The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 943: King Kamush's deal

In front of the two, a Shadowblade Orc elite was kneeling on one knee, reporting the situation to the two.

"It's ridiculous!" Kilgaz snapped. "What is that human being talking about? What is the ring of glory!

"Actually, he did not directly refuse, but designated a place. This human prophet still has some courage." Shadowblade Sword Master carefully wiped the long knife with a piece of animal skin, and there was a suppressed anger in his voice.

"Brother, that human being clearly didn't dare to fight you, so he made such an excuse," Kilgaz said resentfully. "Human beings are sly and weak foxes. Yesterday's duel, if it wasn't for the humanity's intentional weakness Scam, I can never lose! "

"But it turned out that you lost, and Shadowblade's last name was shamed because of it." Shadowblade Sage said.

Kilgaz fell into silence, his forehead was bruised, and the bandage on his chest was bleeding again.

"Tell him, I promised him, and the duel will be set up as a ring of glory," said Shen Sheng, Shadowblade.

Kilgaz's eyes widened, but after thinking about it, he decided to remain silent. He knows that elder brother always has few words, but only makes decisions after careful consideration, and once he decides to do something, he never hesitates or changes his mind.

Now, even King Kamush is here, it is impossible to persuade Shadowblade Saint to change the determination to challenge the human prophet!


In Chidingshan camp, Bai Xiaowen's wooden house welcomed a rare guest: King Kamush.

"Her chief, if you want to see me, you can call me at the Throne of Redstone, why should you be noble and come to me in person?" Bai Xiaowen said.

King Kamush's voice was low: "I don't want to attract too many people's attention. Rest assured, Lord Prophet, orcs are not as humble as other races."

Bai Xiaowen thought about it, as if the royal leaders of the Kuroshio Plane world did not have many shelves-the elven queen and the queen of Carmelo were both approachable. Of course, this is also related to Bai Xiaowen's identity as a prophet.

King Kamush said: "Ruhr has told me everything, including your purpose for doing so. Now I have brought you a message ... Shadowblade Sage has agreed to fight you in the ring of glory. .My advice did not help. "

"Why does the High Chief have to advise?" Bai Xiaowen was startled, if the Blade Swordmaster was moved by King Kamush, that would be awful.

"A living prophet is more useful than a dead prophet. Even if you die, you can't die on the land of the orcs." King Kamush.

Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly: "Please rest assured, Chief Chief, I may not lose."

King Kamush sighed: "You can beat Kilgaz, which is unexpected to many people. But Ruhr has explained to me how you fought, and you rely on the brute force that was temporarily stimulated to forcibly restrain it. Because of Kilgaz's action ability, he was defeated for damage. However, the same method is not feasible for Shadowblade Swordmaster, you can not approach him at all! Especially when he is prepared . "

"Did the Chief Chief come to persuade me to refuse the duel?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

Kamush nodded.

"Impossible," Bai Xiaowen said flatly, "Although I am personal, I also have dignity and glory!"

Li Shuyi pouted slightly, but King Kamush apparently believed it.

"I attach a condition," King Kamush took a breath. "Hareken can give it to you."

Bai Xiaowen can understand it. The orc chieftain is really afraid of Bai Xiaowen's death in the orc kingdom. If this is really unfortunate, the orc's marginalized position in the continental alliance will undoubtedly worsen.

In the context of this doomsday crisis, no country can afford to kill the prophet.

Without Li Shuyi's awakening task, Bai Xiaowen would follow. But now he still shook his head: "My sense of honor doesn't allow me to do this."

"I have a solution that won't damage your reputation," King Kamush sighed. "Your theory of the Earth's Corridor has been approved by me. I hope you can start immediately and survey the Gagour Plateau, Find the entrance to the ground vein corridor. This can also be seen as the trading condition of the wolf's mother Harleken. "

The task prompt came.

"Special branch mission: [Prophecy's mission] open."

"[Mission objective: Survey the Gagullie Plateau and find the entrance to the ground vein corridor.]"

"[Duration: None (equivalent to your remaining time in the Kuroshio plane world).]"

"[Task difficulty: unknown.]"

"[Quest reward: Nameplate of the Mother of the Wolf.]"

Again "mission of the prophet"!

Bai Xiaowen said, "Her chief, do you want me to find the entrance ... Is it to send troops to protect the backbone of the earth?"

"That's right. Now that you know that the Great Amoussa Forest Earthquake is the cause of the corresponding damage to the Earth's veins, and that there are similar pillars underground in the Gagourie Plateau ... then you should prepare in advance," Kamush said seriously. Said, "This is a major event related to the survival of the orc kingdom!"

The great earthquake and tsunami in Amusa caused great damage to the spirit kingdom, and more than a third of the country's land was reduced to sea. The seawater was still overflowing.

The situation in the Orc Kingdom is even more dangerous. The only suitable place to live is the Gagullie Plateau, and most of the other lands are deserts.

If the Gagullie Plateau also collapses, and the sea water is poured in, the orcs will probably be on the verge of extinction.

There was a slight realization in Bai Xiaowen's heart, and King Kamush did not want him to participate in the duel. I am afraid that with this idea in mind, even if Bai Xiaowen hangs up, he must hang up after he has found the entrance to the corridor of the earth vein ... otherwise the prophet died Come and help the orc kingdom find its entrance.

You know that there are more than one pillar of the mainland ~ ~ Bai Xiaowen has many things to do as a prophet. How can I help the Orc Kingdom find the entrance to this pillar?

If the mother of a wolf is paid, and the opportunity for the prophet to find the corridor entrance for the orc kingdom is given, this transaction is worth it.

"I took the deal."

Bai Xiaowen nodded, watching King Kamush's frown, but added a smile: "But I will not give up the duel of the ring of glory."


Bai Xiaowen said: "Her chief, rest assured, I will not intentionally find death ... Well, what do you think?" He whispered in King Kamush's ear and said a series of words.

King Kamush was not so used to being so close to humans. After listening to Bai Xiaowen's "speaking secrets", he straightened his waist again.

"Well, that's it ... well, I promise I won't say it."

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