The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 197: Lingyu Mochi

"Damn! Can you lose yourself by fine points?" Ximen Qing was stunned. What kind of show operation is this?

   Song Yunwu looked at Jin Qinan, thinking that he should explain this time, right? As a result, a certain Sakyamuni-sama did not want to speak, and lay on the sofa very salty.

Song Yunwu, who once again confirmed that the eight evil spirits have pits in their brains, had no choice but to explain for him: "He has explained this, saying that although his incarnation can be resurrected indefinitely, it did not emerge out of thin air. The first avatar had a glitch during the last resurrection, and then it was lost."

   "So what's the problem?" Qin Yuyao asked curiously.

   Song Yunwu shook his head: "He didn't say, otherwise we should ask him himself."

   As she said, she looked at Rosinha who was hiding under the table.

   The lion monster with the head of a beautiful woman was drinking tea at this time, but it was probably because it was a feline, so he was burnt to his tongue accidentally, and he was sticking out his tongue at this time.

   realized that everyone was surprised at Na Rosinha who looked to him, and he quickly shrank his head. The white light on her body appeared again, this time it became the little Lolita when she entered the door just now.

   "Hey," Little Lolita tweeted impatiently, "It's really useless."

   Ximen Qing suddenly thought of it.

   Little Lori got out of the table, came to sit next to the Jin Qi man, and then began to explain.

   "Incarnation cannot be created out of thin air. For example, my current body is to select a beautiful woman's somatic cell, clone and cultivate it into a carrier, and then entrust its own power."

   "It took me nearly two days from selection to training, so I only came to see you now, how about it? Isn't this cute?"

   Ximen gave her a disgusting look: "What's the difference between you and plastic surgery? It's not natural at all."

   "Is this the point?" Song Yunwu glanced at her. This idiot zombie always likes to struggle in some strange places.

Little Lori looked at Ximen Qing disdainfully: "So you are not talking nonsense. My thoughts are so pedantic. As long as I meet certain fixed conditions, I can change my body at will, and then I can experience all kinds of life. , Men, women, old, young, what do you want to play, not happier than you are with two bunches of useless fat all day long?"

   "Hehe," Ximen Qing was unmoved on the surface, "You are not real happiness, I don't envy it."

   In fact, she is envious. If she is the same as her, the big dragon will not be easy to get back. Damn it, why doesn't the celestial woman have this ability?

   Song Yunwu heard something else: "What are the fixed conditions you mentioned?"

"It just needs to be in accordance with the nature of mythology," Little Lori explained. "For example, the dwarf incarnation cannot be placed in an individual with a height of more than 1.5 meters, and it must be in a human form. The wild boar incarnation can only enter the pig body, and the white horse incarnation You can only enter the horse body, the incarnation of Sakyamuni must be bald like this..."

   "I'm not bald," Jin Qinan, who has been keeping Ge You lying down, suddenly said, "I just shaved my hair because I was too lazy to wash my hair."

   Little Lolita glanced at him, then turned back to Song Yunwu and said, "Just like the incarnation of Sakyamuni must be bald, you can also refer to the description in the myth to find my first incarnation."

   "Myth? What is the first incarnation in the myth of Vishnu?" Qin Yuyao asked.

   Song Yunwu explained to her: "It's a spirit fish called Mohui. There are stories similar to Noah's Ark in Indian mythology, and Mohui is the **** who pulls the ark."

   Qin Yuyao: "Then what we are looking for is a fish?"

   Little Lolita said: "It may also be half-man and half-fish, as long as it has some of the characteristics of fish."

   "Half-man, half-fish?" Qin Yuyao's inspiration flashed, and quickly went back to the room to fetch drawing paper and pens, and began to paint.

   Her drawing speed is blessed by the gods, and she drew an exquisite picture of half man and half fish in the blink of an eye.


   "Do you have any misunderstandings about half-man and half-fish?" Little Lolita pointed to Qin Yuyao's painting, "Why is it a goldfish with a pair of legs and a pair of hands!?"

   "Isn't it right?" Qin Yuyao looked at her paintings, and it was very accurate. Is it that way? So she changed it again.

   This time, it was completely a human body, and then the hands and feet were replaced with fish fins, and the head was replaced with fish heads: "Is that so?"

   Little Lolita: (* ̄︿ ̄)

   "Did you mean it?"

   "Is this wrong?" Qin Yuyao said in surprise, and then fell into bitter thoughts again.

   Jin Huiyuan curiously asked: "Sister Yuyao, haven't you heard of a mermaid?"

   "I've heard that the upper body is a human, but the lower body is a fish," Qin Yuyao said, and suddenly realized, "It turns out to be that! I thought Indian mythology would be different from European and American legends."

   Then she quickly drew a picture of a mermaid. This time it is the standard standard that people above the waist and fish below the waist are standard, and there is nothing wrong with it.

   However, when she showed the painting to Little Lori Xuedi, the latter almost vomited blood.

   She pointed at Qin Yuyao's painting tremblingly, and shouted, "Why is the upper body jojo!"

   "Huh?" Qin Yuyao looked at her own painting and explained, "I am used to painting, but I subconsciously paint like this. By the way, this is not jojo, but Diorda."

   "Puff——" Little Lori's mentality collapsed, turned into a cloud of white light, and finally turned into a handsome guy.

   Ximen Qing looked disgusted when he saw this guy: "Hey, why is it a man again?"

   This handsome guy is very kind: "Hello, my name is Krsna, I am the eighth incarnation of Snow Emperor."

   Qin Yuyao looked at him curiously: "Hey, how do you feel that this incarnation is so normal."

   Song Yunwu sighed, she suddenly felt a little tired: "Why do you have to complain because a normal person came here?"

   The eighth incarnation Krishna smiled and said, "I am the best tempered among the ten incarnations. Leave the rest to me."

   "My first incarnation was lost during the battle with the Tongxin Demon Emperor many years ago. At that time, due to the influence of his time power, I lost contact with my own incarnation."

   "It is certain that the avatar has been reborn, but because the memory has been regressed to the infant stage, he/she will not realize that he is actually an avatar, and even his personality will be reshaped."

   "The avatars can sense each other, but both parties must send out something similar to radio waves at the same time, but my avatar has obviously forgotten these, so I have been making no progress for more than ten years, until not long ago..."

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