The fairy is fierce

Chapter 21: Auntie, why is this tail hanging on your waist?

At night.

Ferries of all sizes were moored in Linyuan Port, and the flying sword brought five-colored streams of light to meet in the sky, like a gorgeous meteor shower.

Zuo Lingquan came to the Red Leaf Lake and walked towards the ferry to Dengchao Port. He changed his clothes into the Jianghu outfit he wore in the past, with a black suit and a sword, a bamboo hat hanging on his back, and a light blue flying sword on his back.

Jiang Yi and Leng Zhu were scared to death when they arrived at Linyuan Port. The first thing they did when they arrived at the market was to go to the shop of Yunshui Jiantan to buy a flying magic weapon with higher safety.

After all, Jiang Yi didn't want to hear the news of "Sad news! The first dark horse of the Nine Sects Alliance was suspected to have drunken last night and accidentally crashed into the mountain and died. Please remember that you should not fly the sword after drinking, and you should not drink alcohol when flying the sword..." in the future.

The "flying sword" is not a weapon, but a flying magic weapon improved by Yunshui Jiantan with a secret method.

Although it has the grade of magic weapon, its positioning is the same as Linglong Pavilion, specializing in a certain effect and abandoning other functions, so as to achieve the purpose of lowering costs and make it affordable for monks with limited funds.

However, to build Linglong Pavilion, there is a hard threshold of Youhuang Peak Refiner, and others cannot build it. Now it is still expensive and the production is not large. Only when the inner disciples of the Nine Sects enter Youhuang, the Nine Sects will reward one.

Flying swords are more affordable. In the past, flying magic weapons were mostly functions attached to magic weapons. It was hard to find a treasure, and the consumption was large, and it was difficult to support long-distance travel.

Later, the swordsmith of Yunshui Sword Pond cast a waste product when forging a sword. Although it was too blunt to cut meat, it was accidentally found that it was very effective as a flying magic weapon, so it spread.

Because Yunshui Sword Pond is a sword-making sect, most of them are sword-shaped, but because they have no other functions, there are also other styles, such as zither, pipa, and fan. There are also some more ostentatious ones, such as giant gold ingots, large gourds, jade futons, etc., which can also be customized according to needs.

The applicable range of the flying sword is from half a step to half a step of Yuhuang, which seems to be only a temporary means of transportation; but the word "Yuhuang" means "staying in Yuhuang and never seeing the sky".

At this level, it is to find and nourish the life without seeing any way out. The body becomes a gold-eating beast. Even the luckiest cultivators will feel that their lives are thinner than paper. In this case, a fast-running magic weapon is very important, and most people have to use it until they are buried.

Zuo Lingquan naturally would not buy those fancy flying magic weapons. He spent more than 3,000 white jade coins to buy a practical flying sword.

The functions of the flying sword are realized by the preset formation. It can change color, balance itself, avoid obstacles, bite tail and track, etc., and there is no need to worry about bumps and collisions, and lose the dignity of the "Sword Immortal".

After Zuo Lingquan bought the flying sword, he naturally wanted to restore his dignity and take the two girls to experience the feeling of flying in the sky again.

The result is self-evident. In Jiang Yi's words, it is:

"You just dropped me from the sky, and I didn't accompany you to fly the sword. When you interrogate your opponent in the future, take him flying for a circle. It is guaranteed to be better than the tiger bench. Whatever tricks you have, you can do it."

Zuo Lingquan felt that his skills were actually good, similar to a roller coaster, and he didn't really fall down.

However, his wife didn't want to, so he couldn't force it, and sent the two girls back with his legs.

Shangguan Lingye acted decisively and had already parked the pleasure boat at home, ready to set off.

Zuo Lingquan hadn't experienced the taste of his aunt and niece stacking up like a human pyramid for a long time, but at this time he could only enjoy the excitement. After saying goodbye to the girls, he set off alone to take a boat to the Xianjia Ferry.

The flying sword doesn't consume much energy, but it's still not as cost-effective and comfortable as the Xianjia Ferry when it comes to flying over long distances. Moreover, he heard that someone was plotting against him, so he used himself as bait to lure out potential enemies directly, so as to avoid any trouble.

Therefore, Zuo Lingquan did not need to deliberately hide his identity. He took the public ferry openly and pretended to be traveling alone to give the other party a chance; Shangguan Lingye secretly protected him and kept a distance of less than 100 miles. As long as something happened, Zuo Lingquan would not be able to deal with it and would be able to come over in a few breaths.

To be honest, there is still the danger of being killed instantly, but he has been targeted. Unless he hides in front of the Shangguan Patriarch and does not go out in the future, he will be killed instantly. It is useless to hide anywhere, and he does not need to cultivate this immortal.

Dengchao Port is to the west of Yuyaozhou. It is the largest port for the nine southern sects to go to sea. There are basically ships going there every day.

Zuo Lingquan came to the Red Leaf Lake, found the Yanyue Sect’s ship, and boarded the ship directly...


In the mansion next to the Demon Hunting Division in the capital.

Zuo Lingquan went to Linyuan Port alone, and the girls were ready to set off.

This trip might take a long time, so for convenience on the road, Leng Zhu also went out to buy some clothes and rouge and powder; Shangguan Lingye also moved the cat climbing frame from the palace and placed it on the small deck.

Five girls and two pets stayed in the small painting boat. Although three of them didn't need to sleep, it still seemed a bit crowded.

Jiang Yi boarded the painting boat with her belongings and saw that the painting boat was full of wooden boxes. There was no place to sit. She couldn't help but feel a little headache and said:

"Madam Concubine, where can I buy Linglong Pavilion? I went to the market for a long time today, but there was nothing. Bar Book 69 New"

Shangguan Lingye was dealing with the files that were delayed today behind the desk, and said softly:

"The production of Linglong Pavilion is not high. It has been reserved by the nine sects. Ordinary cultivators who want to buy it have to go to Tiandi City to find a way. I will say hello to Tiedu Mansion and ask them to spare a few and record them in Zuo Lingquan's account."

Although the Iron Head Mansion can be obtained, it is obviously not easy to seize the things from the elders of the Alchemy Room, and it is estimated that they will have to come back; Linglong Pavilion cannot be installed in Linglong Pavilion, and Shangguan Lingye does not have enough left with him.

Seeing a lot of things scattered in the cabin, Shangguan Lingye also felt that it was too messy and said again:

"Put the things you don't use frequently here with me first. Anyway, I'm on the boat most of the time. Just say hello when needed."

With that said, he took off the Linglong Pavilion and handed it to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi held the gold bracelet, nodded slightly to express her gratitude, and then glanced inside with her consciousness.

I thought I would see a whole Linglong Pavilion full of stockings, bellybands, and panties, but the result was so good that I was almost blinded.

It is full of gleaming unknown treasures of heaven and earth, and white jade coins are piled into a hill. It feels almost like entering the treasury.


Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, realizing for the first time what a terrifying rich woman from the Xian family the heir to the Tiedong Mansion was.

She didn't dare to look around, so she started to sort out her things and put all kinds of things she didn't have with her into Linglong Pavilion.

Jiang Yi and Leng Zhu could eat the Bigu Pills as food, so they didn't need to carry dry food, but there were still two boxes of clothes, rouge, gouache, jewelry and other items in total.

Tang Jingxuan lived lightly and simply. Everything he earned from the spiritual practice was given to Zuo Lingquan. His only property was the jewelry box he brought from Dadan, which contained tens of thousands of official tickets, which was regarded as dowry money. Other sundries were Packed in a box.

Tang Jingxun didn't have many things to use at any time. After taking out the rouge box, comb, hairpin and other small items given by Zuo Lingquan, he gave them all to Jiang Yi.

But when it came to Wu Qingwan, it was a bit embarrassing.

Wu Qingwan sat on the beauty's couch neatly, like a little girl who had made a mistake, looking at Jiang Yi who was sorting things, and hesitated to speak.

Living things cannot be put into Linglong Pavilion, and things that may be used at any time have to be taken out. Therefore, when Jiang Yi is loading things, she will open them and check them, and ask what things do not need to be put in.

There are all women on the boat, and they are all acquaintances, so even if they have bellybands and underwear, there is nothing embarrassing.

But Wu Qingwan obviously can’t!

Is it okay to take out her collection to show its value? Just get off the boat and go back to retreat.

But Wu Qingwan was obviously reluctant to say goodbye and went back to stay alone. She could only quietly move the small wooden box at her feet to the bottom of the beauty's couch.

Wu Qingwan didn't have many belongings with her, just two wooden boxes, one large and one small. How could she hide it and expect her niece who was very fond of her not to remember it?

After Jiang Yi put away all the boxes, she glanced around the room with confusion, and finally looked under the beauty's bed:

"I just said why there is one less person."

He said and raised his hand to get it.

Wu Qingwan tensed up, tried to stay calm, and said softly:

"Oh, I forgot one. Is it okay to leave it here?"

Jiang Yi wanted to say it was okay, but she suddenly felt a little suspicious in her heart - she had seen this small wooden box several times before, but never seen the contents inside...

Jiang Yi raised her beautiful eyes, looked at her amiable aunt, and asked tentatively;

"Put it away neatly. Can my aunt use the things here at any time?"

"No, why can I use it at any time..."

"Auntie, why do you look so weird?"


Wu Qingwan felt as if her face was on fire, and she didn't know if she was blushing or not. She raised her hand and touched it:

"Is there any?"

Tang Jingxuan leaned in front of him and petted the white cat. Hearing the sound, he turned his head and joked:

"There won't be a love letter written by Xiao Zuo in the box, right?"

As soon as this was said, the cabin became quiet.

Shangguan Lingye, who was handling official duties, raised his clear and beautiful eyes.

Jiang Yi sat up a little straighter and looked at Wu Qingwan as if to confirm - she felt that Zuo Lingquan was stammering in his love words and could not write a love letter, but her aunt might write it to Zuo Lingquan.

After all, even things like ‘cultivation records’ can be written down with emotion and emotion, so what else is there that you dare not write down?

Wu Qingwan faced the four girls' eyes and felt that her life was over. She said quickly:

"How could it be a love letter? Well... they are just ordinary objects."

Jiang Yi felt that the things in the box must be unusual, but she also took care of her aunt's emotions and asked:

"Can I open it? If I can't open it for inspection, I just put it in."


Speaking of ordinary objects, but not allowing anyone to open them, isn't there three hundred taels of silver in this place?

Wu Qingwan gritted her teeth secretly, wishing she could kick Zuo Lingquan to death.

When it comes to honoring her, I know how to honor her with my mouth, and I don’t know how to buy her a Linglong Pavilion. Now it’s better...

"Well... just open it. I'll be tinkering with it in my spare time. It's a useless thing to study. You can just laugh at it... Ha..."

Jiang Yi saw Wu Qingwan looking like she wanted to run out immediately, so she didn't dare to open it, fearing that she would see something more exciting than the concubine's collection.

However, out of curiosity, after receiving the confirmation, Jiang Yi couldn't hold back. She turned the box to an angle where only she could see it, took the small key from Wu Qingwan's hand, opened it and took a look...

The room was silent and watched eagerly.


Jiang Yi glanced at it for a moment, then blinked slightly doubtfully - there was nothing unusual about the carp among the flowers, but the two tails and two pairs of ears placed next to it were a bit strange.

After taking a few glances, Jiang Yi picked up the furry fox ears, put them on her head, and asked:

"Is that how it's used?"


A silver bell-like laughter rang out in the painting boat.

Tang Jingyan nodded slightly in approval:

"Good craftsmanship, very beautiful, I didn't expect Qingwan to make such a childish little thing."

Wu Qingwan pretended to be calm and smiled softly:

"Just playing with it in my spare time."

Shangguan Lingye also thought it was very beautiful, so he stood up and walked over, picked up a rolled red tail to check, and nodded slightly:

"It's still a complete set, a good idea."

Jiang Yi played with the ears for a while, then put it back. Just when she was about to wait for the Concubine Dowager to appreciate it and put the things away, she suddenly found the white tail in the box, which had a more special shape.

"Auntie, why is this tail hanging on your waist?"

Shangguan Lingye had already wrapped the red tail around his waist. He took the white tail and looked at it, thinking:

"It looks like a plug-in. Is there a matching skirt?"


Wu Qingwan didn't dare to think about how this thing could be inserted, and explained awkwardly:

"Maybe... I don't know, I just did it casually."




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