The fairy is fierce

Chapter 30 Some women are fairies

The sea breeze carries the waves and beats against the black rocks on the shore. The setting sun and the fish scale-like waves merge into one, making it difficult to tell where the boundary between the sky and the sea is.

The black reef is called the "Yu Tai" by people nearby. Legend has it that if you are lucky, you can see the Dragon King making clouds and rain here. However, there was no Dragon King on the reef at this time, only a scholar in simple clothes, looking at the sunset on the horizon.

The scholar was born in the fishing village behind him. His family made a living by fishing. They were not rich, but they could still have enough food and clothing. As far back as he can remember, he liked to sit here, waiting for the boats from his fathers' fishing trips to come back. After watching for a long time, he would also wonder where the end of the sea was, and look forward to the day when he would go out to sea to explore.

However, fishing is hard work, not much better than facing the loess and turning your back to the sky. His mother was frightened every day and didn't want him to live like this in the future, so she used a few fish to send him to a school in the county town.

So the scholar became the only scholar in the village.

After ten years of hard study, from a child to a scholar, the more he read, the more he knew about the outside world. The scholar understood that at the end of the sea is a mountain, which is no different from a fishing village, but there are some different people living on the mountain. .

The people on the mountain were too far away, and the scholar thought that he would never have any social contacts in his life. After being fully prepared, he packed his bags and went to Beijing to take the exam, and embarked on the path he should take.

The road to Beijing was long, with cities hundreds of times more prosperous than the county seat, and more than a hundred miles of uninhabited mountains. The scholar traveled along the way, gained a lot of knowledge, and was lucky. The journey went smoothly without any setbacks.

Until one day, when passing through a mountainous area, we encountered a heavy rain.

The heavy rain washed out the road, making it impossible to move forward, and the detour was too far. The scholar, relying on his youth and strength, took the risk and turned into the mountains, hoping to climb directly over the mountains.

Unfortunately, before climbing to the top of the mountain, it was completely dark and he could not see his fingers. The scholar lost his way among the mountains. In order to strengthen his courage, he could only chant the sages' books loudly while walking.

This was obviously a bad idea. After yelling for a long time, he didn't get brave enough. Instead, he attracted a bandit, a female bandit wearing animal skins.

The scholar was kidnapped back to a cave and became the mountain king's only follower. He was forced to become a master and teach the female bandit how to read and write.

In the past two years, this training has been used to teach the wild female gangster to become a gentle lady who has to cover her lips with her sleeves when she smiles.

The scholar was so proud that he abducted the female bandit out of the mountain and continued to the capital to take the exam, dreaming of the day when he would be named on the gold medal list and return home with his beloved wife.

Unfortunately, God didn't seem to intend for the two of them to become a good couple. Before the imperial examination began, they were stopped by several Taoist priests.

The Taoist priest said that the female bandit was a demon. The scholar said that he knew that the female bandit was a good demon.

The Taoist priest asked the female bandit if she had eaten people. The female bandit had learned human etiquette and morals, acted bravely, did not lie, and admitted that she had eaten before transforming.

But killing requires a life!

Then the scholar became a person again.

The Taoist priests of Fulong Mountain were right. It is their duty to subjugate demons and eliminate demons. They should be spared by the monsters that have eaten people. Who would spare the lives of those who were eaten?

The female bandit is right. When her intelligence is not yet developed, there is no difference between tiger eating and eating deer, sheep, cows and horses. They are all for food. After transforming, she behaves in a human way, which cannot even be described as reforming, because she There was no fault before the transformation.

From the perspective of heaven, it is right for people to eat sheep, but what is wrong with tigers eating people?

If the tiger is at fault, then if the sheep becomes a spirit through cultivation, should they seek justice for the compatriots who were eaten?

In the final analysis, the only fault is that the female bandit is not a human being, and this world is dominated by humans.

The scholar is a human being and can understand what Fulongshan did, but he understands Fulongshan. Who will understand the female bandit who is also right?

The scholar just hates that he is a human being. When something like this happens, he is still thinking hard about whether Fulongshan's method is humane. Could it be that after thinking about it, this blood feud can be written off?

The sun sank into the sea and the sky became dark.

The scholar was sitting on the rock, lost in thought alone, when a ripple suddenly appeared on the sea in front of him, and in the blink of an eye it spread to the bottom of the rock.

The scholar came back to his senses, frowned, and was about to raise his hand, but his shoulder was held down, and a voice came from behind:

"You don't have time to think about it."

The scholar raised his hand slightly and paused, without looking back, he just said calmly:

"Fellow Taoist are you here to slay demons?"

"You have not caused harm to the world, and I can tolerate you, but there are eight people in the Nine Sects who make the decision, and I don't care. The Tiezong Mansion has found you, and you don't have much time."

The scholar's eyes were a little surprised, and he turned his head and asked:

"Why did you remind me?"

"I need you to do something. Regardless of success or failure afterwards, I will protect the younger generations of your clan."

"What's up?"

"It's just a small matter, it's not difficult for you..."


The auction in Sixiangzhai ended and it was already night.

Xie Qiutao was lying on the tea table, her cheeks were flushed, and she was breathing softly. She slept soundly for an unknown period of time before she was awakened by a knock on the door.

dong dong


Xie Qiutao frowned slightly dissatisfied as her dream was disturbed. But after coming back to his senses, he stood up with a snap. He first looked around and then looked at his own clothes. After making sure that there was nothing strange, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She was drunk for some reason, and Xie Qiutao was still a little scared. She carried the iron pipa on her back and carefully opened the door to the private room.

In the corridor, the maid from Sixiangzhai bowed respectfully and said:

"The girl finally woke up. The Immortal was quite drunk. It's her first time to drink. It's not surprising that she's drunk, but is there any discomfort?"

Xie Qiutao's wine energy has not completely faded away, and he is still a little distraught. She didn't know what happened when she lost consciousness, and she couldn't tell the truth about being drunk. She rubbed her brows and said:

"It feels good. Has everyone left here?"

"No, the young master is waiting for guests in the living room. He said that when the girl wakes up, he will ask her to come over. Please invite her."


Xie Qiutao estimated that Shangguan Lingye was still here, so he followed the maid to the living room on the first floor without saying anything more.

The living room was brightly lit, and six or seven monks in different attires were sitting on the tea chairs on both sides. Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye were also among them, pretending to be Taoist monks, sitting side by side.

Hou Guan, who was dressed in brocade clothes, was sitting at the main seat, holding a tea cup, chatting and laughing warmly. When he saw Xie Qiutao's appearance, he stood up and said:

"We were just chatting about the immortal being drunk, but the wine was a bit too much. Everyone, this is Miss Xie Qiutao Xie, who just came all the way from Huajunzhou..."

The few monks present here are all people from around Dengchao Port. They are not very famous, and they have some friendship with the Hou family, so they are naturally polite. Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye didn't show any abnormalities and nodded.

Xie Chuntao didn't understand the situation at all, so he could only adapt to the situation, nodded in return, and then asked:

"Master Hou, are you here?"

"Oh. Today's hawking is over. Several fellow Taoists did not meet a suitable spirit beast. It would be a waste of time to let them go all the way. So I thought of inviting a few fellow Taoists to go to the animal garden of Sixiang Villa to choose. The boat has already arrived I'm ready, I'm just chatting here and waiting for Miss Xie to sober up; it's only been one day, I hope Miss Xie can give me a favor. "

People who practice spiritual practice can stay awake for a day, which is not much different from ordinary people going out for a walk after dinner.

Having said this, Xie Qiutao saw Shangguan Lingye following him, so he had no choice but to refuse and said with a smile:

"Mr. Hou is so polite. It is Mr. Hou who gives you face by being able to come to our house as a guest. There is no way I can say that I am giving you face."

Seeing this, Hou Guan didn't say much. He asked all the guests to get up, and then they all went to the boat on the riverside.

Hou Guan was very experienced in dealing with people and kept a good distance. He did not follow Xie Qiutao all the time. He just walked in front and led the way, introducing the surrounding scenery along the way.

Xie Qiutao followed the crowd, and slowly walked together with Zuo Lingquan. In a blink of an eye, he looked at the dumplings on Shangguan Lingye's shoulders, and talked to him as if it was the first time he met:

"Fellow Taoist, this bird is so beautiful. Can I touch it?"

Shangguan Lingye naturally pretended to be chatting and making friends. He held up the dumpling with the tip of its wing bitten and let Xie Qiutao touch it casually.

Zuo Lingquan's disguised identity was that of the concubine's grandma. Naturally, it was not easy for him to take the initiative to get close to the female cultivator at this time. He just walked slowly and listened to the two pretending to be polite.

Dengchao Port is located at the mouth of the sea. To go to Linhai County of Yuzhou, you have to go upstream from the Yunjiang River and enter the tributary, and then go forward for more than 700 miles to reach the Hou family's Sixiang Villa.

After a journey of nearly a thousand miles, the cruise ship on board is naturally not a mundane ship. It is very fast when there is no wind, and there are various recreational facilities on the ship for the entertainment of the passengers.

The group of people were all practitioners, and they were not interested in enjoying the scenery along the way. After boarding the ship, they went to their respective rooms to rest under the leadership of the maid.

The sky was already dark, and the lights along both sides of the river merged with the stars in the sky. The boat Jiang Yi was riding in followed dozens of miles away, and was completely invisible within the field of vision.

Shangguan Lingye entered the guest room of the cruise ship under the leadership of the maid. After the maid left, he closed the door and turned around to check if there was anything strange in the room, but he was stunned when he took a quick look.

The cruise ship was usually used to pick up and drop off distinguished guests, and the decoration was luxurious. Because she lived with the Taoist couple, the arrangement was still a suite.

Outside is the living room, complete with coffee table, picture desk, soft couch, and chess table. The overall furnishings are elegant and regular, with nothing special about them. However, the atmosphere of the bedroom inside has completely changed.

People in practice have little need for sleep, and sleeping rooms have no meaning. Even on the Xianjia Ferry, there is no separate sleeping room. There is only a small plank bed in the corner that occupies a small area. The place used for meditation is less than The bed is much more particular. After all, practitioners spend most of their time on the futon, not the bed.

But this cruise ship not only has bedrooms, but the space is quite large. The overall color is light red, and the light from the lamps is also hazy. There are several pictures of ladies taking bath on the wall, which are as charming as you want.

The bed in the room is large, a rare round bed, and there are mahogany chairs next to it. It seems that the shape is to facilitate the female cultivators to lie down, sit, lie down, or kneel. In addition, there are paintings of birds facing the phoenix. There are two red ribbons hanging from the ceiling, their purpose is unknown.

Shangguan Lingye blinked as he looked at the ambiguously decorated bedroom. For a while, he really couldn't figure out the purpose of these furniture.

Zuo Lingquan followed behind, looked up and saw the bedroom, and was stunned. However, he was not surprised by this decoration style; after all, the purpose of the cruise ship was for people to have fun along the way, and the bedroom was prepared in the double room, and the monks did not use it. Sleeping, what else can the bedroom be used for, besides abusing fellow Taoists?

Shangguan Lingye was very clever. Although he couldn't figure out the specific usage of these props, he could guess that they were objects used to adjust the mood between Taoist couples.

After Shangguan Lingye glanced at it, he walked slowly to the middle of the bedroom, raised his hand and pulled the red ribbon, and asked:

"Zuo Lingquan, what is this thing used for?"

The dumpling squatting on the shoulder flew onto the big round bed, rolling and making a "jiji~" sound, obviously saying, "Things in the bedroom must be used for sleeping."

Zuo Lingquan couldn't say it so directly in front of Grandma Taifei, so he pretended to be very innocent and smiled:

"It looks like a swing."


Shangguan Lingye tilted his head and looked at it for a moment, then sat on the red ribbon, with his back to Zuo Lingquan, holding the ribbon with both hands, tapping the floor with his toes, shaking it gently in front of him, and turned his head and said:

"Is that so?"

The length of the ribbon was very particular. Shangguan Lingye sat on it, and his round hip line was perfectly presented, like the full moon on August 15; the position was basically facing Zuo Lingquan's waist, swaying, sometimes close and sometimes far away, with amazing impact.

Zuo Lingquan still had a monitor on his right eye, and Jiang Yi and the others must be watching from behind, so he had to control himself even if he couldn't control himself. He tried not to look sideways, pretending to be calm, and nodded:

"I think so. I haven't seen this kind of decoration before. It feels quite interesting."

Shangguan Lingye leaned back and put his body horizontally. His long black hair hung down, his clothes bulged high, and he looked at Zuo Lingquan backwards:

"What's interesting about it?"? !

Zuo Lingquan looked down at the charming and almost demonic Concubine Grandma, and didn't know what to say for a moment. Even the whispers from the pleasure boat were heard:

"The Concubine Grandma is really good at playing, but the posture is weird..."

"Qingwan, why do I feel that this thing is used for that?"

"It does look a bit like that, this angle..."

"Aunt, have you played with this too?"

"No, no, how can I play with these things..."


Zuo Lingquan coughed lightly and reminded:

"My queen, Jiang Yi and the others are watching."

Shangguan Lingye was hanging on the red ribbon, his movements were very lustful, but his expression was correct:

"What's wrong with watching? Is there a problem with me swinging on a swing?"

"No problem, it's my problem. It's not appropriate for me to watch the queen swinging on the swing. Well... I'll go out for a walk, and the queen can play slowly."

After Zuo Lingquan finished speaking, he didn't dare to stay for long, and turned around and walked out.

Shangguan Lingye snorted softly, almost mocking him with a 'pretentious' comment. She stood up straight and looked around. She found a book on the bedside table. She picked it up and took a quick look. The cover said "Spring Palace Jade Tree Picture"... --

Yesterday, I reversed my day and night and went to bed at 11 pm. I didn't fall asleep until 9 am. I got up again three hours later and have been doing it until now. My mind is as groggy as paste. I spend a lot of time thinking about a word, but I write little and watery. I'll just treat it as a day off for Guan. I'm really sorry.

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