The fairy is fierce

Chapter 3 Despair, you bastards!

No one is better than Jingxun at asking gods to possess one's body.

When ordinary people encounter problems, they will first think of solving them by themselves, and only pray to gods when they have no other way. Jingxun is different. Solving problems by herself is a blasphemy against the power of gods!

This is just like using your brain to solve a problem that can be solved with money. What do you plan to do with money?

In the past, when I encountered troubles, I used the idea that if it was useful, I would use it as much as possible. If I could ask a dead woman to possess my body, I would never take risks myself.

But there is a flaw in this idea, that is, when the woman herself encountered troubles, she, as a best friend, could not ask the woman to possess her body to help her.

However, Jingxun had expected this and had a backup plan in her mind - she was the most sincere believer of the "God-Praying Religion", not a believer of the "Monotheism". There were many Daluo Jinxian in the sky, so whoever was useful could be asked.

After waking up in the Huangliang dream in the morning, Tang Jingxun came up to check and found that the three people upstairs had disappeared.

Asking in her heart, the wife told her to stop bothering and continue to go to Posuozhou.

Tang Jingxun and Yutang were connected in heart, and she felt Yutang's crisis, but she didn't dare to say anything; but after waiting in the house for a long time, she began to feel Yutang's various emotional changes: anger, confidence, determination, tragic, and even living towards death...

Tang Jingxun had not experienced too many storms, and was almost unable to stand by the impact of this most extreme emotion in the world, and wanted to cry loudly.

These were Yutang's emotions. Yutang wanted to cry, angry at the injustice of the world, and hated his own "weakness", but Jingxun knew that Yutang didn't cry, and he didn't even lose confidence from beginning to end, let alone despair.

Jingxun didn't know why Yutang, who had always been as hard as stone, would show such extreme emotions, and even showed nostalgia for living, and that indescribable regret.

Jingxun only knew that Yutang must have encountered a situation that she couldn't deal with. If no one helped, it was very likely that this sister who was not a blood relative but was a blood relative would disappear forever in her heart.

Jingxun lost her family at a young age, so she cared more about everyone around her than anyone else.

In an indescribable urgency, Jingxun found the god hidden deep in her heart!

Jingxun never had any awe of gods. In her eyes, there was no difference between Lingguang God and Yutang. They were both gods who were connected to her heart and were high above her.

Yutang knew that she would help when there was something wrong. You haven't shown up for several years. If you don't help when people's lives are at stake, what are you doing in my mind?

You don't pay the rent, do you have any shame? And the God...

Lingguang God Zhuque obviously doesn't care whether the messenger respects it; the world is like this, you treat it as your parents with great sincerity, and natural disasters will still come; you point at the nose of the world and spit on it, and treat it as pigs and dogs, and you will not lose a penny!

After feeling the strong desire, Lingguang God opened his eyes in the heart lake, and Jingxun saw Dengchao Port far away from the horizon.

He saw the vicious big fox, and saw Yutang and Zuo Lingquan fighting bloody battles.

Jingxun flew out of the window without any hesitation, and Tuanzi felt something and followed him up.

With Jingxun's realm, it is impossible to cross the ocean, but the ocean, land, distance, height, are just the description of the world by the living beings.

As the pillar of this world, the mountains and seas of Jiuzhou and all living beings are just a grain of sand on its body.

And Linggu Youhuang and Yujie Wangji are just the definition of the power of heaven and earth by mortals. For the gods, it is just to temporarily store things in a place in the body of a living being.

If mortals want to steal the power of heaven and earth, they will encounter thousands of thunder tribulations; and if heaven and earth want to give power, even if you are a little sparrow, you can become a god who shakes a continent!

Jingxun didn't know how she got back to Dongzhou. She only knew that after flying for a while, she returned to the familiar foot of the barren mountain, the capital of Dadan.

Feeling that her fighting power was low, Jingxun wanted to find strength. The raging sea of ​​fire deep in the earth turned into power and gushed out from the Divine Fire Cave Heaven and came to her side.

However, the divine messenger was only a demigod. When he had a mission, he was protected by heaven and earth. After completing the mission, he would still become a mortal. Heaven and earth would grant power, but would not allow a mortal creature to truly become able to shake the foundation of heaven and earth. Once someone controlled this power, he would be thrown out of heaven and earth by heaven and earth, that is, ascend.

So Jingxun didn't get much power, and Mei Jinshui couldn't break through the upper limit of creatures.

But Tuanzi was different.

Tuanzi was a god. He was born in the immortal class and was named Jiufeng. He was the incarnation of the entire southern part of Yuyaozhou. How high his upper limit was, you can refer to the previous demon god who was rejected by heaven and earth and lost his immortality, but could still destroy the world and steal the pill.

The vast power of heaven and earth that surged out of the earth was absorbed by Tuanzi, and his body grew at a terrifying speed.

There is no limit to this absorption, because Tuanzi's duty is to collect these ownerless powers of heaven and earth. After the thief lost his position as a god, these things should have been collected in his body.

But Jingxun still forcibly scolded Tuanzi and stopped him after he grew to a certain size.

Because Jingxun had long realized that when Tuanzi grew up and his body size exceeded a certain critical point, he would fly back to the mountain forest where he came from when he was a child and would never be seen again.

So Jingxun never let Tuanzi get fat, because Tuanzi was her only family.

Tuanzi was very obedient, of course, it might also be because he found that he ate too much, and he was afraid that he would always have to eat dried fish and other delicacies in the world, and he couldn't get into his mother's arms.

So Tuanzi started to vomit!

To be honest, that scene is hard to describe.

Qiu Fengqing was frightened on the terrace, paying attention to the situation overseas, when he suddenly found a big bird standing outside the barren mountain, breathing fire, and he was blinded!

What the hell? The Pill Stealer is back?

Fortunately, Jingxun knew what was right and didn't want Tuanzi to waste his strength, so he didn't scare the monks in the barren mountain to death.

Then, one person and a group, they started to gallop towards Toucho Port.

The heroes of good and evil on the other side of Dengchao Port are heart-stirring, but the scene here is really weird.

Tuanzi was used to walking around, and the first thing he did was spread his big wings, sway left and right, and run towards the seaside.

Fortunately, outside the Great Dan is the Southern Wilderness, and there are no cities. Otherwise, we would have to repeat the Demon God's Destruction.

After Jingxun's scolding, Tuanzi was finally willing to flap his wings and fly. However, Tuanzi's curiosity was really terrifying. He flew at an ultra-low altitude all the way, observing people and houses as big as grains of rice, and made everything go crazy along the way.

That's all. Passing by the capital of the Yan Dynasty, I saw Situ Shocking standing on the roof looking out over the sea. He even said hello "jiji~" and almost tore down the roof of the Demon Detective Department.

Fortunately, after messing around all the way, one person and one bird finally arrived on the battlefield.

Tuanzi landed outside Dengchao Port. Seeing Tangtang fighting hard, he finally became more honest. He followed the instructions taught in his dream and walked leisurely to the beach.

After Tang Jingxuan shouted from a distance, he felt a little scared when he saw the nine-tailed fox and the cloud-coiling dragon whose size covered the sky and the sun.

She stood on Tuanzi's big head, her waist was sunk into the downy hair. Maybe she felt that she was not powerful enough, so she flew up and landed on Tuanzi's beak. She ignored Tuanzi who was looking at her cross-eyed behind her, and took out the fire from Linglong Pavilion. Lushan wants to imitate Qiutao’s lines and show off his momentum:

"Feel the pain...babies..."

Sensing the tens of thousands of strange looks from both good and evil parties, Jingxun slowly closed her mouth.

Tuanzi did not forget Taotao's teachings. After kicking Tuotian Toad into the sea, he also fell into the sea. Because he didn't like water, he floated over like a duck. Along the way:

"Chi chi chi..."

Repeating the lines that I should say.

Both good and evil are confused!

The furious Zuo Lingquan was finally overcome by this scene. He stood on the spot with his sword and felt carefully to make sure whether he was having a strange dream.

Shangguan Yutang, even though he was an immortal king, was paralyzed by Jingxun's way of entering the arena. He felt that if he failed to win and died in battle today, it would definitely be the biggest stain in his life.

So weird!

In comparison, foreign tycoons are much more serious.

Monsters are not necessarily low in size, but they are definitely high in size, but their talents are slightly different.

The White Mountain Elf Lord in front of me... No, he should be the ancestor of the White Mountain Elf elite. His body size is similar to that of Tuotian Tou Ba, and he is two miles long and vertical. Although he is still a little smaller than the nine-tailed demon fox, he is also the second largest in the audience. Monster.

The White Mountain Spirit is a phoenix, a bird of prey. It is so big that it can breathe fire. Although this one does not look like a phoenix, with its size, who would dare to go up and take a bite?

As the ancestor of all demons, the nine-tailed demon fox has an extremely good understanding of the demon clan's genealogy. With just one glance, he knew that this big white bird did not belong to the demon clan.

Because the aura exuding from this big white bird is extremely terrifying.

Mei Jinshui is not only a divine envoy, but also a mortal with a Tianguan card hanging around his waist; and what this bird exudes is like real divine power. As soon as the white bird appears, the five elements of fire in the world will rise. You can see it by approaching it like a hundred birds approaching the phoenix.

Hua Hua——

Tuanzi slid his claws through the sea water, and it took about a quarter of an hour to slide from the coast to the nine-tailed demon fox. He lowered his head to look at the stunned Zuo Lingquan, and touched it curiously with the tips of his wings:


Zuo Lingquan's ears were almost numb from the shock, and he spread his hands slightly, not knowing what to say.

Cui Yingying stared at Tuanzi intently, a little hard to understand.

Mei Jinshui, who was hidden between the sky and the earth, reappeared from the dragon's head, staring at the calmness of the water, with no fear in his eyes, but with a slightly elusive meaning.

After Shangguan Yutang arrived at Jingxun, he felt that the current situation had turned for the better. Naturally, she no longer risked her life with a blow. She floated up and landed on Tuanzi's head, looking at the nine-tailed fox:

"Qingjiu, I'm afraid today is your death anniversary."

After the nine-tailed demon fox entered the scene with unplanned power, hesitation appeared in his eyes for the first time, and he raised his head and looked at the sky.

After Mei Jinshui stared at it for a moment, he sighed softly and said:

"Yutang, do you know why I left Yuyaozhou back then?"

Not only Shangguan Yutang, but also all the Dongzhou monks present wanted to know this question. How much respect they had for Mei Jinshui made them confused.

Cui Yingying flew up and landed next to Shangguan Yutang. She raised her eyes and looked at the woman above the nine heavens:


"You are all practitioners. You know the truth that heaven and earth are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. When yin rises, yang will fall, and when yang rises, yin will fall."

Mei Jinshui lowered his figure and looked at the land of Dongzhou:

"I used to be the old master of Dongzhou. I knew the meaning of cutting off the path to immortality, so I was a supporter of the ancient sages. But the battle of stealing the pill changed my view. Who do you think is the difference between the demon god stealing the pill and the descending demon? More destructive?"

Ancient Yutang said: "Stealing the elixir will destroy the world, and if Taoism can communicate with the gods again, it will destroy no more than one continent. Life cannot be extinguished, and heaven and earth will balance themselves. When the devil comes to the world, he will bring disaster to the nine continents. Heaven and earth will not interfere. Times are uncertain, ranging from a thousand years to decades, and there will never be peace in Jiuzhou. Who do you think will do more damage?"

Everyone nodded, and the theft of the pill destroyed the world only once, and these two things can't be compared at all.

Mei Jinshui continued: "If the theft of the pill destroyed the world only once, I would not change my opinion. But it is inevitable that the yin declines and the yang prospers. The north is yin, so it is declining day by day, while the south is the yang extreme, and it is prospering day by day. You can all see this.

"Things will turn to the opposite extreme. When the fire in the south is strong to a certain extent, the imbalance of heaven and earth will inevitably change. The theft of the pill thus broke away from the constraints of heaven and earth, and such a thing will definitely happen again..."

Mei Jinshui talked for a while and found that Jingxun looked confused. He thought it was too profound, so he explained:

"When the water vapor fades, the flame will naturally burn more and more vigorously. This is the law of heaven. In the absence of restrictions, the flame will burn everything and will not extinguish itself; this is the imbalance of heaven and earth, do you understand?"

Jingxun understood this time and coughed lightly.

Shangguan Yutang said: "Even if this happens, the turmoil in one continent is better than the endless unrest in nine continents. "

Mei Jinshui shook his head: "The land of Yang, the master of all fires, is not the thief, but the Lingguang God Zhuque. The gods act only according to the laws of heaven, without self-intention, so their behavior is easy to predict. What do you think the fire of the south will do when the moon and the water of the north are always declining?"


When this was said, there was a little noise in the camps of good and evil.

Because the truth is very simple, the world never plays conspiracies and tricks, the laws of heaven are clear, water overflows when full, and the moon wanes when full. When the fire is too strong and lacks restrictions, you can know with a little thought that it will evolve into a catastrophe that burns the world.

Shangguan Yutang frowned: "Don't be alarmist, the current Jiuzhou is far from declining to the extent that the five beasts of the heavenly officials will cause turmoil."

Mei Jinshui looked at Tang Jingyan and the big dumpling below:

"When the creatures perceive the changes in the world, they are often powerless to save the world, but before the event, there are always some signs. Have you ever seen gods and earth beings that have self-awareness and run around in the world? "


Tuanzi spread his wings and looked at me with cross eyes, meaning - are you talking about birds?

Gods and earth beings are immortal and will not be replaced unless they break free from the shackles of heaven. The time for renewal is extremely long, and the replacement may not be recorded by humans, so no one present knows what the previous young god looked like.

Shangguan Yutang snorted lightly: "You are not a god, how can you know the intention of heaven and earth? Do you think it looks like a demon stealing pills?"

"No. It is indeed the future lord of the south of Yuyaozhou, but didn't you realize that its superior is too powerful. He ordered the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and no god in the Nine Continents dared to stop it?"

Tang Jingyan didn't understand a little. She only knew that the woman above didn't say anything good, so she asked:

"What do you mean? ”

Mei Jinshui pointed to the Azure Dragon phantom in the sky:

“The Azure Dragon governs wood, and is responsible for growth and revival, so I am in this world, and my duty is to restore the vitality of the land of Jiuzhou, which is the way of heaven; the Vermillion Bird governs fire, and is responsible for burning and rebirth. It will burn all things in the world endlessly, and it cannot extinguish itself without restraint, which is also the way of heaven.

“Lord Lingguang is right, and the appearance of this girl is right, but what they are going to do is a catastrophe for the creatures of Jiuzhou; the four gods are in a weak position, which is the manifestation of the excessive prosperity of the five elements of fire. If the world is not restored to balance, when this girl grows up to be the overlord of Jiuzhou, the creatures of Jiuzhou will no longer have the power to resist, and this world will turn into an eternal fire domain, and from the current point of view, this day will not be too far away.”

This argument is very convincing. The reason why the alien race can grow to the point where it is today is also because the phenomenon of the prosperity of the south and the decline of the north has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But Shangguan Yutang knows these things and understands these principles better than anyone else!

"What you said makes sense. But the struggle between good and evil is never about the right or wrong of opening the way to longevity, but the timing of opening the way to longevity. Why are you so sure that the timing is now? Once it is opened, the land of Jiuzhou will fall into a catastrophe that will never end. If it is opened one day earlier, countless lives will be destroyed. Have you considered this?"

Mei Jinshui said: "People who can stand in the position of you and me rely on their intuition of heaven and earth. I think it is imminent, and you think the time is not right, then no one can convince the other. Right and wrong will only be known when the catastrophe comes;."

Mei Jinshui sighed softly, and his figure slowly rose again:

"But you know that I will not gamble with the world of Jiuzhou to prove that you are wrong; even if it is finally proved that I am wrong and countless lives are destroyed in advance, at least this catastrophe will be resolved in advance; it is better than being soft-hearted now and being powerless and regretful when the catastrophe comes."

The two sides ended the exchange, and the world fell into silence again.

Whether it is a righteous hero or a foreign hero, they all understand the meaning of this conversation.

This is a dead end. Both sides are standing for justice. They are not wrong. The modern people are not wrong, and the ancients are even more wrong. What is wrong is this wild and ruthless world.

Standing on the top of the Nine Continents, everyone carries the survival of this world on their shoulders. It is impossible to give up their own views and leave the safety of the Nine Continents to outsiders.

When there is a disagreement between the two sides, the only solution is to destroy all obstacles and let the Nine Continents follow their own ideas; even if they are wrong in the end, they can only bear the responsibility and regret.

This is the courage that the Mountaintop Immortal King should have, and it is also the helplessness of the Mountaintop Immortal King.

Cui Yingying still stands firmly on the side of Shangguan Yutang, because the peace and prosperity of the Nine Sects are obvious to all, and she believes in Shangguan Yutang's judgment.

But after hearing what Mei Jinshui said, she also understood where the good and evil of the immortal king came from, it was just a different path.

After a moment of silence, Cui Yingying said:

"You are stubborn, so you can't blame us juniors for not remembering the old friendship. At this point, no one can do anything."

Mei Jinshui slowly hid his eyebrows like a green dragon, revealing a smile:

"I am not telling you my last words, I want you to understand my difficulties when you are defeated, let go of your obsession, and don't give up your life."


At this point, the gunpowder smell naturally came up again.

Shangguan Yutang raised his double mace and said in a deep voice:

"This battle is either you die or I die. Those who can get to this point, why cherish a life, kill!"

After the words fell, Jiang Chengjian and others flew up again, approaching the nine-tailed fox, and the fighting spirit soared to the sky.

But this time there was an accident.

Qiu Boyue rode the black dragon and wanted to attack first, but found a chilling heat coming from behind - it was the Phoenix Fire that was most familiar to the Divine Fire Cave Heaven.

"Get out of the way!"

Niuniu's fiancé Lingquan also shouted urgently from behind.

Qiu Boyue did not hesitate and quickly evaded to the side. On the way, he looked back and was shocked to find that his three souls had lost seven spirits.

As Yu Tang gave the order, Tang Jingxun pinched his hands and then pushed his palms to the sky:


Boom -

A sky-high fire python emerged from Jingxun's palm, turning into a golden waterfall that poured back into the galaxy, rushing straight to the sky.

Jingxun had already entered the Jade Stage, and she had never expected that her destructive power was so strong. The golden Vermillion Bird Fire soared into the sky, which shocked her.

But Jingxun was still a creature of Jiuzhou after all. This power was terrifying, but it was not beyond cognition.

But Tuanzi, who had been sitting down and was already thirsty, was different!

When Tuanzi was as big as his chest, the fire dragon he spewed out could be two meters in radius. His body turned into a huge beast, and he spewed it at the nine-tailed fox with all his strength. The scene can be imagined.


Tuanzi opened his beak with the momentum of swallowing the sky, and a red fire dragon with a diameter of more than ten miles spewed out from the coastline, instantly evaporating the sea water below. The scene was like the gushing of purgatory and the advent of the fire god.

If it weren't for Zuo Lingquan's quick reminder, Jiang Chengjian and others who rushed out would probably be instantly submerged in the sea of ​​fire, either dead or disabled.

The nine-tailed fox, which was as big as a mountain, originally relied on its size to crush Tuanzi, and wanted to open its mouth and spray Tuanzi when Tuanzi was accumulating power.

But a fire dragon with a diameter of more than ten miles that could completely submerge it rushed out, and the nine-tailed fox instantly exploded.

In the eyes of the nine-tailed fox, there was a red fire wall pressing in front, which seemed to be able to burn the world and melt everything.

The Phoenix Fire Nine-tailed Fox could resist for a while, but there had to be a limit.

With its mountainous body, standing in the Phoenix Fire, it is obvious that it will be burned into a hairless white pig in a moment.

The nine-tailed fox shut up instantly, and its huge body leaped into the air, dodging the attack before the fire dragon entered, frightening the alien heroes hundreds of miles behind, and they fled in all directions.

Tuanzi was very fierce in fighting, and it was not the first time he sprayed people like this. He directly spread his big wings and posed like a fat phoenix spreading its wings outside the coastline, shaking his head and sweeping up and down and left and right on the dry seabed.

Whoosh whoosh——

The situation outside Dengchao Port was like a red flame purgatory, which frightened the heroes of Dongzhou.

Gods are gods. From the day of their birth, they are destined to be the highest in the nine heavens, and mortal creatures will never be able to reach them.

Tuanzi's fire-breathing skills may be far faster than those of various immortals, and his momentum is also far behind.

But just like a tsunami approaching a city or a volcano erupting, what skills and momentum can you talk about in front of the absolute power of heaven and earth?

No matter how high the combat power of mortals is, is it higher than the sky? No matter how deep the foundation is, is it too deep?

The nine-tailed demon fox claimed that it could fight for seven days. Tuanzi has Yuyaozhou on its back. It will not be destroyed until the heaven and earth fall. It can spray here until the spiritual veins of Yuyaozhou are exhausted.

If heaven and earth still reason with mortals, what kind of heaven and earth is it?

Boom boom boom——

The raging fire dragon swept across the sea, forcibly pressing the sea water a hundred miles away to not be able to approach, and the contact heat wave turned into rising water mist.

The nine-tailed demon fox jumped up and down between heaven and earth, and was not burned by the chicken, but wanted to fight back and spray Tuanzi several times, but was forced to find no gap in the face of this uninterrupted pure power.

Shangguan Yutang was a little sad when he saw this scene.

The power that mortals desire for their whole lives but cannot obtain is nothing but an insignificant "toy" in front of heaven and earth. Isn't this a silent mockery for those practitioners who claim to "go against heaven and break the way of heaven" and even prepare to change the direction of heaven and earth with their own strength?

Whether it is stealing pills and burning cities or the coming of demons, they only destroy living beings, not heaven and earth!

Even if it becomes an eternal fire domain, it is still heaven and earth!

The mountains and seas of the nine continents and the living beings of all ages are just passing by in front of heaven and earth. Don't clamor for "saving the way of heaven and restoring balance". The way of heaven is there, and you are just struggling to survive in the wilderness!

However, no matter how you sigh in your heart, heaven and earth are still on Shangguan Yutang's side.

With Tuanzi restricting the nine-tailed fox, Shangguan Yutang moved his eyes to the sky and looked into the dragon's eyes.

Tang Jingyan couldn't burn Mei Jinshui at all, but they were all gods' messengers, and their perception of heaven and earth was far beyond that of ordinary people, so they could find out the location of Mei Jinshui.

Shangguan Yutang and Jingxun were connected in mind, and they gained this extraordinary perception ability without even communicating. They leaped up again and headed straight for Donggong Canglong.

Mei Jinshui looked gentle and elegant, but his heart was as strong as iron. Since he was determined in his judgment, he would go to the end of this "path" at all costs.

Facing the sudden tilt of the situation, Mei Jinshui also showed his full strength. A voice came from behind the sky:



In the blink of an eye, thunder rolled behind the sky, and the vast power of heaven even suppressed the fighting of beasts on the earth.

In the horrified eyes of tens of thousands of people, hundreds of thunder whirlpools appeared on the sky, and in the whirlpools were purple-black thunder spears, pointing directly at Shangguan Yutang who was soaring into the sky.

The thunder spears were obviously an enhanced version of the life-saving skills of Taohua Zunzhu.

Zuo Lingquan and Cui Yingying were just wondering whether Mei Jinshui could control hundreds of thunder spears at the same time, but the next moment, they found out that their mortal vision was shallow.

Boom boom boom——

Thunder rained down!

In hundreds of whirlpools, thunder spears shot out, each with the power of heaven to destroy everything, piercing Shangguan Yutang.

After a lightning spear struck, lightning spears quickly condensed in the vortex, and then struck again.

Thunder and lightning flashed between heaven and earth, making it difficult to see.

Shangguan Yutang, who burst out with all his strength and rushed to the sky with the basalt shield, was actually smashed back by the bombardment of thousands of lightning spears and fell to the ground, instantly pressing a huge sinkhole on the seabed.

The lightning spears were endless and there was no end in sight.

Shangguan Yutang may have realized that it was a billion points difficult to rush head-on, and the space under his feet suddenly tore apart, and his figure appeared on the side of the sky.

But the thousands of sorcerers only understood at this time how much control Mei Jinshui had over the magic.


The lightning spears that fell from the sky should have hit the ground directly.

But before they fell to the ground and exploded, they all turned around and made a big turn, like thousands of giant flying swords, chasing Shangguan Yutang.

Judging from the current situation, Mei Jinshui's explosive power is even greater than that of the Nine-tailed Fox, and everyone only remembered at this time that Mei Jinshui is the strongest sorcerer in Jiuzhou, and medicine is just his sideline.

Jiang Chengjian and others wanted to help, but facing the overwhelming lightning spears, they couldn't move forward at all - they were sword cultivators, but they didn't have the domineering defense of Shangguan Yutang. If nothing unexpected happened, they would be seriously injured in one hit, and they would die suddenly in two hits.

Chen Chaoli flew up and wanted to control the five elements of magic to fight Mei Jinshui in the air, but without being able to lock Mei Jinshui's position, the magic of the gods could only block some of the lightning spears under his crotch, and Shang Zhao was the same.

Even though Zuo Lingquan was a true divine envoy, he was still a newcomer. Facing an old divine envoy who had been in power for thousands of years in Jiuzhou, even though his official rank was theoretically one level higher, he could not compete at this time. He could only say:

"Jingxun, do you know where Mei Jinshui is?"

Tang Jingxun could find it, but it was not easy to describe the location. Seeing that Yutang was being chased and beaten and could not get close, she gritted her teeth and said:

"Wife, come quickly!"

Shangguan Yutang heard the voice, but her body did not come.

With Shangguan Yutang's soul, it was easy to control two bodies at the same time.

After Jingxun opened his mouth, Jingxun's eyes changed instantly, and then he raised his hand and quickly pinched the spell, whispering:



The sky and the earth made a buzzing sound, and a golden magic circle with a radius of several miles appeared on the earth.

Then the sky began to tremble. The lightning spear did not dissipate, but the illusion of the Azure Dragon became somewhat illusory. Several cracks appeared in the sky, and a woman in white could be seen hiding behind the space cracks, pinching her fingers and performing magic.

Zuo Lingquan did not need to be told. He raised the Heavenly Official Sword and turned it into a white rainbow, piercing the figure in the sky; Shangguan Yutang was doing two things at the same time, involving all the firepower to make way for Zuo Lingquan.

Cui Yingying flew up and followed, and used all her strength to bless Zuo Lingquan with the formation, increasing Zuo Lingquan's speed to the extreme.

After Zuo Lingquan found out the position of Mei Jinshui, he relied on the power of Taiyin to lock the area where Mei Jinshui was. After approaching, he handed out a sword in the air.


The sea of ​​clouds shook, and the shock wave spread in the air, instantly shattering the surrounding vortex.

This sword is the sword of the destruction of heaven and earth. As long as you are in the five elements within the three realms, no matter how immortal or demon you are, you can't compete with it with your entity.

Mei Jinshui looked indifferent, and did not take the blow head-on. His body moved instantly and hid in another place.

But unfortunately, Shangguan Yutang never thought of letting Zuo Lingquan take the lead.

At the moment when Mei Jinshui moved, Shangguan Yutang's momentum rose to the peak. Holding two maces with black and white tails, he pointed directly at Mei Jinshui and used the strongest killing skills in his life.

This style of "God Slaughter" can kill the nine-tailed fox in one hit. As long as it hits the target, Mei Jinshui, who has only one life, will have no chance of survival.

Cui Yingying's pupils shrank, revealing a hint of entanglement, but she did not interfere.

This move was not because Cui Yingying was ruthless, but she unfortunately knew that her master would never have only this background!


The sky was torn in the thunder, revealing Mei Jinshui.

Facing the strongest attack from the Dongzhou Valkyrie, Mei Jinshui obviously couldn't remain calm anymore. He quickly raised his hand and made a gesture:


Before he finished speaking, clouds and mist suddenly appeared in the void where Mei Jinshui was, first turning into black and white, and then into the five elements.

This was the first magic technique to appear in the land of Jiuzhou. No one knew about it before, and Mei Jinshui named it the "Heaven-Opening Divine Mantra".

This technique is meant to "open the world from chaos", not to tear apart space, but the art of creation. It reenacts the chaos that creates yin and yang, and yin and yang transform into the five elements from the void. It is a true "divine technique".

In this world, Mei Jinshui is the true god of creation, and she sets her own laws of heaven; even if this world can only last for a moment, she is truly immortal and can dominate everything in the world.

This move can truly make her invincible, even if Shangguan Yutang sacrifices himself to attack her, it is difficult to hurt her at all.

But such a domineering technique, normal people know, should not be controlled by the hands of the monk Wangji who has not yet completed the Yin and Yang.

Just like Shangguan Yutang, who has become a "pseudo-emperor", can't fully control the power he has, Mei Jinshui is the same, due to many flaws in his Taoism.

But even so, it is enough to resolve this attack with the laws of heaven.

But Mei Jinshui obviously overlooked two key factors at this time!

First, Shangguan Yutang, who went all out, also used the power that he could not control.

Second, Zuo Lingquan was lucky enough to control the power of Taiyin. With the help of the whispers of the ancient gods, he could completely interfere with this kind of usurpation of the world privately.

When he noticed that Mei Jinshui wanted to control the power of Yin and Yang, Zuo Lingquan instinctively disturbed Yin and Yang out of his fighting instinct and interrupted Mei Jinshui's magic process.

Shangguan Yutang also exploded his power to the extreme, trying to kill this troublemaker in Jiuzhou before Mei Jinshui.


Boom --

Violating the rules of heaven will be punished by God!

The three people used their mortal bodies to forcibly mobilize Yin and Yang and display magical powers beyond their own realm, which brought about variables that they could not have expected at all.

Just as Shangguan Yutang rushed to Mei Jinshui, he swung the Yin and Yang Golden Mace. When they collided in the air, the space created by Mei Jinshui shook violently, and everything around became bizarre.

Zuo Lingquan couldn't understand what was happening at all. He only saw a bright spot the size of a grain of rice appear in front of Yutang, instantly sucking in everything around him, including the Qi that had already erupted, as if it had penetrated the three realms and pulled everything here to another unknown time and space.

Mei Jinshui and Shangguan Yutang's faces changed at the same time, and they both stopped their attacks and tried to stabilize the current world.

Zuo Lingquan realized that something was wrong, and quickly used his shallow understanding of space to guide the world in a stable direction.

The three people's combined efforts were effective. The bright spot disappeared instantly, but the distortion of the world did not stop.


The bright spot disappeared, bringing an indescribable space shock. The original space crack collapsed instantly, and Dengchao Port below disappeared without a trace in the field of vision.

The shock broke out between Mei Jinshui and Shangguan Yutang, who were only a few feet away. Shangguan Yutang's face armor was instantly shattered, and all the armor cracked and fell into pieces, and he groaned.

Mei Jinshui, who was forcibly stabilizing the space, was shocked by this because of the sorcerer's physique. His eyes were lost, and his white long skirt was shattered, revealing a body covered with purple marks. Only the silver-white bra and tight pants made of unknown materials remained intact, but they were also full of cracks.

Although Zuo Lingquan and Cui Yingying were fighting in close combat, this level of combat was still several hundred feet away, so the impact was small, but it also caused a short dizziness.

After the shock, the chaotic place, which was not a normal space, began to spin uncontrollably with Mei Jinshui and Shangguan Yutang as the center, and the two were immediately thrown away.

The same was true for Zuo Lingquan and Cui Yingying, as if they were trapped in the eye of a typhoon or a deep-sea whirlpool. It was a luxury to stabilize their bodies, not to mention escaping from this world.

Shangguan Yutang relied on her domineering physique and was hit in the face without losing consciousness. She knew that she had fallen into an unknown space rift, and was afraid that Zuo Lingquan would get lost, so she tried her best to get close and grabbed Zuo Lingquan's arm.

Whoosh whoosh——

The four of them were like drifting in a whirlpool. In fact, they could not hear the sound of the rapidly spinning wind, but noisy phantom sounds were produced in the depths of their souls.

Cui Yingying felt dizzy and clung to Zuo Lingquan's arm. She didn't think about anything else, but she saw Mei Jinshui, who had lost her mind, drifting with the waves in the distance, gradually falling into the endless darkness.

Cui Yingying gritted her teeth and said, "Catch her back!"

Shangguan Yutang put aside the righteousness of good and evil, and actually always regarded Mei Jinshui as an elder in his heart. If not, he would not have stood alone in Meishan for so long before, recalling the time when he lived in Meishan.

Even if there was no such experience, Mei Jinshui, as an old man with many merits and apostates in the Nine Sects, should have been brought back to the Nine Sects for trial by Shangguan Yutang, instead of just watching her disappear.

She knew that Mei Jinshui was protected by Qinglong and could not be killed by this chaotic space. If she ran away, she would come back sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yutang tried his best to get closer to Mei Jinshui.

Cui Yingying gritted her teeth and reached out to catch Mei Jinshui, who was drifting with the waves, despite feeling dizzy.


The four of them were flying in the disordered land, the speed was getting faster and faster. Zuo Lingquan was low in Taoism and was directly thrown unconscious.

Shangguan Yutang was obviously injured. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to hold on, but it was difficult to hide the gradual darkness of his vision. In the end, he could only hug Zuo Lingquan and hold his hands tightly to prevent him from being accidentally thrown out.

Cui Yingying was a doctor with strong recovery ability. She persisted longer than Zuo Lingquan. After realizing that her soul could not stay awake, she looked back, gritted her teeth and hugged Mei Jinshui with both hands.


The speed was getting faster and faster, but the phantom sound in her ears was getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, after a long time of trance, the world fell into a state of emergency...


At the same time.

After a muffled thunder sounded over Dengchao Port, the shadow of the blue dragon disappeared, revealing the clear blue sky again.

A sea of ​​fire was raging outside the harbor, and the original seabed had been burned into a pool of magma. Although the nine-tailed demon fox that blocked the sky was still uninjured, it was jumping up and down overseas and was forced to be hundreds of miles away.

The heroes of the alien race who originally formed an alliance overseas had already retreated to nowhere due to the deterrent force of the sea of ​​fire.

The dumpling posed like a phoenix spreading its wings, still acting as a flamethrower at the port, sweeping evenly from left to right.

Boom boom——

Tang Jingxuan stood on the tip of Tuanzi's nose and saw four people disappearing into the space crack at the same time. Naturally, he became anxious and asked his mother-in-law urgently. She only replied hastily:

"Stabilize the situation in Dongzhou."


Tang Jingxuan was naturally a little confused when faced with this order. She looked back and saw countless heroes in Dongzhou looking at her and the big dumplings sitting down with horrified eyes. They were so far away, as if they were afraid that the dumplings would spray on their heads, so they turned around to give them to her. They come too.

Stable situation...

Is this still stable?

Tang Jingxuan stood in front of the Dongzhou camp, controlling the huge beast, looking at the nine-tailed fox running away, thought for a while, imitated Shangguan Yutang's usual posture, raised his hand and kept moving forward:

"Kill me!"

"Chi chi chi..."

The dumpling was no longer burning, he was already hungry and thirsty, so he spread his wings and strode towards the overseas.

? !

When the heroes of Dongzhou saw this, their eyes were full of reverence like the roaring river; if the Valkyrie was the supreme empress, then at the end of the day, she was also a regent with great achievements, capable of making decisions at her fingertips.

The Valkyrie disappeared somewhere, so the command naturally fell on the Regent.

When Jiang Chengjian and others saw the 'White Mountain Spirit Ancestor' rushing out with murderous intent, they naturally followed him with their swords.

But when Mei Jinshui left, the heaven-reaching magic that used to disperse the gods and demons was removed by itself.

The middle- and low-level monks who watched from afar for a long time in fear, not even taking the atmosphere team seriously, and almost committed suicide and were martyred, saw the alien army fleeing in panic, and the Sword King and Lord were chasing after them. Their momentum naturally reached its peak, and they rushed out of the port showing their magical powers. , with tears in his eyes:


"Kill! Kill..."

The cry of killing is like thunder!

Tang Jingxuan stood on Tuanzi's head, holding a fire feather fan, and looked back at the entourage like locusts passing by, feeling excited but also a little regretful.

It would be nice if there was a painter who could take pictures. If Qiu Tao saw such a spectacular scene, he would be so envious that he could not sleep for three days and three nights...

Tuanzi was a little excited, shouting "jijiji..." as he ran, probably saying:

"I don't want to ask who is the mountain king in Dongzhou. The nine tails are amazing. The birds haven't grown yet..."

However, after chasing for two hundred miles, Tuanzi stopped.

After all, the front is the dragon's territory. If he sprays fire and burns up the water of the East China Sea, he might come over with a tail. He is a king, and he still needs to give him the face he deserves...


Let’s not talk about how it was written. Is the speed scary, is it hopeless or not?

A Guan Ling's manuscript was coded on the same day. I went crazy and you all had to beg me to take it easy and not die suddenly, huh~

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