The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 916: Looking forward to the big unification

"Books about landform change?" Queen Camelot thought about it. "There are a lot of books in the Wangli Library, but they are basically written by modern people, and there are basically no too old documents. In this regard, I suggest you ask The elves ask for help. "

The history of human civilization on the Kuroshio continent is not as long as that of the elven clan, coupled with the short life of humans and the frequent disturbances of the kingdom. Of course, the heritage of ancient books is not as good as the elf clan with long life.

Xiaowen Bai looked at Dorothy.

The female elf Dorothy reluctantly calmed down and nodded, "Yes, I will make a request to the elf queen to grant the prophet Dior permission to enter the tree house of wisdom. The future of the elf clan will depend on His Excellency the Prophet."

Bai Xiaowen said, "In contrast, I have another request."

"Speak, please," said Queen Carmelo.

"I personally need three special items. These three items come from the three countries of the Kuroshio continent, and may be important within each country." Bai Xiaowen considered carefully.

"Special items? Which three?" Ahan said on the side. "Let's talk about the achievements that you have made for the alliance with Dior. As long as it is not a treasure of special significance, countries should try their best to satisfy it."

The merits that Yahan refers to are different from the meritorious value, but actually refer to reputation.

Bai Xiaowen's reputation has always been "respect" in the guard camp, and has not yet been raised to worship. However, every time he completed the mission and swept through the snake-man base, Bai Xiaowen received a prompt to increase his reputation, perhaps not far from worship.

"The first one is the 'Crimson Oak Heart' of the Elven Kingdom." Bai Xiaowen said.

Dorothy's face changed.

Bai Xiaowen continued: "The other two are the ancient rune armor of the Dwarven Kingdom, and the wolf mother of the Orc Kingdom."

Everyone at the scene took a sigh of relief, and even Queen Carmelo in the magic projection frowned slightly.

"Leave the first two pieces aside, the mother of the last wolf is the foundation on which the orc kingdom domesticates the wolf and produces the elite wolf cavalry. How could the orcs agree to give it to you?" Ahhan frowned. The key is that the orcs have not joined the coalition at present, and they are in a state of war with Camelot and Sisdir, and they cannot communicate at all. "

Bai Xiaowen said: "I'm trying to persuade the orcs to join the coalition forces. To fight against the snake people, the nations of the mainland must work together, and no big country can fall."

"Wait a minute, Old Poingar has something to say ... The ancient rune armor is of great research value to the craftsmen of the Dwarven Kingdom. Even if the Prophet demands, our Dwarven Kingdom will not agree to hand over the armor."

Said the dwarf Poingar Greybeard in full anger.

The female elf Dorocia looked sideways at Bai Xiaowen: "Master Prophet, I would like to ask ... are these three things you said are the key items used to fight against the snake-man camp?"

Bai Xiaowen touched his chin: "Uh ... it's not really, these three items are for improving my ability, which is more critical for me personally."

Dorothea's emerald green eyes narrowed slightly: "Master Prophet, since these three things are especially important to you, why don't you follow my words and admit that they are very important to fight against snake men? Such a lie will make your collection of these three things much easier. "

Bai Xiaowen smiled first and then said seriously: "Because I am a prophet. Others can lie, only I can't."

Bai Xiaowen didn't lie here. If he deceived the leaders of the mainland countries by lying, although he can quickly get at least two of the three items, these leaders are not fools. As the war progressed, the leaders recollected that they would find something wrong.

At that time, the credibility of the prophet Bai Xiaowen will be seriously questioned, and the right to speak will be weakened.

In the world of the Kuroshio Plan, Bai Xiaowen is not doing business with a single shot. The Kuroshio plane is such a good foundation that, besides the Aaron world, Bai Xiaowen is currently the most suitable plane to promote the unification process. The third branch task of Awakening is important, but it is unmatched with the unification.

Promoting the evolutionary in advance can allow Bai Xiaowen and his teammates to jump out of the fence and become a true big-class powerhouse in one step. Taking a step back, even if he chose not to be promoted this time, Bai Xiaowen could gain a lot of valuable experience about unification.

What's more, even if Bai Xiaowen lied that the three items were to fight against the snake man, the three kingdoms may not hand these three items directly into his hands. You must first ask how to use the three items and plan how to use them to deal with snakes. People and the like.

At that time, a lie must be completed with more lies. Bai Xiaowen does not know much about the three items themselves. It is easy to fabricate lies—this is also the risk of trying to complete the third step of the awakening skill.

Dorothia took a deep look at Bai Xiaowen, and performed an elven etiquette: "It is lucky for Kuroshio to have a prophet like you."

Bai Xiaowen received a series of reminders. The leaders present-including Queen Camelot who was not present-have improved his favorability. Among them, Dorocia Gold Leaf has the fastest improvement and has risen to friends. Level, and even turned on the degree of enthusiasm, the current level is "appreciation".

The favorability of Yahan and Queen Carmelo also rose to the level of friends, but there was no further love.

Although Bai Xiaowen did not directly complete step III of the Awakening Skills ~ ~, but the leader of each road had a good impression because of his frankness, and his trust in him naturally increased.

Dorothea then said: "The heart of the crimson oak tree is a treasure that has been passed down from generation to generation by the elves, and the fruit of the oak tree has played an important role in our community. I would like to thank the Prophet for his candid disclosure ... Regarding your request, I will report to Her Majesty the truth and try to make it happen. "

The dwarf Ponga Greybeard's fist knocked on the palm of his hand: "Okay! I will also inform Her Majesty the King of the Dwarf, even though Her Majesty's promise is very unlikely ..."

"Thank you both." Bai Xiaowen said.

After the meeting, the guard camp returned to the sea in accordance with the results of the deliberations. Bai Xiaowen, Yahan, and other high-level coalition forces returned first in a teleportation formation.

However, the elven kingdom is west of the mainland, and the Bonus sea is southeast of the mainland, which is very far away from the entire continent. Queen Carmelo's temporary transport formation in the Elven Kingdom can only carry Bai Xiaowen alone. As for the high-ranking coalition forces such as Yahan, they can only take the teleportation array to Cameron King City, and then follow the civilian rescue ship levied. Meet at the former Amusha Forest area.

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