The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 964: Gnoll messenger

"For the Lone Ranger, use a **** costume, adding so many attributes."

Li Shuyi calculated, "300 meters is almost the maximum radius of the ring of glory. If the condition is met, 24 points will be added, but this condition seems a bit harsh."

"Well, even if the conditions are not met, it is only halved ≤ 6 points added. Compared with the general cloak of gold equipment, it is only strong and not weak. Not to mention that this cloak adds two skills." Bai Xiaowen said.

"Although it is not the kind of dark gold equipment that can make the awakened reborn, it is also practical-grade equipment." Li Shuyi pondered.

"Do not."

Bai Xiaowen shook, "Shu Yi, you overlooked a little and you look at it again, the demand for this piece of equipment."

"No equipment requirements" Li Shuyi tilted her head. "Well, there are many dark gold equipment without basic dullness requirements."

Bai Xiaowen smiled: "It's not just that simple."

"Is it important?" Li Shuyi's face appeared blank.

"Think about the first test of awakening when you were a quasi-awakener. What would happen if you had such a cloak?"

"When the quasi-awakening person?" Li Shuyi looked slightly changed. "At that time, the attribute was only 20. If you equipped this cloak, you could increase the attribute by 24 points, which is equivalent to two or three times the real chain. Chances are greatly increased. "


Bai Xiaowen nodded, "This equipment has no spirit, only strength, sensitivity, and physique. The 24-point attribute is a precious attribute that is not wasted for the quasi-awakening person in the test. Another skill ancestor sprint is even more icing on the cake. In my opinion, this dark gold equipment can be used in conjunction with 'Psionic Treasures That Affect Transfers,' which will greatly improve task completion and create a strong Lixiong occupation with exclusive equipment! "

Psionic treasures that affect transfers are like Bai Xiaowen's black soul stone, Qiao Rui's bamboo flute, and Ouyang Heng's tidal stone.

If the task of awakening associated treasures is completed and the evaluation is quite high, the corresponding psionic treasures will be converted into hero-specific equipment. Heroes with exclusive equipment are undoubtedly better than heroes without exclusive equipment.

Of course, this is not to say that you can only become a loser without a transfer of treasures.

The quasi-awakening person who enters the spirit world for the first time will trigger the s grade transfer task. As long as it can be completed, it will become a hero class.

If the degree of completion is very high, there is also a chance to get exclusive equipment, but compared to those quasi-awakening people who take the transferred treasure into the spirit world, they have more chances to get exclusive equipment.

If the first transfer is unsuccessful, and the second transfer task Yang triggered when entering the spirit world for the second time, the highest difficulty is only a grade-of course, a grade after a substantial increase in actual difficulty.

After hearing this from Bai Xiaowen, Li Shuyi suddenly awakened: "Spin her to wake up soon, what this cloak has given her is just right."

This is exactly what Bai Xiaowen meant. In his opinion, this cloak can not be used for any one of the team, and can not exert the true strong effect of dark gold equipment-five people are all in team action, and in a few cases, they are divided into two, In groups of three, one person rarely walks alone, so the additional attribute is halved, only 6 points.

Compared to the standard gold cape, the attribute is about 5 points. Although the promotion is a little bit, rounding is about no.

Here I will explain again that although the basic dullness of the quasi-awakened person is locked, during the awakening mission of the spirit world, the body is temporarily dataized, and it is possible to wear equipment and exert effects.

This cloak was obtained by Li Shuyi killing Shadowblade Saint alone. As long as Li Shuyi agrees to give Xuan, I believe Qiao Rui and the other three will not have any opinions-mainly because this thing does not greatly improve the team, and if you give Xuan, it is likely to create a strong position.

Then Bai Xiaowen extracted it again, but this time there was no good luck before, and he only got one special prop: the brass hip flask.

Brass jug: Drinking spirits in the jug, the immediate release of self-control effect is equivalent to food and will take up the number of uses), the additional priority is 3, the cooling time is 6 slant.

The significance of this thing is just that it saves some de-control foods, which can be regarded as financial management props. If it does not conflict with the number of times the food is used, the value will inevitably skyrocket. It is a pity.

After opening the treasure box, Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi took a short rest in Red Rock City, put the mother of the wolf on the nameplate, and then set off for the newly-built teleportation field outside Red Rock City.

The next two are going to King Carmelo and head north to the pale swamp.

The wolf pulled the car, and the road to the transfer point was bumpy.

Suddenly, the car stopped.

"Hey, who? Don't get in the way!" The driver was an orc with a rough voice.

This wolf car has only the lower half of the carriage. It is not the fully enclosed carriage of ancient China. It can be understood as the trunk of a modern truck. Sitting in the car, Bai Xiaowen also saw a figure standing in front of the road, stumbled towards this side.

When the man approached, Bai Xiaowen finally saw his appearance and could not help but be slightly surprised.

This is not a human or an orc, but a dwarf wolf man! With a dog-like head and carrying his back, judging from the psionic breath, it should be a weak individual among the wolves, not even an ordinary template.

The orc driver who was driving was an elite individual. He vigilantly jumped off the back of the wolf and pulled out his weapon.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

"Humhhhhh!" The wolf man suddenly knelt down, holding a black wooden box in both hands, and raised his head above him. He said that it was really difficult for the wolf man to do such an action.

"What do you mean?" The orc coachman didn't quite understand.

Bai Xiaowen understood: "Come here, it's for me."

"Okay ~ ~ said the orc coachman in a snoring voice.

Soon, the black wooden box was handed to Bai Xiaowen, and the wolf man was stopped by the orc coachman at the gesture of Bai Xiaowen.

After Bai Xiaowen knew the spirit, he opened the black wooden box, and inside it was lying a large palm scale.

There are also writings on the scales. After reading, Bai Xiaowen frowned slightly and lost his thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Li Shuyi whispered.

"Nothing nutritious" Bai Xiaowen handed the scales to Li Shuyi. "Look at it yourself."

Li Shuyi read softly:

"Dear Prophet, congratulations on your capturing an important goal." Dangerous road, please save this scale and show it to the right person when necessary. Will it make your journey smooth? "

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