The fairy is fierce

Chapter 6: Land of Eternal Night

squeak squeak

Unconsciously, half a day has passed. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

Zuo Lingquan looked at the dark winter night outside and fell into silence.

Next to her, a woman in a golden dress lay on her side on the blanket, sleeping with her arms folded across her chest. The curves from her shoulders, waist to thighs can be described as ups and downs, and the scenery is infinite.

After staring outside for a long time, Zuo Lingquan wanted to raise his hand to shake his wife, but saw that her daughter-in-law was sleeping soundly and was not disturbed, so she could only wait quietly beside her.

After an unknown amount of time, the beauty in the golden skirt finally made some movement.

Shangguan Yutang's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he opened his eyes. He first glanced at his little wife's sleeping posture, turned over and lay down, and moved his eyes to the window:

"Huh? It's not daylight yet?"

Zuo Lingquan spread his hands: "It feels like it can't light up anymore.'s understandable that the two poles of the sky and the earth turn into extreme day or night."

Shangguan Yutang sat up and looked at the vegetation outside. He hesitated a little, but didn't say anything more. After all, this place is not a place of extreme darkness and nothingness. The light of the stars and moon and the thin spiritual energy are enough to support the ecology of the place.

Shangguan Yutang's original plan was to wait until dawn before setting off. Now that there was no dawn, she didn't wait any longer. She stood up and flipped her hair:

"Where's my hairpin?"

Zuo Lingquan blinked and felt that this scene was a bit like Jiang Yi and Qingwan getting up from the bed to find bellybands and hairpins when their cultivation was low. The only difference was that the wives were standing with their buttocks bare. Zu wears a little too much...

"What are you thinking about?" Shangguan Yutang waited for a moment, but when he didn't see the attendant handing over the jewelry with both hands, he turned back with a bad look.

Zuo Lingquan quickly put away his ungrateful thoughts, stood up straight, took out a small wooden box from Linglong Pavilion, and took out the dragon-patterned hair ornaments.

Shangguan Yutang glanced briefly and saw several pieces of folded colored fabrics placed in the wooden box, as well as a small turtle jade pendant, a pig-headed man jade pendant, etc. It should be a jewelry box, and his eyes were slightly disdainful:

"You are very particular about people. You are a handsome man and you even carry a jewelry box."

Zuo Lingquan handed the dragon pattern hair ornament to the ancestor:

"They are all small items given by Lingye and the others. They are of great significance and must be properly treasured..."

It turned out to be a token of love... Shangguan Yutang was relieved. She took the hair accessory she took out of the box...?

A token of love?

"Why did you put my hair accessories in that box? Do you think I gave it to you?"


Zuo Lingquan definitely thinks so! There were so many people in Dengchao Port, and Yingying was there, just throwing it to him, what else could it be if it wasn't a gift to him? He has just collected it for two days and is still not warm...

"No, no,'s just the things belonging to my seniors that are too valuable to be placed casually, so they are put together with my most precious things..."


Shangguan Yutang threw the hairpin to Zuo Lingquan with the intention of giving it as a gift; because she untied the hairpin, which was equivalent to "the overlord taking off his armor and fighting to the death". After the war, there was probably no body left, and he didn't want Zuo Lingquan to Quan didn't even have anything to remember her after her death.

It's okay now, I can't express these thoughts.

Shangguan Yutang didn't care about Zuo Lingquan's secret possession of her personal belongings. He lifted up his long black hair with both hands, put the dragon-patterned hair ornaments on both sides, and transformed into a heroic slicked back hair.

Zuo Lingquan packed up the lighting poles, blankets and other items and asked:

"Which direction to start looking for?"

Shangguan Yutang rested for a while and realized that he might stay here for a long time. Mei Jinshui was in the same predicament and it was useless to worry. She turned back to look at the statue of Dao Ancestor in the center of the hall and pondered for a moment:

"This is a Taoist ruins. Judging from the specifications, it is very important. It must have its role. Let's find out the details of this place first."

Shangguan Yutang turned around and walked out of the dilapidated back hall, where waist-thick ancient vines could be seen entangled between the stone walls. The murals had long been in their glory, leaving only a few stone carvings half buried in the ground.

Taoism has the longest inheritance in Jiuzhou, and it has been the most powerful family throughout the ages. Even if the Immortal Lord is no longer in charge, its sect's inheritance still has a long-lasting influence on the practice of Taoism.

Shangguan Yutang knows the structure of the Taoist sect very well. Although this place has long since declined, the Feng Shui layout is not much different from that of today's Taoist sects. She led Zuo Lingquan through the middle hall and came to a mountain that may be the back mountain of the sect. .

For example, Taoists would place important places in the sect such as the Demon Suppressing Tower or the Sutra Pavilion on the back hill, and the construction techniques were of the highest quality. Normally, they could guarantee that they would lose their effectiveness for thousands of years, and they would survive for thousands of years even if they lost their effectiveness.

Zuo Lingquan came to the outside of the mountain and acted as a coolie according to Yutang's instructions. He moved away the layers of vines and found traces of stone buildings under the soil.

But Shangguan Yutang looked at the stone wall carefully and frowned:


Zuo Lingquan, who was carrying the thick vines, paused: "What's wrong?"

Shangguan Yutang raised his hand and waved lightly, and the land outside the stone wall was turned over, revealing a collapsed wall hole. The inside of the wall should be the Sutra Collection Pavilion. It was empty and dusty, and there was a bulge near the hole.

Shangguan Yutang lightly hooked his finger, and the bulge flew out from under the dust and landed in her hand. After flicking the dust away, it was revealed to be a wooden box.

Zuo Lingquan frowned and came over to examine it carefully. The wooden box was about the length of a palm, with the word "Ghost Valley" embossed on the surface. It looked like a box containing medicinal materials.

This discovery is undoubtedly a bit scary.

If this place was erased after the Taiyin was sealed, no one would have set foot here in the past ten thousand years.

Guigu Gorge is a sect that was born after the Huajunzhou Tiandi City branched off and Shang Yin left. It is only four to five thousand years ago; and the wooden box is not to mention. No matter how good the Xian family's craftsmanship is, this kind of packaging box is directly Buried in moist soil, it can be guaranteed not to rot for five hundred years, so it is considered to be an extremely solid material.

The appearance of this wooden box here only shows that there were people who visited this ruins before them, and it was not that long ago!

Zuo Lingquan almost subconsciously restrained his breath and carefully observed the left and right:

"Are there any outsiders here?"

Shangguan Yutang raised his eyes and looked around:

"Judging from the thickness of the dust, the time is very recent, no more than sixty years old. This is the Ghost King Ginseng produced in Guigu Gorge. Judging from the size of the medicine box, it is a three-thousand-year-old fairy. It can be used here, but it can only be eaten raw. I’m afraid I won’t forget my opportunity when I come to Humanity.”

Zuo Lingquan was not surprised by this, because he had never forgotten his skills, and no matter how lucky he was, he would not be able to get here alive.

"Is the other party dead?"

"Even if we run out of ammunition and food, a piece of ghost king ginseng is enough to kill him for a hundred years. He is definitely not dead. But the fact that the other party will eat this means that the situation at that time was not much better than ours. It just depends on whether he can find a place to recover in these years."

Zuo Lingquan's mood was as if he had drifted to an isolated island and suddenly discovered that there were cannibals on the island. Looking at the ancient trees and vines outside, there was no sense of the beauty of the night at all, and it just felt oozing.

He took out his sword and held it in his hand, thought for a while and said:

"Find Yingying and Mei Jinshui quickly. At least they are still human beings who fight with aliens. Who knows what ghosts are haunting here."

Shangguan Yutang looked a little solemn, and he actually had some guesses in his heart.

After all, there are too few Wangji cultivators in Jiuzhou. Yuyao Continent has been through generations, and now there are only five in total. There may be more in other continents, but they can still be counted.

It was impossible for a monk of this level to show up without hearing rumors. As long as she screened the monks who had not reported any movements in the past one or two hundred years, the range would be very small...

"Let's go, keep your breath down and don't make any noise."

Shangguan Yutang took out the golden mace and the shrunk Xuanwu shield, hung them on his back, and took Zuo Lingquan silently into the dense forest...——

By the inland lake, the night is quiet.

There was a deck chair placed under the eaves outside the wooden house. Cui Yingying leaned on it, holding a vermilion wine gourd in her hand, swaying and looking at the night in a daze.

Mei Jinshui was wearing a goose-yellow skirt and was sitting in front of the desk in the window. In front of her was the celestial guqin 'Haiyue Qinghui', an ancestor of the Qiutao family. She lightly hooked her fingers, and the music echoed on the lake.

Dong dong dong dong~

It is true that Cui Yingying's piano skills are the best in Dongzhou, but that is because Dongzhou is led by Yutang, a reckless woman, and there is no artistic atmosphere at all; in terms of musical attainments, she is actually a little weaker than the master Hua Junzhou, and Sanqianen The Master who was famous all over the world before was even more incomparable.

Cui Yingying lay on the chair and listened, but she didn't want to be confused by her master's superb piano skills, so she interrupted midway:

"This piano is an ancestral possession of Xuanwutai. It should be returned to its original owner. Just give it to me when you're done playing."

There was a smile on Mei Jinshui's lips: "When I bought this piano from the Xie family, I paid the price of an immortal weapon for my teacher, and I still have the deed in my hand; even if I want to return it to the original owner, the Xie family Now that I can’t withdraw the money, if you force it back, you are violating the contract and not following the right path.”


It feels strange that Cui Yingying was taught not to follow the right path by her evil evil master, but she really can't refute it. Because the property sold by the ancestors of the Xie family was bought and sold with real money and silver, the money might have extended the life of the Xie family; if future generations relied on her connections to get it back, that would indeed be a breach of trust and not following the right path.

Cui Yingying said that Mei Jianshui was not the best, so she did not mention this issue. She looked at the sky and said:

"What happened today?"

"It's normal for the sky and the earth to be extremely dark and never see the light of day for an eternity. We should have reached the edge of the world. We are far, far away from Jiuzhou. We may never be able to return in this life. The same should be true for Yutang."

Cui Yingying didn't believe at first that there was a place where Master and Yutang couldn't go back, but Mei Jinshui had no intention of running away, so she gradually became a little doubtful.

If she really can't go back, Cui Yingying is not too desperate. After all, Zuo Lingquan and Yutang are still there. No matter how lonely they are, there is always someone to rely on, but it will be difficult to deal with how to live in the future.

As Zuo Lingquan's private Taoist companion, she is the 'first wife' here without exception. No matter how determined Yutang is without a second man, she may have to devote herself to her son-in-law and become her sister in the future.

But what should Master do?

If we can't go back, we definitely can't keep Master locked up forever. We will have to live together on an isolated island in the next life.

She can hug and keep warm with Ling Quan and Yutang people. What identity should the master be? You can't live outside and be neighbors for the rest of your life, right?

Ten to a hundred years is okay, but if for thousands of years, a woman lives alone without seeing anyone else, and the only person of the opposite sex she can meet is Zuo Lingquan, and there is no other way to comfort her soul and body, will it...


Cui Yingying's thoughts gradually wandered, but within a moment, she had already thought of the plot where she discovered her master's adultery and couldn't bear to run away from home. Master and Yutang hugged her and cried, apologized, and begged her to come back...

Mei Jinshui definitely wants to go back, but he just hasn't thought of a countermeasure for the time being. Looking at Cui Yingying's tangled yet relieved face, she knew what Yingying was thinking and said:

"Don't think about it. When the time comes, you have no choice but to accept your fate. When did you ever stop what Yutang and I wanted to do."? ? !


Cui Yingying felt that the woman in the window was no longer as amiable as she was when she was a child. She must have escaped into evil ways and changed her character greatly, and her words were really unpleasant to listen to.

Cui Yingying got up and came to the room, hugged Mei Jinshui's chest from behind, and carried her to the bed:

"Have you forgotten your current identity? You are a prisoner, and I am the Lord of the Nine Sects. Just lie down for me. I didn't let you get up. Who asked you to sit here and play the piano?"

Mei Jinshui didn't struggle, she was pushed down on the bed and sat down. She leaned on the head of the bed, picked up the rouge and gouache on the table, and prepared to put some makeup on.

It turned out that the housekeeper's apprentice was really cruel. When she saw this, she also confiscated the rouge and said:

"You are so old that you would not forget to put on makeup even when you were captured. Do you still want to use a beauty trap to seduce us righteous heroes?"

Mei Jinshui felt like a sultry single mother who was being scolded by her daughter for being immodest. In fact, the situation was similar.

She picked up the comb to comb her long hair and showed her signature smile:

"As a teacher, I have to use beauty traps. If you don't put on makeup, you 'righteous heroes' won't be able to resist them. It's just that I like to convince people with virtue and don't bother to use these little tricks."

"Tch~" Cui Yingying was slightly dissatisfied: "Are you really a hero of the righteous way? Are you a lustful person? I can't walk on the road when I see you?"

Mei Jinshui nodded slightly: "The world is divided into yin and yang, and people are divided into men and women. Men are destined to be attracted by beauty, but some men are better at sticking to the bottom line. For such men, you must first convince them with reason and make him feel Standing on a united front with you, and then offering her beauty, he will have no reason to refuse, and will naturally be driven by his nature..."

Cui Yingying glared slightly: "I need you to teach me how to get along with men? The love between men and women comes from the heart, how can I make plans first like you..."

"Alas, love at first sight is rare. Most men and women in the world are one active and the other passive. The active party doesn't use his brain to think about strategies, and just follows his feelings or expects the other party to follow suit. In the end, most of the time he will be dejected and frustrated..."

Cui Yingying saw Mei Jinshui's great principles one after another, and couldn't help but use the words to criticize Yutang, saying:

"A young lady who is thousands of years old and has never even kissed a man. Are you qualified to teach me here?"

Mei Jinshui's smile gradually grew, revealing her white teeth:

"Yingying has already kissed a man?"? !

Cui Yingying's expression froze, knowing she had made a mistake, she blinked:

"I... didn't. Yutang kissed me and told me. Didn't you also? Why should you teach me?"

Mei Jinshui combed her long hair with a smile:

"Yutang is really reckless, such a young junior dares to attack..."

"How did you know it was Zuo Lingquan?"

Mei Jinshui blinked: "I didn't say Zuo Lingquan. Except for Shang Zhao and Chao Li, all the nine sects are her juniors. She can't fall in love with those two, right?"


Cui Yingying felt like she was being squeezed for information without limit by the evil devil!

If we continue to chat, she might be able to shake out whatever underwear Yutang is wearing without even realizing it!

After Cui Yingying noticed the problem, her eyes darkened:

"Don't try to get anything out of me. If you are dishonest, don't blame me for being rude."

Mei Jinshui shrugged slightly and sighed helplessly: "Okay, let's play a piece of music and see if you have improved over the years."

Cui Yingying felt that her master's words were misleading at every step, and she didn't want to chat anymore, but she had nothing to do, so she sat down next to the piano table and started playing "Thunderbolt Jingxian" arranged by Qiutao.

This song was hailed by Zuo Lingquan as "the crazy head-shaking in the nightclub", which is characterized by its crispness.

Dang Dang Dang

A tune with a strong sense of rhythm sounded in the wooden house.

As soon as Mei Jinshui looked at his appearance, he knew that he was a master of classical music. When he heard this "noise", his eyes suddenly changed, as if he were looking at an idle man "burning the harp and boiling the crane", and couldn't help but say:

"Yingying, be gentler, this is the only one in the world..."

"Instruments are not just for playing. This is the music that contemporary young people like. Your genre has long been out of date."


Mei Jinshui listened for a long time and felt that the modern era has "collapsed rituals and music". If the path to immortality is not opened and the ancient system is restored, the things left by the ancestors will have to be thrown away...

The explosion is more explosive, transition chapter o

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