After awakening the Kaleidoscope, Bailian's strength increased significantly.

Unlike the last time when he started from scratch, Bailian had a solid foundation this time.

He adapted very quickly. In just two days or so, he was basically familiar with his new abilities.

Deep in the secret realm of the spirit realm.

A strange area full of rocks.

There are no trees on the hills here. At a glance, it is all strange rocks. Only a few weeds can be seen occasionally in the cracks between the stones.

At low altitude, a phantom crow clone flew through it.

Finally, it landed under a huge rock below, and it found a "target" not far away.

Soon, a space vortex suddenly appeared next to the phantom crow clone.

Bailian's figure emerged from the vortex little by little, and finally stood on the boulder.

Shenwei's spatial movement cannot accurately move to the place you want to go. It needs a medium to locate it in order to transfer accurately.

For example, you have been to the place before, or the place where your breath exists.

Bailian used the remaining pupil power of the phantom crow clone to locate it.

He looked at the target found by the phantom crow clone.

If you don't look carefully, it may be difficult to find that on the hill not far away, there is a huge "crocodile" that almost merges with the background rock.

"Giant rock crocodile, a sixth-level rock monster." Bailian recognized it at a glance.

Ordinary adult giant rock crocodiles look like ordinary crocodiles, but their bodies can be up to 100 meters long, and their whole body is made of special rocks, with strong regeneration ability.

Even food, they eat all kinds of rocks.

Generally, they will not leave their territory, but if other monsters break into the territory, they will attack immediately.

And judging from its performance, the destructive power of the giant rock crocodile is definitely the best among the sixth-level monsters, even comparable to some seventh-level monsters.

And now, this giant rock crocodile seems to be dormant and digesting, and did not notice him and the phantom crow.

In fact, even Bailian in the three-magatama period can control this kind of monster with one glance.

Although it is a sixth-level monster, the classification standard of monsters by humans is different from that of humans. Monsters are simply classified by strength.

However, he came here specifically because he felt a little itchy after his strength increased.

He just wanted to try the abilities of Wood Release and Mangekyō to his heart's content.

The phantom crow flew to the sky as usual to be on guard, and Bailian slowly approached the giant rock crocodile, and finally stopped more than 20 meters in front of it.

If it were before, he would not take the initiative to get too close to such a dangerous guy.

Although he could control the giant rock crocodile at the moment of eye contact, once the other party went crazy, he had no ability to defend against the other party's moves before.

But with these eyes, he no longer cared.

"It's time to get up, everyone."

Bailian finished making seals with both hands, and finally slapped the ground with his right hand.

"Wood Release, Hell's Chaos!"

The spiritual power in his body was constantly injected into the ground, and in an instant, a large number of trees covered with thorns violently lifted the rocks and continued to pour out from the ground.

The trees quickly entangled the body of the giant rock crocodile.

In less than two seconds, a dense forest appeared in this area where there were no trees all day.


When the giant rock crocodile woke up, its 100-meter-long body had been entangled by countless trees.

Moreover, the trees covered with thorns were still strangling its body.

The giant rock crocodile struggled violently, but the huge force still couldn't break free, and instead caused the rocks on its body to fall off continuously.

Bailian, who saw this scene, was also secretly surprised by the toughness of Wood Release.

"It's Wood Release as expected. Compared with the ordinary wood-type abilities in this world, it is more than one level stronger."

As if it felt that struggling was useless, the giant rock crocodile stopped moving, and the next moment.


A large number of rocks and rock spikes suddenly protruded from its huge body, forcibly breaking the shackles of Wood Release.

Then, it immediately retreated to the rear and left the dense forest.

At the same time, there were countless rocks protruding under the feet of the giant rock crocodile, forming a group of rocks, competing with the dense forest.

After stabilizing, the giant rock crocodile looked at the small figure standing on the trees in the distance with fear.

As a sixth-level monster, it also has considerable intelligence and can feel the difficulty of these woods.

"Roar!" The giant rock crocodile roared.

In an instant, thousands of rocks floated up, and turned into spikes while spinning, shooting towards Bailian in the distance.

Looking at the stone spikes in the sky with the Mangekyo Sharingan, Bailian did not move at all.


The stone spikes that attacked him all passed through his body without any hindrance and hit the wood behind him.

"Pah, pah, pah——"

The stone rain fell, and the stone spikes and wood collided quickly, making dense sounds.

"?" Human doubts appeared in the eyes of the giant rock crocodile.

It had clearly hit, why did it seem to miss?

"Hell's Chaos, this move is indeed suitable for dealing with monsters with flesh and blood bodies. It can't show the killing effect on the rock body of the giant rock crocodile..."

Bailian muttered, and then activated the ability of his right eye, and his body became empty and sank into the tree under his feet.

When he appeared again, he was already behind the huge body of the giant rock crocodile.

"Wood escape, tree world descends!"

Hands sealed, a large amount of spiritual power was input into the ground, and countless trees emerged from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the trees covered the rocks under the feet of the giant rock crocodile, directly wrapped up its huge body, and the trees were rapidly expanding around.

Controlling the trees gushing out from under his feet, Bailian brought himself into the air.

He clasped his elbows with both hands and calmly looked down at the giant rock crocodile below.

"If you really want to change the terrain, you still have to rely on this move."

"Although the control of details is still a little lacking, facing a monster of this size, it doesn't matter if there is subtle control."

The giant rock crocodile below wanted to use the same method to break free.

But none of them could effectively escape from this sea of ​​trees.

If it is against ordinary monsters, adding fire escape after wood escape is a good combination, but for monsters like giant rock crocodiles, fire is not very meaningful.

Afterwards, Bailian tried several other small-scale wood escape moves.

And the power of the left eye, the ability to distort space at a long distance.

"The experiment is almost over, it's time to end..." Bailian murmured as he looked at the giant rock crocodile.

Since getting these eyes, he has never used this ability.

The power that can only be obtained by those who have opened the kaleidoscopes in both eyes, the third power——


The blue energy like flame emerged and turned into a tall half-skeletal body, protecting Bailian inside.

Then, the new blue energy spread throughout the skeleton body, turned into meridians and flesh, and covered the skeleton body.

Susanoo, second stage.

"..." There was a burst of stinging pain in both eyes, and Bailian covered his forehead uncomfortably.

"Even with Hashirama's cells, using Susanoo for the first time will indeed put a heavy burden on the eyes."

However, Bailian quickly got used to this stinging pain, and he put down his right hand.

He began to control Susanoo.

"Kami Shuriken!"

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