The fairy is fierce

Chapter 4 Does it look good?

Warm yellow lights shone in the corners of the room, and the man in black robe sat on the futon, looking up.

The plump woman like a white stripe stood in front of the man, her round and round figure was clearly visible, and her waist and hips were only a few feet away from the man's cheek.

The charming scene would probably make anyone who saw it have their heart beat a little faster and start thinking about it, but the atmosphere between the two of them was extremely weird.

Zuo Lingquan didn't really want to offend the Shangguan ancestor, but the distance was so close that he couldn't look anywhere right and didn't know where to put his eyes.

The Shangguan Patriarch lowered his head and saw the hollow fabric on his body. His calm eyes visibly widened a little. He instinctively crossed his chest with one hand and covered his legs with the other, but immediately looked out the window again.

Zuo Lingquan also noticed a terrifying aura emerging outside the window. Even the formation could not isolate it. It was so tyrannical that it was suffocating, yet a little familiar.

Zuo Lingquan quickly came to his senses, with a look of shock in his eyes. He stood up and protected the Shangguan Ancestor behind him, sensing the situation outside the window with his spiritual consciousness.


A low roar sounded from the depths of the ocean floor, overwhelming the noise of the storm on the surface.

Thousands of monks on Turtle Island stood frozen in various places with expressionless faces. Half of them retreated with a dragon roar, and the remaining half sat directly on the ground.

Zuo Lingquan felt the natal water in his body was stirring, and he couldn't suppress it at all, and he couldn't help but feel terrified.

But in a moment, a wave of water rose up on the sea two miles away, and then two dragon horns poked out, like two mountain peaks rising from the sea.

Then the dragon head was so big that ordinary people could hardly imagine it. The head and eyes emitting blue light emerged from the sea. It looked like a huge island floating on the sea directly in front. There were two pupils on the island like Nine Nether Thunder Ponds. It makes people afraid to look at it.


The green dragon just stretched its neck out from the sea, and the dragon's horns felt like they were touching the dark clouds. The two dragon whiskers were more than ten feet thick, and waterfall-like water splashed along the dragon's scales into the sea, making an earth-shattering roar.

The green dragon's head almost blocks the entire field of vision in front of it. The pressure of blocking out the sky and the sun is enough to make all living beings tremble with fear. The dragon lowers his head and looks at Turtle Island. Although it is two miles away, it looks like it is looking at a small leaf beside its mouth. , and the even larger dragon body is still hidden under the sea surface. Sometimes you can see a section of the dragon body floating out of the sea very far away, and you can't tell how long it is.

The dragon sees its head but not its tail, which is probably what it means.

Through the tiny gap between the windows, Zuo Lingquan saw a dragon head that was larger than Turtle Island. Although there was a huge difference in size, he still recognized the Dragon King from the face of the blue dragon, who he had met once before.

"Why did it become so big? Is it too late to send Tuanzi back now?"

Ancestor Shangguan was not surprised by this scene. The body shape of the incarnation of the gods is not fixed, but there is a pattern. When they appear in front of living beings, they will not be smaller than the opponent. Normally, they are of a size that can swallow the opponent in one bite so that the living creatures can see clearly. Appearance, without losing the absolute oppressive power of heaven that cannot be violated, Tuotian Wangba is too big, so the Dragon King in the sea shows such a terrifying figure.

However, the gods generally do not interfere in everything. As long as they do not shake the foundation of the world and suffer divine punishment, the gods will not harm all living things. At this time, looking down from a high position, they are definitely looking for disobedient dumplings.

Facing the guardian deity of heaven and earth, Shangguan Ancestor couldn't break through even if he came in person. He looked at the next door:

"Tuanzi, go back."


Tuanzi, who was huddled in bed and pretending to be dead, was very reluctant, but had no choice but to jump to the window sill next door in despair, and whispered "chichichichi..." to the sky.


A low dragon roar shook the sky, and the vast dragon power caused the entire Turtle Island to shake, and the Tuotian Bastard below was trembling.

Tuanzi quickly closed his mouth and reluctantly walked back along the window sill at an extremely slow speed.

The green dragon that surfaced from the sea was not in a hurry, but strictly monitored with a pair of giant eyes, waiting for Tuanzi to return to the range of Yuyaozhou.

For those in the know, this scene is not sinister, and is even a bit funny.

But the people on Turtle Island don’t know that!

Thousands of monks on Turtle Island saw this giant deep-sea dragon of unknown origin, with its head glaring angrily, as if it could swallow up Turtle Island at any time. Some people gradually couldn't bear the pressure.

A moment later, a figure flew out from the silent corridor around the island. Huang Ji, the owner of Turtle Island, was too late to stop him.

The figure was as fast as thunder, and in the blink of an eye he dodges for several miles, instead of escaping to the rear land, he went to the side.

Zuo Lingquan looked carefully and unexpectedly discovered that the man was Wu Laodao whom he met at the port. After running to the side, he turned around and made a seal, and shouted like a thunder:


Under the attention of countless people, a nine-story tower tens of feet high fell from the clouds and hit the tip of the blue dragon's nose. From a distance, it looked like a small hat was put on the dragon's nose. ! !

I'm going to...

Zuo Lingquan was horrified. Firstly, he was shocked by Wu Laodao's advanced cultivation. It was really powerful to cast Dragon Prison Formation at such a long distance and on such a scale. Secondly, he was shocked by Wu Laodao's lack of fear of death. With this skill, he dared to If you can suppress such a big dragon, it's damn good if you can suppress it. Isn't this exciting?

As expected, the green dragon was hit on the nose by the Dragon Prison Formation. There was no difference at all, except that his pupils moved slightly and he looked at the tower on the tip of his nose.

After the fight, Wu Laodao turned around and ran away, heading overseas.

Seeing this, the monks on Turtle Island understood that Wu Laodao was risking his life to lure the tiger away from the mountain, hoping to wait for the blue dragon's attention to be distracted and wait for an opportunity to escape.

But it is a pity that the Lord of the East China Sea is a god born from heaven and earth. He has no emotions of living beings, and his behavior cannot be inferred from the behavior of living beings.

The green dragon is the incarnation of the East China Sea. To the gods, Wu Laodao's behavior is no different from an ordinary person hitting the ground with his fist and cursing God. As long as he does not destroy the foundation of heaven and earth or steal the power of heaven and earth, the Lord of the Four Directions will not pay attention at all. To this little movement.

Wu Laodao casually poured out all the magical powers he had learned. In the eyes of the Lord of the East China Sea, he was just a two-legged insect on land, jumping around on his body. He paid no attention to it and continued to stare at the little insect that belonged to the same plane as it. Dumplings.

Wu Laodao was naturally a little confused. Looking back at Jiaolong, he didn't know how to save a boatload of people.

When the monks on the boat saw this scene, they didn't understand the purpose of this dragon in the sea, and they all felt desperate that "my life is at stake."

At this moment, the expression of Shangguan Ancestor, who was being protected by Zuo Lingquan, suddenly condensed, and then his eyes began to change, showing a sign of struggle.

Zuo Lingquan noticed something strange, turned around to check, and found that the aura of the woman behind him first changed back to Tang Jingxun, and then emitted a strange aura in an instant. The aura did not seem to belong to a living creature, but contained a pure divine power. .

Tang Jingxun's cheeks became lifeless, like a god in the sky, standing taller than the Shangguan Ancestor, his pupils turned golden red, and he lightly opened his lips and said:


The words were calm and emotionless, even a little jerky.

But the sound resounded throughout the entire sea, as if the gods in the sky were whispering to the mortal world.

All the monks on Turtle Island stared at the blue dragon, and suddenly there was a low moan behind them. Their eyes were horrified, but what was even more incredible was yet to come.

I saw the sky-high giant dragon blocking the road. I was a little confused when I heard the voice. I looked up to the sky and let out a "buzz" dragon roar. It sounded a little dissatisfied, but I still plunged into the sea.


The huge body entered the sea, causing a circular tsunami to press towards the surrounding area.

After the huge waves passed, the dragon that covered the sky and the sun disappeared without a trace, and even the violent storm calmed down.


The monks on Turtle Island, regardless of their level of realm, all had expressions of disbelief. They stared blankly at the sea for a long time before looking back at the pavilion in the middle of Turtle Island.

There was silence in several pavilions. The window on the second floor was closed, and no one could be seen. Everyone looked at each other with one intention in mind. With one word, he drove away the giant dragon. What kind of immortal is this?

Huang Ji, the protagonist of Turtle Island, has already entered the middle stage of the Jade Stage, but the scene just now still refreshed his understanding of the strong. He did not dare to look at it rashly. After a moment of hesitation, he stood far away on the edge of Turtle Island and bowed his hands. :

"Junior Qianxingdao Huang Ji, I would like to thank my senior for helping me. Do you know your senior's title? I will go back and report what happened today to my master. My master will definitely remember my senior as a great favor."

In the room, Old Ancestor Shangguan has regained control of his body.

After hearing this, Patriarch Shangguan wanted to make Patriarch Minghe, the overlord of Nanyu Island, owe her a favor, but just now Tuanzi was running around, Lord Lingguang spoke, and the old Dragon King left after seeing that Tuanzi was under the care of a guardian. It has nothing to do with her or anyone else on the ship.

The Shangguan Patriarch did not want to take the credit against his will, so he did not respond and gave Zuo Lingquan a wink.

Zuo Lingquan understood the meaning, thought about it for a while, and spoke in a mature tone in the room:

"It's a small effort, nothing worth mentioning, you don't need to keep it in mind."

The clear voice spreads throughout Turtle Island.

Everyone looked surprised. They did not expect that this worldly master not only possessed Taoism and the gods, but also did good deeds without leaving any name, even without the favor of the ancestor of Styx.

How can such a big scene be so easy? !

Huang Ji's face became more and more respectful, feeling that this master's moral character might be beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

The other party did not reveal his identity, and Huang Ji couldn't guess which mountain immortal it was, so he could only give a respectful salute:

"The junior is impressed by the integrity of the seniors. If there is an opportunity in the future, I hope that the seniors will come to Qianxing Lake as a guest and give Qianxing Island a chance to say thank you in person."

"If I have time, I will pay you a visit. Let's all disperse and continue sailing."


Huang Ji quickly handed over his hand.

Huang Ji didn't dare to say anything. The other monks didn't dare to say a word and quickly returned to their respective positions.

Among all the people, only Wu Laodao, who was still floating on the sea in a daze, looked at the guest room in disbelief, secretly wondering which immortal king "Zuo Ci" was the pseudonym...——

The storm stopped, and the people on Turtle Island returned to their homes, but there was still silence.

Ancestor Shangguan secretly reviewed the situation just now and said softly:

"Lord Lingguang must want Tuanzi to stay by Jingxun's side until he grows up. The Lord of the Four Directions is immortal, and there has not been another divine envoy to watch over the Lord of the Four Directions as he grows up in the past ten thousand years. The specific situation is that I am I don’t know the precedent. However, gods will not interfere in mortal affairs. You can just practice quietly. There is no need to worry about this, and there is no need to expect Lord Lingguang to save your life in times of crisis..."


While he was talking, the door of the room was pushed open, and Xie Qiutao, who was staying in the outer room, rushed in anxiously:

"Sister Jingxun, you are so powerful, that big... big... big..."

As soon as Xie Qiutao opened the door, her round face full of excitement was stunned. There were white flowers in front of her eyes, all of which were things that the little girl could not see.

Tuanzi also poked his head out from the corner of the door:


Ancestor Shangguan also rarely saw the Dragon King of the East Sea. He was just on guard against accidents and didn't think about anything else. At this moment, he remembered something and reacted very quickly, and flashed behind Zuo Lingquan.

Zuo Lingquan had already turned around, and seeing this, he hurriedly hugged the beauty beside him and used his sleeves to help cover his spring light.


Xie Qiutao reacted, her face flushed, and she hurriedly retreated.

But maybe she saw something incredible, and couldn't help but look at the unique clothes on Jingxuan's body, and then closed the door from the outside:

"I didn't see anything... Hey~ Tsk tsk tsk..."


The door was closed, and the room became quiet.

Zuo Lingquan was holding the beauty in his arms. When he heard Xie Qiutao's strange muttering, his old face turned red and he looked into his arms:

The lights were dim, and the plump and snowy body exuded a soft luster. The black rope was hung around her neck. In front of her was a hollow black gauze fabric, wrapped with two soft balls. Except for the scenery on the top of the snowy peak, the rest of the snow scenery was faintly visible.

There was a thin sling around her waist, hooked with black stockings wrapped around her legs. The small black fabric perfectly covered the key place, and there was a small crescent moon that was tightly fitted. Through the semi-hollow pattern, it seemed that you could see it, but you couldn't see anything.

The enchanting and charming temptation emanated from head to toe. The eyes that were not angry and awe-inspiring, coupled with the quiet, mature and gentle face, had a very strong sense of contrast, making people not know where to look first for a while.

So Zuo Lingquan's eyes wandered from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top...


Ancestor Shangguan narrowed his eyes slightly and noticed the wandering of Zuo Lingquan's eyes. He was not as embarrassed as his little daughter, but raised his eyelids and asked in a deep voice:

"Does it look good?"

"Good... cough..."

Zuo Lingquan woke up instantly, looked up at the sky, and acted serious. His hands also loosened from his waist and back:

"Hehe, it was a bit sudden just now, senior, don't take it seriously..."

Ancestor Shangguan hooked his fingers lightly, put on a skirt, and looked at Zuo Lingquan seriously:

"You and Tang Jingxuan and her husband are married, and I have no right to interfere with the affairs of the boudoir, but I still want to remind you. People who practice cultivation must restrain their desires and pay attention to etiquette in everything. It’s better to wear something as flashy as socks than not to wear them, but underwear is a thing to cover up your shame. You guys are making it like this, isn’t it putting the cart before the horse and violating the original purpose of clothes? "

Zuo Lingquan couldn’t explain the wonderful use of sexy clothes, and nodded slightly:

"The senior taught me that."

Shangguan Laozu was mentally prepared when she came over, but the strange little clothes on her body still opened her eyes, and she felt uncomfortable wearing a skirt.

There was nothing to do now, and Shangguan Laozu didn’t want to stay here awkwardly, and golden light appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan suddenly raised his hand:

"Wait a minute, senior."

Ancestor Shangguan paused, frowned and said:

"Anything else?"

Since Zuo Lingquan was given a sword by the ancestor at the end of the year, he has not communicated with the ancestor privately. He really wanted to chat, but he didn't know what to say when he stopped the ancestor.

"It's just that I haven't seen you for a long time. I want to chat with you."


This might be the first time that Elder Shangguan met someone who communicated with her in this way. She was silent for a while, summoned a cushion, sat upright in front of Zuo Lingquan, and put on the posture of an immortal discussing Taoism:

"What do you want to talk about?"

Zuo Lingquan didn't know what he wanted to talk about. He sat down opposite him and made small talk:

"Last time at the end of the year, I didn't accompany you well, and I always felt indebted. You are like a dragon that can't be seen from head to tail. It's hard to see your true form. I don't know when I will meet you next time..."

Eldest Ancestor Shangguan straightened his back and listened carefully. He felt that the words between the lines revealed two words: you deserve a beating!

"You really don't learn from your mistakes?"

"No, I really have no bad intentions towards you, but I treat you as my family, but I don't even have the chance to visit you for a casual gathering, which makes me feel bad. This trip will be as short as a year, or as long as three to five years. I'm afraid you rarely come here. There are few people in the secular world, and the relationship will fade over time. Even if a cultivator has a long lifespan, the length of a day is no different from that of an ordinary person..."

This time, the Shangguan Patriarch understood the meaning and didn't meet him, fearing that the relationship would fade over time.

The Shangguan Patriarch was silent for a while, and said calmly:

"The path of cultivation is like this. One day, even the things you cherish will be lost. I have seen too many people grow old, get sick, and die. There are many people I respect and don't want to let go of, but they are all dead, leaving me alone in the world. I value you now, and you are attached to me. It is normal to worry that the feelings will fade; but if you don't work hard to move forward, what you should worry about is not the thickness of our relationship, but that one day you and I will be separated by life and death.

"A thousand years later, I may still be in the palace on the mountain, but you, Lingye, and even all the people I know now, have turned into dry bones on the barren mountain. All I can do is burn some paper money for you in front of the tombstone. Even if the relationship is still there at that time, what is the meaning? "

Zuo Lingquan opened his mouth, speechless.

Shangguan Laozu probably felt that these great principles of cultivation were dry and impersonal, and quite boring, so he added:

"If you want to make friends and visit me often, you must have the ability to come at any time. Do you expect your mother-in-law to visit you every now and then? Are you worthy of it?"

Although the tone was still serious, it was a little teasing, which warmed Zuo Lingquan's heart and smiled:

"Junior understands."



While they were talking, under the futon the two of them were sitting on, the complex lines of formations shimmered slightly, and a surge of spiritual energy appeared in the room; on the white screen standing not far away, a lifelike painting of mountains and rivers also appeared.

At this scene, Huang Ji, the owner of the ferry, wanted to thank the unknown immortal in the room, but it was not easy to come and disturb him rashly, so he silently activated all the services in the room to prevent the immortal in the room from thinking that the ferry was not on track.

Ancestor Shangguan glanced around, pondered for a moment, then lowered his head and looked at the clothes on his body:

"If you have something important to do in the future, you can ask me for advice. If it is convenient for me, I can come here in just a moment. But I want to warn you, next time you come here, if you don't wear such messy things in peace, I will let you wear it and hang it up. Showing off to others in Thunder Bluff! Others may say this to scare people, but you should already know my character. Whatever I can say, I can definitely do it."

Zuo Lingquan's expression slightly condensed, he didn't dare to think about that eye-catching scene:

"Today was an accident. How could I deliberately use Jing Xun's body to offend senior? This is not only disrespectful to senior, but also disrespectful to Jing Xun."

"It's good that you understand. In the event of an accident, you must obey the authority. When have I ever cared about you? Also, I will not interfere in the affairs of husband and wife. But if you go out and indulge without choosing a time or a place, Sooner or later, you will die on a woman’s belly, so be careful in the future.”


After Shangguan Patriarch finished chatting, he had nothing more to say, his eyes flashed with golden light, and he said one last sentence before leaving:

"You guys wait half a quarter of an hour before continuing."

Zuo Lingquan felt that his ancestor was very considerate, but difficult to react. It was not until Jingxun took back control of his body that he raised the corner of his mouth and smiled——

The room was silent.

After Tang Jingxun took back control of her body, her expression turned into a confused one, with a little fear in her eyes. She looked out the window and said:

"It's such a big dragon. It scared me to death just now. Fortunately, the big phoenix came out..."

"It's okay. As long as Tuanzi is by your side, he should be able to run around in the future."

Tang Jingxuan pursed her lips and vomited several times before suppressing the waves in her heart. She couldn't understand these messy things, so she stopped thinking about them. She looked at the clothes on her body and raised her hands to untie her skirt:

"This woman left immediately, and she didn't bother to put on her clothes. You were looking at me, not her."

Zuo Lingquan briefly imagined the scene of his ancestor wearing hollow clothes, sitting and discussing Taoism with him, and he quickly stopped his thoughts to prevent his ancestor from finding out and killing him.

Zuo Lingquan's restlessness just now was somewhat dissipated by the episode. He was not in a hurry now. He pulled Jingxun to him and said softly:

"Let's chat for a while. It really pisses off the ancestor. We will probably have to stare at each other in the room for a few months."

Tang Jingxun was naturally not in a hurry, leaned into Zuo Lingquan's arms, nodded and said:

"Oh~ Okay, okay, for the sake of my mother-in-law's understanding, I won't bother her. Speaking of which, the roar I just made was so domineering, it shocked my mother-in-law. If I can continue to be so powerful, my mother-in-law will probably have to Just call me sister..."

"That's Suzaku. If a person can be so powerful, this world will not be able to contain him... By the way, Xu'er, actually I think you should have a closer relationship with the Supervisor God."


"The Supervisor God is a white tiger, you..."

Tang Jingxuan was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing. His eyes were embarrassed and he pinched Zuo Lingquan's face:

"Hey, a hairless phoenix is ​​not a phoenix? According to what you said, Lingye is still related to Qinglong."

"Huh? Do you have an explanation?"

"There's a lot of water, isn't it?"? ?

Zuo Lingquan was greatly shocked!

Although the five elements of the gods were wrong, Xun Xun's insight was really meticulous, and his ability to draw inferences from one instance to other cases was even more impressive. He is so sophisticated now, how can he be so cool in the future...

"Xuanwu controls water, Qinglong controls wood, and the one related to Qinglong should be Qingwan. She is really energetic."

"When I saw the dragon coming out of the water, I thought Longdu was the same as Lingye..."

"Girls are all made of water. There is not much difference. It's just that Lingye is a good person and has a strong body. My husband used two extra powers."

"Really? If you are a mother-in-law, can you use your full strength?"


I will be exhausted...

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