The fairy is fierce

Chapter 22: Reunion after a long separation

An autumn rain fell on the old iron chain bridge. The turbid water of Tuolong River under the bridge rushed, and the roar suppressed all the sounds between heaven and earth.

The woman with a flower hairpin and a peach blossom umbrella walked slowly across the old wooden planks of the iron chain bridge and stared at the other end of the bridge.

There are many immortal gates in Huajunzhou, but the territory is much more vast than that of Yuyaozhou. The territories of various wealthy families are not adjacent to each other like the nine sects. There are a lot of barren lands with thin spiritual energy between them, which are not suitable for the residence of the sect.

The other end of the iron chain bridge is the Huanggu Beach in the east of Huajunzhou. The nearest immortal Pofeng City is thousands of miles away, and it is usually sparsely visited.

There are white bones of birds and animals exposed in the wilderness in Huanggu Beach, but there are not many. It is called this name because the land is yellow-white, not suitable for farming and vegetation growth. There are very few people and birds and animals. The cultivators who can come here are also the lowest-level small scattered cultivators, who come here to explore treasures and dig various minerals buried underground.

The hairpin lady stood at the bridgehead for a long time, but didn't see a single hair. She couldn't help but frown.

Snap, snap~

The sound of flapping wings was heard.

The little yellow sparrow flew from the rain curtain and landed in the palm of the hairpin lady's hand, turning into a paper bird again.

After concentrating for a moment, the hairpin lady took a step forward according to the instructions. She had already arrived at the depths of the deserted bone beach, under a mountain.

Clang clang clang

The sound of iron hitting stone was endless.

The hairpin lady looked up and saw scattered buildings under the mountain. Some men in simple clothes were using tools to knock and split stones in the shacks. The stones were green vine stones, which were the favorite decoration materials of the Huajunzhou immortals.

There was an open-air quarry near the building. It was raining and no one was mining. There were many tools inside.

The young woman with the flower hairpin looked around and saw a monument at the entrance of the quarry. On it was the double-axe emblem of Pofeng City, and below it was the word "Qu". This was to announce to outsiders that the quarry belonged to the Qu family and was protected by Pofeng City.

Qingteng Stone has been replaced by artificial formation stones with more comprehensive functions, but because of its long history, it is still favored by old-school wealthy families. It is considered a kind of "old-fashioned". Few people mine it, and the price is also high. It is not surprising that it can be regarded as an industry of the immortal family.

However, Huanggutan is too remote, and it is impossible to use the immortal family ferry to transport stones. Even if there is a big river nearby, it is very troublesome to transport a large amount of stone. This small quarry is a bit useless.

The young woman with the flower hairpin did not feel the abnormal fluctuations of the world, and guessed that there might be a formation deliberately covering it up, so she carefully explored the clues among the mountains near the quarry...——

On the other side, Lanfeng River.

After coming out of Chunchao Lake, we walked downstream along the river mouth, and after leaving the three thousand miles of the sect's jurisdiction, we arrived at the mouth of Lanfeng River.

The Feng Shui treasure land near the immortal family and the wealthy family could not be left to outsiders, so the places close to the sect's border must be barren land with thin spiritual energy.

However, since Qianqiu Yuefu is in such a good location, no matter how bad the surrounding area is, it will not be too desolate. Although there are no decent immortals in the Lanfeng River area, the secular mountains and rivers are also worth stopping for.

Under the setting sun in autumn, Zuo Lingquan sat on the bow of a small boat and drifted along the river.

There are magnificent mountains on both sides of the river, and occasionally a Taoist temple or a mountain villa can be seen. There are also some old men with ospreys on the river, paddling bamboo rafts and passing by.

Xie Qiutao and Tang Jingyan were sitting at the other end fishing. Tuanzi imitated the osprey in the fisherman's hand and got into the water to help catch fish, but the round big ball of hair was difficult to dive into the water, and it looked like a duck without a neck.

Zuo Lingquan did not follow the two girls to pass the time fishing. He was holding a yellowed book in his hand and reading it carefully.

There was no handwriting on the cover of the book. "Caolu Sword Classic" was a name given by an outsider. The content inside did not pay attention to chapters and styles. It seemed to be a story told in plain language.

The reason why it was written like this was not because the old sword god was not good at writing, but the purpose of writing this book was to teach his descendants. ♦♦  ♦♦

Zuo Lingquan took a rough look. Just from the "detailed" way of narrating in the book, it can be seen that the old sword god should be an old ancestor who doted on his descendants. Every word and sentence was from the bottom of his heart. If he thought some places were profound, he would write his own notes, for fear that his descendants would not understand.

Such a book of sword practice experience that the old sword god "taught with all his heart" should be a treasure for swordsmen. It is no less important than any immortal method in the world. Qianqiu Yuefu would never give it to others.

But after Zuo Lingquan read it carefully, he understood why Qianqiu Yuefu was so happy to give him this book.

The core concept of the whole book is "The Martial Arts has no end". Every word in the book is known, but when they are put together, it is like a book of heaven.

For example, the content of the book is like what the top scholar said to ordinary people:

"You should study hard for ten years to take the exam for Tongsheng, then take the exam for Xiucai, and then take the exam for Juren. When you pass the exam, you will be the top scholar."

The process is clear and the meaning is simple and easy to understand, but what's the use of knowing it?

Without rich experience accumulation and personal understanding, you don't know which leg to take first when the road is in front of you, let alone reach the top.

Zuo Lingquan read it back and forth for several days. With his understanding of Kendo, he can understand what the old sword god wrote in the early and middle stages through his own experience. When he reached the later stage, he was still confused.

However, this book is not useless. Through the experience of the old sword god's handwriting, Zuo Lingquan at least understands the various possibilities of seeking breakthroughs in the future. He can't copy it, but it is not impossible to understand it and turn it into his own understanding.

The boat drifted with the current, and the number of people on the river bank gradually became fewer and fewer. The sun also set on the top of the mountain, and the sky became dark.

Zuo Lingquan held the scroll in his hand and was looking at it in trance when a gust of fragrant wind suddenly hit his ears, and the soft hair gently brushed his cheek.

Zuo Lingquan thought Jingxun was anxious and wanted to 'cultivate at sunset'. With a smile on his lips, he raised his hand and touched:

"Wait a moment, sir, finish reading this page."

It's snowy and greasy, and the skin texture is excellent, but it's not as soft and warm as Jingxun, but cool, like smooth nephrite. ?

Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment. It didn't feel like tranquility. He turned his head and saw Ling Ye, who was wearing a gorgeous dress, standing behind him at some point. He was leaning forward with his hands on his knees. Her cheeks were cold and she stared at him with a pair of condescending eyes.

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were full of surprise. Before he could say hello, he heard a voice:


The sound is crisp and loud, with full texture and amazing elasticity.

Shangguan Lingye took a breath of pain, stood up suddenly, and looked behind him angrily.

Tang Jingxuan stood behind him with his hands raised, his face a bit dissatisfied, and said:

"You didn't even say hello when you came. You came up with your butt pointed at us. Do you know the etiquette?"

At the other end of the boat, Xie Qiutao saw Shangguan Lingye. He wanted to say hello, but when he heard a loud spanking, he quickly shut up and watched while holding back his laughter.

The dumplings floating in the river jumped up with a "crash" and rushed into Shangguan Lingye's arms: "chirp, chirp, chirp", their wings flapped randomly and splashed water droplets on the faces of the three of them.

Shangguan Lingye's eyes were very angry. He held the dumpling with one hand and wanted to spank Jingxun with his backhand:

"You bitch, you are really..."

How could Zuo Lingquan let the two daughters-in-law fight? He quickly stood up, hugged Lingye, and rubbed the painful area with his hands:

"Okay, okay, it doesn't hurt. I'll help you take care of her..."? ?

Shangguan Lingye was embarrassed to be taken advantage of by Zuo Lingquan in front of Xie Qiutao, so he quickly twisted his waist to avoid it:

"Be honest with me, I haven't settled the score with you yet."

Tang Jingxun stepped forward and turned his elbows outward, preparing to coax the nanny to bring the dumplings back:

"You still dare to be cruel? Have you forgotten the last time you called me 'good brother' pitifully? If you continue to be cruel, your butt will burst again later..."

These words were really hot, and she didn't treat Taotao as an outsider at all.

With Qiu Tao in front of him, Zuo Lingquan, a man, couldn't follow in a pornographic tone. He stood between the two of them and said:

"Okay, we'll talk about these things later. Where are the princesses and the others?"

Look around.

Shangguan Lingye really wanted to be alone, but Jiang Yi was almost jealous. If she dared to play like this again, she would never be the boss in the future. She tilted her head to indicate downstream:

"They are waiting in front of Elm Bay. You can go there first."

Zuo Lingquan looked downstream and saw no sign of the boat:

"Don't you want to go there together?"

Shangguan Lingye has already been sweet once... No, he must have been punished once, and he has not recovered yet. He neither wants to disturb Jiang Yi and Qingwan nor let Zuo Lingquan touch him again, so he responded:

"You have a good idea. I will have a good chat with Jingxun tonight, and we will settle our accounts with you tomorrow."

It's not like they just left after meeting each other, Zuo Lingquan didn't say much, just nodded and smiled before getting ready to go.

But Lingye raised his hand again and stopped him:


Zuo Lingquan paused, looking slightly confused.

Shangguan Lingye's face darkened slightly, and he gestured to the "Thatched Cottage Sword Sutra" in Zuo Lingquan's hand:

"Have you finished this book?"

"Oh, not yet. Actually, I haven't written anything useful. Do you want to read it?"

"I don't want to see it."

Shangguan Lingye thought about the words for a while: "However, this book was written by my grandfather who was a defeated general. I heard Mrs. Xue said that she wanted to go back..."

Zuo Lingquan thought about it for a while and understood that his wife was afraid that he would use it to present the treasure to Miss Qiu for credit.

Zuo Lingquan was not interested in Miss Qiu at all, how could he repay this thought? He handed the book to Lingye:

"Oh, it's just a book. Why don't you take it? When you meet an old friend in the future, if you want to return it to the original owner, then return it to the original owner. If you don't, just keep it as a collection and I'll pay you back the interest."


Shangguan Lingye wanted to confiscate this book that might become a 'token of love', but she just saw Zuo Lingquan looking at it intently.

After all, "The Sword Classic of Caolu" is written by the old sword god. Shangguan Lingye does not know the way of swordsmanship, so it will be of no use at all, but it will definitely be beneficial to Zuo Lingquan. If it is confiscated, it would be a bit arrogant.

Shangguan Lingye hesitated for a moment and put down his hand that was blocking the way:

"Just take it and give it to me when you think about it thoroughly."

Think it over...

By the time I finish reading this book, I will probably rank among the Ten Immortals...

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and smiled, then put the "Thatched Cottage Sword Scripture" into Linglong Pavilion:

"Then I'll go over first, and you guys should come over early after renewing your friendship."

Tuanzi sensed the smell of gunpowder between the two mothers and felt that Taotao couldn't protect him. He also wanted to run away with Zuo Lingquan, but was caught by Jingxun:

"What did you do with me? You didn't even blink."


Soon, Zuo Lingquan's figure disappeared above the river.

Shangguan Lingye regained his graceful aura, threw the dumplings into Xie Qiutao's hands, and looked at Jingxun:

"Jingxun, have you ever heard of the saying, 'Good deeds and evil deeds will eventually be rewarded'?"

Shangguan Lingye was incited and persecuted by Jing Xun last time, and suffered a serious crime for the second time. He said this naturally because he wanted to punish Jing Xun and let her understand who is in charge of the family.

Tang Jingxuan faced Shangguan Lingye alone, and he was not weak at all, and even shrugged slightly:

"I've heard that you used to be so arrogant, but now that you've married into the Zuo family, you can repay your debt by being a little wronged."


Shangguan Lingye took a gentle breath, folded his hands on his waist, revealed the jade bracelet that symbolized the status of 'daughter-in-law', and tilted his head to gesture to the river bank:

"Go for a walk?"

Tang Jingxuan smiled and nodded, then followed Shangguan Lingye across the waves to the small woods by the river.

Xie Qiutao held the fishing rod and watched the two eldest sisters leave in a heated manner. She was very interested and wanted to follow them secretly to watch the two arm wrestling.

But he was too cowardly to be a dumpling, so he didn't dare to run to see the excitement. He squatted in Xie Qiutao's arms and pressed her hand with his wings:

"Chi chi chi..."

It seemed like he was saying: "Don't go there, the wet nurse is arrogant, and she will be cleaned up by the mother. If a bird sees it, she won't be able to eat dried fish in the future..."

The moon is cold, the autumn bamboos are cold, and the wind cuts through the windows at night.

A small painted boat was moored outside a courtyard in a river bend. Two lanterns were hung at the entrance of the courtyard, swaying gently in the autumn wind.

The courtyard was originally a summer retreat for the nearby secular gentry. After the cool autumn, only two servants were left to guard it. It was rented today as a place to stay during the journey.

The moon had just risen over the distant mountains. Wu Qingwan was wearing a long aqua dress, standing at the window of the wing surrounded by green bamboo, looking at the moonlight on the horizon.

Once on the stone cliff of Qihuang Valley, I watched the moon rise and set like this every day.

However, at this moment, when I was moved by the scene, I could not help but think of those unforgettable days and nights in the bamboo forest of Qihuang Valley.

To this day, Wu Qingwan has not figured out why Ling Quan gave her, the teacher, such a saucy 'Flower Carp' on that moonlit night.

The dress was ripped from the inside out, so it was too far-fetched to explain it with a whole set. Wu Qingwan thought about it, Ling Quan had already had evil thoughts about her at that time. After all, unless a normal person has a brain twitch, how could he do such ridiculous things...

But why did I accept it then and secretly tried it before returning it...

Wu Qingwan blinked her Qiushui eyes, feeling that the reason why the two of them were able to reach this point may be because one slap could not make a difference.

Thinking of the same moonlit night, I dressed up and ran to the hut where the disciples lived in the bamboo forest. I pushed Ling Quan down gently and took away their first time. I didn't know why, but I was still a little happy.

Fortunately, the killing was decisive at that time. If he had hesitated at that time, I don't know who is the elder in the family now.

Now, no matter how many younger sisters there are, she is still the first woman in Lingquan. Who dares to compare with her in terms of qualifications...


There was a faint sigh.

No matter how much you think about these things, they are just self-comfort when you can't see your sweetheart.

Wu Qingwan looked outside the wall of the other courtyard, feeling that there was a high probability that she would have to get through it alone tonight.

With Lingye Hu Meizi's domineering attitude, she must have eaten all the food before it was her and Jiang Yi's turn to come to the table.

She was not that high-minded, and she didn't know where Ling Quan was now. She had no chance to settle the score, and she felt a little aggrieved.

It seems that the barking tail needs to speed up its progress...

Wu Qingwan pursed her lips and groped around in Linglong Pavilion, trying to take out the semi-finished product and continue to 'refining' it.

But it was also at this moment that the bulging skirt of his clothes felt lightly and was dragged and knocked over.


Wu Qingwan has strong capital. When she stands upright, she can't see the embroidered shoes or the hands under her clothes when she lowers her head, but through the familiar touch, she knows who is behind them.


Wu Qingwan's face darkened, like an offended teacher, and she scolded him.

Zuo Lingquan stood behind him, with his hands around Qingwan's side, weighing whether Qingwan was thin or not. He heard the sound and said with a smile:

"Wanwan, why are you dazed? Are you thinking of me?"

Wu Qingwan wanted to go back to her thoughts, but there was no reason to act coquettishly and let a man know. She twisted her shoulders and pushed Zuo Lingquan:

"Why are you here? Have you finished serving the concubine?"

Seeing that Qingwan was not very happy, Zuo Lingquan naturally stopped moving. He hugged her waist from behind and carried her to the round table in the room to sit down. He stood behind and squeezed her shoulders:

"No, I heard that you came here as soon as you arrived."

Wu Qingwan didn't believe it at all: "Lingye hasn't enjoyed enough, can he let you go?"

"Lingye is angry now. Last time she..."

Zuo Lingquan leaned close to Qingwan's ear and whispered to Qingwan some things that could not be explained clearly.


Wu Qingwan's eyes lit up when she heard the sound, she turned around and said happily: "She also..."

At this point, Wu Qingwan felt something was wrong. How could I act like I had found someone with the same ideals? Why are you so happy about something that is not on the table?

Therefore, Wu Qingwan's soft and elegant cheeks that had just shown a hint of joy turned into displeasure again:

"Ling Quan, you are getting more and more excessive. Are you still complacent about bullying women in such disgraceful ways? I was bullied by you because I promised you. There is nothing I can do about it. Lingye is such a delicate person. He comes from a wealthy family and has an arrogant personality. How can I Can you accept this kind of thing? Why don’t you think about the woman’s feelings before doing anything wrong?”

When Zuo Lingquan saw Qing Wan Zheng'er's eight lessons, he laughed in his heart, but he definitely didn't dare to laugh out loud. He nodded slightly:

"This is also to punish Lingye for letting her eat alone behind your back."

Wu Qingwan was very satisfied with the answer and turned her cheek back:

"She has never had the awareness of being a daughter-in-law. As a husband, you should punish her. You can't take this kind of thing as fun. I... we don't like it at all."

"Yeah, I understand."

"By the way, you performed very well in Qianqiu Music House a few days ago. I always reward and punish in moderation. Well... you should be rewarded."

Zuo Lingquan was stunned, and smiled knowingly:

"Senior Wu is wise. What surprise are you going to give me this time?"

As he said, he lifted the collar to see if she was wearing something sultry or sultry under the skirt.

Wu Qingwan quickly closed the collar, glared at Zuo Lingquan slightly, hesitated slightly, and wanted to take out the prepared 'red rope' from Linglong Pavilion, but thought it was wrong...

Did you forget something...

By the way, where is Jiang Yi? !

Wu Qingwan didn't dare to play so wildly when she was with Jiang Yi, so she quickly hid the red string and said dissatisfiedly:

"Jiang Yi was waiting for you by the river, didn't you see it when you came over?"

Zuo Lingquan was too anxious to come over just now, and rushed directly into the other courtyard, not paying much attention to the river. Hearing this, he raised his head:

"Really? I saw no one in the yard, and I thought she and Leng Zhu went to the town for a stroll."

"I haven't seen you for so long, how can she be in the mood to hang out, hurry over, wait for her to come back, if she sees me and you... I will be stabbed in the back by Jiang Yi."

"Oh, okay."

"Go ahead, go, later... um... there is a big pond over there..."

"Mandarin ducks playing in the water?"

Wu Qingwan glared slightly.

Zuo Lingquan quickly jumped out of the window.



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