The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 923: Earth vein corridor

Enlightened by the light of the enchanted pearl, the three dived quickly into the cave.

The seabed cave, which was originally a beast cave, was very deep, with many forks, and a bit of good taste. Bai Xiaowen and others always kept moving in one direction, and soon came to the deepest part of a cave.

"Incredible ... It should be more than a hundred meters above the entrance to the cave, right?" Li Shuyi said, "What animal digs the cave so deep?"

Eswan said: "I said before that there are a lot of ferocious beasts, maybe a python, maybe a sub-dragon."

Here is the rock wall, but there is a triangular fissure. When you approach, you can feel the velocity of the seawater flowing into the crack.

"This crack should have been caused by an earthquake and connected to another cave space ..." Bai Xiaowen visually inspected it, "enough for us to pass in batches."

"I'm coming first," Eswan said in a deep voice. "The other side doesn't know what the danger is."

"Yeah." Bai Xiaowen didn't demand. Aswan, a high-level spiritual leader, had thousands of lives. As a first passerby, he was the most suitable ...

Aswan was in front, Li Shuyi was in the center, and Bai Xiaowen was behind. The three were like three big fish, swimming along a triangular crack.

Within a few meters, a slight weightlessness came, and Bai Xiaowen felt that he was falling down the water. The sound of a rattling water rang in his ear.

噗通, 噗通 ...

The sound of dumplings sounded continuously, and the three of Bai Xiaowen successively fell into a deep pond and then surfaced.

The three accidentally wiped a handful of drops of water and looked up.

Eswan and Li Shuyi's faces were shocked.

Here is a fairly wide underground space, with irregular cracks on the ground and side walls. Collapsed stalactites are everywhere, blocking the view.

On the high wall behind the three, triangular cracks communicated with the outside world, and the sea water rolled down to form a waterfall.

A large amount of seawater is washed into the deep pool every second, but the level of the pool water does not rise. It is because of the buffer of this pond that a space without seawater is created on the bottom of the sea.

This principle is also simple. It is like pressing a bowl with a buckle into the bottom of the cistern quickly. The air in the bowl will not escape, and a bowl-shaped air zone is created at the bottom of the pond.

"Huh, it seems we have arrived."

Bai Xiaowen stepped out of the puddle, took out a photo crystal, injected a trace of mental energy to activate, and looked around at the same time. Occasionally, some pale yellow crystals can be seen on the ground, similar to the surface crystals of the spiked shark.

Bai Xiaowen summoned the butcher and ordered it to eat these crystals. Sure enough, he got the news of "swallowing special minerals, armor, magic resistance increase", but this time the amount of swallowing was less, only 6 points of armor and magic resistance were added.

Bai Xiaowen was also prompted whether to cover the original effect, of course he chose no. The reason for the butcher to eat this little crystal is to justify his conjecture.

"What the **** is this place?" Aswan's green eyes were full of wonder.

"According to the ancient books I consulted in the Wisdom Tree House, this place should be called ... the corridor of the earth."

Local science popularization for spiritual figures is still very fulfilling. Bai Xiaowen's face showed a smile in accordance with the prophet's temperament, and continued: "Our continent does not exist on the sea in a floating form, but on In the form of pillars. "


"Yes, the Kuroshio continent can be divided into several plates. Each vein pillar supports these continental plates. Each pillar corresponds to a very empty underground space. This space is called a vein corridor. "

Bai Xiaowen scooped up a small pale yellow crystal: "Did you see this crystal? This is the fragment of the earth vein pillar ..."

"Fragment ?!" Eswan suddenly looked up. "You mean that the mainstay of the ground here is already ..."

"I accepted it quickly ..." Bai Xiaowen was a little surprised. He thought it would take a few words to get Aswan to accept this fantastic fact.

After all, Bai Xiaowen, who was in the tree house of wisdom at the beginning, also determined this conclusion by combining the pictures and ancient books of the prophetic slate. When the conclusion was just reached, Bai Xiaowen still doubted himself for a while ... and then proposed to come here to verify his ideas.

Li Shuyi said, "Looking like a mess here, it's like a world war. The pillars of the earth must be broken."

Eswan murmured, "Did it say that ... the pillars of the earth's veins shattered, causing the corridor of the earth's veins to collapse, and then ... an earthquake occurred in the Amusha Forest?"

"That's right. It was originally a very large geological corridor, but due to the collapse of the earthquake and the breaking of large stalactites, the underground space was divided into many small areas ... Our current location must be the marginal area of ​​the geological corridor , You must go to the central area. "Bai Xiaowen exhaled.

"Go to the central area ... what do you do?" Asce couldn't think of it anymore.

Bai Xiaowen tilted his head and glanced at him: "Of course, I found the original site of the fragmented ground vein pillar. Shouldn't you just think that based on what you have seen so far, you can make the mainland nations believe me? In the central area, there must be More discoveries. "

Seeing Aiswan's silence, Bai Xiaowen went straight ahead, and started a mental scan at the same time, looking for the gap between the stalactite obstacles ~ ~ Master Aiswan, hurry up to follow. Xiaowen can never go wrong. Li Shuyi's reminder made Eswan come back and hurried to follow up.

Drilling through small, imperceptible gaps, the trio is getting closer and closer to the core area of ​​this collapsed vein corridor.

During this period, they also encountered a number of distorted beasts infected with earth vein energy, more often corpses. Living beasts have become manic and abnormal. When they see other creatures of different races, they will attack immediately.

Bai Xiaowen used "Please ask Aswan to dial Charlotte swordsmanship" as the reason, so that Aswan master of swordsmanship did not need to take shots, and Li Shuyi was the main force of output. When encountering more than two monsters, Bai Xiaowen summoned the creatures to the top, creating a one-to-one space for Li Shuyi to concentrate on learning sword skills.

Eswan had no doubt about him, and patiently taught Li Shuyi sword skills, the most important of which was sword chanting skills.

However, Eswan also told Li Shuyi very clearly that she could not learn the real wizard sword art, which involved racial characteristics.

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