The fairy is fierce

Chapter 18: Shock

The cold red moon shines on the devastated broken glaciers.

The Snow Wolf King stopped in front of the green-sheathed sword and looked up at the figure on the ridge. His hair was stained with blood, and his wolf eyes exuded a vicious and bloodthirsty aura.

Yunzhi knew that this battle was going to be dangerous, and she didn't know the depth of the White-robed Sword Immortal's Taoism, so she naturally regarded this sword immortal who came out of the sky as a life-saving straw; at this time, she looked nervously at the White-robed Sword Immortal and Qiu Youyou on the cliff. , the tension in front of me was filled with expectation, so I almost said directly: "As long as the sword fairy can save the young lady, I will be willing to warm the bed and fold the quilt for you from now on."

However, the white-robed Sword Immortal's temperament is too cold, and even Yunyu is not interested in her. I am afraid that she also looks down on her, an older female cultivator who has nothing to do except serve others. Her words will make people look down upon her, so Yunzhi doesn't know anything except waiting and watching. What to say.

Zifeng is the real leader in Huajunzhou. Although he cannot be called the 'Little God of War', he has few rivals among his peers in terms of combat prowess. He does not know this white-robed swordsman, so naturally he will not regard him as one of his peers. , just assume it is a certain elder fairy who has never met before.

I heard Lang Hai ask, ‘Are you pretending? ’, the white-robed swordsman responded ‘so what’, and Zifeng settled his thoughts.

After all, if you don't have the power to connect with the gods, who would dare to be so arrogant before the Snow Wolf King?

Zifeng judged the situation. Lang Wei had been injured by Miss Qiu. If another Jade-level sword cultivator with lethal power came, the two demons would probably not dare to confront each other head-on, and the crisis would be solved naturally...

Thinking of this, Zifeng, who was covered in blood, raised the spear in his hand, once again forced himself towards the Snow Wolf King who was being 'flanked', and said loudly:

"Senior, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time. I'm here to charge into the battle, and I must fight quickly."

Seeing this, Bao Lanshan also began to rearrange his formation to assist.

Zifeng took the lead in charging into the battle, not because he was arrogant and asked the white-robed swordsman to cooperate with him, but because the division of labor should be done in the way of cultivating demons.

Sword cultivators go to extremes and pursue lethality too much, leaving no room for protection. The combat effectiveness is astonishing, but the error tolerance is also really low. Most of the time, there is no chance to use the second sword, and it is as brittle as paper.

This is not the case with orthodox martial arts, which focus on balance. In secular terms, it can be described as "training the muscles, bones and skin externally, and practicing one breath internally." The body is as solid as a rock, capable of both offense and defense, and has amazing endurance.

Therefore, when fighting demons together, martial arts cultivators would always rush to the front and receive the most vicious beatings, looking for opportunities for their companions.

Zifeng took the lead and rushed ahead, naturally to attract firepower and give the White-robed Sword Immortal an opportunity to make a move; he originally thought that the White-robed Sword Immortal would understand his intentions and cooperate with each other.

But what Zifeng and others never expected was that the white-robed swordsman on the ridge turned his head to look at them and said calmly:

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"


Zifeng's footsteps suddenly stopped, a look of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he hesitated as to who the white-robed swordsman was from.

Miss Qiu stood in front of the white-robed Sword Immortal. Just now she thought the Sword Immortal was unfathomable, but now she felt confused and a little confused.

The white-robed swordsman's eyes returned to Lang Hai, he put his right hand behind his back and walked slowly down the ridge:

"A dog with a broken spine, why bother to mobilize the troops? Stay away."

This time Zifeng understood what he meant. This swordsman wanted to challenge the Snow Wolf King to a duel, and told them to get out of the way and stay out of the way.

Zifeng and the others had expressions of disbelief, but more of awe and admiration. They didn't dare to say a word at the moment, and quickly moved back to make room for the white-robed Sword Immortal.

Tap tap tap

The white-robed swordsman walked down the ridge at a leisurely pace, just like a young master strolling in the garden. The terrifying sword intent in his body did not dissipate, but became stronger and stronger.

Lang Hai's limbs were stuck on the glacier, looking at the approaching figure. His hair was shaggy, his sharp fangs were exposed, and his face was ferocious; but showing such a beast's posture to intimidate the enemy also showed Lang Hai's guilty conscience.

Based on Lang Hai's Taoism, it can be seen that this human sword cultivator will most likely not exceed the early stage of the Jade Level.

Such a person cannot be its opponent.

But Lang Hai really felt the threat. This threat came from the weird long sword stuck on the glacier, and from the white-robed swordsman's sharp edge that was hard to look at, or in other words, self-confidence.

Lang Hai had only felt this kind of edge in the Demon King. It was so strong that it felt like his life was worthless, and it was difficult to even stand upright in front of him.

But the demon king is an immortal king.

This human race's sword cultivation realm is lower than it. What gives him such confidence that he can treat them as ants under the sword?

Lang Hai didn't believe that this person was really as powerful as his aura showed, so he never ran away. With his natural ferocity, he would rather risk being killed to see how much this person weighed.

Tap tap tap

The sound of slight footsteps echoed in the glacier, and the world seemed to be frozen at this moment.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the white-robed swordsman to make a bold move.

Although the White-robed Sword Immortal was not in a hurry, no one would be impatient at this time, but they felt that the atmosphere was becoming more and more depressing and solemn.

But unfortunately, before the white-robed swordsman had gone far, a voice broke the dead silence on the glacier:

"What a courage. It's a pity that these tricks to get the head start deceived Lang Hai, but not me."

Zifeng and the others, who were about to retreat to the edge of the blood mist, sensed something bad when they heard the sound, and immediately turned around, only to see Xuan Ye, who had just sneaked underground, appear at the edge of the blood mist at some point, holding two snake-tooth daggers upside down and locking them. Death was their escape route.

In the distance, Xie Qiutao and Tuantuan, who were lurking behind Zuo Lingquan, saw that this scene was not good!

Just now, Xie Qiutao and Zuo Lingquan rushed out of the underground together, sneaked to the nearby area under the cover of night, and found that Miss Qiu, Song Chi and others were being beaten by two demons.

Xie Qiutao knew Miss Qiu and always regarded Miss Qiu as a cheap senior sister, so naturally she wanted to lend a hand; Zuo Lingquan and Song Chi knew each other, and it was even more impossible for him to stand by and watch.

But the two of them could not influence the current battle situation with their skills. Sister Yingying and Jingyan were not there, and it would be the same as giving it away rashly.

In order to help several people escape, Xie Qiu came up with an idea to let Zuo Lingquan take the lead and use his momentum to suppress the two big monsters; then let Song Chi and others retreat to a safe range where they can escape, and then they will escape with Miss Qiu.

At that time, the people are divided into two groups, and if the two big monsters chase them separately, the pressure on each other will be much less; if the two big monsters come to chase Miss Qiu, judging from Miss Qiu’s performance just now, they will also leave behind and let them escape first.

Although this method is risky, if it succeeds, at least several people can escape, which is better than watching five people being strangled.

Originally, everything went according to plan. Song Chi and others were almost running to a safe area where they could escape. Xie Qiutao was ready to help Zuo Lingquan evacuate.

But I didn't expect Xuan Ye to be so alert that he actually stopped Song Chi and others.

In this way, it would be difficult for Song Chi and others to escape. The two big monsters would definitely attack Zuo Lingquan when they reacted.

The fact was just as Xie Qiutao thought.

The wolf was as if facing a great enemy. When he heard Xuan Ye's words, he confirmed his guess. His eyes turned violent. Without hesitation, he opened his huge mouth and sprayed out a burst of ice mist.

The ice mist turned into ice spears in the air and shot towards the two people on the hillside.

Zuo Lingquan and Qiu Youyou reacted in the same way. They jumped up to the sky at the same time and avoided the swift ice spears.


The ice spear was dozens of feet long and instantly broke through the mountain wall, leaving a huge gap on the original ridgeline.

Although both of them were unscathed, this allowed all the people and monsters present to roughly see the depth of this white-robed swordsman.

Zuo Lingquan and Qiu Youyou flew to avoid the ice spear at the same time. Even if Zuo Lingquan was faster, the difference in realm was still a little slower than Qiu Youyou.

This subtle difference was difficult for low-level cultivators to detect, but Lang Hai and Miss Qiu saw it clearly.

Since he dodged, it means that this white-robed swordsman did not dare to take Lang Hai's attack head-on, and did not have the momentum to show that he was unshakable; and although the reaction he showed was swift, it was still a little different from Miss Qiu, and his strength was probably at the top of the half-step jade step, or the early stage of the ghost spirit realm.

Qiu Youyou saw this scene and couldn't help but look stunned. He admired this man's courage and insight, but also felt that this boy was too reckless. With this little Taoism, he came to "save the beauty". What else could it be if it wasn't a free gift?

However, Miss Qiu was quite intelligent. From the words and actions of the White-robed Sword Immortal just now, she guessed that he wanted to bluff and give Zi Feng and others a chance to escape.

Now that his background had been known, his plan had failed. This White-robed Sword Immortal, who was both wise and brave but had a low level of cultivation, had obviously fallen into an extremely dangerous situation. With Lang Hai's bloodthirsty nature, how could he let go of the human cultivator who teased him like this?

The moment Miss Qiu realized that something was wrong, she had already flown forward and blocked in front of Zuo Lingquan, saying in a deep voice:


Lang Hai was stabbed in the back, and his hair was stained red with blood. At this time, he was furious, and his whole body was steaming with blood. He said angrily in a low voice:

"Little monkey, with this little cultivation level, you dare to act like a big shot here?"

To everyone's surprise, the White-robed Sword Immortal, whose depth was seen through, was suspended in the air, with a stern face, and his momentum did not change at all because of the exposure of his strength.

Because he has always been like this, and he was not pretending just now!

Zuo Lingquan floated above the glacier, his white robe fluttering in the wind, his eyes sharp, and he said indifferently:

"Do you know what this sword is called?"

The question was a bit baffling.

Lang Hai was fierce, but he never crossed the green sheathed sword inserted on the glacier, because he could feel that this sword was far more powerful than the white-robed swordsman in front of him.

Lang Hai cast his eyes on the green sheathed sword, and his eyes showed a little fear. After a little thought, he asked:

"What is it called?"


Zuo Lingquan flew over Miss Qiu and floated forward slowly:

"This sword is the gavel of the world. Holding this sword, you must judge the right and wrong of the world with the appearance of God. This is the message of the previous sword master to this sword."

Zuo Lingquan looked down at Lang Hai with a cold look:

"Now the sword is in my hand, the righteous way is behind me, and the demon is in front of me. Do you think I am pretending?"

The voice was flat, but it was full of vigor.

Miss Qiu was slightly stunned. The tone of the words and even the familiar sword reminded her of a terrifying existence.

But the back figure in front of her was too strange, so she couldn't connect the two people together, so she was a little confused.

Lang Hai on the glacier was indeed afraid of this sword, but as the master of the Snow Wolf Mountain Range, how could he be frightened by a human sword cultivator in front of his own territory and all the beasts.

Seeing that Xuan Ye in the distance had begun to attack Zi Feng and others, Lang Hai did not try again, raised his claws and ran wildly, angrily saying:

"In this case, if you have the guts, come and take my head!"

Boom boom boom

The mountain-like body crushed the glacier, and every step shook the earth.

But Lang Hai was not arrogant enough to step over the green sheathed sword, but at lightning speed, he made a big turn on the mountain wall and rushed straight to Zuo Lingquan who was flying in the air.

Miss Qiu, who was behind Zuo Lingquan, saw the wolf attacking fiercely and wanted to pull Zuo Lingquan away. Unexpectedly, the next moment, she saw a horrifying scene.


A sword roar sounded like a dragon's roar above the glacier.

Miss Qiu did not see how the sword was unsheathed, but the white-robed swordsman floating in front of her disappeared the moment the sword light was lit, and the next moment he was in front of Lang Hai!

Miss Qiu and Lang Hai both thought about Zuo Lingquan's attack method, which was to use the green sheath sword from the air, or to move around in a flash, using his flexible body skills to find murderous intent.

But one person and one demon never expected that this white-robed swordsman with an almost arrogant aura, whose fighting style was even more domineering than his aura, would directly attack Lang Hai's face!

This speed is inhumanly fast. It can only be said that as high as the speed limit of a half-step jade step is, this sword is so fast, it has reached a level that is impossible for normal monks to achieve.

Miss Qiu had only seen such a fast sword in Twelve Lang, but Twelve Lang relied on the wind method to assist him, which was completely different from the white-robed swordsman.

The white-robed swordsman not only increased his speed to the extreme, but he also didn't lose half of his accuracy.

He charged the Snow Wolf King from the front, almost exposing everything to his opponent; but the white-robed swordsman, holding a simple sword, actually passed through the fingers of the wolf's claws at a terrifying speed.

Such a thrilling way of advancing, if the control of the body is slightly deviated, will result in being shattered into pieces. Miss Qiu was frightened when she saw this. She didn't know whether she should say that this boy was a "skilled and brave man" or that he was just lucky.

The wolf was stunned for a moment when his low-level opponent thrust into his face at an alarming speed, almost grazing his claws and passing through them.

However, the Wolf Horror realm is here. No matter how slow your reaction is, it is impossible to be decapitated by a half-step jade-level human monk with a sword. When he senses something is wrong, he immediately opens his mouth and shouts:


With lightning speed, Zuo Lingquan rushed in front of the huge wolf head, raised his hand and stabbed the scarlet pupil with his sword.

But the gap between them was too big. The terrifying sword energy erupted from the Xuanming Sword in his hand was dispersed by the roar of the snow wolf within a few feet of the sword's edge.


After the loud noise, the black sword energy exploded in front of the wolf, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread outward, setting off the glacier at the foot of the giant wolf.

Zuo Lingquan felt like he was hit by a city wall. The area was so large that there was no way to escape and there was no gap to follow. His whole body turned into a white cannonball and was directly knocked away.

"Master Zuo!"


Xie Qiutao and Tuan Tuan had reached the top of the ridge. Seeing this, Xie Qiutao jumped out from behind the ridge without any hesitation. Scale lines appeared on his skin in mid-air. He held the iron pipa upside down with both hands and smashed it down in the air.


The wolf was stunned and dispersed his sword energy. Before he could pursue him, an iron pipa like a meteorite fell from the sky and was swung on his back.

The wolf's mountain-like body shook, and a semicircular depression appeared, but the skin and bones immediately bounced up, sending Xie Qiutao flying away.

On the other side, Zuo Lingquan was knocked back by the howl of the wolf. The impact was so great that he almost lost his grip on the Xuanming Sword in his hand. He flew all the way to the top of the ridge before he hit two soft objects and was stopped by his softness. .

This time the offensive and defensive momentum was different, it was Miss Qiu who caught Zuo Lingquan in mid-air.

Maybe the situation was too critical. Miss Qiu didn't know why she took it with her hands. When the man ran into her arms, she didn't think much and hurriedly supported Zuo Lingquan:

"Don't be impulsive. You go first, and I will follow."

While speaking, Miss Qiu flew up and attacked Lang Hai's flank, reminding Xie Qiutao who was trying to attack Lang Hai:

"Let's go!"

Xie Qiutao's bloodline talent is to withstand beatings. After using the 'Shenmen', his physique is comparable to that of a monster and can withstand beatings better than Zifeng; but standing in front of a serious monster, this strength is of little use.

The wolf swiped Xie Qiutao's claws, and after finding that his defense was not broken, he stopped talking to Xie Qiutao, because with Xie Qiutao's skills, he could not break his defense. After killing these two sword master monkeys, he would have plenty of time to deal with these two monkeys. A female tin monkey.

Xie Qiutao was ignored by the big demon, so she was naturally furious, but she had no choice but to say urgently:

"Master Zuo, what should I do?"

Lang Hai's eyes were extremely ferocious, and with a bit of contempt, he looked at Zuo Lingquan:

"That's it. You can leave, but tomorrow you can see the heads of these people placed outside Wangchuan City. Don't you humans often talk about 'righteousness and loyalty'? I see that you escaped today. In the future, How can one live in shame?"

Lang Hai said this, it was a typical aggressive general. Miss Fa Qiu was a bit difficult to deal with. If Xuan Ye was dealing with Zifeng and others, he might not be able to stop these two daring little monkeys.

Miss Qiu was afraid that Zuo Lingquan, who was young and energetic, might come and hit the stone with an egg, so she reminded her urgently:

"Leave when you have to, and don't listen to evil talk."

Zuo Lingquan stood on the ridge with his sword in hand and did not turn around and leave.

But this move was not because he fell into Lang Hai's provocation and couldn't let go of his face; it was because he couldn't give up easily before he went all out.

Without Miss Qiu's help, the four people on Song Chi's side would have a very difficult time dealing with Snake Ancestor Xuan Ye; if he left, Miss Qiu's chances of survival would be slim, and Song Chi and others would almost certainly die, leaving no chance of survival.

If Zuo Lingquan pulls out the green sheath sword, both he and Lang Hai may be injured; but there is Snake Ancestor Xuanye next to him, and this place is in the belly of Posu Continent. If he forcibly pulls out the sword and loses all combat power, it will only increase the risk of sudden death. , not advisable.

There is no ancestor and sister Yingying behind him to protect him. Facing the two big monsters, he has almost no chance of making a comeback. Now that the matter has come to this, it is indeed time for Zuo Lingquan to leave, and there is no need to fight stubbornly.

But next time?

Miss Qiu, Song Chi and others may not matter to Zuo Lingquan, but the current situation is here.

If Miss Qiu is replaced by Lingye, Yunzhi is replaced by Qingwan, and Song Chi is replaced by the fifth brother, what should he do now?

Continue to be a hero and escape?

Obviously impossible.

If that is the case, Zuo Lingquan will have to fight his way out here at all costs!

Although Miss Qiu is not Lingye and Yunzhi is not Qingwan, there will be a second time if there is a first time.

The helplessness now is the helplessness in the future when facing the life of the beloved!

The ancestor and sister Yingying are not behind him, but there is no master behind him. Doesn't he know how to use the sword and can't stand alone?

Zuo Lingquan practiced swordsmanship in order to stand in front of the ancestor and sister Yingying one day and be their pillar of support, instead of living under the wings of the ancestor all his life.

Because he ran away without anyone behind him, what should he do if the ancestor and sister Yingying are in danger one day?

All kinds of emotions filled his mind instantly. Zuo Lingquan held his sword and stared coldly at the rampaging Lang Hai, his eyes gradually showing murderous intent.

This murderous intent was not directed at Lang Hai, but came from the obsession in Zuo Lingquan's heart. If Lingye and the others were in danger today, even if there was a god in front of him, he would use the sword in his hand to kill Lingye and the others.

In this case, why is there nothing he can do now?

Is a wild wolf more invincible than the gods in the sky?

Obviously impossible.

The so-called inability to beat is just an excuse to escape.

He has not racked his brains and tried all ways. He is in full condition and has a sword in his hand. Why can't he resolve the current situation?



A thunderclap suddenly sounded above the dark red sky.

A pure pressure from heaven and earth suddenly descended on the Xuefeng Mountains. In an instant, birds and beasts within a radius of thousands of miles could all sense this vast power of heaven.

Several people who were fighting stopped and looked up in astonishment, looking at the sky.

The blood mist that covered the sky was dispersed by the strong wind. Thunderclouds rolled above the sky and began to circle in the air. Right below the swirling sea of ​​clouds was the white-robed swordsman standing with a sword!

Lang Hai and Xuan Ye saw this scene and a trace of confusion appeared in their eyes.

Miss Qiu, Zi Feng, Dongfang Xu and others were stunned.

Not only the people on the glacier were stunned.

Outside the Xuefeng Mountains, Shangguan Baxue, who was searching for the whereabouts of three casual cultivators, turned his head and looked at the mountains in the north, and said in disbelief:

"Which Taoist fellow is in Xuefeng Mountain to survive the great thunder tribulation? Are you crazy?"


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