The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

All the colleges of Imperial University have started their courses one after another.

For students of the Department of Supernatural Powers, the way of taking classes is different, especially between different colleges, the difference is simply a world of difference.

Among the many colleges of the Department of Supernatural Powers, the College of Psychology is also one of the more peculiar ones.

All freshmen in the entire college have a collective theory class in the morning every week. In addition, the rest of the time they follow their respective teachers. Except for occasional guidance from teachers, they are actually mainly self-learning and developing supernatural powers.

It is a bit like the model of graduate students on Earth before crossing.

After all, psychic supernaturals are generally not good at frontal combat, and the college's requirements for practical courses are also very relaxed. There is no risk of failing the course if you pay a little attention.

Bailian is quite used to this kind of life, and even feels that it is easier than before the time travel.

Mainly because what he learns here is all about extraordinary knowledge, which is the part he is interested in.

Three days passed in a flash, and it was Leng Xiayao's birthday.

Nothing major happened during this period, but yesterday, Bailian received a private message from the Qing'an Society website about the task.

The initiator is the Imperial Capital Psychic Bureau.

There are generally two situations in which the Psychic Bureau will issue tasks to the Qing'an Society:

The first is because the Psychic Bureau is short of manpower, but this is rarely the case across the country, not to mention that this is the Imperial Capital.

The second, and most common, is to lead the Qing'an Society members to go on tasks for the purpose of training for some major but not dangerous tasks.

It depends on the individual whether to accept these tasks from the Psychic Bureau. And for some Qing'an Society members who are targeting the Psychic Bureau, they will generally actively participate.

The information Bailian received did not describe the content of the task, only the place and time of the gathering.

This shows that at least this incident will not be too simple.

Because if it is an ordinary case, such as suppressing secret monsters, capturing psychics, etc., the specific situation will generally be explained.

But in this case, confidentiality does not seem so important.

Because if it is a truly important secret, members of the Qing'an Society will not be involved.

However, what really concerns Bailian is actually this time point.

It happened to be the day before Leng Xiayao's birthday.

Is it a coincidence...?

Bailian is not sure. He did not accept the task, and just simply reminded Chen Yanghua of the Psychic Bureau to pay attention to Leng Xiayao's birthday party.

Chen Yanghua simply agreed and said that there were people from the Psychic Bureau at the party. The other party's reaction was actually expected by Bailian.

After all, this grand birthday party, relying on the Leng family's own connections and Leng Xiayao's reputation as an S-level healing psychic, attracted the participation of many forces in the imperial capital.

Especially the younger generation of major families and forces.

A banquet attended by a group of children from big families must have a safe and secure guarantee.

Logically speaking, the Psychic Bureau has no need to care about it.

If you have time, you might as well handle other cases. Why be a bodyguard for these big families? They are more cautious than anyone else and pay more attention to the safety of their children.


At dusk, above the sky.

Under the twilight, a huge, low-key and luxurious flying boat is slowly passing through the clouds.

The bottom of the flying boat is just above the clouds. From a distance, it looks like a gorgeous ship that is steadily rippling on the sea of ​​clouds.

Except for the security personnel, most of the people standing on the flying boat are members of the younger generation of the Fan family.

They are dressed in formal clothes and talking to each other. The women have different styles and outstanding looks, and most of the men are also very charming.

However, a considerable number of people are quietly paying attention to one direction during the conversation.

It should be said that it is the two people at the edge of the flying boat.

Bailian gently rested his hands on the wooden fence, looking at the sea of ​​clouds painted by the afterglow.

Fan Jing next to him said: "I didn't expect you to come. When you sent a message yesterday, I thought I had read the wrong name."

"Come and see." Bailian responded.

When he learned about the Leng family, he found that the Leng family and the Wen family had a history, and now the two families have a good relationship.

Wenren Liuhua, the girl who is related to the unlocking degree of the evil king's true eye, may also come to this banquet.

After the encounter during the selection, Bailian had some guesses about the unlocking of the evil king's true eye. If he really encountered it, he could try it out.

"And maybe something interesting will happen..."

Fan Jing showed a puzzled expression on his face: "Interesting things?"

To be honest, he didn't know much about Bailian's life, and he had no idea what the other party thought was interesting.

"It's hard to say, I'm not sure, or maybe I guessed wrong."

The flying boat flew steadily, seemingly slow in the clouds, but in fact it was not very fast.

There was a bit of leisure in it, and it took about half an hour to complete the straight-line distance of more than 30 kilometers.

The flying boat gradually descended in altitude, and the fresh air could clearly see the destination below.

The manor, located between the mountains and forests, was closely integrated with nature, and the scattered lights dotted it did not look abrupt from the sky.

"We're here, Yuanming Villa." Fan Jing explained.

"It's also a high-end manor built only two years ago. It belongs to Leng Xiayao's personal industry. After it was built, it was also quite famous in the imperial capital.

"The remote location, beautiful scenery, and Leng Xiayao's sake, many young people like to come here. "

"You said before that you wanted to see the imperial capital, so this place is worth a visit."

As the flying boat descended in altitude, it gradually approached the area of ​​the large manor. At a certain moment, Bailian felt a strange feeling.

"Hmm? "He blinked.

It was a feeling that was hard to describe, like someone's hair accidentally touching my neck for a moment, but then it faded a hundred times.

It only appeared for a moment, but it was very hidden, strange yet familiar...

'I can't tell... is it a barrier?'

It was too hidden. If it was normal, even Bailian would not care too much, after all, it is not uncommon for people to have illusions.

Even if it is a sixth-level supernatural power of the mysterious realm.

'If it is a barrier, even if there is another unopened barrier outside, it doesn't mean anything. Let's let Beidou go to the outside to take a look.'

The flying boat slowly landed at the docking location. At this time, there were already many flying boats for guests in the "boat parking area".

Bailian looked around and said, "There are many people here."

"Today, all the guests are invited, not only the families and forces of the imperial capital, but also many students from our school. "

Fan Jing was not in a hurry to go down, and explained to Bailian:

"Leng Xiayao's connections in the school should be the best in the whole school. As long as students request treatment, she will lend a hand without asking for anything in return."

"Not to mention the boys who admire her, even among the girls, she is very popular. It is common for people who envy her to get along with her. "

"...It's amazing. "Bailian sighed.

Whether it was true or false, or something else, being able to achieve this effect really made him sigh.

Anyway, he couldn't do it at all.

Or, from another perspective, he could do half of it and make girls admire him.

For example, he had met over the years... um, wait...

Recall it carefully, in kindergarten... I forgot everything, in elementary school... I was playing, in junior high school... I was still playing with classmates, in high school... I was playing with roommates except studying, in college... there were no girls in civil engineering, and in the club... there were no single senior sisters...

As for after crossing over...

"Hiss..." Bailian was silent for a while.

Although he had the experience of being coveted by passers-by girls before and after crossing over, he really didn't have any memory of these.

...As for the old lady in her thirties, let's not count it, right?

"?" Fan Jing looked at him a little strangely.

But in response to Bailian's sigh, he still responded:

"In some ways, she is really amazing.

"But this is also her sadness, as a healing power user, the sadness of a weak person without power. After all, the former Leng Xiayao, before she awakened her power.

"She didn't have a good life..."

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