It's you, isn't it, Yamaguchi Kazuo? You held a grudge against the deceased because he didn't pay you back, so you took advantage of this time when no one was around and hit him to death!"

After hearing this, Sato Miwako rushed up immediately, grabbed Yamaguchi Kazuo's collar with one hand, and questioned him.

"No, it's not me." Yamaguchi Kazuo, a burly man, was caught by Sato Miwako and was also very panicked. He kept shaking his hands, trying to prove his innocence.

"I have a conflict with Nishikawa, but I can't kill him! My appearance this time was purely accidental!"

Sato Miwako has to say more

"Detective Sato!"

Hakuba Song called her. He felt that Sato Miwako was not in a good state today. Although she was usually full of energy, at least she would not identify suspects everywhere like Maori Kogoro.

"But!"Sato Miwako was not convinced. She felt that Yamaguchi was a big suspect, and she also wanted to solve the case as soon as possible.

"The murderer is not him.

Bai Masong said calmly.

"Actually, one of you three really went against the flow."

"That person is you"

"Mr. Aoki Chuan!"

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