The fairy is fierce

Chapter 91 Crouching Dragon

call out

After the loud sound of the sword, dust billowed in the sword worship platform, and another groove stretching for tens of feet appeared.

The four earthen walls have not disappeared. Sharp ice picks spread upward from the inside of the wall. From a distance, they look like crystal clear torches, standing under the warm winter sun.

Zuo Lingquan, dressed in black and holding a sword, stood on the top of the iceberg, his long hair flowing in the wind. He raised his eyes and looked towards the cliff, which probably meant what was next.

Hyacinth was pulled to the edge of the sword worship platform, her face slightly depressed.

However, 'Sword One' has long been proven that one sword in the same realm can defeat all methods. In a fair fight on the ring, if he encounters this kind of shameless sword skills, whoever can't pull him apart will die. He was convinced that he lost, and he handed over his hand. , left the sword worship platform on his own.

When the smoke and dust cleared from the venue, the onlookers realized that the winner had been decided, and a wave of cheers came over them:


"Clean and tidy..."

Above the cliff, Jiang Yi and others did not see clearly what was going on. Only when they heard the cheers did they know that Zuo Lingquan had won, and their faces showed joy.

Nangong Yue, who served as the referee, did not analyze the situation just now and announced directly:

"Zuo Lingquan wins!"

When Li Chongjin saw that Taohuatan had lost, he felt quite happy and comforted him:

"Hyacinthe is worthy of being an outstanding figure among the younger generation. She has many magical skills at her fingertips, and her talent is truly enviable. However, she lacks some killing experience. Madam Huazhu needs to hone her skills in this area in the future."

The elders of the nine sects all understood the meaning of Li Chongjin's words. Although Li Chudial also lost, he had a head-on fight and the sword was handed out. If he didn't pull away, he would have been injured in exchange for death. He only lost in swordsmanship and other aspects. No problem; Hyacinth's fight was a bit ugly this time. She focused too much on defense and lacked experience in killing. If she wasn't pulled away, it would be in vain. Comparing the two, Li Chudial is stronger than Hyacinth.

Madam Huazhu lost the battle, so she was naturally not in a good mood. Her eyes lingered on Zuo Lingquan and she said:

“You’ve all lost if you lose, it’s interesting to see who loses better?”

These words were not very polite. Li Chongjin frowned and wanted to say a few words, but Xu Yinzhao raised his hand, stopped the two of them, and said:

"Since the nine sects have formed an alliance, there has never been a situation where the casual cultivators have defeated two sects in a row. If you don't do your best, could you wait for this guy to defeat the nine sects one by one, and then start your own sect?"

The reason why the Nine Sects Alliance engages in such a big battle is actually for propaganda purposes, to inculcate a concept to the monks in the world: 'Nine Sects are the best and supreme in the world. If you want to live forever, find a way to join the Nine Sects', so that the Nine Sects can get an endless supply of fresh food. blood.

If someone outside the Nine Sects appears and defeats all the Nine Sects, then the influence of the Nine Sects will be greatly reduced; the rising star of the spiritual path will probably not regard the Nine Sects as a belief, but as an opponent.

The Thousand Mile Embankment was destroyed in an ant nest, and the Nine Sects had finally managed to construct the current situation. Obviously, they would not allow such a frivolous person to exist. This person must either be beaten to the ground by Jiuzong Qingkui, or he must be from Jiuzong.

Nangong Yue didn't know Zuo Lingquan's identity. As a disciple of the Supreme Nine Leagues, he still focused on the stability of the Nine Sects and said:

"Li Chudial and Hyacinth have both lost, and the others have little chance of winning either; let's just let Shang Siming play."

Mrs. Huazhu was not very optimistic about the current situation and said:

"What if Shang Siming loses again?"

Hearing this, the others looked at Qiu Fengqing.

Qiu Fengqing spread his hands slightly: "Wolong is not from the Jiu Sect, so we should let Qing Kui from Tiedong Mansion come out to guarantee the bottom line."

Nangong Yue was not sure whether his Qingkui could beat Zuo Lingquan, but Junior Sister Lingye said that he could beat Zuo Lingquan, so he could only take it seriously and nodded slightly:


Seeing this, Shang Jianyao said nothing and raised his hand.

On the cliff, Shang Siming, dressed in a python robe, walked out of the attic——

Shang Siming, as the strongest young leader in the contemporary era, has a very high status in the hearts of the monks of the Nine Sects. He is the same age as Hyacinth, but he has already reached the halfway level of Jade. His cultivation level alone is enough to put many elders of the Nine Sects to shame. .

Besides his status as Qing Kui, Shang Siming was also the prince of the Imperial Dynasty. His status was unattainable in both the secular world and the immortal family.

As the cloud-patterned python robe appeared outside the sword worship platform, the onlookers became restless, and many female cultivators opened their mouths to cheer. Even the momentum Zuo Lingquan had just raised was suppressed somewhat.

After Zuo Lingquan replenished his energy on the side of the sword worship platform, he came to the center of the sword worship platform and waited.

The sword worship platform has been packed up, and the surrounding mountains are roaring like a tide. All the monks present are focusing their attention on the venue.

After Shang Siming finished suppressing the realm, he did not take the weapon. He directly came to stand ten feet opposite Zuo Lingquan and said:

"Tiandi City, Shang Siming, Zuo Xiaoyou, be careful."

It is reasonable for Shang Siming to call Zuo Lingquan 'little friend' with his cultivation level of half a jade level, but calling him so in this kind of duel in the arena is obviously a bit condescending.

Zuo Lingquan just wanted to finish the fight quickly and see the true Buddha. He didn't care about Shang Siming's attitude and said:

"Zuo Lingquan."

After the words fell, the whole place fell silent, and everyone was absorbed in it.

The cold wind swept across the sword worship platform, and two young men who looked similar in age looked at each other, motionless.

After Nangong Yue confirmed that both parties were ready, he raised his hand:



Just like last time, Zuo Lingquan struck first. At the opening moment, the long sword at his waist was already unsheathed, and his figure was like a black thunder, attacking Shang Siming who was very close at hand.

For Zuo Lingquan, a distance of ten feet is no different than face to face. The physical explosive power of monks in the same realm is far inferior to his, and there is no chance to escape.

But Zuo Lingquan obviously underestimated the value of the words "half-step jade step".

Half a jade step represents ‘all five elements’. All things are divided into five elements, which are intertwined and mixed together. There are very few objects with a single attribute; just like the earth, the five elements belong to earth, but there are also roots, iron stones, water vapor, etc. hidden in it. There is no simple soil.

To control the four natal objects, if one of them is missing, you can only control part of it; only a monk with all five elements can fully control the world and perform all kinds of strange magic techniques.

Facing Zuo Lingquan's outrageous outburst, Shang Siming did not retreat even an inch. He just raised his hand to seal the secret and shouted softly:


As soon as he finished speaking, Zuo Lingquan, who had just rushed through half the distance, felt that the ground under his feet quickly stretched and stretched, and the distance between him and Shang Siming also suddenly became farther.

This distance is not pushing people away, but directly causing the surrounding world to 'flow' and spread to external objects.

Not only the people, but also the sword energy that struck out seemed to be moving forward, but in fact it was retreating along with the heaven and the earth, and was already neutralized before it even got close to Shang Siming.

Seeing this scene, the elders of the nine sects all nodded slightly.

Jiang Yi couldn't understand it at all and asked:

"What kind of magical power is this?"

Shangguan Lingye responded: "The Immortal Technique of Heavenly Emperor City's 'Boundary Border' is equivalent to shrinking the ground to an inch and doing it backwards. A normal monk would never be able to reach Shang Siming in his lifetime."

The reason why Immortal Technique is called 'Immortal Technique' is because the effect is too overbearing and unreasonable like 'Sword One'.

The 'Boundary Sealing' in Tiandi City is a control technique as famous as the Prisoning Dragon Formation and the Demon Sealing Sword Formation. Although it has no actual lethality, its effect is more exaggerated than the other two. It fundamentally eliminates the possibility of normal monks fighting back.

However, Shangguan Lingye's words clearly meant that Zuo Lingquan was not a normal monk.

Before Jiang Yi asked how to resolve this technique, the battlefield below had already given her the answer.

Zuo Lingquan's figure was quickly pulled away, and he also realized the power of this magical power. It was difficult to restrain his retreat, and he probably couldn't even fly in front of Shang Siming.

If you can't crack it, you will definitely face a one-sided beating.

Seeing the distance quickly widening, Zuo Lingquan raised his hands to seal the secret without hesitation, silently reciting in his heart:

Yutang's edict...

As the spells in his hands changed, nine streams of water splashed around, turning into nine ice swords in mid-air, forming a spell formation.

When Shang Siming saw this scene, his eyes were slightly stunned.

The reaction of the nine elders who were watching was similar to that of Shang Siming; Nangong Yue of Tieyong Mansion stood up in shock and looked at Zuo Lingquan in disbelief.

Lord Dizhao's 'Frontier' is too overbearing. Once a spell is released, all things will retreat, and it is extremely restrained from martial arts cultivators or all kinds of big monsters that attack the front.

The Tiedong Mansion emphasizes 'advance without retreat', and when encountering this move, it directly becomes 'retreat without advancement'. Lord Linyuan was disgusted by Fengjiang, so he specifically developed the 'Devil-Sealing Sword Formation' , used to cut off the monk's connection with heaven and earth, so that he can fight with the opponent at close range.

These magical skills are the special skills of the three elders. Only Qingkui, the future heir, can learn them. Ordinarily, the inner sects of the nine sects may not even have seen them, let alone learned them. Only one person among the nine sects can learn them. I can count them on my hands.

But Zuo Lingquan in the field, with nine swords floating around him, was obviously the starting point of the 'Demon Sealing Sword Formation'.

And soon, the scene that appeared on the field confirmed everyone's guesses.


Zuo Lingquan made a quick seal, and when he said the word "zhen", the nine ice swords buzzed in the air.

The rapidly stretching surrounding world also came to an abrupt end at this moment.

Although the range did not affect Shang Siming, Zuo Lingquan's ice sword was suspended in the air and could be moved.

Zuo Lingquan held a long sword in his hand and ran towards Shang Siming with a sword formation as fast as a thunderbolt.

The surprise in Shang Siming's eyes did not lessen, but his movements were not slow, and he changed his magic skills and moved his position away from Zuo Lingquan.

But since Zuo Lingquan had no reservations, he would not skimp on one or two spells. He bit his finger while flying, flicked the blood beads far away, raised his hand to seal the secret, and said in a deep voice:



There was a roar in the air, and a nine-story ice tower fell from the sky, landing directly on Shang Siming's head.

"Prisoning Dragon Formation?!"

When the elders of the nine sects saw this scene, most of them made a sound of surprise and confusion, and there was a hint of enlightenment in their eyes.

Shang Siming's realm was pushed down to the sixth level of the Spiritual Valley, and he was suppressed by the Dragon Prison Formation. He said in disbelief:

"Are you Shangguan Jiulong?"

Zuo Lingquan did not answer, but everyone understood this fact.

Lord Fulong was skilled in the Qimen Formation. In order to suppress the Pill Stealing, he taught the Dragon Prison Formation to the other two elders.

Zuo Lingquan knows how to seal the Demon Sword Formation, and it can be said that he has amazing understanding and figured it out by himself. However, the only one who knows how to seal the Demon Sealing Sword Formation and the Prisoning Dragon Formation at the same time is Qing Kui of the Iron Head Mansion. These two magical principles are so different that it is impossible to realize them at the same time without being taught by an expert.

When the elders of the Nine Sects saw these two immortals, the shock of the past few days finally subsided. If they were Qingkui from Tiedong Mansion, it would make sense; otherwise, a self-taught casual cultivator could make the Nine Sects into a In this way, those nine sects are no longer worthy of establishing a foothold in the southern part of Yuyaozhou.

Nangong Yue and Situ Baye, who was in the dark, looked at Zuo Lingquan again as their eyes changed from confusion to surprise.

Qiu Fengqing, who was sitting on the Grand Master's chair, was stunned.

He turned to look at Lao Lu in the dark and spread his hands. What did he think was going on? If you don't give me the good seedlings you dug up, then you'll just give them to Tiedong Mansion after changing hands?

Lao Lu was also baffled.

Zuo Lingquan, who was in the middle of the scene, obviously couldn't pay attention to the expressions of the elders of the Nine Sects. He strode to Shang Siming and raised his hand with a sword, going straight to Shang Siming's heart gate.

Shang Siming was restrained, but he did not wait for death. He raised his hand to seal the seal, and a soaring dragon wall sprang up from the ground in front of him. The clouds above it were colorful, and the dragon's head was glaring with anger, carrying a majesty that could not be offended.

However, under the limitation of Linggu's sixth level cultivation, no matter how powerful the spells he performs, the truth of 'one sword can defeat all spells' cannot be escaped. If it can be blocked head-on, then Zuo Lingquan's sword is not worthy of being called 'Sword One'. .


The black sword edge fell on the Soaring Dragon Wall, and the five-color dragon wall instantly shattered, with a crack appearing in the middle.

After the sword edge penetrated the Tenglong wall two inches, it was difficult to move forward, but the vast sword energy contained in the sword body also burst out at this time.


The back of the Tenglong Wall exploded instantly, and the bucket-thick ink dragon passed through the Tenglong Wall, swept away the rubble, and stabbed at the python robe on Shang Siming's body.

Shang Siming knew that the Soaring Dragon Wall could not stop 'Jian Yi', so he just wanted to reduce its power and speed. While raising the Soaring Dragon Wall, his body had moved a little to the side, forming a slanted shield on his chest, forcing him to He deflected the direction of Molong's sword energy, allowing it to pass by his body without being injured at all.

With a move of his sword, a groove more than ten feet long appeared instantly behind Shang Si's side.

Although the elders of the Nine Sects knew that Zuo Lingquan was Shangguan Jiulong, they were still observing the situation attentively; Shang Siming was after all the number one Qingkui in the contemporary era, and his movements were restricted by magic, so he was not helpless and could avoid this situation. You can tell a thing or two with a sword.

Zuo Lingquan's trump card has been exposed. If his strongest killer move fails to kill Shang Siming, it will basically be difficult to kill him again. If Shang Siming then makes a backhand, Zuo Lingquan may not be able to block it.

Shang Siming obviously also understood this. After dodging the fatal sword, he took advantage of the gap between Zuo Lingquan and his sword with all his strength, quickly switched from defense to offense, and tried to kill Zuo Lingquan by making secret moves.

But at this moment, a horrifying sword intent pointed at his chest and abdomen again. ? !

Shang Siming was stunned.

Zuo Lingquan, who had just finished his sword strike, didn't even take a breath, and then stabbed him with another sword, the power of which was no less than before.


The elders of the Nine Sects were vaguely dumbfounded and a bit confused.

Although Zuo Lingquan was not 'Lianyun' this time, the distance between the two swords was also terrifyingly short.

According to common sense, the more powerful a spell or martial skill is, the more Qi it draws. In other words, the longer the interval between using it again will be longer.

Zuo Lingquan instantly burst out with extreme speed and lethality, which can be understood as preparation in advance, but it is a bit unreasonable to strike out with one sword without breathing at all, and then follow it up with a second sword.

The arm contains the rectum, and the meridians are directly connected to the sea of ​​qi, right?

Even if he had practiced hard since he was a child and had flawless meridians, this explosion was too inhuman and exceeded most people's understanding of the physical limits.

Shang Siming obviously didn't expect Zuo Lingquan to have such a skill. He misjudged for a moment and forced to switch from defense to offense. However, the explosion was not as fast as Zuo Lingquan's, and it was too late to start the defensive again.

Zuo Lingquan went out with a sword, facing an almost undefended opponent. The sword edge was already at Shang Si's heart in an instant.

When the sword stabbed to this point, Shang Siming couldn't use any magical means. There was shock in his eyes, but he didn't make any more fearless struggle.

Zuo Lingquan knew that someone was pulling his opponent away, and the sword in his hand exploded without any hesitation.


The sword energy like an ink dragon shattered the python robe on Shang Siming's chest in an instant, and also pierced the flesh underneath. ! !

Zuo Lingquan's eyes suddenly changed, but when he used all his strength to draw the sword, he had no time to stop.

"Damn you!"

Shang Jianyao, who was frowning in deep thought, was shocked to death when he saw this scene.

Fortunately, the stunned Nangong Yue was still reacting. When he realized something was wrong, he quickly raised his hand and pulled Shang Siming out from under the sword.


The dust stirred up by the previous sword energy had not subsided yet, and another groove appeared in the field.

Zuo Lingquan forcibly withdrew his strength until his face turned purple and he almost suffered internal injuries. After sheathing his sword, he looked at the high platform above, meaning, "What's going on with you?"

Shang Siming's face turned pale with shock, his chest robe was torn to pieces and stained with blood. He also raised his eyes to look at the elder above, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

Shang Jian Yaoxu was startled and his anger was not gone. He slapped the armrest of the chair and stood up, angrily saying:

"Nangong Yue, what do you mean? Are you deliberately embarrassing me, Tiandi City?"

Nangong Yue was actually a little confused. He knew something was wrong, so he cupped his hands and said:

"Sorry, I was distracted for a moment."

"Are you lost? Why are you so lost? Your Iron Head Mansion arranged this kind of show of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in the Nine Sects Alliance, and accidentally injured my Tiandi City disciples. Is this your host's style?"


Nangong Yuelao has a mature and calm character, but he is a little confused at this time and doesn't know how to explain it.

The monks watching from the outside of the Sword Worship Platform were obviously a little slower in their reaction. After the elders of the nine sects finished arguing, they discovered that Zuo Lingquan had won the fight, and the audience suddenly burst into cheers.

Zuo Lingquan almost beat someone to death on the ring, and was shocked, which diluted the joy of victory. He apologized to Shang Siming, then looked at the platform above and said:

"It was not my intention to accidentally injure Brother Shang. Please don't blame me, seniors."

The nine elders above had different expressions and did not speak.

Nangong Yue was scolded a few times by Shang Siming, but he couldn't reply. He stood up and said:

"Junior Brother Zuo, um... Since you have come to Iron River Valley, why don't you identify yourself in advance? This will cause misunderstandings among guests from all sects."

Nangong Yue was a disciple of Patriarch Shangguan, but he was not a direct descendant. In terms of status, he was still lower than Zuo Lingquan, so he stood up.

Zuo Lingquan was at a loss when he heard this:

"Uh...why do seniors call themselves junior disciples? I don't seem to recognize seniors."

Nangong Yue doesn't know Zuo Lingquan either, but what does it matter? He smiled and said:

"We'll get to know each other later."

Tiandi City and Tiedong Mansion were on equal footing. They suffered a big loss at this time, so naturally they couldn't bear it. Shang Jianyao said in a deep voice:

"Since you are the Qinggui of the Tiedong Mansion, why didn't you identify yourself in advance? Did you deliberately show weakness to the enemy, so that Yunshui Jiantan and Taohuatan misjudged it, and didn't you feel that the victory was in vain?"

When the monks onlookers heard this, they all expressed surprise. After thinking about it for a while, they finally understood the meaning. They looked at Zuo Lingquan, and there was a lot of noise:

"Qingkui of the Tiedong Mansion? Is Zuo Jianxian the blood of Shangguan Ba?"

"Ba is a hammer. Shangguan Baxue is almost ten feet tall and has a big beard. Do you think he looks like him?"

"Then he is... hiss"

When Zuo Lingquan heard these words, he probably understood the meaning and said:

"Everyone has misunderstood. I am not the Qingkui of Tiedong Mansion, nor do I have a master-disciple relationship with Patriarch Shangguan..."

The elder of the Nine Sects frowned slightly, and Shang Jianyao said:

"It's not Qing Kui of Tie Yong Mansion. Where did you learn the sword and immortal skills? Is it possible that you figured it out on your own?"

Zuo Lingquan nodded: "My swordsmanship is self-taught, as you seniors can tell if you think about it. As for those immortal arts, they were secretly learned from the ancestor Shangguan. There is indeed no master-disciple relationship."

"Learning secretly?" Shang Jianyao didn't believe this nonsense at all: "Who is Lord Linyuan? No one here knows. She doesn't teach you, how can you learn secretly?"

Zuo Lingquan actually felt that Patriarch Shangguan was borrowing Tang Jingxun's hands to teach him these things.

But he kissed and touched the white jade tiger, and the ancestor bit his tongue.

Although his body was quiet and not that of the ancestor, the ancestor obviously felt that he could not admit the master-disciple relationship on such an occasion.

Seeing the elders of the Nine Sects so certain, Zuo Lingquan could only say:

"Lord Linyuan and I do have some connections, but we are not masters and disciples. The Imperial Concubine can attest to this. The other techniques I know were all taught by the Imperial Concubine."

Nangong Yue turned around when he heard the sound and looked at where Shangguan Lingye was.

Shangguan Lingye knew that Zuo Lingquan didn't know about it, but the ancestor let the news of Qingkui go out just to occupy a trap, so as to prevent other sects from fighting over him; the ancestor did not say that he would accept Zuo Lingquan as his disciple, just in case he wanted to What about sworn sworn relationship with Zuo Lingquan?

It is possible to become a Taoist companion, no one can say for sure.

Shangguan Lingye didn't understand what the ancestor meant and didn't dare to say anything. At this time, he appeared at the window and just said:

"Anyway, he has a connection with the Iron Mansion. You can think of it yourself. If you really want to get to the bottom of it, just ask the ancestor."

This is equivalent to acquiescence.

Zuo Lingquan spread his hands, looked at the young woman and grandma, and said with his eyes: "Didn't you say that Shangguan Jiulong is better than me and more handsome than me?" What does this mean?

Shangguan Lingye couldn't say this at this time. Faced with Zuo Lingquan's questioning eyes, he said:

"Being a master and accepting a disciple is also about your own will. Let's talk about these things after the fight is over."

Zuo Lingquan also knew that the situation was not right, so he said no more at the moment and looked towards the high platform, wanting to continue the challenge.

But Shang Jianyao obviously had no intention of settling the matter. He said dissatisfied:

"Why are you still fighting? You, Tie Dong Mansion, hired your own people, and then offered you 100,000 white jade baht, forcing me to pay for the lottery. Are you taking advantage of me like this?"

Nangong Yue was a little dissatisfied with these words:

"We compete in the arena. Win or lose depends on your own ability. If Hyacinth wins, my Iron Head Mansion will still give you the prize, so how can you take advantage?"

This makes sense too.

Mrs. Huazhu said: "I am willing to admit defeat. After all, I am also the elder of the nine sects. So what if I spend some unjust money to motivate the juniors?"

Xu Yinzhao also nodded:

"Xu Mo isn't here, but is there anyone else who wants to play?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Qiu Fengqing who was sitting next to him and touching his chin.

Nangong Yue said solemnly: "Elder Qiu, you said a few days ago that Wolong wanted to kill Qingkui of Tiedong Mansion. There is no suspense. He has already been beaten to this level. Why don't you pull him out and let me see the world?"

What Qiu Fengqing told a few days ago was true, but now he might be beaten if he speaks out. His expression was a little strange, and he thought for a while and said:

"Wolong is afraid he won't be able to come out, um..."

He turned and looked at where Lao Lu was:

"Xiao Feng, why don't you come down?"

In the attic where Lao Lu was, Zuo Yunting was already hungry and thirsty. He raised his hand to snatch Qi Jia's sword, turned around and left the attic.

The area around the sword worship platform became silent again, and everyone looked towards the flying corridor on the cliff.

Zuo Lingquan also had a serious expression. After all, he heard from Lin Yang that Chufeng was also at the two poles of the barren mountain, with the Lord's posture... posture...? !

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were stunned.

The warm winter sun shines on the cliff, and the cold wind blows through the corridor loft.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, a white-robed young man, with a long sword in his left hand and a folding fan in his right hand, slowly walked out of the attic.

The white-robed young master was calm and serious, staring coldly at Zuo Lingquan below, with an inexplicable pressure in his eyes. Even outsiders could tell that you were just a younger brother.

The most horrifying thing was that the look in his eyes didn't seem to be fake, as if he really treated Zuo Lingquan as a weakling.

The elders of the nine sects all sat up a little straighter, with serious expressions on their faces, and carefully observed their auras.

This is incredible!

There is no gas phase to be found at all.

Everyone here is a master of the nine sects. Even a genius like Zuo Lingquan can't see the specific situation, but he can still get a general idea of ​​his realm.

But for the young man in white in front of them, they could only feel a faint fluctuation of spiritual energy. It was so weak that it was almost imperceptible. He was no different from an ordinary person. No matter how they looked at it, he looked like a weakling with weak limbs and a weak aura.

If you practice a Taoism, anyone who cannot see through it must be more advanced than yourself.

What kind of state does this person have to be that even the elders of the nine sects can't see through?

Forgot about half a step?

Shangguan Lingye stood at the window with a look of disbelief on his face and solemnly said:

"You can't tell the truth at all. What kind of freak is this?"

Jiang Yi was also in disbelief, opening her rosy mouth and saying:

"Why is this idiot here?"


Zuo Lingquan stood blankly in the center of the sword worship platform, watching his fifth brother, whom he hadn't seen for half a year, slowly walking down the cliff. He felt a little hopeless, and various words came to his mind:

Zuo's double tease, Southern Wilderness's double shame...

Isn’t this just fun for everyone...

This is my cousin, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to pretend that I don't know him...

Lao Lu, this bad old man, is very bad...

Zuo Yunting was quite impressive. After walking for a long time, he came to the octagonal gate tower, ready to go in and show off.

Situ Zhenzhen was a little frightened. After all, he couldn't see the depth... No, he couldn't see the depth. No matter how he looked at it, it felt shallow.

Seeing that Zuo Yunting was about to go in directly, Situ Shocked still raised his hand to indicate:

"Your Excellency, please measure your bone age and realm first, and then enter the venue."


Zuo Yunting's expression froze, and he turned to look at the detection array next to him.

Although Zuo Yunting is cynical and irreverent, he is not stupid.

If he goes in for the test, then the whole world will know that he has reached the first level of Qi refining...

The spiritual pets present are probably all higher in cultivation than him...

How can this be done...

Situ Zhenzhen looked at the young man in white in front of him blankly, and then raised his hand to signal.

Zuo Yunting paused at the door for a moment, coughed slightly, and said:

"Ling Quan, since you have changed your family, I won't lecture you anymore as a brother; from now on, there will only be 'young phoenixes' and no 'crouching dragons' in the world, so we can get together and part ways."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Yunting put away the folding fan, turned around and left. ? ?

The whole audience was at a loss.

The elder of the Nine Sects looked at Zuo Yunting's back as he walked away. He was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. In a blink of an eye, he looked at Qiu Fengqing:

"What does this kid"

Qiu Fengqing, who was sitting in front of him just now, may have disappeared without a trace because he was afraid of being beaten.

Li Chongjin and others looked around, confused.

Zuo Lingquan was also confused, but in order to give his cousin a step down and prevent him from performing a one-man show, he had to cooperate and say:

"Fifth brother, walk slowly."

Zuo Yunting raised his folding fan and waved it. It must be said that the posture was quite cool...

The second volume [Wolong Yin] is finally finished.

I have to write the detailed outline of the third volume tomorrow, so I'm taking a day off.

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