The fairy is fierce

Chapter 45: Ghostly City

Zezhou, Pengyu County.

Thick dark clouds were pressing overhead, and large raindrops smashed into the yellow mud. The debris of wood and weeds mixed with sand and gravel formed a turbid mud, which poured into the Shanling River from between countless mountain valleys.

The originally small river overflowed under the rain, and muddy water flowed across both sides of the river, submerging the originally overgrown road into a muddy swamp.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝘵𝘸𝘬𝘢𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮]

Zuo Lingquan was wearing a raincoat, holding the reins and walking slowly in the mud, towards the distant county; the oil paper lantern in his hand swayed in the wind and rain, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, just like the crumbling dead wood by the river. All may be submerged by rolling mudslides.

Jiang Yi was sitting on the horse, also wearing a raincoat. The raindrops hit the bamboo hat and made loud noises. She could only shrink her neck to prevent the rain from seeping into her neck; Tuanzi also shrank into a ball and hid under the bamboo hat.

After leaving Linyuan City, the two of them rushed to Zezhou in six days in order to eliminate the harm to the people as quickly as possible.

Zezhou is located in the southeast of the Yan Dynasty, more than a thousand miles away from the capital. However, the terrain is not good and the rain is too abundant. It rains for half of the year. There are few gathering places for people, and it is even rarer to practice sects; because The government's control power is insufficient, but there are more people wandering around.

It had been raining for days when we came here. Jiang Yi was soaked until her underwear was soaked, and it was very uncomfortable to sit there. She looked into the distance against the rain and asked:

"Pengyu County is ahead of us, right?"

Zuo Lingquan stopped and took out the map and looked at it:

"If we walk more than two miles, we should be there. This map is not accurate. Wherever it is difficult to follow, there are marked marks."

"A map is an important weapon for military strategists. If you can put it on the market, it must be biased. It's good if you can barely find the place."

Jiang Yi saw that Zuo Lingquan was even more miserable, and felt a little heartbroken. Her fiancé said:

"Are you tired? Why don't you come up and sit while I lead the horse to explore the road."

Zuo Lingquan was naturally not tired. He was close to water. He was quite comfortable in the heavy rain. Although it was a bit difficult to walk on the muddy ground, he was not willing to let his wife lead the horse in the mud. He shook his head and said:

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness. How can the princess lead a horse for the prince-in-law with her daughter's body?"

When Jiang Yi heard the compliment, she softly "hum~", her eyes were quite satisfied, and she said softly:

"I don't love you dearly. We are all practitioners. It's time to let go of your worldly status and go out together to slay demons. How can you do it alone?"

Zuo Lingquan smiled and said: "Princess, you just want to work hard. When you get to the county town later, find a place to stay, give me a bath and beat my back."

Jiang Yi frowned: "You have a beautiful idea, you rub it for me... No, don't even think about it. We will open two houses at a time, and I will sleep with Tuanzi."


"It's not safe to go out. I've been on the road these days. I'm a little tired. What should I do if I'm careless while I'm asleep?"

"Then just don't sleep and stay vigil outside. With your Linggu cultivation, you won't die of exhaustion if you don't sleep."

"The landlord's donkeys don't dare to do this, so the princess is not afraid of pissing me off. Later..."

Jiang Yi was really a little scared, but she still said hard:

"What happens later?"


"Why are you laughing? If you have the ability to speak clearly, I will tell my aunt now..."

The two of them just chatted casually and walked another two or three miles until they arrived outside the old city wall of Pengyu County.

Pengyu County is more than a hundred miles away from the county seat. It is a remote and small county with no more than a thousand houses. It is inhabited by local people. Only a few people from Jianghu will pass through here to go to the county seat.

The errand Zuo Lingquan took over was to report to the Yamen of Pengyu County. The incident happened in the Dahuang Ridge area on the north side of the county. He had never entered the county to inquire and did not know the specific details.

In the middle of the night, it rained heavily.

Zuo Lingquan led his horse to a stop outside the city gate, stamped his feet, shook off the mud from his boots, and looked at the city gate.

There is a big hole in the gate of the county town. Judging from the traces, it is quite old, and there are no soldiers guarding the gate before or after it.

In the dark county town, the sound of heavy rain obscured all sounds, and rainwater accumulated on the streets. In the center of the county town in the distance, there were several dark beams of light shining from the windows, and no living person could be seen.

"Why is this place so spooky?"

Jiang Yi got off her horse, shook out her sticky skirt, looked more serious, took the yellow paper lantern from Zuo Lingquan, and walked to the dilapidated city gate.

The wooden boards of the city gate are full of twisted lines, a large black mark, and a few yellow paper symbols.

The yellow paper charm was stained with paste, but it was not firmly adhered. It was blown from side to side by the night wind and made a "swish, swish, swish" sound, which made the county town under the night rain even more weird.

Zuo Lingquan's expression was solemn, he looked around and said:

"This place is very dark."

"Do you feel the yin energy?"

"I can't feel it, but I have a chill down my spine."

Jiang Yi actually felt palpitations. She held a yellow leather lantern and approached the city gate. She smeared the black marks on the black marks with her fingers dipped in water, then brought it to her nose and smelled it.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Lingquan warned:

"Beware of the poison."

"You don't need to remind me, just pay attention to your surroundings."

Jiang Yi smelled the black traces carefully and smelled fishy. She frowned:

"It's blood, not human blood."

Zuo Lingquan stood in front, pressing the hilt of his sword and scanning the dark bushes outside the city gate, and asked:

"Beast blood?"

"It's not the blood of a ferocious beast. It smells like dog blood or chicken blood."

Jiang Yi used to be in charge of Dadan's arrest department and had a lot of exposure to cases of ferocious beasts and folk ghosts. She really knew more about these aspects than Zuo Lingquan, who had disrespected ghosts and gods since he was a child. She explained:

"Folks like to use these things to ward off evil spirits. Pasting yellow charms on the door is also a common method to ward off evil spirits. This place may have been haunted."

After Zuo Lingquan heard this, he took out the case file and looked at it:

"The file says 'there seems to be a vicious beast causing trouble', but there is no mention of hauntings."

"How can the people in remote counties distinguish between ferocious beasts and ghosts? In the past, ferocious beasts were roaming the Bailu River and dragged people into the water, so they were mistaken for water ghosts by the people. We are here to investigate and solve the problem. If it is written in the file, It’s all over, why do you need us to come here?”

"That's true."

Zuo Lingquan put away the files, led the horse and Jiang Yi through the holes in the city gate, and came to the dark small county town.

It rained heavily at night, and the uneven streets were covered with water.

Jiang Yi sat in front with a lantern, looking around while walking; Zuo Lingquan took out an oil-paper umbrella from the side of the horse, covered the two people's heads, and listened to the subtle movements around them.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Cold raindrops hit the umbrella, slid down the ribs, and were stuck to the raincoat by the cross wind on the street.

There was no one in sight in the town, and the atmosphere was indeed a bit gloomy. Tuanzi didn't dare to scream, but huddled in front of Jiang Yi's neck, watching carefully.

Jiang Yi walked forward and didn't notice anything strange. Just as she was about to speak, she saw Zuo Lingquan beside her raise her finger to signal silence.

She held her breath and listened intently. Between the crackling rain curtains, she heard faintly:


It sounded like a woman sobbing softly.

Zuo Lingquan paused and said softly:

"If a gentleman doesn't stand behind a dangerous wall, why don't he come here again during the day?"

Jiang Yi hid her inner emotions well, her expression was calm, and she hesitated:

"Don't do bad things, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. We are here to slay demons. Well... there are lights in the shop in front, let's go and take a look first."

Zuo Lingquan was not afraid, but he felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange. Seeing that Jiang Yi was not afraid, he took Jiang Yi's hand and walked forward quickly.

But as soon as the two of them walked along the street, no more than ten feet away, they heard the sound of 'tapping' footsteps from under the eaves of the dark houses on the street.

The two of them paused at the same time. Jiang Yi raised the yellow leather lantern to check that the door of a house on the street was not closed, and there were messes inside.

An old woman with disheveled hair raised her folded hands and staggered over.


The old woman is too old. Her gray hair is wetted by the rain and sticks to her face. Her eyes are gray-white. Her sallow skin looks like dried human skin under the dim light. All the teeth in her mouth have fallen out. She can only speak when she opens her mouth. The whine of running wind.

Not very far from each other.

Jiang Yi raised the lantern and saw this scene. She was so shocked that she took half a step back and her sword was unsheathed by two inches.


However, before the sword could be drawn out, it was held down by Zuo Lingquan next to him.

Zuo Lingquan heard that the old woman was breathing, and saw a look of anxiety on the old woman's face, which did not look like a monster. He pressed Jiang Yi's hand, took two steps back, and said loudly:

"Old lady, did you admit the wrong person?"


The old woman was walking tremblingly in the rain, opening her mouth to sob, but couldn't hear what she was saying, and kept walking forward.

Jiang Yi frowned and did not dare to step forward rashly, so she could only retreat with Zuo Lingquan.

Fortunately, in a shop with lights on in the distance, I heard a noise and a waiter walked out. After taking a distant look here, he quickly said:

"Aunt Li, you have recognized the wrong person. That is not your son."

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and Zuo Lingquan stepped forward to support the old woman.

The waiter in the shop seemed to be a warm-hearted person. He opened his umbrella and ran over, helping the old woman to walk back into the house and explaining at the same time:

"Aunt Li's son was lost in the mountains before. Since then, his mind has not been clear. He would run out when he heard the noise, scaring many people walking at night."

Zuo Lingquan was really shocked. Seeing the old woman's confused look, he sighed softly:

"Is there anyone else at home?"

"It's just a son. He used to be very filial, but he didn't marry me in order to treat my eyesight. Once he passed away, only Aunt Li was left. Alas..."

The waiter helped the old woman back into the house, closed the door, and said:

"You two look unfamiliar. It seems like it's your first time coming to the county. It rained heavily at night. If you are looking for a place to stay, you can go to the front shop and there is a guest room."

The two of them were planning to find a place to stay. They walked towards the inn with the waiter. Jiang Yi asked:

"We just came from the capital and saw blood splashed on the city gate and talisman paper posted on it, but what dirty thing happened in the city?"

The waiter saw Jiang Yi carrying a sword and a bodyguard leading a horse behind him. He thought she was a heroine from a family of martial arts, and said:

"The heroine has good eyesight. There have been some rumors in the city recently. I don't know very much about it. It seems that there are woodcutters who have encountered ghosts in Dahuang Ridge. In recent years, some villagers have become lost, so at night there are no People dare to go out; the black dog blood on the city gate was splashed by the man from the dog meat shop in front, and it is of no use..."

Jiang Yi nodded slightly and asked again:

"Are there many lost people?"

"When you go into the mountains to cut firewood and dig medicine, you will inevitably encounter tigers, leopards, and snakes. It is common for people to get lost. Several people disappear every year; not only in the county town, but also in other places, people also get lost..."

Jiang Yi was not surprised by this. The Dadan government also reported many missing cases every year. It would be really rare if there were no missing people in a county in any year.

She thought about it for a moment, then approached Zuo Lingquan and whispered:

"I guess the local government, in order to make it easier to close the case, put together all the missing people who could not be found, and made up a random reason to report it. It is impossible for people to react like this when a vicious beast causes chaos."

"You're here, let's find out the matter first before making a conclusion. If it's just an accident and there are no vicious beasts causing trouble, that's a good thing."

Jiang Yi nodded slowly, said no more, and entered the small inn in the county town with Zuo Lingquan.

There were no ghosts on the street, but there were quite a lot of people inside the inn.

When Zuo Lingquan entered the door and glanced around, he found that the six tables in the lobby of the inn were all occupied. They were all dressed in Jianghu attire. A middle-aged man in brocade clothes and a sword was talking loudly to an old man in military uniform:

"...Mr. Song is highly respected in the world of Zezhou. He can just send a junior over. Why come over in person?"

The old man in martial arts uniform was quite old, but his limbs were well-proportioned and his temples were bulging. He looked like he was a master of martial arts. He smiled and said:

"Fighting is afraid of young people. Bitan Villa is now powerful. I could suppress it ten years ago, but now I can't do anything about it. The world is like this. If you have no ability despite your seniority, you will lose face sooner or later. It's better to give up your position to the younger generation neatly." …”

"Mr. Song's words are too modest..."

Hearing these words, Zuo Lingquan smiled a little at the corner of his eyes. Without disturbing him, he went directly to the guest room upstairs with the waiter.

Jiang Yi walked in front of Zuo Lingquan, noticed the change in Zuo Lingquan's expression, and asked:

"Why are you laughing? Those people are also practitioners?"

Zuo Lingquan shook his head: "I'm just an ordinary person in the world of martial arts. Before I joined the spiritual path, I was the number one swordsman in the martial arts world in the four southern counties. I came from a wealthy family and had unparalleled swordsmanship. I was nicknamed 'Seven Young Masters'; like the one below I always take the top spot in gatherings of people from all walks of life.”

Jiang Yi knew that Zuo Lingquan was very powerful in the secular world, and was forced to go to Beijing to become a candidate for his consort. It was because Zuo Lingquan wandered around the four southern counties, and his reputation as a "sex artist" became known to everyone. Unable to hide it, he was sent to the capital.

Regarding Zuo Lingquan's self-promotion, Jiang Yi did not deny it, but said:

"Really? I'm afraid there were a lot of chivalrous women getting close to you at that time, right? With your temper, how much harm did you cause?"

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were helpless, and he raised his hand and pinched Jiang Xiaojuan's face:

"I have loved martial arts since I was a child. I have been in the martial arts world just to find people to fight with and hone myself. I am not interested in women. If you don't believe me, go and ask around. Who in the four southern counties doesn't know that I am not close to women?"

Jiang Yi didn't mean not to believe it. She returned Zuo Lingquan's elbow with her elbow, and then looked at the waiter who was leading the way:

"Xiao Er, what do those people below do?"

The waiter took the key and opened the door of a wing:

"There is a martial arts family over there in the county, one of the top leaders in Zezhou. The owner of the village recently celebrated his birthday, and all those people went there to attend the banquet. I see that the two guests are also dressed as Jianghu people, didn't they go there?"

"I'm passing by here, just asking around."

Jiang Yi waited for the door to open and was about to enter when she saw that the waiter was about to go downstairs. She felt something was wrong and said:

"Only one room?"

The waiter paused, turned around and said:

"The hall is full, and there really aren't any other rooms. If the heroine doesn't want to live with his roommate, he can let him come to the hall and make a bunk on the floor for one night."

Jiang Yi choked on her words. How could she have the nerve to let Zuo Lingquan sleep in the lobby, and Zuo Lingquan ran away. She was so scared to be alone; but she couldn't say in front of the waiter, 'Forget it, I'll sleep with him'.

Zuo Lingquan shook his head secretly, took out a piece of silver from his sleeve, and threw it to the waiter skillfully:

"Let's arrange it ourselves. The second brother will help boil a pot of hot water."

"Ouch~ Master, I gave you too much."

"For your reward."

"Thank you, Master..."


Less than half an hour later.

In the inn room, the rain pattered on the window sill, making the room even more quiet. The only sound of splashing water could be heard.

The loose skirt and one-piece silver scale soft armor were placed on the screen, and Tuanzi squatted on it, following Jiang Yi's instructions and staring at the door carefully.

Jiang Yi sat in the misty wooden barrel, rubbing her fair and jade-like skin with her hands, making very small movements, listening carefully to the movements in the corridor, and asking in a low voice from time to time:

"Tuanzi, he didn't come in, did he?"


Tuanzi shook his head like a rattle.

Jiang Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued cleaning.

But after not hearing Zuo Lingquan's voice for a long time, and fearing that something might happen to Zuo Lingquan, Jiang Yi couldn't help but speak again:

"Zuo Lingquan?"


The door opened immediately and he was on call.

Jiang Yi's eyes were slightly startled, she quickly shrank into the barrel, and said shyly:

"Who let you in?"

Zuo Lingquan walked into the room and closed the door, with a bit of confusion in his eyes:

"Didn't Princess call me?"

"I... I just want to see if you are here. Can't you just say something? Come out quickly. I haven't finished washing yet."

Zuo Lingquan waited outside the door for nearly two quarters of an hour, thinking that Jiang Yi had already finished washing. Everyone has already come in, and he has no intention of going out again:

"I don't want to look around across the screen. My clothes are soaked, and I look like a fool standing outside. The princess washed herself beautifully, so you have to let me change and dry my clothes, right?"

Jiang Yi hid in the tub and threatened in a deep voice:

"Can't you get out?"

Tap tap tap

Footsteps came towards the screen, and Tuanzi chirped twice as a reminder.

Jiang Yi's eyes suddenly panicked and she quickly changed her words:

"Forget it if you don't go out, I'm too lazy to care about you."

Only then was Zuo Lingquan satisfied. He turned around and walked to the table, taking off his raincoat and outer robe. Since he had to take a shower later, he did not put on any dry clothes. He only wore thin pants and sat down on a chair, looking at the map around the county. , and asked at the same time:

"Princess, there is only one bed in the house..."

"I will sleep on the bed, and you will sleep on the floor."


"Why don't you say anything?... I can sleep on the ground. It's quite tiring for you to lead the horse for such a long distance. I'll give you a reward..."


"You think beautifully."

"I'll just lie down and don't move..."

"I believe you."


Zuo Lingquan didn't expect Jiang Yi to react so quickly, so he chuckled and stopped teasing her.

There was a sound of water behind the screen for a moment. After a while, the silver scale soft armor on the screen was pulled down. Soon, Jiang Yi walked out from behind the screen, wiping her hair.

The silver scale soft armor is extremely protective, hugging the curves of the body, and there is a hood hidden behind the head. As long as the matching silver mask is worn, there are no blind spots on the body, and it can be worn directly as a tights. But Jiang Yi would definitely not stand in front of Zuo Lingquan dressed like that. She was still wearing a red nightgown, covering her neck to feet tightly, and only her pudgy cheeks could be seen.

As soon as Jiang Yi walked out, she saw Zuo Lingquan's naked upper body and quickly turned her head:

"Why don't you wear any clothes?"

"It's not like I haven't seen it before."

Zuo Lingquan stood up, glanced up and down, and joked:

"You're already at the inn and you're still wearing soft armor. Isn't it hot, princess?"

"When I go out, my armor is always with me. If something happens, I can't change my clothes on the spot."

Jiang Yi saw Zuo Lingquan walking into the screen and thought that Zuo Lingquan was going to help her pour water like last time. She was a little embarrassed and wanted to help her, but she didn't expect that before she walked into the screen, she heard the sound of water pouring in.

Huh? !

Jiang Yi's expression froze, then her face turned red, and she said through the screen:

"You guys...the bath water I used..."

"I know, it's very fragrant, and there are flower petals on it. It's so particular..."


Jiang Yi opened her mouth and wanted to go in to stop her, but she didn't dare to go in at this time, so she could only say angrily:

"Aren't you ashamed to use your daughter's bath water?"

Zuo Lingquan sat in the steaming wooden bucket and took a bath, and said with a smile:

"Don't be so particular when you're out. By the way, I'm taking a shower, and the princess is watching over there? If you really have nothing to do, you can come in and give me a back rub..."


Jiang Yi had nothing to do with Zuo Lingquan and couldn't stop him. She could only swallow her anger, turned around and walked out, but before she had taken two steps, she heard from behind:

"Don't run around, this place is a bit weird, please be safe."

Jiang Yi knew this place was weird, so after thinking about it, she stopped and turned around to sit at the round table. She picked up the map that Zuo Lingquan had put down and looked at it.

But less than a moment after she sat down, she heard from behind the screen:

"Uh huh huh~...huh huh..."

Jiang Yi was puzzled. She raised her head and patted the table lightly:

"What are you humming about?"

"Sing, if you don't sing in the shower, then the shower will not be in vain."? !

Jiang Yi regretted going out with her boyfriend. She could only pretend that she didn't hear anything and studied the terrain in the Dahuang Ridge area.

Dahuang Ridge is on the north side of the county seat, about forty miles away. It is a barren mountain. You can reach the county seat by climbing over the mountains. You can't see much on the map.

Jiang Yi took out a writing brush, and based on the direction of the mountains and rivers along the way, he inferred the general terrain of the Dahuang Ridge area, and marked the route to be investigated on the map tomorrow. Before he finished drawing, he faintly heard coming from the street outside the window:

"Aunt Li, why did you come out again..."

Jiang Yi frowned slightly, put down the brush, stood up and went to the window, pushed the window open a crack, and looked at the street at the city gate.

It was raining heavily outside, and I couldn't see my fingers. Only the lantern held by the waiter illuminated the distance around me.

The old woman who had just met was helped back by the waiter, and there was indeed a person next to her who had just entered the county town.

Jiang Yi frowned and carefully looked at the outline of the figure. It looked like a man, wearing a blue robe and holding an oil-paper umbrella in his hand. The light was too dark to see his face and age clearly, but the man was very clean and did not look like someone who was rushing on a rainy night. It looks like that, but judging from the reaction of the waiter, he is not from the county town.

In addition, Jiang Yi also discovered that the left hand of the man holding the umbrella seemed to be wearing a glove.

Just as she was about to take a closer look, she noticed that the man had slightly raised his oil-paper umbrella and turned his gaze this way.

Jiang Yi didn't expect the other party to be so alert. She sensed something was wrong and wanted to look away. But at this moment, one hand suddenly covered her mouth, and the other hand pushed the window open.

Jiang Yi was about to push Zuo Lingquan away, who was all wet, but she saw Zuo Lingquan sticking his head out of the window and saying loudly:

"Why did Aunt Li come out again? It's raining so hard, so don't get sick from the rain."

The waiter was helping the old woman back when she heard the voice and said helplessly:

"When someone passes by, he runs away. Even though he is old, he doesn't listen to advice. Alas..."

Zuo Lingquan chatted casually for a few words, then closed the window, still covering Jiang Yi's mouth with his hand, and whispered:

"Don't talk nonsense and pretend to be having sex."


Jiang Yi's eyes were stunned, but she didn't struggle. Zuo Lingquan pushed her directly onto the bed next to her, shook the bed, and saw Zuo Lingquan say lustfully:

"Where is the ghost? It's just an outsider who lured Mrs. Li out. Don't be afraid, madam. Let's continue..."

Jiang Yi's face turned red, but she gritted her teeth and endured it, and cooperated:

"Death phase~..."

Creaking, creaking...

Soon, the sound of footsteps came from the street below the window, as well as the waiter's greeting:

"I'm really sorry, the guests are full. If you are looking for a place to stay, you can go down a street and there is an inn..."

"Thank you."

The response came, the voice was very young, thought to be a man in his twenties.

After a few words of conversation, the footsteps gradually faded away.

Zuo Lingquan pressed Jiang Yi on the bed and kissed her on the cheek from time to time.

Jiang Yi forced herself to cooperate. It wasn't until the bed was almost shaking that she whispered:

"Has anyone left?"

Zuo Lingquan listened for a long time and knew that the man just made a comeback, but he still left in the end. He looked down at Jiang Yi and said softly:

"If you notice anything strange in the future, don't stare directly at people, use your peripheral vision."

Jiang Yi knew this truth, but just now, in the dark, more than ten feet away, she looked at the person through the crack of the window, completely unaware that the other person could notice it. She frowned and said:

"There was something wrong with that man just now. He came over in the middle of the night. The waiter didn't recognize him, which meant he wasn't from nearby. The road outside was full of mud and water, but he was very clean. He either came by car, or he used some method to prevent the mud and water from getting on him. He is very alert and very alert, so he is definitely a practicing person.”

Zuo Lingquan also came out after discovering something strange. He thought for a while and said: "There was no sound of footsteps at all. I could only detect the presence from the changes in the falling raindrops. My cultivation level is not low."

"This place is a barren land, how come there are practitioners here?"

"There are people everywhere in the practice, but it's hard to detect them. Maybe they just passed by and were startled by your gaze. It may not have anything to do with us."

Jiang Yi nodded slightly and thought about it for a moment before she recovered her mind and looked at Zuo Lingquan who was lying on him and couldn't get up. He had just taken a shower and was in a hurry when he came out, so...

"Ah, you guy..."

Jiang Yi first widened her eyes, then quickly closed them, with shame and panic:

"Get up, if you dare to confront me..."

My hands and feet were struggling wildly, I wanted to push but I didn't know where to start.

Zuo Lingquan turned over and lay on the outside of the bed, pulled the quilt over and covered the two of them, and joked:

"The princess is wearing soft armor that can't even be pierced by a sword. What can I do?"

Jiang Yi quickly wrapped herself in the quilt, pushed Zuo Lingquan under the bed with her feet, and said shyly:

"Go down, you..."

Zuo Lingquan lay flat on the pillow, closed his eyes and said:

"I pay attention to the surroundings. The princess can sleep peacefully. This place is not peaceful. Even if I want to be ill-intentioned towards the princess, I have to consider the current situation."

Jiang Yi knew that Zuo Lingquan would not act recklessly at this time, but two people were sleeping on the same bed and Zuo Lingquan was not yet wearing clothes. What was the difference between being disorderly?

She pedaled a few times and couldn't move, so she could only shrink to the inner wall. She wanted to stare at Zuo Lingquan, but she couldn't look at the naked man, so she could only close her eyes and scold:

"You should put on some clothes. If we get into a fight later, are you ready to fight naked?"

Zuo Lingquan thought so. He obeyed the instructions, put on his thin pants, lay down again, and pulled up the quilt:

"Give me some quilt, it's freezing."

"Are you still afraid of the cold?"

"Why do you have to carry a quilt when you can cover it with a quilt?"

Jiang Yi bit her silver teeth and could only raise her hand to release some quilts.

Zuo Lingquan smiled, then moved closer, lying side by side with Jiang Yi, holding the sword in his arms and closing his eyes.


Jiang Yi had no other choice. In fact, she felt safe by Zuo Lingquan's side, so she said no more, just turned around, turned her back to Zuo Lingquan, and said:

"Tuanzi! Come and sleep."


Tuanzi was playing with the small porcelain bottle Zuo Lingquan put on the table. Hearing the sound, he flapped his wings and flew over, landing in front of Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi raised her hand to hold Tuanzi in her arms and whispered:

"If you dare to move, I will break Tuanzi's legs. I'll see how you explain it to Tang Humeizi when you go back."


Tuanzi felt like he was struck by lightning, and felt that the whole world had lost its color.

After Jiang Yi finished speaking, she raised her hand and quietly fed Tuanzi a pellet of bird food, and then closed her eyes with peace of mind...——

In the small county town under the night rain, there were only a few scattered lights.

Xu Mo, the contemporary Qinggui of Fulong Mountain, held an oil-paper umbrella and stood on the tallest building in the city, looking at the inn windows in the distance. After waiting for a long time and no one came out to follow him, he dropped his guard and turned his attention to several people in the city. A house with firelight everywhere.

Fulong Mountain, Tiandi City, and Tiedong Mansion are the three elders of the Nine Sects in the South. Among them, Fulong Mountain is the oldest and existed before the birth of the Nine Sects.

The Lord of the South stole the elixir and broke free from the bondage of the Heavenly Dao, triggering a war of destruction. After the war, the original immortal sects in the south were almost wiped out and could no longer form a system. The remaining cultivators clung to each other and gradually formed the current pattern.

In ancient times, cultivators were more traditional and focused on "spirit, energy and spirit", similar to today's sorcerers. They mainly studied various strange techniques, and made elixirs and drew talismans in their spare time. The places for cultivation were also in the mountains, hidden from the world, and never appeared in front of ordinary people, which was very different from the current practice of flourishing.

A catastrophe swept across the entire Yuyao Continent. No matter immortals or mortals, it was difficult to stay out of it. The secular dynasties formed an alliance and sent troops to do their best. The ancestors of all parties who stayed in the deep mountains and old forests also emerged. After a war, it was not easy to return to the mountains.

At that time, most cultivators chose to support the major dynasties and reorganize the human order, which gradually evolved into two behemoths, Tietou Mansion and Tiandi City.

There are also some more traditional cultivators who want to "leave home after the battle" and run to Fulong Mountain to live in seclusion and not care about worldly affairs. Their cultivation methods are also more traditional; unlike other sects, they do everything to "cultivate strength" and even have "sword cultivators" who do not seek immortality but kill.

In Yuyaozhou, Fulong Mountain looks at other sects like a Taoist master looking at a bunch of bad teenagers who go the wrong way; while other sects look at Fulong Mountain as an outstanding young man who reforms and innovates, and a bunch of old-fashioned old scholars who hold on to "zhihuzheya". Anyway, both sides are not very pleasing to the eye.

Fulong Mountain is indeed old-fashioned, but the things passed down by the ancestors do not mean that they are not useful.

In the territory of the Nine Sects, Fulong Mountain may be weaker than the other two elders in terms of killing skills, but in terms of exorcising demons and strange formations, Fulong Mountain's status is undisputed and it deserves to be the first of the Nine Sects.

In this world where monks are everywhere, the disciples of Fulong Mountain still adhere to the tradition, with the main occupation of exorcising demons and monsters, and the secondary occupation of drawing talismans, refining elixirs and observing feng shui. Even their clothes are the blue Taoist robes common in ancient times, and they don't like to socialize with new monks.

Xu Mo is the contemporary Qingkui of Fulong Mountain. This time he came to the Great Yan Dynasty at the order of his master to participate in the Nine Sects Alliance in a few months. It was still early, so he traveled alone in Great Yan to exorcise demons and defend the Dao.

When he came to Zezhou, he naturally heard that there were evil things in this place, so he came to see what they were.

Xu Mo held up an oil-paper umbrella and looked around the top of the house. His eyes were fixed on a house in the corner of the county. The house was brightly lit, and the sound of bronze gongs and magic bells could be heard faintly.

Xu Mo came to the vicinity of the house silently, looked down, and saw a brazier in the courtyard, and several women were calling out to the souls:

"Erlang, come back! Erlang, go home..."

In the main hall of the courtyard, there were two wooden statues of the gods, the Lord of Linyuan and the Lord of Qingdu, one holding a sword and the other holding a mace; but among the secular people, these two were called "Lord River God" and "Miss Wu", and most people's door gods were also these two. In the southwest of Dayan Dynasty, "Lord River God" would be replaced by "Lord Mountain God", and there were also three people worshipped together.

In front of the statue, there was an old Taoist priest with gray hair, wearing a Bagua robe, holding a magic bell and turning in circles. The formula he recited was the method of summoning souls, but it had been passed down for thousands of years and had long been distorted, so naturally it had no effect.

Xu Mo shook his head secretly, and did not disturb the people in the courtyard. He turned and came to a house behind the courtyard, opened the door and entered it.

The door was locked, and the room was in a mess. A man dressed as a farmer was huddled in the corner with his head in his arms, shivering and muttering:

"Ghost... There is a ghost..."

He didn't react to the people who came in.

Xu Mo looked up and knew that his soul was scared away. Mortals have never practiced, and their souls are too fragile. If they are extremely frightened, they will be damaged. If they don't go crazy, they will become idiots. It is basically impossible to cure them with medicine.

Xu Mo walked up to him, flipped his wrist and took out a copper bell, shook it gently, raised his hand and silently recited the formula.

Ding Ding Ding...

Soon, the man who was huddled in the corner regained some consciousness with his empty eyes and looked forward blankly.

"What did you see?"

"A ghost... a fierce ghost... covered in blood, dripping... in the mountain temple..."

"What does he look like?"

"It's... it's Li... Li... I know him..."


Xu Mo sighed softly, put away the magic bell, turned around and left the house; the man also lost consciousness and fell to the ground...——


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