The fairy is fierce

Chapter 5 Qiu Youyou

Light snow was falling, and it was noon before I knew it.

Tang Jingxuan and Wu Qingwan walked into the back door of the house with several pieces of fabric in their arms, chatting about the private topics of married women:

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"...Lingye has a lot of crooked ideas. He secretly learned the 'Flying Dance' secretly at some point. He made Ling Quan's eyes look straight last night... He originally asked her to wear a dog tail, but she was told to hide away. ”

"Qingwan, you seem to have a lot of crooked ideas. I'm very curious. You are usually dignified and virtuous, but when you come into the room, you seem to be a different person. The "Twenty-eight Styles of Spring Tide" I was reading, your postures are all different. It would have been much worse without you..."


Wu Qingwan pursed her lips, Qiu Shui's eyes were still a little shy, and she pinched Jingxun's waist with her hand:

"You can't blame me. It's because Ling Quan is not serious. Ling Ye and Jiang Yi are aggressive towards him. If I'm not aggressive towards him, he will bully the weak and fear the strong. Every time he has a crooked idea, he calls me out first. Do you think I want that?"

Tang Jingxuan wanted to say, "I see you are having a good time. Lingye can't beat you sometimes," but when he wasn't on the bed, Qingwan was indeed thin-skinned. If he said it, Qingwan would definitely be embarrassed. Thinking about it, Smiling without saying a word.

There are a lot of people in the yard, and they will leave soon. Leng Zhu is packing Jiang Yi's belongings.

Jiang Yi put on a dashing black military uniform and tied up her tail in a ponytail. She pulled Shangguan Lingye out and said:

"I'm a martial artist, I don't believe I can't beat you..."

Shangguan Lingye still wore exquisite makeup and a luxurious temperament, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Wu Qingwan walked into the courtyard and saw the two of them looking like they were having a fight. She was afraid that Jiang Yi would suffer, so she asked:

"Jiang Yi, where are you going?"

"When I went to the martial arts hall, she said she didn't need any magic. She gave me one hand, two feet and four fingers. I couldn't beat her. I want to see if she is so capable..."

Jiang Yi got the Immortal King Armor the day before yesterday and couldn't wait to start practicing. She was interrupted by stuffing her tail last night and didn't want to delay any more today.

Martial arts training requires sparring. Jiang Yi originally wanted to use Zuo Lingquan as a punching bag, but Lingye came to taunt him. Naturally, she wanted to put on the Immortal King's armor and beat Lingye to avenge her.

As Jiang Yi spoke, she pulled Shangguan Lingye out of the house and headed to the attic not far away.

Seeing this, Wu Qingwan smiled softly, but did not stop Jiang Yi from asking for trouble.

Xie Qiutao put all his belongings in Linglong Pavilion, but bought a lot of snacks in the morning. At this time, he was in the living room, telling Tuanzi about the future meal arrangements:

"...Jianjiang small yellow croaker, you can only eat three pieces a day, you can't ask for more..."


"What are you talking about? There is no fairy market in Posu Island. I don't know how many years have passed since I went there. I ate all the snacks on the way. You can catch the bugs and eat them by yourself."


When Tang Jingxuan saw this, he looked like an ignorant girl and said:

"Tuanzi, come here, I'll take you to sell two sacks of millet and keep them as snacks on the road."


Tuanzi was stunned and thought to himself: Birds are birds of prey and not house sparrows, so how can they eat millet?

However, he didn't dare to pretend that he couldn't hear what his mother said. Tuanzi still ran over and followed him "chichijiji~". He was probably trying to please Jingxun by replacing the millet with dried spiritual fruit.

Wu Qingwan entered the guest room, put the cloth on the table, and took out a piece of crimson cloth. The cloth was the "Shu Brocade" produced in Guigu Gorge. The texture was tough but soft, and it was specially used to make clothes for practitioners. material.

After Wu Qingwan looked at it carefully, she took out a cloth ruler, came behind Qiu Tao who was packing snack boxes at the table, and used the cloth ruler to measure the shoulder width.


Xie Qiutao was stunned for a moment, raised his head and looked at it, looking a little confused:

"Sister Qingwan, what are you doing?"

Wu Qingwan measured Qiu Tao's shoulders, then put her hand through Qiu Tao's arm and wrapped it in front of her chest:

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I just bought some pieces of cloth to make you a new dress."


Xie Qiutao looked at Wu Qingwan's gentle and considerate appearance, her eyes were in a trance, and she opened her mouth, but said nothing.

"You look small in appearance, but your breasts are quite big, almost the same as Jiang Yi. You are a martial arts cultivator. Do you want your clothes to be tighter to prevent them from dangling around?"

"Hmm...Sister Qingwan, let's make up our minds. I usually buy ready-made clothes in the store, and I buy them as long as I can wear them."

Xie Qiutao's round face looked a little complicated. She wanted to smile sweetly like before, but her smile was a bit forced and she looked in front of her.

Wu Qingwan stood behind her, measuring her waist and hips. When she saw Qiutao opening her arms, she seemed a little cautious, and said doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"

Xie Qiutao pursed her lips, remained silent for a while, and then smiled:

"It's nothing, I just think Sister Qingwan looks like my mother."

Wu Qingwan has a relatively mature temperament and mind. Standing behind her to measure Qiu Tao, she really felt like a mother preparing New Year clothes for her daughter. She pursed her lips and smiled:

"Really? Your mother used to make clothes for you like this?"

Xie Qiutao thought about it carefully and said angrily:

"I forgot, I was young at that time, only a few years old... I remember that I was quite naughty. As soon as my mother put me on new clothes, I ran to light firecrackers. Not only did my hands explode, but my sleeves were burned out. It was a small hole, and then it was thrown away’s a pity.”

Wu Qingwan knew that what Qiutao regretted was not her clothes, so she sighed softly:

"It's all the same, people have to grow up. I was naughty when I was a child and was often picked up by my mother. I wasn't happy at the time, so I thought it would be nice if no one would care about me. Then I went to Qihuang Valley when I was six years old, and slowly It’s so slow that no one cares about me anymore. When I look back, I realize that I’m much happier being able to be cared for at home than having no one to worry about and having to shoulder everything myself..."

Xie Qiutao nodded and looked back:

"Sister Qingwan is very happy now that she has Mr. Zuo."

Wu Qingwan raised her lips: "Women always want to get married. If they have a home and support, they will naturally be happy. You will be the same in the future."

"Hey~ How old am I? I've already done this."



On the other side, in the attic.

Jiang Yi pulled Shangguan Lingye all the way to the practice room on the second floor of the attic.

Jiang Yi had only seen the martial arts and martial arts of Tianji Hall, but had not yet touched them, so she warmed up in the martial arts hall first.

Shangguan Lingye was not in a hurry and went upstairs first.

The door of the Qi training room on the third floor is open, and you can see the back of Lord Peach Blossom and the water curtain suspended in front of the piano platform.

Shangguan Lingye walked into the room and looked around. He came to the Qintai, looked at the situation of the Taohuatan disciples' exam, and asked:

"Where is Zuo Lingquan? After searching around, I didn't see anyone else. Isn't he here with Senior Cui?"

Lord Peach Blossom turned around with a smile on his face:

"Same as in the Zuo family, just call me Sister Yingying. You don't have to be polite as senior comes and goes."

Shangguan Lingye did not accept Lord Peach Blossom’s kindness:

"Senior Cui and Master are good friends, and seniority cannot be messed up. If I call you casually, wouldn't I offend Master?"

Lord Peach Blossom felt uncomfortable when she heard 'senior', but there was nothing she could do if Lingye didn't change his words. After chatting casually, he gestured outside:

"Zuo Lingquan is lying in the bedroom."

Shangguan Lingye was about to leave when he suddenly discovered that Lord Peach Blossom was wearing black stockings not designed by her at his exposed ankles. He was a little surprised:

"Senior Cui's socks are very special."

"Two years ago, your master showed off in front of me, saying that I didn't understand the fashion of young people. He showed me wearing these stuffy socks. I thought they looked good, so I made some myself."


Shangguan Lingye did recommend stockings to his master, but he didn't expect that his seemingly ruthless master would have such a girly side in private.

She originally wanted to ask for details, but what sister Yingying said about her master must be far from the actual situation, so it would be useless to ask.

Shangguan Lingye thought about it, took out several sets of rather showy clothes and garters from Linglong Pavilion, and placed them in front of Lord Peach Blossom with a smile.

Lord Peach Blossom glanced at Qingquyi and felt that Lingye regarded her as a sister. He was confused but didn't know what to say.

Shangguan Lingye walked out of the room and went to the bedroom opposite. He knocked on the door first, but there was no movement inside, so he pushed the door open.

The bedroom is still the same as before, with a clean dressing table and chess couch, and portraits of Mei Jinshui and Lord Peach Blossom when they were young hanging on the wall.

Zuo Lingquan was indeed in the house, but the situation was rather strange.

Between the carved canopy beds, Zuo Lingquan, dressed in a young master's robe, lay upright on the bed, his body tied tightly with colorful ropes, even his fingers could not move, and he looked at her with a smile on his face. ? ?

Shangguan Lingye thought he was wrong. He tilted his head slightly and was stunned for a while, then closed the door and came to the front with graceful steps:

"Hey, sir, what's wrong with you? Are you trying to turn yourself into a butterfly?"

Zuo Lingquan had just tried to flirt with Yingying's sweetheart, but the car overturned and he had been tied up for an hour.

Being discovered by his wife at this time, Zuo Lingquan suddenly remembered how his fifth brother was hung from the beam by his third uncle and how he looked when he bumped into him. He felt really embarrassed.

Zuo Lingquan tried his best to look calm and calm:

"Oh, it should be Sister Yingying's special therapy. It feels pretty good. You don't need to help me untie it. I can untie it at any time if I want."

Shangguan Lingye was very smart and knew Zuo Lingquan thoroughly. He roughly guessed that Zuo Lingquan must have been dishonest and was messed up by the angry Lord Peach Blossom.

It was not uncommon for Zuo Lingquan to be tied up and unable to move.

Shangguan Lingye raised his eyebrows slightly, showed a somewhat evil smile, sat down by the bed gracefully, gently brushed his hair, and slowly slid his hands down the high skirt of his clothes:

"Really? This method of healing is quite special."

Zuo Lingquan was a little confused, not knowing what Master Bao'er was going to do, but he soon discovered that Master Bao'er was not going to be a human being!

I saw Shangguan Lingye raise her hand and gently untie the gorgeous outer skirt, revealing the hollow texture of the flower carp and the smooth snow back, showing her proud chest:

"I just went to the street and bought some clothes. Please help me see if they fit me."

Shangguan Lingye put his hands around the back of his neck, untied the flower carp, and casually threw the fragrant flower carp on Zuo Lingquan's face. ! !

I'm going to...

Zuo Lingquan smelled the entrancing fragrance on the tip of his nose, and felt his scalp numb, and his body moved a little. However, Lord Peach Blossom's Immortal Binding Rope was so powerful that he couldn't move at all. He could only smile awkwardly and said:

"Then what... Bao'er, I'm healing, how about..."

"Your eyes are not busy, please help me with my advice."

Shangguan Lingye took out a piece of more attractive Huajianli, slowly put it on his body, and shook it from side to side, causing ripples.

Zuo Lingquan swallowed and stopped talking.

The smile in Shangguan Lingye's eyes got even bigger. He held the pillow in his hand and leaned forward:

"Hmm~ Does it look good?"

The hollow carp was so close that Zuo Lingquan felt the pressure coming towards him.

The smooth and warm cloth is rubbed on the face, and the lotus seeds between the lotus leaves still have a three-dimensional effect. It feels really...

It costs people's lives!

"Bao'er, you..."

Shangguan Lingye's lips curled up slightly, like a goblin teasing a scholar:

"What's wrong? Doesn't it look good?"

"No, if you don't suffocate me to death, I will."

"You are recovering from your injuries, so your ventilation cannot be affected."

"I...Oh, I was wrong. How about you go and tell Sister Yingying to untie me."

"What are you doing untying it? Isn't this good?... Is it soft?"

Meanwhile, downstairs.

After Jiang Yi finished warming up, she crossed her waist and looked around the martial arts hall, muttering softly:

"This fox girl, she promised to practice with me, but where did she go..."

After waiting for a while, Ling Ye didn't come back. Jiang Yi was a little annoyed and ran upstairs.

Then from the bedroom upstairs, came:

"Hu Meizi, what are you doing?!"

"Jiang Yi, haven't you been bullied by him? Don't you take the opportunity to find some trouble?"


"You two...sigh..."

The scene is so tragic that I won’t go into details one by one...——

On the coast of the West Sea, Xiaofengdu.

Heavy snow covered the sky and the sun, and a ferry docked at the pier. The monks wearing the Yingyang Immortal Palace badge loaded the ferry with goods destined for Posu Island.

A tall woman with the same waist badge stood outside a tall building on the coast, facing the snowflakes brought by the sea breeze. She wore a white gown fluttering in the wind, overlooking the ocean, elegant and calm; This elegance adds a certain amount of heroism.

The woman's cheeks are bathed in the wind and snow, without any makeup, and her delicate and undulating contours carry a sense of beauty that is repellent to others. This sense of distance does not mean that the woman's temperament is as hard to touch as an iceberg, but that it is not stained by any smoke or dust. , which makes people feel ashamed, as if they never belonged to the mortal world and were born to be a "heavenly being" that is out of reach.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

His biological father is the heir to a wealthy Dongzhou family, his biological mother is the eldest lady of the world's number one sword sect, his grandfather is the 'Sword God', one of the ten people on the top of the mountain, and his founder is the 'Yang God', one of the ten people on the top of the mountain. The ancestor who was the Lord of the Nine Sects was even embarrassed to squeeze in and act as a background for her.

With such an origin, placed in a wealthy family on the top of the mountain, he is also a proud man who is unmatched. It can be said that since birth, he has been standing in the small circle at the top of the spiritual path, and is not in the same position as other practitioners. A world, let alone ordinary people.

Calling others by their first names has a condescending and harsh feeling, because this woman's status is too transcendent. The heroes on the mountain top who know this woman will affectionately call her by her nickname "Niuniu", while unfamiliar monks can only call her by her respectful name. 'Miss Qiu', so few people know that her real name is Qiu Youyou.

However, Miss Qiu doesn't like this name very much, because "Youyou" is taken from "leisurely, comfortable, and free", which represents her parents' yearning for her future life; but since her mother left, her future life is destined to be... This yearning runs counter to this.

Miss Qiu looked at the West Sea for a long time. From the hall behind the tall building, a mature-looking woman walked out. She was dignified and solemn. She was holding a long white sheath sword in her arms. She was Miss Qiu's follower Yunzhi.

Miss Qiu's mother left Jiuzong early, and she was brought up under the care of Yun Zhi. At first she was a nanny who took care of her daily life, then as a protector, and then as a sparring partner. After being overtaken by Miss Qiu, she became a nanny. He became a personal maid and took charge of daily life again. Although he was not a relative, he was the closest person to Miss Qiu.

Yunzhi came behind her, looked at the ferry on the coast, and said softly:

"It's still early, so go in first. Even if they don't want you to go to the Jing Terrace, they won't be able to catch you here, so there's no need to leave in a hurry."

"Wherever I want to go, as long as grandpa doesn't stop me, my dad can't stop me. I'm not worried about this, I'm just thinking about things."

"What are you thinking about? What's going on in Posuzhou?"


Miss Qiu looked back at the eastern sky:

"Think again about that junior from the Nine Sects who suddenly appeared."

"Sword Demon Zuo Ci?"

"It should be called Zuo Lingquan. I heard about it last time I went back to Jiuzong, but I didn't expect it to progress so quickly."

Xiaofengdu was too far away from the core area, and Yunzhi only heard about it from other people's chats, without understanding it in detail. When the young lady asked about this, she asked:

"Are you interested in this son?"

Miss Qiu looked indifferent: "He is just a junior who has not reached the Jade level. I have no interest. I am just curious about whose apprentice this person is. If he is the apprentice of the East Continent Valkyrie, then the East Continent Valkyrie is too unfathomable. Even the branches of martial arts His swordsmanship is so high, it’s hard to imagine how high his own strength is.”

"The Ten Immortals have all reached the end of the path to immortality. They are Wangji because there is only Wangji at the highest level in the world, not because they only have Wangji's Taoism. How strong they are, you won't understand until you reach that step. "

After Yunzhi said a few words, she added: "I mean, are you interested in that sword demon? I asked Mrs. Zhao this morning. Mrs. Zhao said that the sword demon is incredibly handsome, and his swordsmanship is even better than that of Elder Mu." Breathtaking…”

Miss Qiu should often be urged to get married, and she seemed a little helpless:

"If you fall in love with someone, I'll just help you match them up. Why don't you pull me over?"

Yunzhi sighed quietly: "I'm not urging you. You can see through the seven emotions and six desires of a person, but you can't deliberately avoid it, otherwise it will become a knot in your heart. The sooner you pass the mortal tribulation, the better it is for your practice. When your cultivation level is too high, you will Just like the Valkyrie of Dongzhou, when she is so tall that no man in Jiuzhou is worthy of her, she will never survive the calamity of the mortal world. Once she becomes emotional, her heart will be knotted. If she is not emotional, there will always be a sword hanging over her head..."

"The Valkyrie of Dongzhou has a righteous heart and never cares about the personal relationships between her children. She is still the Immortal King on the mountain top. Lord Peach Blossom is also still unmarried. From my point of view, there is no need to pursue these things deliberately. You can just let it happen."

Yunzhi agreed with this and stopped urging her to get married.

Miss Qiu looked at the coast and saw a small cargo ship slowly leaving the coast. Song Chi stood on the shore and watched. The ship was full of pill boxes. On the bow were Cheng Jiujiang and the unknown young swordsman, and there were voices. Come:

"Lao Cheng, is this your private ferry? Can this thing cross the sea?"

"Don't worry, I ran back and forth twice and it's very safe."

"As the saying goes, 'things can only come in threes'. I'm only in my early thirties and I haven't lived enough yet. If you don't want me to think about it anymore..."

Miss Qiu secretly shook her head, feeling that this little swordsman was a bit cowardly. She withdrew her gaze and asked:

"What is Master's opinion of Song Chi?"

Yunzhi showed a bit of a smile:

"Song Chi's nickname is 'Shaking God Fist'. Yesterday I asked Uncle Dongfang to help ask 'Yang Shen' for his opinion. When Yang Shen heard the name, he thought you had deliberately created a junior to make him happy. But look. After a glance, he said that if he continued to work hard for a hundred years, it would be possible to have the power to shake the gods and demons in the heavens, and he would probably become the first elder of the Iron Cu Mansion. "

"I heard from Song Chi that he was brought in by Shangguan Lingye. Why did she take advantage of everything..."

Yunzhi was a little surprised when she heard this, shook her head and smiled:

"It has been more than eighty years, and you still regard Shangguan Lingye as your opponent? She was banished to the mortal world by the Valkyrie eighty years ago and disappeared. She only recently showed up to do some sect diplomatic affairs. She and the young lady have already If you are not a person on the same level, you will lose the demeanor of a strong person if you argue with her."

Miss Qiu shook her head slightly. No one understands the horror of a person better than her opponent. She spent her childhood almost in the shadow of Shangguan Lingye. How could she look down on the person who made her just because she has some virtue? Became the mortal enemy of Wannian Lao Er.

"Shangguan Lingye can become the direct descendant of the Valkyrie. She is definitely an ordinary person, but her character is too aloof. When she smoothes her edges in the secular world and embarks on the path of spiritual practice again, she will definitely come to the mortal world as an immortal, putting her fellow monks to shame."

After Miss Qiu praised her old rival, she changed the subject and faced Feng Xue, showing a bit of pride:

"However, after eighty years, she and I are indeed no longer on the same level. It's a pity to think about it."


on the coast.

Song Chi, who was wearing a thin military uniform and still had the same gray hair, did not notice Miss Qiu watching from a distance. He stood by the river with his hands folded and watched Lao Cheng and the newly met brother Zhao go out to sea.

Cheng Jiujiang was going to be floating at sea for three months, so he pulled someone on his, it must be a good brother who was traveling with him, so he was naturally happy and hugged Zhao Wuxie's shoulders and waved goodbye.

Zhao Wuxie boarded the pirate ship and had no intention of jumping off to be a coward, but his expression was still a little helpless; after all, Lao Cheng was really unreliable, so even if he was taken on a cargo ship, the ship would be overloaded when traveling across the sea. Not only were the decks piled with boxes, but the cabins where they stayed were also filled with pills. If your guess was correct, the Linglong Pavilion was also filled with pills.

In the next three months, Zhao Wuxie would most likely have to sleep on the cargo pile. He couldn't practice at sea yet. He didn't dare to think about how he would survive these days.

Song Chi and Zhao Wuxie were not very familiar with each other. Seeing that the young man looked a little worried, he said:

"Don't worry, there are cargo ships going to and from Borneo every day. As long as they don't go in the opposite direction, if something happens and they stay at sea for two days, they can come back on another ship. It's just a loss of cargo. There are a lot of people going back and forth on ships. Yes, there are actually not many people who actually go into the sea to feed the fish.”

Zhao Wuxie smiled and asked:

"Brother Song, don't you come with us?"

Song Chi shook his head: "I promised to go to the central part of Posu Island with Miss Qiu, but we will be two days late."

Cheng Jiujiang heard this and warned:

"Run into the depths rashly, who knows what you will encounter. If you really encounter a big demon, your two fists will not be able to stop it. Let me tell you, don't go into this muddy water, just say goodbye to Miss Qiu. "Let's go together and wander around Guiliao River. You have to be self-aware to slay demons, right?"

Song Chi has been in the world of martial arts all his life, and has long lived a life without worries. Now he just wants to kill the monster, or be beaten to death by the monster. He smiled and said:

"I have my own sense of discretion. Besides, if I follow Miss Qiu, nothing big will happen."

Cheng Jiujiang knew that people had their own ambitions, and it was useless to persuade him, so he didn't say much at the moment. After waving goodbye, he took a boatload of cultivation materials and the good brothers who had walked with him on the road to Huangquan, and sailed into the long ocean again...

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