The fairy is fierce

Chapter 19: Killing Intentions (One more chapter)

To be precise, it was jealousy.

Lin Zifeng carried his sword Zidian and walked across the shaking earth, thinking about the black dragon he saw in Huojian Valley. He had not yet recovered and even forgot the pain on his body.

Born as a casual cultivator, he had traveled in the mountains for more than 400 years and was once one of the ten sword emperors. This achievement alone was enough to prove how amazing Lin Zifeng was.

But God is always fair and will not favor one person from beginning to end. He will always put an insurmountable chasm in front of you when you are not paying attention, so that you are only one step away from the top of the mountain, you can see it, but you will never reach it in your lifetime.

For Lin Zifeng, this chasm is "Sword One".

He was almost at the top of Zhongzhou, and he only needed a "Sword One" to prove his swordsmanship in this life and become one of the strongest beings in Zhongzhou; but for some reason, he searched and thought hard, but he could not touch the threshold of his strongest sword.

Lin Zifeng thought about it and felt that he was burdened with the chivalry of good and evil when he drew his sword.

He was once a famous hero in Zhongzhou, with countless friends and admirers. When he drew his sword, he would always think about whether this sword would tarnish his chivalrous reputation, rather than thinking about the sword itself.

After the epiphany, he "reformed himself" and no longer had any distractions when he drew his sword. He no longer considered any moral constraints of good and evil, and put all his thoughts on the sword.

But unfortunately, he lost all his honors at the cost of not realizing the strongest sword.

In Lin Zifeng's view, "Sword One" is the most difficult thing to comprehend in the world. After all, even people like Lu Jianchen, who have better qualifications and stronger opportunities, have not realized it.

But the two black dragons seen in Huojian Valley are obviously "Sword One", and they are two styles of "Sword One" that were launched together.

In the sword intent, there is Zuo Lingquan's own iconic "sharp edge, indestructible", but it also has a bit of the charm of Yunshui Sword Pond's "continuous tide". Any swordsman who sees the two swords will probably be amazed at first sight.

Lin Zifeng has been traveling in Jiuzhou for many years and has seen "Jian Yi" several times. Some sword cultivators speculate that there may be swordsmanship that attempts to break through "Jian Yi", because those great sword immortals who know Jian Yi can't just sit at home and retire. If they know Jian Yi, they will definitely continue to think about it.

But "Jian Yi" is already the strongest sword skill that can kill with one strike. Even if those great sword immortals who are elusive have really understood it, they will hide it as a trump card. There is no need to show it, and no one has seen it; I am afraid that only cultivators like Zuo Lingquan who have reached the sword intent and whose realm is lagging behind will take it out to show outsiders what "the martial arts have no end" means.

Lin Zifeng hadn't even figured out the 'Sword One'. Seeing this sword technique that tried to break through the Sword One, he was puzzled and all that was left was jealousy.

He finally understood why the Youying aliens arranged for him, a Jade-level swordsman, to kill a junior who had just entered the Youhuang realm.

Let alone the opportunity of this boy, just this sword technique has already stood at the top of the swordsmanship. No matter which realm he enters, he is the strongest in that realm, almost without exception. If he is allowed to enter the Jade rank or higher, the only one who can compete with him in the Youying aliens is probably the North Territory Demon King who is known as the 'Strongest Swordsman of the Demon Clan'.

The reason why Lin Zifeng joined the Youying aliens was because he was disgraced in the righteous way. If he wanted to continue practicing, he could only join other camps, and there was no loyalty to speak of.

Originally, he came here to kill someone just to follow orders, but at this moment, Lin Zifeng changed his mind. Even if there was no order from the Youying aliens, he had to kill Zuo Lingquan.

As for the reason, it was the 'jealousy' mentioned above.

Since Lin Zifeng embarked on the wrong path, he has been doing whatever he wants for many years. He kills people when he is unhappy, and never cares who the opponent is or where he is. All he wants is to feel happy and sharp sword.

The sword displayed by Zuo Lingquan obviously made him feel uneasy. No matter what, this person must die under his sword!

When the world collapsed, the peach tree offset most of the impact of Lu Jianchen's sword that destroyed the world. Lin Zifeng also took the opportunity to avoid the edge of the sword. Although he was also seriously injured, he still had some strength left.

Lin Zifeng saw Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye fall into this world. Although he knew that Taohua Zunzhu was nearby, Taohua Zunzhu was not one of the three elders of the Nine Sects and did not have the great magical power of tearing space. After entering this turbulent world, he still had to act cautiously and could not act recklessly. This way he had time.

Lin Zifeng's realm was higher than Lao Lu's after all. He did not faint completely when he fell into this world. He had glanced under the clouds and took a rough look at the topography of this place. He knew that the center was more stable than the edge.

He wanted to wait for the world to return to normal in this place, so he would definitely choose a place with less turbulence.

After Lin Zifeng landed, he recovered and headed towards the center.

The small world was very large, and it was not easy to control the wind. After half a day of trekking, he did not find Zuo Lingquan. Instead, he saw a scene on a mountain that made him feel horrified:

I saw lightning and heavy rain covering the opposite side of the mountain. A tall man with a bamboo hat, holding a long sword stuck in the ground with both hands, was looking up at the cracked earth in the distance, as if he was looking for something.

The man's profile was relatively young, about thirty or forty years old, and his attire was also the common swordsman attire of Jianhuang City. He looked like a small casual cultivator who had strayed into this place.

But what made Lin Zifeng feel horrified was the sword in the man's hand!

The sword is three feet six long, and the scabbard is ancient yellow, covered with tortoise shell patterns.

The shape looked ordinary, but Lin Zifeng felt that the first thing that looked at him was the sword, and then the man turned his head and looked at his location from the opposite mountain.


The purple electric sword in his hand trembled slightly, which was an early warning when danger was sensed.

Lin Zifeng's body, hidden in the night, froze. He didn't recognize which kendo hero he was, but years of traveling had developed a sense of crisis, which made him understand that the man in front of him was by no means an ordinary person.

The two of them were separated by a mountain col. There was nothing unusual about the expression of the man opposite him, but his reaction was very fast. The moment he spotted Lin Zifeng, he fled down the mountain and disappeared after a few ups and downs.

Lin Zifeng didn't know the details of the other party. Since the other party didn't take action, he didn't chase him. After making sure that no one was following him, he quickly left the mountains.

I searched like this for another day, and finally saw a towering mountain peak, with the dilapidated buildings on the mountain vaguely visible.

Lin Zifeng walked to the foot of the mountain and found that the mural beside the mountain path was originally covered with vines, but it was cut off with a sword, revealing the original appearance of the mural. There must be someone on the mountain.

Lin Zifeng was not sure whether it was Zuo Lingquan, Lu Jianchen or the unknown swordsman on the mountain. For the sake of safety, he wanted to use the soul technique to explore the situation on the mountain.

Lin Zifeng entered the Jade Level, but as a sword cultivator, his attainments in the divine soul technique were far inferior to those of the Nether Ancestors. He could only make a ray of divine soul leave the body and travel far away.

Mastering space is a field that can only be touched by the three elders of the Nine Sects. Lin Zifeng is obviously not that ready yet. He thought that without mobilizing the spiritual energy and only using the soul technique to explore, it would not cause the world to be different; but he did not know that the three souls of a person, except for life The soul can escape into reincarnation, but the heavenly soul and the earthly soul are still locked in the cage of heaven and earth.

As soon as Lin Zifeng's spiritual thoughts moved, a bolt of thunder fell down, shattering a dilapidated stone sculpture not far away. If he hadn't recovered it quickly, his already injured body and soul might have suffered another heavy blow.

Since the thunder was triggered, his position must be exposed.

Lin Zifeng was not a young cultivator, so he simply did the opposite and used this place as bait, hiding it nearby, waiting for people from the mountain to come and investigate.

And the people on the mountain reacted very quickly.

In just a few breaths, Lin Zifeng saw a handsome young swordsman carefully walking out of the woods and looking at the stone sculpture that had just been smashed... -


The thunder was so loud that it could be heard clearly across the mountain.

The moment Zuo Lingquan heard the movement, he held the Mo Yuan Sword beside him, stood up and looked outside the mountain.

Shangguan Lingye wiped away the drunkenness from his cheeks. When he stood up, the necklace around his neck unfolded and turned into a set of black armor, covering his whole body from top to bottom. Even his delicate face was covered with armor. It's not pretty, but it definitely protects your toes.

"What's going on?"

"Someone used magical powers to cause strange phenomena in the world. Tuanzi is very clever, so it's unlikely that it was him and Lao Lu."

If it’s not Lao Lu, there’s a high chance he’s his opponent.

Zuo Lingquan held the long sword, went out of the mountain with Shangguan Lingye, and asked:

"Run or?"

"You can't control the wind. If you go down the mountain on foot, you may be blocked by the opponent. Let's find out the details first."

Shangguan Lingye is good at magic, and has mastered the domineering talent of directing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth without the need to perform magic. But to explode with all his strength in this damn place is equivalent to committing suicide at the speed of light without moving forward.

Encountering an unknown opponent, she could only take out two golden maces from Linglong Pavilion, transform into a close-quarters warrior, and walk ahead to explore the path.

Zuo Lingquan is a pure martial artist. He does not mobilize the power of heaven and earth, and only relies on his own cultivation to fight. As long as he pays attention to limiting the true energy in his body, the limitation of his strength is not too great. He galloped silently in the rain, and halfway through, he said:

"If you continue like this, you will definitely encounter the opponent head-on, and you may even be ambushed; I will go in front to explore the way, and you will go in the dark. If the opponent dares to show his face, you will find an opportunity to make the final decision."

After saying that, he distanced himself from Shangguan Lingye and walked to a more obvious place.

Practitioners cooperate to defend themselves against the enemy, and they never bother to do anything. They do whatever is suitable for them.

Shangguan Lingye didn't stop him. Wearing black armor, he disappeared into the night, like a female leopard stalking silently, her clear eyes searching for every plant and tree in the mountains and fields... ——

Still writing, there will be a chapter later...

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