The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 973: Eighth-level lord Bai Xiaowen

[Bai Xiaowen (Lord 8) / Mara's Gift]

[Race: humanoid / human race]

[Occupation: Channel Master]

[Talent: Insight]

[Attributes: Strength 34 + 10, Dexterity 38 + 10, Constitution 38 + 10, Spirit 87 + 40]

[Leadership: Wisdom Aura]

[Professional skills: Mind link]

[Combat Skills: Deterrence, Summon Wrath Claw, Charm Switch, Grasshopper Sword II, Null]

The professional skills have not changed, and the first four of the combat skills have not changed, except that there is an extra skill field, and the word (special) is also marked at the back.

"What's the use of the temporary skill bar ...? The only skills I learned are LV1, which won't add much combat power. When the temporary skill bar disappears, I have to go back and waste a skill book ..."

Bai Xiaowen frowned, and searched the (special) word in the temporary skill bar.

The rules of the spirit world give feedback:

"Under Mara's gift, the temporary skill bar you get is special. After you acquire any skill, the level of the skill will match your class level. When you lose the temporary skill bar, the skill will regain Into a skill book. "


Bai Xiaowen showed a smiley face, so that he wouldn't lose anything. The father of the spirit world is really just and unselfish.

However, we must pay attention to the selection of skills. Because in the description, the original skill book will be regained only when the "temporary skill bar is lost". If you choose an unsuitable skill and need to forget it, you will not be able to get the skill book again.

What really caught Bai Xiaowen's attention was his master skill—aura of wisdom.

[Aura of Wisdom: Passive. Mara's Wisdom has an enlightening effect on a wide range of allies, reducing the mental power consumption of casting skills by half, increasing the casting speed by 50%, and moving the cast. Actively activating the aura of wisdom will cause a dull effect on enemies in a large area, double the mental power consumption, halve the casting speed, and any spell and skill will take at least 1 second to cast (including instant spells). When activating the Aura of Wisdom, it consumes 1 mental power per second. This ability has no cooldown. 】

"This halo ... is a bit too strong?"

Li Shuyi saw the technical data shared by Bai Xiaowen, and her eyes were straight. "Passive is already a strong auxiliary skill. Actively opening can also limit the enemy!"

Bai Xiaowen pondered: "This wisdom aura is mainly helpful to teammates of the French output type. For teammates of the physical output type, such as you, the cooling time of your own skills is placed there, and even if you reduce the cost by half, it will not be The immediate combat effectiveness is formed, and most of the friendly forces on the battlefield are physical output. "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said: "The active effect, reducing the enemy's casting speed, especially with a minimum casting time of 1 second, is still a little interesting. In this way, those enemies who can instantly deal a large range of damage to the spell will be subject to It's very restrictive and it can leave us time to deal with it calmly. "

As a master, this aura does not satisfy Bai Xiaowen. He wants a halo that assists the physical output type. What is a fanatic aura, a powerful aura, etc ...

However, considering that Bai Xiaowen is a prophet after all, it seems normal to have such an aura with the magic wand of Mara, the **** of wisdom.

After acquiring the wisdom aura skill, Bai Xiaowen also has a clear grasp of the scope of the aura, which is determined by his own spiritual scanning (induction) range.

After being temporarily promoted to the lord template, Bai Xiaowen's mental strength has reached terror 127 points! His telepathic range has also been greatly expanded, with a radius of more than three kilometers.

If the spirit is sublimated in a very quiet state, this induction range will be further extended.

Bai Xiaowen quickly thought of the new prophet's crown. Among the additional skills of this crown, there is a "psychic horizon" that can continuously extend the range of mental scanning in the state of meditation. Will this also extend the radius of the aura of wisdom?

Given this importance, Bai Xiaowen immediately tried. He sat cross-legged, entered a meditation state, and began to extend his mental tentacles, spreading out in all directions, like a dense cobweb.

The crown of the turquoise and gold-colored prophet gave off a soft blue light, a warm and cold feeling poured into Bai Xiaowen's heart, soothing his brain burden.

In an instant, Bai Xiaowen's mental scan crossed tens of thousands of meters.

This feeling is very strange, as if a square map of 10,000 meters has become a miniature map, placed in front of Bai Xiaowen's "eyes." As soon as Bai Xiaowen thought, he could immediately "see" what happened in any place within the range of 10,000 meters.

Moreover, within the range of 10,000 meters, the existence of those psionic particles with strong fluctuations will also leave traces in Bai Xiaowen's spiritual power scanning "network", especially when fighting broke out, such traces are very obvious.

Bai Xiaowen once again extended the tentacles of mental force. In ten seconds, the radius covered by the mental scan increased tenfold to 100 kilometers.

"This range extends, is there really no limit ?!"

Bai Xiaowen tried to extend again.

In one minute, the radius of the mental scan tripled again to 300 kilometers.

However, Bai Xiaowen already had a feeling of powerlessness. Within a radius of 300 kilometers, there were too many traces of small and large things left in his mental power scanning network. The extension speed of mental force tentacles also slowed down.

Bai Xiaowen changed his mind. He retracted most of the mental force tentacles and gave up the strategy of full spread ~ ~.

This time the speed is much faster, one hundred kilometers, three hundred kilometers, eight hundred kilometers, one thousand kilometers ...

A mental force tentacle extending in one direction reached a maximum of 1,200 kilometers! It took less than 10 minutes. Of course, this distance is not the limit, but just continue to extend, the extension speed of mental force tentacles will continue to slow down, there is no need to spend more time trying.

1,200 kilometers, what is this concept?

Taking the familiar example of Earth China, Bai Xiaowen is sitting in Jinghai's home, and the spiritual scan can even touch the capital! After all, the straight distance between Beijing and Jinghai is less than 1,100 kilometers.

"The crown of the prophet is really a good thing. Although it does not directly help the battle, it is very powerful."

Sighing, Bai Xiaowen then paid attention to the coverage of the aura of wisdom. It's a pity that the aura of wisdom did not extend with Bai Xiaowen's spiritual scanning range, only fixed to a radius of three kilometers around him. It appears that this is linked to the scope of his initial mental scan.

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