The fairy is fierce

Chapter 18 Qiu Guagua

Tap tap tap

The heavy rain and thunder gradually stopped and turned into a drizzle of light rain. The red horse also slowed down and trotted slowly along the country path. ♦ൠ ♦♦

After all, Miss Qiu was born into a wealthy family of the Xian family. She had never ridden a sword before, but she also rode a spiritual beast. She could run a thousand or eight hundred miles in one breath, just like for fun. She could run more than thirty miles like this. I have never encountered a situation where I just couldn't run.

Zuo Lingquan had much more experience in horseback riding. He knew that no matter how good the horse was, sprinting for twenty or thirty miles with all its strength was its limit. If it didn't rest, it would run to death. He immediately let out a "sigh" and stopped the horse on the side of the road:

"The horse can't run anymore. Stop and rest."

Seeing this, Miss Qiu got off her horse, pulled up her clothes and skirt after landing, and frowned slightly.

Zuo Lingquan understood what she was doing. It was raining so hard. His crotch was soaked and it was very uncomfortable to stick to his body. Naturally, the same was true for Miss Guagua.

August has already entered autumn. The weather is not bitterly cold under the heavy rain, but it makes people’s teeth tremble when they are soaked and freezing.

Zuo Lingquan searched in the luggage on the side of the horse. Not to mention umbrellas and clothing, he didn't even find fodder for the horse, so he held the reins and walked forward:

"Find a place to rest and change into clean clothes."

After Miss Qiu looked around a few times, she covered her head with her hands and walked forward.

Even monks in the Qi-training stage will not die of hunger even if they don't eat or drink for seven or eight days. This is not the case for ordinary people, who will be hungry and panicked if they don't eat for several hours.

Miss Qiu didn't even eat breakfast when she got up in the morning. She worked hard until noon. After walking for a while in the rain, her hands and feet began to feel weak when she was cold and tired. She knew she was hungry and wanted to endure it with willpower. ,but……


The sound of her stomach growling was very subtle. Miss Qiu's face turned red suddenly and she rubbed her chest and abdomen with her hands:

"Dazhuang, are you hungry?"

Zuo Lingquan was hungry when he got up in the morning. He wisely ate a drawer of meat buns while he was killing people, which would probably last him through the night.

This place was in the wilderness, and there were no villages or towns nearby. He squatted down in front of him:

"I'm not hungry, but the horse must be. I'll carry you and find something to eat as soon as possible."

Miss Qiu's personality was that of a delicate young lady. No matter how strong her will was, she couldn't resist her frail physique. She didn't even think about it and lay on Zuo Lingquan's slightly thin back.

Zuo Lingquan hugged the soft buttocks, lifted Miss Qiu up on his back, and then slid his hands along the thighs to the crooks of the legs. His movements were not deliberately frivolous.

But Miss Qiu, whether in or out of dreams, was a genuine young lady. Her hands had never been touched by a man, so her eyes were naturally a little weird when she was touched like this. She couldn't say anything to Zuo Lingquan, so she could only say:

"Being a mortal is troublesome."

"It can't be said to be troublesome. People's bodies are fragile and their lifespan is short, so they can have joy, anger, sorrow, and know the bitterness, sourness, and sweetness. People in practice seem to be free from the sufferings of the world, but they gain and lose again. If they are separated from the world for too long, they will become It's like the emperor wondering why the farmer doesn't eat minced meat. He becomes more and more like a fairy, but no longer like a human being."

Miss Qiu thinks it makes sense: "No wonder grandpa often disguises himself and goes to Jianjiang market to eat grilled fish. Yang Shen also goes to the secular world to pretend to be a fortune teller. I used to think that they don't care about their status. Now that I think about it, it should be in the world. Remind yourself not to forget to be human.”

"In the realm of Immortal Lord, they have reached the point of returning to nature. There is no need to do it deliberately. They may really like to eat grilled fish and be a fortune teller."

"What kind of down-to-earth hobbies does Valkyrie have?"

Ancestor’s hobby?

Zuo Lingquan knew about it, so he probably only had a quarrel with Jingxun and Yingying. It's hard to explain this kind of thing clearly, so he could only say:

"I haven't been in contact with the ancestor a few times, and I don't know much about it. I only know that Senior Taohua likes to drink and argue with the ancestor... What does Lord Huangshan usually like to do?"

Miss Qiu thought about it for a moment, her eyes looked a little strange:

"My ancestors were swordsmen who were born in the martial arts world. With their own skills, they entered the spiritual path and became the masters. They were decent people, but their habits in the martial arts world have not changed. Well... they are just swords, horses, and beauties. I like these three things, so I have many swords in the house. There are also portraits of fairies, such as Mrs.

Zuo Lingquan turned around and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Lord Huangshan and I are the same friends. We are both swordsmen as expected."

Miss Qiu pushed Zuo Lingquan's head back:

"My ancestor is different from you. Although he loves beauties, he only likes to collect portraits and never flirts with women. After the Taoist couple died, he never looked at other women again. The same goes for my father..."

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and wanted to respond, 'I am not greedy for beauty, but the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.' But this was too shameless and he couldn't say it out loud.

After Miss Qiu muttered a few words, seeing that Zuo Lingquan didn't speak, she thought he was too worried and said again:

"I didn't say you were lustful and philandering. You are similar to my grandpa. When you were young, you were too outstanding and you were attracted by a girl. You had to marry him to live or die. Grandpa is a swordsman who values ​​love and justice and cannot live up to the beauty's heart. I can only marry several people back. Because of this, Yang Shen and the others are still laughing at grandpa for being old and disrespectful; but in my opinion, if grandpa makes beauties wait for a lifetime just because of his face, he is not the sword. God's."

Zuo Lingquan was even somewhat moved by what he heard, and nodded, saying, "It's easy to get a lot of money, but it's hard to find a bosom friend. Miss Guagua's words really hit the nail on the head. No one ever believed me when I said I wasn't lustful..."? ?

Miss Qiu didn't believe it either, and thought to herself: I'm just giving you a way out, but you still take it seriously?

The two of them chatted nonsense and slowly passed through a forest.

Autumn is the harvest season, and there are many wild fruits in the countryside.

Zuo Lingquan saw wild dates on the tree, so he picked two, handed them to Miss Qiu, and stuffed one into his mouth.

Miss Qiu was so hungry that she didn't care so much. After wiping it clean with a handkerchief, she took a bite, and then...


The extremely sour taste came into her mind, and Miss Qiu's beautiful face instantly deformed, her eyebrows knitted together, her shoulders trembled, and her legs almost broke Zuo Lingquan's waist.

Miss Qiu was not a spoiled person. She was afraid that Zuo Lingquan would think she was hypocritical. Even though she was about to cry, she still did not spit out the wild dates and chewed them twice.

In the end, she held back, but Zuo Lingquan in front of her did not hold back. He spit out the whole wild date and started laughing heartlessly:

"Haha..."? !

Miss Qiu knew she was fooled, so she hurriedly spit out the sour wild dates and raised her hand to hit Zuo Lingquan on the shoulder:

" did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"No, no...haha...woo"

Miss Qiu was not a woman who was easy to mess with. Seeing that Zuo Lingquan dared to laugh, she was so angry that she stuffed the remaining half of the wild date directly into Zuo Lingquan's mouth and covered his mouth.

Zuo Lingquan naturally couldn't laugh this time. His face was instantly distorted and he almost staggered on the spot. He quickly patted Miss Qiu's butt and asked her to let go.

Miss Qiu also forgot the distinction between men and women at this time, and covered her mouth with a fierce look:

"Keep laughing? Why don't you laugh?"

"Woo woo..."

The two of them played like this, and soon passed through the grove, and a small town appeared by the river in the distance.

Miss Qiu's eyes naturally lit up when she saw the building. She quickly let go of her hand and patted Zuo Lingquan on the shoulder:

"There is a town ahead, go there quickly."

"Pfft, pfft... cough, I'm not a mount..."

Although Zuo Lingquan said so, he still carried Miss Guagua on his back and walked quickly through the fields to the outside of the town.

The two knew that they were in a dream, and everyone here was sitting in the cave under the Sky Eagle Castle, and anyone could be a spy; in order not to be discovered, they still had to follow the rules of the dream in their current identities.

A poor boy from the city, carrying a rich lady on his back on a rainy day, wandering around, others didn't need to guess that it was either elopement or kidnapping.

In order not to attract attention, Zuo Lingquan first went to the town to find two sets of raincoats, let Miss Qiu wrap them up, and then led the horse to find an inn in the town. ♦♦  ♦♦

Zuo Lingquan was so poor that he couldn't even afford to wear underwear. The buns he ate in the morning were all robbed. He didn't have a penny on his body. It was Miss Guagua who paid for the room. The story of this poor boy eloping with the young lady really made the two of them experience it.

The environment of the town inn is not comparable to the fairy market. You have to go to get the food yourself, and you have to boil hot water yourself if you want it.

Miss Qiu is a young girl and it's not easy to show up. After Zuo Lingquan asked her to enter the house, he ordered a bowl of chopped green onion and egg noodles, and then boiled hot water in the backyard of the inn.

The inn is simple, with only one shopkeeper and one waiter, and there are two guests inside.

Zuo Lingquan was wearing a wet coarse linen shirt, and was using a fire poker to stir the stove fire in the backyard of the inn. He was just wondering if Cheng Yue, the fat boy who was watching the widow bathing, had been woken up by the chopping and cursed his mother, when suddenly there was the sound of horse hooves outside the inn...

Tap, tap, tap

Zuo Lingquan thought it was the people from Baidao Village chasing him, and he looked through the curtain at the back door to the door, but saw five horses coming, and on them were men dressed in Jianghu clothes, with swords and guns on their bodies.

The leader was strong and muscular. Judging from his steps and breath, he must be a master who followed the external methods. After taking off his bamboo hat and entering the inn, he ordered some food and sat down in the lobby to talk with the people he was traveling with:

"Huang Haiyun is already eighty years old and has been injured several times in the past years. I don't believe that at her age, she can still be as invincible as she was when she was young..."

"Well, don't be careless. When Huang Haiyun was sixty years old, outsiders also thought so. As a result, everyone who went there died in Chenlu Peak without exception. In my opinion, the rumors about the Suzaku Mausoleum are true. Huang Haiyun must have practiced the skills inside. , only with the magical skills can it flourish forever..."

"It is not clear whether there are magical skills in the Vermillion Bird Mausoleum, but Huang Haiyun must have the real thing in her hand. According to one of her disciples who betrayed her master, Huang Haiyun has a copy of "Caotang Sword Classic". Huang Haiyun's swordsmanship is all learned from it, and she has only learned the basics so far..."

"How is it possible? If you can dominate the martial arts world for a lifetime by learning only the basics, then what is the full learning? Ascension in broad daylight?"


Zuo Lingquan is not sure whether the full learning can lead to ascension in broad daylight, but he can be sure that he can become a "Sword God" if he learns it, because he also has a copy of "Caotang Sword Classic" in his hand!

Hearing these words, Zuo Lingquan was naturally attracted to his attention, and his mind moved slightly. Various clues were connected in his mind:

The seal of stealing pills under the Morning Dew Peak can only be touched by the most core cultivators of Jinglu Terrace...

"Caotang Sword Classic" was written by the old Sword God to teach his descendants. The one in his hand came from Miss Qiu's biological mother Huang Jinghe.

Huang Jinghe married into Barren Mountain a hundred years ago. As the future wife of the house, she had the authority to access any top secrets. Afterwards, a war broke out between Zhengdao and the alien race, and she rushed to Posuo Continent alone to help out.

According to the official records of Zhengdao, Huang Jinghe led a team to sneak into the interior of Posu Island and lost contact. Later, they found the team's damaged weapons and mutilated bones. The aliens were also arrogant and announced that they had killed the sword god's legitimate daughter.

In order to avenge his sister, Huang Yuhe risked his life and rushed into the interior of Posu Island, killing the murderer. As a result, the alien race was defeated and the war came to an end...

There seemed to be no problem with this matter before, but after Zuo Lingquan went there personally, he discovered that in the battle between good and evil, capturing the opponent's senior generals was far more important than killing them on the spot. For example, he captured the Snake Ancestor Xuan Ye. It directly provided a large amount of information to Zhengdao, which was more useful than a piece of snake skin.

If the aliens captured Huang Jinghe in order to steal the stolen elixir, they deliberately put on a show and made it look like they were killing Huang Jinghe, so that the Nine Sects would not be prepared to prevent him from leaking the secret...


Zuo Lingquan was so absorbed in his thoughts that his hand was burned by the flames in the stove hole and he shivered in pain.

He flicked his fingers and noticed a few charlatans looking towards the backyard, so he stopped eavesdropping, filled two buckets of hot water in wooden buckets, and went upstairs.

When walking up the stairs, Zuo Lingquan was still thinking about his speculation.

Although the logic is strict and reasonable, Miss Qiu must not be informed before confirmation; because if this idea is revealed, Miss Qiu will definitely lose control of her emotions and make a big fuss in Tianying Castle. If she misjudges her joy, then It’s so damning…

Zuo Lingquan was carrying two buckets of water and pondering over his thoughts without paying attention to anything else. When he came to the door, he squeezed the door open with his shoulder and walked in.

Then Zuo Lingquan saw a scene that he would never forget!

The guest room is a single room with simple furnishings, only a wooden bed and a table, chair and dressing table. The bathtub is placed in the corner and is blocked by an old screen.

The steaming scallion and egg noodles were placed on the round table, almost gone, and the poached eggs were all eaten.

The petite Qiu Guagua was sitting at the table with his side facing the door. He was probably starving. He had chopsticks in his hands and was drinking noodle soup from the bowl with his head down.

Originally, this scene was normal, but what was outrageous was that Qiu Guagua had no clothes on!

The two of them had just run for dozens of miles in a heavy rainstorm, and their underwear was soaked through and clinging to their bodies was very uncomfortable.

After Zuo Lingquan brought the noodles, he went down to boil water. Miss Qiu should eat the noodles first and then wait for the hot water to be brought up to take a bath. Zuo Lingquan tried to find a way to find clean clothes.

But Miss Qiu was sitting at the table eating noodles. Her wet body became more and more uncomfortable as she ate. She also had a tendency to catch wind and cold, so she took off her wet clothes.

But she couldn't bear to get the steaming noodles into bed, so she thought of eating the noodles first and then wrapping her skirt around her when Zuo Lingquan came up.

But Miss Qiu has obviously forgotten that she is just a delicate young lady now, her six senses are the same as ordinary people, and she cannot detect situations that are too far away; while Zuo Lingquan has a foundation in kung fu and never makes a sound when walking.

In addition, the noodles were so fragrant that Miss Qiu, who had never been hungry since she was a child, ate them as selflessly as the dumplings. She didn't realize anything was wrong until the door opened.

(⊙_⊙;)? ! !

Their eyes met, relatively speechless.

Zuo Lingquan's eyesight had always been outstanding, but he could see everything clearly with just one glance.

Qiu Guagua held the noodle bowl and looked sideways at him. Her body froze, her undried black hair was tied up in a hairpin. Under her childish and beautiful face, she had a fair neck and a throat that was still full of swallowing. Movement, and further down are the perfectly contoured shoulders and collarbones.

The rainwater on the body has not completely dried, and the two balls, which are not affected by gravity at all, are glowing with water under the light coming from the window, and they are red...

Girl Guagua's side was facing the door. Zuo Lingquan could not see the peach garden fairyland like pink plum blossoms in the snow, but he could see her slender willow waist.

The waistline began to rise and fall downwards, turning into a perfect round curve until it touched the stool, and then came the slender legs, as delicate as mutton-fat jade.

Zuo Lingquan often saw mature and perfect figures like Wanwan and Jingxun, but when he suddenly saw such a girl with no hair, he felt like she was committing a crime and subconsciously looked away.

But soon, Zuo Lingquan shifted his gaze back because he knew that this girl was over a hundred years old.

But even if he is over a hundred years old, he can’t watch it!

So Zuo Lingquan looked away again, and his repeated reactions were really weird.

Miss Qiu's reaction was very in line with the character. She held the bowl of noodles and widened her eyes, completely confused.

Maybe she was very hungry today. After Miss Qiu reacted, she didn't throw the bowl out immediately. Instead, she gently put down half the bowl of noodles, then hurriedly pulled up her skirt and hugged it to her chest. Staring at Zuo Lingquan with eyes full of shame and anger:


Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment when he saw such a big surprise. After he reacted, he quickly closed the door with his foot to avoid being seen by outsiders:

"Why don't you wear any clothes when you eat..."

"Turn around!"

Miss Qiu had eaten half a bowl of noodles and now she had strength. When she saw Zuo Lingquan entering the room and closing the door immediately, she stood up with a red face, hugged her clothes and picked up the sword on the table.

After all, Zuo Lingquan was a man who had seen big waves. He was not an innocent little boy. He did not look at Miss Qiu. He calmly walked to the screen with two buckets of water and said calmly:

"There's no need to put on clothes. Wash up quickly after eating. I won't look around. Dreams are all imaginary, so there's no need to be realistic."

Miss Qiu's whole body was red, and her cheeks were on fire.

Virtual appearance?

Could she not know whether it was an illusion?

The image in her dream was transformed into her image. The face was her face and the person was hers. Apart from the fact that the figure was a little out of shape, what else was different?

If you dream about being seen clearly, does that mean you are not seeing clearly?

"You...why didn't you knock on the door when you came in?"

"I didn't know you could take off your clothes and eat noodles. This is nothing compared to me eating steamed buns and killing people..."

Zuo Lingquan was the one taking advantage no matter what, so he couldn't put the pot on Qiu Guagua's head, pour the water into the tub, and explained with a smile:

"You don't look like this, and I didn't see anything..."

Didn't see anything?

Your pupils are dilated and your eyes are shining, do you think I didn't see it?

Miss Qiu was so embarrassed that she almost burst into tears. She quickly retreated to the bed, wrapped the quilt around her body, and gritted her teeth and said:

"I'll pour the water myself. Get out quickly."

Zuo Lingquan put down the barrel without looking back. He faced the wall and moved to the door sideways, saying with a pleasant expression:

"We are in a dream, everything is illusory and cannot be taken seriously. Miss Qiu, don't take this matter to your heart, it will cause knots in your heart, let alone tell Lingye about it, she will kill me... "

What? !

When Miss Qiu heard this, she remembered that the man in front of her was her nemesis.

She was actually taken advantage of by Shangguan Lingye's man!

In that case, Shangguan Lingye also suffered a loss...

Pooh! What kind of weird idea is this?

Injure the enemy by one hundred and injure yourself by ten thousand?

Miss Qiu was so confused that she didn't know what the hell she was thinking. She clenched her teeth and watched Zuo Lingquan go out. She waited until the door was closed, then hurriedly ran over and locked the door bolt.


"Guagua, it was an accident just now. My ancestor and I had skin-to-skin contact. Because it's not my own body, I don't care about it. You..."

"Do I need you to remind me? You should stop thinking nonsense!"

Miss Qiu was so embarrassed by this incident that she really couldn't communicate with Zuo Lingquan, so she urged through the door:

"Hurry up and find the clothes. We can retreat under the Sky Eagle Castle. Something may go wrong at any time. We need to find out the matter quickly."


"Remember to knock on the door when you come back! If you go straight into the house, I...I will really kill you. Anyway, you can't kill anyone in your dream..."

"Understood. Eat the noodles quickly. It will lose its flavor after soaking for a long time."


The footsteps are getting farther and farther.

Miss Qiu held the door bolt and secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the footsteps moving away.

She looked down at her body, and her smooth and flawless figure came into view, which made her cheeks turn red again.

What is this all about...

Miss Qiu tried her best to stay calm and make light of what she had just experienced, but when a girl encounters such a thing, she would be embarrassed even if she had an erotic dream, let alone being so immersed in it.

Fortunately, Zuo Lingquan didn't take advantage of the opportunity of dreaming to push further...

If Zuo Lingquan hadn't restrained himself just now and really did something unscrupulous to her, how should this matter be settled?

Miss Qiu has never experienced anything between men and women, and she feels that the mystery of this place should allow her to truly experience the pain of breaking a melon.

Then even if her body is still intact, her soul is still a woman...

That's not right. If you think about it this way, the Valkyrie was touched by Zuo Lingquan with her quiet body, and she also felt something that only a woman can feel. Isn't it not innocent?

The messy relationship and division of responsibilities made Miss Qiu a little confused, and she couldn't figure it out at all. At the moment, she could only use her will to force her mind and not think about it.

Wrapped in a quilt, she walked toward the bathtub behind the screen. She paused midway, then came to the table and ate the green onion and egg noodles before she ran to take a bath with satisfaction.

After all, this is what mortals are like. People are like iron rice or steel. For big things, you have to eat your fill first before you have the strength to think about them...

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