The fairy is fierce

Chapter 3 Mr. Zuo, look at what this is!

Under the sky, the two of them walked side by side.

Zuo Lingquan locked his breath and galloped for only a few miles when he found that there was suddenly no movement in front of him.

Miss Qiu carefully sensed her surroundings and reminded softly: "I have been discovered. It seems to be escaping to the east, not very fast."

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan became more and more cautious. He raised his sword and chased to the east. Before he could get far, Tuanzi, who was standing on Miss Qiu's shoulder, pointed to the seabed with his wings:


The two men suddenly paused and looked down into the water.

At almost the same moment, water exploded in the area a hundred feet away around the two people, and thick poisonous mist erupted from the sea water, forming a circular poisonous circle, trapping the two people in it.


Appearing at the same time as the black mist, there was also a ghostly figure.

Zuo Lingquan left the water and was suspended in the air. Looking around, he could see a man wearing a blue scholar's robe, holding two snake-tooth-shaped bone-white daggers upside down. They were flashing in the black mist, seemingly appearing in all directions at the same time.

Miss Qiu had already dealt with Xuan Ye twice and knew that this demon was extremely stable, so she said:

"It doesn't dare to block here alone. Be careful that there are experts setting an ambush."

Zuo Lingquan knew this, and his consciousness searched for possible opponents under the sea. He didn't notice anything strange, so he asked:

"Tuanzi, where is the other person hiding?"

Tuanzi spread his little wings, signaling not to scare himself, and that was the end of it.


Zuo Lingquan believed in Tuanzi's insight and was surprised. He placed his left hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and looked at the figure flickering in the black mist:

"Are you lost? Or are you tired of living?"

This statement is not arrogant. After all, Lang Hai and Xuan Ye in their heyday may not necessarily be able to take advantage of Miss Zuo Lingquan and Qiu who are in the same situation.

Xuanye, a big demon in the early stage of the Jade Stage, surrounded two Jade Stage sword cultivators head-on. What's the difference between stretching out his neck and letting them chop him?

Xuanye's figure was erratic, trying to avoid being locked by the two men, his eyes cold and cold:

"Those who are demons have no relatives in the world. Only by being wise and protecting themselves can they survive forever; but when there is no way to retreat, you must not be timid before fighting. Only by fighting to the death can you survive."

Zuo Lingquan understood the principle of practice and raised his eyes to the east:

"Is it just a wolf that escaped? With your character, can you sacrifice your life for others?"

Xuan Ye's eyes were calm: "I followed the Demon King to practice, was educated by the human race's teachings, and knew the 'way of being a human being'. Unfortunately, the entire human race in the world regarded me as a demon, and only the Demon King and Lang Hai regarded me as a human being. . If others treat me with sincerity, I will embrace them with sincerity."

The 'people' Xuan Ye mentioned should refer to 'similar people'. Zuo Lingquan did not doubt the authenticity of this statement and nodded slightly:

"When the two armies are fighting, there is no such thing as mercy. Seeing that you still have a bloody heart, I will give you a treat."


Xuan Ye had a ferocious aura all over his body, as well as displeasure with his contempt for Zuo Lingquan:

"I am the body of a black snake. I am naturally stronger than the human race, and I have been educated by the human race. The arts I have learned are half as weak as those of Buer. I have avoided battle twice before because I didn't want to take action. Do you really think that I have no fighting power? What a scumbag?"

Miss Qiu knew how domineering the demon clan's body was and said softly:

"This demon has shown its skills in Snow Wolf Mountain. Its methods are the same as those of humans. It is also cunning and scheming. It is more difficult to deal with than the Snow Wolf King who can only run rampant. Don't be careless."

Zuo Lingquan was not careless. He put his right hand on the Xuanming Sword and said in a deep voice:

"Then I want to see how capable you are!"

Xuan Ye was indeed aroused. Without any intention of retreat, he went all out to show his momentum, which was not much inferior to that of Lang Hai:

"Destroy the blessed land of my Xuan Snake clan and hurt thousands of descendants of my Xuan Snake clan. I will settle this grudge today. Give me death!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the sea water exploded, and the swirling poisonous mist rushed towards the two people hovering in the center. Xuanye held two snake-tooth daggers upside down and hid them in the poisonous mist, and his body turned into thousands of ghostly shadows. , approaching quickly.

The path Xuan Ye took was like a snake catching a rat. He first approached silently, and then unleashed a lightning-fast fatal blow. His stealth and explosive power were both extremely strong.

It was difficult for Miss Qiu to distinguish the position of her body. She held the green sword and leaned behind Zuo Lingquan to avoid being attacked by the opponent.

Zuo Lingquan couldn't figure out Xuan Ye's reality. Without being able to capture his opponent's position, he couldn't draw his sword and could only resort to defensive counterattack.


Tuanzi originally wanted to be the atmosphere team, but his strength did not allow it. He raised his wings and pointed at a shadow in the mist:


call out

Ji comes out with the law.

Above the sea, sword intent shot up into the sky, and an almost harsh sword sound exploded out of thin air.

Zuo Lingquan pressed his hand on the hilt of the sword as if he was still standing there, but when the afterimage disappeared, he had already appeared on the edge of the poisonous mist. The Xuan Ming Sword in his hand, which he did not know how to unsheath, was handed to Xuan Ye.

The speed of this sword was so fast that even though Miss Qiu had been prepared, she was shocked by the terrifying explosive power.

Naturally, Xuan Ye was even more shocked.

Originally, Xuan Ye was carefully looking for the two's flaws, looking for an opportunity to hit hard. As soon as the little broken bird on the opposite side raised its wings, Zuo Lingquan dodged directly in front of its true form, and the targeted prey became it. Got it!

Xuan Ye's pupils shrank sharply, and without a moment's hesitation, he slashed the two daggers he held upside down in front of him, trying to block the incoming sword edge.

But Zuo Lingquan is a human sword cultivator who has reached the ultimate in explosive speed. His body is definitely not as strong as Xuan Ye's in the same situation, but his explosive power is only strong. If he seizes the opportunity to preemptively strike, how can he give Xuan Ye a chance to parry? .

Xuan Ye thrust out his two daggers, and just as he hit the Xuan Ming Sword, the sword energy like an ink dragon exploded in front of him, tearing apart the poisonous mist in front of him.


With just one blow, Xuan Ye was knocked back, and his transformed body was scattered, revealing a hundred-foot-long snake body again.

Xuan Ye's Xuan Snake body would not be able to be penetrated by a sword even if he was blocking.

But Zuo Lingquan didn't use a sword either.

Xuan Ye forcibly accepted the indestructible power of the Xuan Ming Sword, and spiderweb-like cracks appeared on the snake scales on his chest and abdomen.

It wanted to wait until the power of the sword faded before retreating into the poisonous mist. However, before the sword power in front of it dissipated, another impact that was not inferior in power fell on its chest and abdomen again.


Blood splattered.

But in the blink of an eye, a huge sword wound appeared on the chest and abdomen of the Baizhang Black Snake.

The Black Snakes belong to the genus of scales, and their bodies are stronger than those of the white-haired wolves. Two swords were not penetrated through the chest and abdomen.

But Xuan Ye's situation was not much better. The snake scales on his chest and abdomen were cut off by the raging sword energy. His chest was bloody and bloody, and the black snake bones could already be seen.

If that were the case, Xuanye might be able to escape with serious injuries if he resisted, but he would have more than one opponent.

Miss Qiu's reaction was not slow at all. The moment Zuo Lingquan took action, she was already following closely behind him.

Zuo Lingquan broke through the armor with his sword, tearing open a gash in the chest and abdomen of the black snake, exposing its unprotected internal organs. Naturally, Miss Qiu would no longer stare at the snake's scales, and raised her hand with a sword, stabbing Baizhang. The bloody holes in the black snake's chest and abdomen.

As expected, Xuan Ye will definitely become Tuanzi's lunch if this sword blow is carried out.

When Zuo Lingquan succeeded with the sword and retreated, he was also concentrating on guarding against Xuan She, who wanted to die together and fight back desperately, injuring Miss Qiu.

But what surprised the two of them was that Miss Qiu had just rushed over with an overwhelming momentum and shouted loudly before exploding in front of her:

"Exian, wait a minute!"

The one who spoke was the Baizhang Black Snake, and his voice was as loud as thunder in the sky.

Miss Qiu made a sudden movement and stopped hurriedly beside Zuo Lingquan.

Zuo Lingquan didn't have the habit of listening to his opponent's nagging. He had already regrouped his energy and approached again with the Xuanming Sword:

"Don't you want to settle your grudge? I'll give you a chance..."

"It's over, it's over. Give me a chance. I have something important to tell you!"

Xuan Ye no longer had the momentum he had before. He was suspended in the air and tilted his neck back, neither attacking nor blocking. He looked like he was lying on his back waiting to be killed, and he hurriedly begged for mercy.


When Zuo Lingquan heard this, his sword that was ready to go stopped temporarily and frowned slightly.

Miss Qiu was also a little speechless. She came forward, pressed down Zuo Lingquan's sword, and said coldly:

"With this little ability, you still dare to speak out arrogant words and find someone to settle the score with? What words do you have that are more valuable than your skin and bones?"

Zuo Lingquan stopped because he became interested in this.

A Jade-level black snake can be said to be full of treasures. The skin, bone and scales can be used as armor, the flesh-and-blood snake gallbladder is an aphrodisiac, and the soul can be used as a weapon for immortal weapons. Although the power of the jade-level divine soul is not much , but it can also increase the cultivation level of Jade-level monks.

With such a huge profit in front of him, and a monster that can be killed with justifiable authority, Zuo Lingquan would not accept it under such circumstances even if he wanted to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side; if he wanted to change his life, the value would definitely be high.

Zuo Lingquan held the Xuanming Sword and tilted it towards the sea surface, and asked:

"Do you know the plot behind the empty defense of Posuzhou?"

After the two of them stopped, Xuan Ye shrunk his figure again and returned to the appearance of a scholar in Tsing Yi. When he fell on the sea, his eyes were no longer ferocious and he said:

"have no idea."

"??" Zuo Lingquan's face darkened.

"Hey wait!"

Xuanye quickly raised his hands and said nervously: "I am only in the early stage of the Jade Rank. I am fighting on the front line as a vanguard. There is a high possibility of being captured by the Zhengdao Immortal Master. The higher-ups will not tell me all the details; but in recent years, the movements of alien races have been It’s very big, I can probably guess some.”

Zuo Lingquan and Miss Qiu landed on the sea together and said in a deep voice:


Xuanye raised his hands but did not put them down:

"I have been in charge of Posu Continent for decades. Since the past few years, the foreign tribes have gradually transferred high-level monks from Posu Continent without giving any reason. Then I learned from acquaintances that the two northwest continents are preparing for war, and there is a lot of movement. Big, although it is not stated clearly above, I can guess that there will definitely be a big fight in the next few years, and the target is either Nanyu Continent or Dongzhou..."

Miss Qiu frowned slightly, looking a little impatient:

"We all know what you are talking about. Let me ask you, if the aliens can barely cross the sea when they attack Nanyu Island, how will they cross the sea when they attack Dongzhou?"

Xuan Ye shook his head: "Shang Xianjun's skills are so powerful that I can't say he has solved these problems."

"When are the aliens going to attack? Where will they start?"

"This is a top secret. I'm afraid only the Four Saints in the world know about it. But as soon as Posu Island is lost, you are already on guard. I guess it won't be too far away."

"That's all?"

"Well... I can help you make suggestions. I know a lot about foreign races..."

Gu Xu/span\u003e Zuo Lingquan was not interested in the obvious news at all, and he was even less interested in Xuan Ye. He raised his sword and was about to step forward.

Seeing this, Xuan Ye took two steps back, gritted his teeth and said:

"A war between different races is not a big plan. There is another more important thing that you have been ignoring."

Zuo Lingquan's face darkened slightly: "If you say any more nonsense, it will be difficult for you to die happily."

Xuan Ye nodded quickly and said seriously:

"In the past few hundred years, foreign races have made moves, such as raiding barren mountains to steal the remaining souls of stolen elixirs, and stealing the magical power of black turtles in the northern border of Dongzhou..."

Zuo Lingquan and Miss Qiu narrowed their eyes slightly when they heard this.

They naturally knew about this, and the ancestors also knew about it, but because they didn't know what the aliens were going to do, and the time span was too long, they could only put this matter aside and focus on immediate matters first.

Miss Qiu asked: "What do the aliens want to do after they steal the power of the divine beasts?"

Xuan Ye said: "When I was young, I practiced with the Demon King Teng Sheng, and I saw the superiors catching beasts or monks with divine power. Although I didn't know the intention, I knew that the power of these gods was sent to the Immortal Lord Shang. In Yin's hands, he should be refining something. Such a big move must be related to opening up the path to immortality. "

"We can also guess what you said."

"But you don't know what to refine or how to open the path to immortality. I know roughly, and I can take you to Kuibingzhou to explore..."

Miss Qiu interrupted: "Are you kidding? Even if we have the guts to run to Kui Bingzhou, how dare we take you, a wallflower?"

Xuan Ye said seriously: "Only I can lead you to bypass the protection and enter the core area of ​​the alien race. This matter is related to the safety of Jiuzhou. If you kill me, it will be difficult to find someone who is so cooperative as me. If you miss the opportunity, you will lose." But the whole righteous way. Even if you have murderous intentions, you should wait until you have finished using me, because I can't run away."

Zuo Lingquan didn't even consider running around with a jade-level traitor, it was just for fun.

However, if you catch such a big fish and kill it without making good use of it, it is really hard to find a foreign race of equal value and willing to cooperate.

This kind of matter obviously needs to be discussed with the ancestor before making a decision. Zuo Lingquan thought for a while and said:

"You can close the six senses yourself and be at ease."

Xuan Ye was already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. His six senses were clear and he could not dig out the waves. He immediately closed his eyes and fell straight on the sea, even his breath disappeared.

Zuo Lingquan checked carefully and after confirming that there was no trick, he threw Xuan Ye directly into the boat and looked up to the east:

"It's been talking nonsense for so long. I'm afraid the wolf has gone far away. I don't dare to pursue it in the sea. I'll go and kill Jingxun and the others first..."

Having said this, Zuo Lingquan noticed something was wrong again and turned to look at Tuanzi, who was a little disappointed without lunch:

"Tuan'er, didn't you take us to find Jingxun?"

Miss Qiu also came back to her senses and looked at Tuantuan:

"Yes, why did you bring us here?"


Tuanzi blinked his dark eyes and pretended to be stupid, "Yeah, why are you here?"

Zuo Lingquan was a little confused. After looking at Qiu Youyou next to him, he suddenly understood Tuanzi's good intentions.

This group...

Zuo Lingquan shook his head secretly and said:

"Lead the way well, don't think blindly, or your nanny will beat you up."

Qiu Youyou was a little confused and asked:

"Who is his wet nurse?"


"Why do you want to beat Tuanzi?"


After being inexplicably led by Tuanzi to catch a big fish, Zuo Lingquan finally found the right direction.

With a prisoner by his side, Zuo Lingquan did not dare to delay for fear of something going wrong. Zuo Lingquan specifically told Tuanzi to go very quickly this time, and in just a few quarters of an hour, they arrived at Guye Island, which was isolated overseas.

Guye Island is a hidden sect. There are only a hundred people on the island, and most of them are practicing in the mountains without seeing visitors. Even if the Valkyrie arrives, only the island owner's grandmother and a few female disciples will accompany them to entertain them.

After Zuo Lingquan came to the island, Shangguan Yutang learned the news and came to interrogate Xuan Ye personally to see if he had concealed information.

Shangguan Yutang interrogates the enemy, even if he does not take action but just stares and threatens with words, it is enough to make people tremble. To put it simply, he is very cruel.

Shangguan Yutang probably didn't want Zuo Lingquan to see her ferocious and cruel appearance, or maybe he didn't want Zuo Lingquan to see Jing Xun's ferocious appearance, which destroyed Jing Xun's gentle and gentle wife character, so he didn't let Zuo Lingquan stand aside and watch. .

Zuo Lingquan didn't interrupt when he saw this. He only left Miss Qiu, who admired his ancestor deeply, to accompany him while he took the dumplings for a walk on the island.

Guye Island is very primitive. Most of the monks live in caves and tree houses, with few buildings. The roads on the island are also forest paths surrounded by green plants. Flowers bloom on both sides and wild fruits can be seen everywhere.

Zuo Lingquan picked a few fruits, fed them to Tuantuan, who was a little disgusted, and said seriously:

"Tuan'er, it won't be like this next time. I don't care much about Miss Qiu. If you mess around and something happens, and Lingye takes care of me, I will say it was you."

"Chi chi chi..."

Tuanzi squatted on Zuo Lingquan's shoulder and chirped twice nonchalantly, which probably meant that you think the nanny would believe it?

If a slap in the face doesn't make a difference, is there any use in pulling strings if you're not interested?

Zuo Lingquan roughly understood what Tuanzi meant, and thought so, so he stopped lecturing the considerate little Tuanzi.

After wandering around the island for a while, we slowly came to the center of the island. A lake appeared in front of us, and there was a big osmanthus tree in the middle of the lake.

Xie Qiutao, wearing a goose-yellow skirt, stood on the stone bridge in the lake with an iron pipa on her back, looking at the osmanthus tree with her arms folded. She was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice that he was coming.

Zuo Lingquan looked slightly confused, walked silently behind Qiutao, and said softly:

"Tao'er, what are you thinking about?"


Xie Qiutao shrank her neck, her face turned red, and then she quickly returned to her original state.

She turned around and took the dumplings, showed a sweet smile, pulled Zuo Lingquan's sleeve and walked toward the center of the lake:

"I didn't think anything of it. By the way, Mr. Zuo, this tree is very special. Come and take a look."


Zuo Lingquan knew that the osmanthus tree was not an ordinary tree, but he really didn't see anything special about it. Seeing Qiutao's enthusiasm, he came to the front and raised his eyes to take a look:

"What are you looking at?"

"Just look, um...just see if you can see anything special." Xie Qiutao tried his best to look natural and encouraged softly.

Zuo Lingquan stood in front of the tree with his hands behind his hands. He originally wanted to say, "Sitting alone in the small courtyard, the wind carries the fragrance of osmanthus", but after the faint fragrance of the flowers hit his nostrils, he felt a trance in front of his eyes.

I could see the mottled leaves swaying gently with the breeze. The sunlight passed through the gaps in the fallen leaves and fell on the tree trunks. A picture seemed to appear between the light beams.

In the picture, Jingxun was holding a basin of water and standing in panic at the door of the wine shop.

There was Qingwan standing on the stone cliff, looking down at his gentle and pleasant figure.

Jiang Yi was pinned down on her knees and looked back at him with her eyebrows raised.

You Lingye was sitting on the palace, his face was slightly flushed with a smile that captivated the city...

Zuo Lingquan blinked his eyes and showed a smile from the bottom of his heart:

"Eh?! This tree..."

Xie Qiutao held the dumplings in her arms and did not dare to look at the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. She asked nervously:

"What did you see?"

"I saw Qingwan and the others, and Sister Yingying stabbed me with a needle..."

"What else?"

There were many pictures in front of Zuo Lingquan, which was dizzying. As soon as he saw the round-faced girl holding the portrait of the 'Southern Wilderness Sword Dragon', he discovered that there was another person in the deepest part of the many rays of light.

It was a woman wearing a golden dragon scale dress, with a giant basalt shield hanging behind her back. She slowly stepped into the sky, unattainable and out of reach, but giving the impression that she was approachable and reassuring.

"There is also the ancestor, haha..."


Xie Qiutao was nervous. Hearing these words, he was stunned and then staggered.

Ancestor? !

Oh my god...

Xie Qiutao looked at Zuo Lingquan with disbelief, as if he had discovered something extraordinary:

"Have you seen Senior Shangguan?"

Zuo Lingquan was about to smile and nod, but he noticed something was wrong. From the corner of his eye, a woman seemed to appear quietly, looking at him with creepy eyes. ? !

Zuo Lingquan realized something, his smile dropped, and he put on a serious expression:

"No, no, it's Sister Yingying. Is Sister Yingying also an ancestor..."

This explanation was so weak that even Taotao didn't believe it, let alone anyone else.

By the lake, the calm-looking ancestor looked at the two of them expressionlessly and said:

"Zuo Lingquan, come here."


Zuo Lingquan just felt that 'my life is at stake' and wished he could slap Taotao on the butt.

He tried his best to look calm and calm, and after lightly pinching Qiu Tao's face, who lowered his head and pretended that nothing had happened, he bravely walked over...

I’ve kept everyone waiting for a long time!

Six thousand words a day is not too short. There are too many things to take into account in the later stage. The writing was originally stumbling, and the volume is really too big. It will be completed in about three months, and everyone will be most comfortable reading it when it is finished.

Aguan didn't ask for anything from this book, not even an editor's recommendation. He just wanted to finish writing it without any regrets. If it had been written smoothly, it would have been published long ago.

By the way, Aguan will not procrastinate to finish the book just to make money; nor will he rush to the end and write one less chapter because his grades are not good and he is tired of writing. He will write everything that should be written.

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