The fairy is fierce

Chapter 32: Still Quiet and Strong

The wind picked up and the sky darkened.

Birds and beasts raised their heads in the woods and looked toward the seaside. Their survival instincts sensed danger, so they turned around and hid in their nests.

In Sixiang Villa, the Hou family looked blankly towards the back mountain. The ancestor had not been summoned and did not dare to run to investigate.

In the courtyard where the guests stayed, Xie Qiutao saw that no one was paying attention. Relying on Half-step Youhuang's cultivation, he secretly stepped on the iron pipa and escaped towards the mountains.

Not long after I ran out, I felt the demonic aura rising from the seaside.

The so-called 'demon energy', to put it simply, is the aura exuded by ferocious beasts. It is completely different from humans. It reveals pure animality and ferocity, making people feel trembling and fear from the depths of their souls. This is the result of tens of millions of years of the law of the jungle and the strong, and the competition between the weak and the strong. Choice is a memory engraved in human bones and blood.

Xie Qiutao stopped and turned to look at the seaside. His cute round face showed a rare seriousness.

Xie Qiutao came to Yuyaozhou and said that he was going to "subdue demons and eliminate demons", which was not a pretentious statement when he introduced himself.

Xie Qiutao was born in Xuanwutai, Beishouzhou. His family was originally a practicing family, and his ancestors were rich. Xuanwutai was named after the Xie family. They were good at suppressing ghosts and exorcising demons. They mostly used musical instruments as magical tools, and were known as 'Zhengyang'. sound'.

It's a pity that the Xie family declined later, and only one seedling remained in her mother's generation. Nowadays, the world only knows the place name Xuanwu Terrace, forgetting that it was once the place where the Xie family worshiped the god Zhiming. Xuanwu' place.

The absence of glory and the withering of the bloodline have not erased the family inheritance in the hearts of Xie's descendants; Xie Qiutao's parents still follow the teachings of their fathers and use their own meager efforts to fulfill their responsibility to clean up the world.

However, Beishouzhou has long been reduced to a portal of foreign races. Even if you can live in a corner of peace, you will have to worry about it. Monsters and ghosts are not easy to come by.

When Xie Qiutao was seven or eight years old, her parents were killed by several monks of unknown origins. Their purpose was unknown and they were difficult to defeat. They could only throw her into the Beihai and try their best to stop the pursuers. She relied on the inheritance passed down by her ancestors. With his thin blood, he met an old turtle and escaped from death by lying on its back.

Her parents were righteous monks, and those monks who came to kill them must be evil. Xie Qiutao suffered an unexpected event, and since then she has become as hateful as hatred. Her parents' whereabouts cannot be traced at all. She can only try her best to fulfill the duties passed down by her ancestors. Live up to the teachings of your parents.

Xie Qiutao discovered that the demonic energy rising from the seaside was so dangerous. He also knew that the demonic aura was not emanating from Zuo Lingquan or Shangguan Lingye. The two of them must have encountered a hidden demon.

Although they are not very familiar with the two of them, the righteous monks always put aside their grudges and work together to deal with these monsters that are causing trouble in the world before making a big deal.

Xie Qiutao hesitated for a moment, then turned around and flew towards the seaside.

Stepping on the pipa and riding the wind, he flew more than ten miles away in the blink of an eye and arrived near the rain-making platform.

Sweeping by the strong wind, the mountainous fields full of graves were rolled up with flying sand.

The sea surface was shaking, and the mist blocked the sky. Only three tiny figures could be seen, standing on both ends of the black reef.

Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye had already flown back to the edge of the reef.

Zuo Lingquan was holding a long sword ready to attack, his eyes were cold; he had never seen a demon, but with the terrifying momentum coming towards him, he still felt that the gentle scholar just now had completely changed.

He had only seen this kind of aura in the Iron Clan's cave. It was not so powerful that it made people fearful, but it was like a person meeting a ferocious beast. He knew that it was not the same kind that could not communicate with him. His nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages made people subconsciously want to avoid them.

Shangguan Lingye resumed his attire in a phoenix skirt and put on a layer of black armor. Looking at the demonic scholar in front of him, he scolded in a cold voice:

"What kind of monster are you?"

The scholar opened his arms, as if standing up straight for the first time in so many years, and his eyes revealed the hatred that had been hidden for many years:

"Tiger eats meat and sheep eat grass. It is the way of heaven. Just because you kill people, you will call them monsters and kill them all. I used to be a human, so I can't say anything wrong with you. I can only turn myself into a monster so that I can reason with you. . Now I ask you, if this world is dominated by demons, and you are exterminated just because you have eaten meat to satisfy your hunger, will you accept it or not?"

There is no solution to this problem at all. Even the scholar himself knows that it is impossible for people to think from someone else's perspective, so he entered the demon path.

Zuo Lingquan was not the scholar's enemy, but when he met a tiger monster that had eaten people, he would not have said, "You ate people to satisfy your hunger. Now you are a good monster, and I forgive you on behalf of the victim."

Therefore, when faced with the scholar's question, Zuo Lingquan said frankly:

"It is only natural for tigers to eat people, and it is also natural for people to kill tigers to seek safety. There is no way to say whether you are convinced or not. It just depends on who has a stronger fist."

Shangguan Lingye did not deny this and said in a deep voice:

"Hou Shuyu, you have fallen into the devil's way. Now that you are captured without any help, you can still die happily; otherwise, you will be imprisoned in the Forbidden Land of Thunder Pond and will never be able to enter the reincarnation forever. ♦♦  ♦♦"

The scholar's feet lifted off the ground and slowly floated up:

"It is natural for people to kill monsters, and it is also true for monsters to kill people. Since the ways are different, why bother talking?"

Shangguan Lingye frowned, knowing that there was no way to reason with such a possessed lunatic, so she finally asked:

"Did the Youying alien race arrange for you to kill Zuo Lingquan?"

"How is it?"

The momentum of the book was rising steadily, and boundless anger was exuding from his whole body. After a roar, he clasped his hands and made a seal, and huge waves rose from the sea behind him, like a wall that blocked the sky and the sun, pressing towards the two of them.


However, playing tricks in front of Shangguan Lingye was obviously a trick. Just as the scholar took action, Shangguan Lingye had already shouted:


Without Shangguan Lingye making any move to raise his hand, a nine-story tower with five-colored light fell from the sky, pushing the scholar who had just taken off directly back to the rocks.

At the same time, nine swords condensed out of thin air and appeared in various directions on the reef. The sword body vibrated and an overwhelming downward pressure came, pushing the cross wind and huge waves back to the sea surface.

The two immortal arts were executed so quickly that Xie Qiutao, who was watching from a distance, didn't even see what was going on. A huge pagoda appeared on the reef, and he opened his mouth in shock.

Zuo Lingquan also knew these two magic arts, but with Shangguan Lingye in front of him, he naturally had no intention of showing off his "quick casting". At the same time that Shangguan Lingye took action, he turned into a black afterimage and rushed towards the scholar with lightning speed.

The Demon-Sealing Sword Formation disrupts the flow of spiritual energy and cuts off the connection between monks and heaven and earth. No matter how high the Taoism is, even if they are trapped, they cannot borrow the power of heaven and earth. They can only exert their own combat power. Coupled with the strong control of the Dragon Prison Formation, normal monks can simultaneously If you encounter these two spells, you will become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The same was true for the scholar. He was pinned down by the tower on the rocks and was unable to move, and the magic he used also disappeared.

Zuo Lingquan took the opportunity to get closer. The sword in his hand could not be unsheathed, and the indestructible sword energy was already tilted out from Mo Yuan's sword.

call out

The sound of the sword sounded like the dragon's roar across the sea, resounding throughout the entire coast.

Zuo Lingquan has already reached half a step into Youhuang, and Mo Yuan Sword has accumulated another half year of sword energy. Although the power of this sword has not changed the color of the world, the seawater under the reef has been obviously affected.

In the direction pointed by the sword's edge, a trough appeared. It seemed like an invisible giant sword passed through the sea and divided the sea in half as far as the eye could see.


Zuo Lingquan's sword pierced the scholar's chest before exploding. It was as fast as thunder, without giving the controlled opponent any chance to react.

Shangguan Lingye saw this scene and felt that the scholar who could not dodge must be seriously injured. He had already gathered his thunder skills and was ready to hit him hard and beat the scholar to ashes.

But the black sword energy exploded in the scholar's chest, and the sound it made was not the sharp explosion of a sword piercing through the body, but a muffled sound, like a battering ram hitting the Hong Bell.

The concentrated sword energy collided with the indestructible object and splashed up, down, left and right, like a spread black disk, cutting a bottomless thin line on the ground.

The Mo Yuan Sword in Zuo Lingquan's hand also collapsed into a semicircle under the load. If it weren't for the excellent material, it would have been broken into two pieces on the spot.

Zuo Lingquan felt something was wrong with his hand, thought he had stabbed an unknown self-defense weapon, and quickly retreated.

And at the next moment, Zuo Lingquan suddenly found a tiger claw sweeping in front of him. It was as big as a war drum. The claws were more than three feet long and had a sharp and cold light. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he might have been able to hit him directly with one claw. Sweep to pieces.


The tiger's claws swept across the reef, sweeping away the jet-black sword energy that was vented everywhere.

Zuo Lingquan flew back to Shangguan Lingye, raised his head and looked with astonishment in his eyes.

I saw that the nine-story tower was still pressed against the rocks, but the scholar who was pressed below had disappeared and was replaced by a giant beast nearly three feet tall.

The giant beast has a dragon head and tail, and its scarlet eyes are as big as fists, with traces of blood coming out. The limbs are like tigers, the muscles are knotted, and the hair stands on end like steel needles.

The back and abdomen of the giant beast were wrapped in a black turtle shell, with an indestructible cold light. There was a deep pit where the sword had just hit it, but it did not penetrate completely; there was still a little fire burning in the middle of the chest. , a bit like Phoenix Fire.

Dragon head, tiger claws, phoenix heart and turtle back.

The four-faced appearance looked nondescript, but the terrifying aura exuded from the giant beast completely silenced the birds and beasts within a hundred miles. Even Tuanzi, who was originally hiding in Shangguan Lingye's sleeves, hid and shivered.

Shangguan Lingye suddenly saw this scene and was startled:

"What the hell is this?"


Zuo Lingquan didn't recognize what kind of monster these four beasts were, so he didn't rush to attack again.

However, the physical changes of the Four Elephant Divine Marquis who revealed his true form were earth-shaking, and the Dragon Prison Array could not completely suppress it.


The Four Elephant Divine Marquis carried the giant tower hard, let out a deafening roar, strode wildly, and charged towards the two of them.

dong dong

The giant feet stepped on the rocks, making a muffled sound, and the suppressed strong wind blew up again, blowing towards the two of them, and at the same time, blazing flames spurted out of their chests.

Shangguan Lingye also faced this kind of weird monster for the first time. He didn't dare to advance without knowing the details. He flipped his wrist lightly and pulled out a giant tiger-head shield to block him. At the same time, with a thought, Bagua diagrams appeared on the ground. A golden chain sprang out from the ground.


The chains were wrapped around the body of the Four Elephant Gods, but they were torn off in just a moment.

Relying on the inhuman brute force of the monster's body, the Four Elephant Gods ran wildly, hit the big shield directly, pushed back and flew back, and the dragon's tail behind it also swept towards the two people behind the shield.


Shangguan Lingye's armor blocked the sweep, but was knocked to the side by the brutal force. He raised his hand and chopped down three thunderbolts.

Boom boom boom

But the reason why the monster is difficult to conquer is because it is too thick-skinned. Shangguan Lingye's three purple thunderbolts hit the Four Elephant Divine Marquis who was one level weaker than her. They did not penetrate the opponent's turtle shell, but only made the Four Elephant Divine Marquis' movements freeze for a moment.

Zuo Lingquan did not stand aside to watch the show. When he saw the Four Elephants being paralyzed by lightning, he thrust out his sword again without hesitation, this time aiming at the scarlet pupils.

But the Four Symbol Gods are demons transformed from humans after all. Their bodies have been transformed into demon beasts, but their brains have not changed. The experience accumulated through several years of practice is much greater than that of Shangguan Lingye.

Zuo Lingquan burst out and stabbed out with his sword, but saw that the Four Elephants God Hou did not dodge, and the dragon's tail was very cunningly drawn up from his crotch.

Zuo Lingquan's stab with a sword may not necessarily kill the Four Elephant God Marquis with the body of a monster, but a strike that lifts his yin tail will definitely kill him or cause him to be maimed.

It was impossible for Zuo Lingquan to trade his life for his life. He reacted extremely quickly and formed an ice shield on his arm to block the dragon's tail. However, his body could not avoid being volleyed into the air.

The Four Elephant Gods are not just monsters that just run rampant. Their goals are very clear. The moment they separated the two, they flew up with the giant tower on their backs and chased Zuo Lingquan.

But at this moment, a shout suddenly came from not far away:


Zuo Lingquan, who was in the air, looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a petite girl leaping from the hillside to kill her.

The girl held the iron pipa upside down with both hands and raised it high behind her head. Her body collapsed back into a curved bow, as if it were a powerful iron hammer, smashing into the head of the Four Elephant Gods with the force of a mountain.

Although the girl is petite, the strength of this attack cannot be underestimated.

The Four Elephant Gods didn't know the details, so they didn't directly contact him and reached the edge of the reef in a flash.

The next moment!


Xie Qiutao exploded with all his strength, like a meteor hitting the rocks.

Where the iron lute landed, a sunken circular pit instantly appeared, and a circular ripple was set off around it, spreading outward with the circular pit as the center, shaking the entire reef.

With just one brute force, the surface of the reef with a radius of 100 feet was shattered into pieces. The destructive power was truly terrifying.

However, this time it was obvious that the thunder was loud and the rain was small, and all the strength was used on the knife handle, and no one was hit at all.

Xie Qiutao missed the blow and was still a little annoyed. He rushed towards the Four Elephant God Marquis again with his pipa and said angrily:

"Stop for my aunt!"

Shangguan Lingye couldn't help but feel annoyed when he saw Xie Qiutao playing so recklessly, using his pipa as a hammer to confront the monster. He raised his hand to pull Xie Qiutao back.

Zuo Lingquan, who landed on the ground, also rushed towards Xie Qiutao and said urgently:

"Watch out!"

However, the Four Elephants Divine Marquis was slow to move under the pressure of the Dragon Prison Formation, and his reaction was no slower than the two of them. When he saw Xie Qiutao rushing towards him with no one around, he opened the dragon's mouth and spit out a purple thunderbolt as thick as a bowl.


The thunder method was extremely powerful and extremely fast, making it extremely difficult to dodge. Even if the Demon-Sealing Sword Formation interfered and shifted the impact point, it still hit near the two of them.


After the deafening roar and rubble flying, the shattered ground exploded again, and thousands of electric currents bombarded the surrounding areas.

Zuo Lingquan was scratched by the aftermath of the thunder and lightning. Although he was not injured due to his strong physique, paralysis was unavoidable. The power of thunder impacted the meridians throughout his body and his vision went dark.

He bit the tip of his tongue to regain consciousness and wanted to pull away from the reckless Xie Qiutao, but he was shocked to find that the little girl just a few feet away seemed to have no feeling at all after being shocked. Elephant God Hour:

"ha"? !

Shangguan Lingye didn't expect Xie Qiutao to be so "rough-skinned and thick-skinned", so he was stunned for a moment and gave up the action of pulling people.

Unfortunately, resisting beating does not mean being able to fight.

Xie Qiutao, like Zuo Lingquan, was half-step Youhuang. Zuo Lingquan couldn't penetrate the turtle shell of the Four Elephant Gods even with his special burst, so how could she break it.

The Four Elephants Divine Marquis was suppressed by the Dragon Prison Formation and was restricted from moving, so he used the tortoise shell on his chest to forcefully catch the pipa, which contained terrifying power.


After the muffled sound of gold and iron clashing, the Four Elephant Divine Marquis slid back a few steps; the blunt force hit caused some cracks on the surface of the tortoise shell, but the impact was not significant, and he just let out a soft hum from the shock.

Xie Qiutao smashed the turtle shell with a blunt instrument, which also didn't feel good. He was so shocked that he lost consciousness. Pipa almost let go, and his whole body was thrown away by the shock wave.

Shangguan Lingye quickly pulled Xie Qiutao back, who was seeking death, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't be impulsive."

Xie Qiutao didn't feel that she was impulsive. She landed in front of Shangguan Lingye and said anxiously:

"This bastard shell was obtained from a descendant of Xuanwu. I can't break it, and I can't stop the monster even by playing the pipa. Is there anything you can do?"

Zuo Lingquan had just hit the Four Elephant Gods in the chest with a sword, and he had a general understanding of its defensive power. As long as he could stab the wound with another sword, or use two swords in an instant, there would be no chance of piercing it; 'He hasn't practiced yet. It's harder to hit the injured area than to hit the head directly. It's not easy to do it.

To deal with the iron-skinned tortoise, Tie Dongfu is actually an expert. He has a "magic weapon" that can defeat heavy armor. Even if he cannot break the tortoise shell, he can still shock people to death from the outside.

Shangguan Lingye naturally analyzed the countermeasures. She took out a golden mace from Linglong Pavilion and threw it to Zuo Lingquan:

"Shock it to death."

Zuo Lingquan took the golden mace and without the slightest hesitation, rushed towards the suppressed Sixiang Shenhou again. Xie Qiutao followed beside him carrying a pipa.

At the same time, the painting boat rushing to help from a distance also appeared in mid-air.

Wu Qingwan held a tea-green wooden staff and pinched the magic formula with one hand. Bright thunder light condensed on the top of the wooden staff, and then three green-purple thunder struck down from high in the sky.

After nearly a year of hard training, Wu Qingwan's thunder technique has become quite good, but Shangguan Lingye's thunder technique can't break the turtle shell, especially Wu Qingwan, who is in the fourth level of Linggu. Under the influence, the landing point also shifted.

The Four Elephant Gods paid no attention to the lightning strikes that fell from the sky. Facing the two reckless men with blunt weapons, they did not confront them head-on. Instead, they relied on their tall bodies to fight the two men with their tails and sharp claws.

Although Shangguan Lingye's various spells powerfully controlled and interfered, the Four Elephants God Marquis was struggling like a target, but the terrifying attack power of the fangs and claws was still there, making it difficult to get close to hit the vital points; several people pulled Within a few seconds, everyone suddenly felt a terrifying heat coming from above, and the flames in the middle of the chest of the Four Elephants Goddess began to shake violently.

For the first time, a look of astonishment appeared in the eyes of the Four Elephant God Marquis. When he looked up, he saw a woman like a bustling girl standing on the deck, holding up a feather fan taller than herself with both hands. Golden flames were billowing on the feather yarn, and she waved with all her strength. At the same time, he also said softly:

"Xiao Zuo, get out of the way!"

When Zuo Lingquan heard that it was Jingxun and not the ancestor, his cold and focused expression immediately changed, and he pulled Xie Qiutao back without hesitation.

Shangguan Lingye had never seen Tang Jingxun's own level, especially Xie Qiutao. They were a little confused at first, but they were stunned the next moment.


I saw the feather fan wrapped in golden flames swinging down with all its strength, and a golden wave with a width of a hundred feet appeared in the sky. Compared with it, the boat became a small dot.

The temperature of the wave of golden flames is extremely high, and even the light begins to distort. Just standing below it will make your cheeks burn and hurt, and even the sea water will rise with mist. If you are entangled in the flames, I am afraid that everything in the world will melt under the flames. For nothingness.

"Oh My God!"

Xie Qiutao's face turned pale when she saw this scene, and she turned around and ran out without being pulled by Zuo Lingquan.

The Four Elephant Gods also wanted to run away, but were suppressed by the Dragon Prison Formation and could not escape from the range of the sea of ​​fire.


But in an instant, the golden sea of ​​fire hit the rocks and the sea.

The temperature of the flame was so high that the seawater vaporized directly before it even touched the sea surface, triggering an explosion that blasted a huge crater with a radius of more than a hundred feet in the sea surface.

The black reef that had stood on the coast for countless years was directly submerged by the sea of ​​fire. The temperature was so high that the Dragon Prison Formation and the Demon Sealing Sword Formation could no longer be maintained, and the nine-story tower disappeared instantly.

Tang Jingxun did not just fan himself once, but kept waving the feather fan like a stove.

The golden sea of ​​fire was like an endless tide, pressing down on the coast underfoot. The black reef turned into a giant candle that was trapped in the sea of ​​fire. It began to melt visibly in front of everyone. The magma flowed like candle tears and accumulated under the reef.

The purgatory-like scene is like the God of Fire punishing the human world. Humans, immortals, demons and ghosts are no different from ants and grass and trees under the blazing flames.

Shangguan Lingye originally wanted to continue to control the field, but after seeing this terrifying scene, he was afraid that Tang Jingxuan's fan might be blown crooked, so he withdrew half a mile to be on the safe side.

Although he lost the suppression of the Dragon Prison Formation, the Four Elephants God Hou never escaped after being engulfed by the sea of ​​fire.

Tang Jingxun's flames were indeed powerful, but they also consumed a huge amount of energy. Such a large-scale clearing would not last long. After noticing that there was no movement below, he stopped and looked down:

"How's it going? Is that big monster dead?"

Zuo Lingquan stood half a mile away. After Tang Jingxuan stopped, he didn't dare to run through the remaining fire. He took out his flying sword, rose into the air, and flew cautiously towards the reef that had mostly melted away, with Shangguan Lingye flying beside him.

Xie Qiutao also followed behind, and his attention was completely attracted by Tang Jingxun. He looked up at the boat in the sky and asked:

"Who is this fairy sister? She is so powerful."

Tuanzi, who had been hiding for a long time, stood up when he saw his mother coming. He stuck his head out from Shangguan Lingye's collar and said "chie~" proudly.

Zuo Lingquan fought for a long time without breaking his opponent's defense, but was slapped by his wife. He still felt a bit like "I have been practicing swordsmanship all my life, but in the end I have nothing to offer". He heard this and replied:

"My wife."


Xie Qiutao was stunned for a moment, then unexpectedly looked up a few times.

The three people carefully flew over the coast where the lava flowed, and arrived near the reef.

Shangguan Lingye swept away the diffuse black smoke and water vapor, and saw a mess. The original black reef had turned into a stalagmite. The top of the stalagmite was only half a foot in diameter, and lying on it was a turtle shell that was burned red. It was not burned, but the dragon head The tiger's arms were all gone, and I don't know if they were reduced to ashes in the flames.

Shangguan Lingye had a serious expression and did not get too close. He wanted to use magic to explore the inside of the turtle shell; but at this moment, Tang Jingxun in the sky suddenly said:

"Be careful! You're not dead yet, there's something moving inside!"

The moment the words fell to the ground, red flames burst out from under the turtle shell and exploded in all directions, completely blasting the remaining stalagmites to pieces.

Shangguan Lingye's expression suddenly changed, thinking that the Four Elephant Gods wanted to blow themselves up and die together. The monsters in the Four Elephant Realm would explode and disappear for miles around. She didn't dare to be too big, so she pulled the two of them and dodged half a mile away. He also held up a large shield in front of him.

However, the explosion of the flames was not particularly loud, and it also caused a cloud of smoke and dust to obscure their vision. By the time everyone noticed something strange, the turtle shell had already flown for more than two miles against the sea, as fast as thunder.

"Run away!"

"Hurry up!"

Several people saw this and flew to chase him. Although they were far away, they could still vaguely see that the tortoise shell was wrapped in flames. The limbs that had been burned black actually grew out again under the flames and began to recover their flesh color at a very fast speed.

Shangguan Lingye saw this scene and his face darkened:

"It's the power of the phoenix. This thing can't be killed by fire."

Xie Qiutao was quite knowledgeable and frowned and said: "The body of the four elephants is difficult to kill except for earth methods and brute force. If he runs away and gathers the 'Five Beasts of the Heavenly Officials', he will definitely be a demon king. I can't think of anything that can deal with him."

The Five Beasts of the Heavenly Officials are based on the Four Spirits of Heaven plus a Middle-earth Qilin. The body is similar to Tang Jingyan and is not harmed by the five elements of each element. If such a body is really created and cultivated to perfection, it is basically immune to gold, wood, water, fire and earth. The physical fitness crushes the human race in all aspects. The only thing that can be dealt with is the art of the soul.

The art of soul and spirit has just started at the Jade Level. I am afraid that no cultivator wants to encounter such a great monster with a nearly immortal body.

Shangguan Lingye knew that if he didn't kill it now, it would become a big problem in the future. He gritted his teeth and suddenly increased his speed to the extreme, chasing after the Four Symbols Divine Marquis.

Zuo Lingquan flew on the sword. No matter how fast he was, he couldn't catch up with Shangguan Lingye who was running at full speed. He and Xie Qiutao followed behind, chasing along the sea surface with ripples.

The Four Symbols Divine Marquis was seriously injured, but he didn't lose his mind. He noticed that Shangguan Lingye was suddenly approaching. In order to escape, his speed also increased to the limit without reservation.

In just a blink of an eye, the figures of the four disappeared at the end of the vision where the sea and the sky were connected...

Note: The five beasts of the heavenly officials are 'Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu, Huanglong', which was changed to Zhong Qilin in this book.

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