The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 950: Sand scorpion

Li Shuyi laughed: "I didn't mean to ask for your opinion."

"Do you really want me to be named?" Bai Xiaowen considered it for a moment.

Li Shuyi suddenly saw the one and two flying in the sky.

"This, wait a minute, I already think about the name, but I just want to ask you if it's appropriate!"

Li Shuyi really convinced Bai Xiaowen's naming skills and hurriedly said, "The Shadowblade Sword Master proactively sought to die, and to be honest, it touched me quite a lot. It seems that Ghostcut also killed a swordsman teacher in the spirit world. I think I will call this awakening technique 'Invincible Slash'. It is a memory of Shadowblade Sword Master. Actually, I don't want to kill him. "

This awakening technique is somewhat different from the Invincible Slash of Shadowblade Swordmaster.

The Awakening Awakening technique is a "phantom state" during the casting process, which can avoid single physical attacks and single skills, but there is no way to deal with range damage skills.

Shadowblade Sword's invincible slash is immune to damage from priority 7 and 7), and damage to priority 8 or above is useless.

Li Shuyi's name really came from feelings, commemorating Shadow Blade Sage's dedication to glory.

"Well, that's called invincible chop," Bai Xiaowen didn't pay much attention to the name, "let's not mention the name for the time being, what I care about is a development trend represented by Awakening Technology."

"Xiaowen, you're saying something I don't understand again." Li Shuyi almost came to say "talking".

Bai Xiaowen said: "Skill effects have to be realized by oneself. There is no cool-down time. When I am proficient, I have to say that the removal of the skill field limit has to say that these changes have exceeded my expectations. Originally, I thought that the awakening skills were only in the original. On the basis of skills, some unique descriptions are attached, like the effect of lavender in lv4 and lv7. But now it seems that awakening skills and skills in the general sense are completely different. "

"Did you feel that the awakening technique works in a way similar to my Caoyu Liugu martial art?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

Li Shuyi nodded: "Yeah, all consume physical energy, have no cooling time, and do not occupy the skill bar."

"I think that when the awakening skills are properly practiced, they may become detached from the panel. Relatively speaking, the role of the skill bar is more like guiding the awakened person to learn in depth. Once the awakened person masters the essence of these skills, When you learn the essence, you no longer need the skills bar. "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said again: "Perhaps my first awakening skill was not the summoning of angry claws, but the spell switching."

"Why?" Li Shuyi couldn't understand again, "Summoning Angers has the highest degree of professional fit."

"That's right, but the starting point for spell switching is higher. Originally, I thought that the special effects of switching lv4 and lv7 were too scum, and the value was not high after awakening. But if you become awakening, remove the original lv4, lv7. If the special effects become self-aware, this skill is very likely to be reborn. "

Li Shuyi said with a smile: "What does it matter? First, complete the Awakening Awakening Summoning Wrath Claw, then use the source crystal Awakening Charm to switch. With the previous Awakening Experience, the second Awakening Task will be smoother. Maybe. "

"Um. Shuyi, you make sense."

Bai Xiaowen smiled with a loss of self. He was a little bit horny. The chance to wake up is not only one time. The next time he wakes up, the spell will be switched.

After Li Shuyi, who gained the invincible skill of awakening, joined, the strength of the Bai Xiaowen trio increased greatly, and the exploration of the Greater Gillen Range was also accelerated.

That night, the three stayed out in the wilderness, taking turns in the night.

Murkan was assigned in the middle of the night. Looking at the dark night sky, he rubbed his sleepy eyes, feeling a little restless.

"Spirit of the elements, bless me and hope everything goes well." Murkan reached into his arms and clasped a small statue.

However, Murkan's bad hunch came true. He was also the leader of the spiritual strength, and soon felt the distant movement came, as if a living body was approaching.

A voice sounded near Murkan: "Here it is."

Murkan was startled, then came to his senses, this was the voice of the Prophet Dior.

Beside the campfire, Bai Xiaowen, wrapped in a fur blanket, opened his eyes on time.

Li Shuyi also slept very lightly and woke up after Bai Xiaowen.

"Master Prophet, do you know what is coming?" Murkan asked.

"Well, I saw this scene in the prophecy," Bai Xiaowen shook his neck and made a slight grilling sound. "The specific content is not easy to disclose, but you will see it soon. Rest assured, just a group of lucky guys, It's easy to cook, just leave it to Charlotte. "

The rustling sounds came from far and near, and soon surrounded them.

By the light of the bonfire, Murkan could see the monster Nirvana coming.

These monsters are like the enlarged version of the scorpion, but the front body has a humanoid body structure, but with a thick carapace on the body, and two pairs of green eyes flashing on the head, it looks a bit fierce.

"Scorpio!" Murkan exclaimed.

"Have you seen it?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

"Yes, Sand Scorpion is a social creature with a low level of intelligence in the wilderness of the Gagule Plateau. It belongs to a half-human half-worm." Murkan regretted it. "We must have entered the Sand Scorpion unintentionally. Territory, here is their hunting range we became prey! "

Bai Xiaowen glanced at one of the taller Scorpio men and looked at the other Scorpio men.

"An agile monster ~ ~ has a strong defense force and has a passive ethnic ability to absorb physical damage. It is called a petrified carapace, but continuous attacks on the same carapace will cause it to break."

Bai Xiaowen immediately discerned the old base of the Scorpion Man. "In terms of other skills, there is a ground drilling skill that takes a certain amount of time to cast. When it is re-drilled, it can repair the carapace, so try not to drag it into the war of attrition, and let it go every second. They just drilled. "

"Received." Li Shuyi grasped it, the two swords pulled out, the body suddenly disappeared in the next second, and then appeared in front of one of the sand scorpions.

Invincible Slash!

One sword, two swords, three swords

The sand scorpion people around are trying to attack with pliers, but they can only meet the phantom. ☆ Shu Yi flashes like a ghost around the sand scorpion man, and each sword is exactly in the same place in the sand scorpion man's. face.

In the second sword, the scorpion man's face carapace shattered, and then the third and fourth swords succeeded in dropping the sand scorpion man.

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