The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 910: Chase mistakes

After drawing the treasure chest cards, the ghost ship continued to sail to the port of Chacarlo. Taking this opportunity, Bai Xiaowen made an impassioned speech to more than 3,000 people in the Free Corps.

The name of the Prophet Dior is still significant in the Kuroshio plane. Many sailors chose to change their careers and become a prophet Dior under the stimulus of a series of honors to protect their homeland--more of the battle, knighthood, and fiefdom His Majesty a sailor.

Of course, many people insisted on leaving the original idea, and Bai Xiaowen could not force it.

He unfortunately said that "The Leaf Peony Map" is still in a cool-down state and has no charm bonus, which has caused the speech to be insufficient.

During the voyage, Bai Xiaowen selected the free sailors who were willing to stay.

Those who are willing to stay have a strong will to fight, but those who are too weak and affect the overall combat effectiveness of the old and weak, Bai Xiaowen can not be incorporated into the combat team. Of course, he also planned to go there. The huge ships must have the fireheads responsible for logistics ...

In the end, there were more than 1,600 people who were willing to accept the reorganization and obey the leadership of the prophet Bai Xiaowen.

More than a hundred of them were selected as logistic soldiers, and the other 1,500 were confirmed as combat troops. After completing the formation, Bai Xiaowen looked at the team that was obviously different in spirit and spirit, and sighed with relief, this army was one of his capitals in the Kuroshio plane world.

You have to know that among the 1,500 people, more than 300 are high-level elite templates, and the attributes are pretty good.

Of course, the advanced elites from these sailors are still weaker in terms of real combat power, mainly in terms of skills. Bai Xiaowen has already seen that one of the three valuable skill columns of senior elite sailors actually increases the speed of physical recovery during sea navigation ...

Bai Xiaowen can't help thinking of Captain Julian. This buddy is simply a shame of the senior leader. Even if the attributes are not balanced, let's look at his four skills. In addition to motivating the commander, the multiple sword curtain is a relatively bad attacking skill. In addition, the other two skills are not stingy.

Although the Star Guide can release control and restore mental strength, the senior leader has resilience reduction, which is a bit repeated. As for the passive role of identifying the direction, there is no combat effectiveness at all.

The fourth skill that had no insight before, Bai Xiaowen also learned after collecting information during the battle. Captain Julian's fourth skill bar is actually a stealth skill "stealth". Stealth has a high priority in the static state, and the visible range is within 0.3 meters. It can be said that as long as it is not hit by a person, it will not be found.

But once you start moving, the stealth effect will be greatly reduced, and the visible range is up to 3 meters ...

This skill is in line with the professional characteristics of the "Explorer", but used to fight to catch chickens.

And as non-professional soldiers, these sailors are not high in combat skills, basically all are two levels lower than their own level.

It's no wonder that Julian led a sailor, but was captured by a snake-man ghost ship.

Bai Xiaowen decided to train the Free Army next, including Julian, to practice combat specialties. He planned to ask Yahan to send one or two formal instructors of the army to train himself to see if he could let this group of soft-footed crabs Get stronger, and it's best to regain one or two skills.

At the Kuroshio level this time, Bai Xiaowen also figured out how the spirit characters learn skills.

Spiritual figures don't learn skills by shooting skill books, but spend a certain amount of time practicing. As for the length of practice, it is related to the individual's qualifications and perceptions. When the skill bar is full, once a new skill is learned, an old skill will be forgotten.

As for which skill to forget, it is determined by the subjective will of the spirit figure. If the spirit figure has no choice, he will automatically forget the skills with the lowest correlation with the new learning skills-such as an elite mage, and will also fireball, ice arrows and flame storm, occupying three skill columns. If he learns another meteorite, he will forget the Frostbolt, and not forget the fireball or the flame storm, unless he chooses.

This is why the skills of spiritual characters are very high.

In this raid, the White Phoenix team not only gained a lot of loot, but also increased their military power under control. Unfortunately, the ghost ships of the three snake-man bases were not found, and no new ships were seized.

The ghost ship took two ghost ships and sailed all the way to the port of Chacarlo.

The team of the White Phoenix team met Yahan and other representatives of the coalition forces of the various countries.

After learning that Bai Xiaowen took the opportunity to sweep the three snake-man bases, the coalition's senior officials opened their mouths wide.

"That is to say ... we have already won? There is no snake-man base in Bonus?" Quartermaster Felix said.

"This good news is a bit unreal to me. We only fought one battle ... on the intensity, it can only be regarded as warming up," said Dwarf Poingar Greybeard, looking at Bai Xiaowen, "Well, this is really a good thing It seems that although the prophets are very young, they are not simple. "

"I don't like smart guys, unless he's on our side," muttered Basaka the barbarian.

"Hahahaha ..." Yahan smiled, "The good news of Dior is really timely. The mistakes we made in the chase finally made up for it to some extent ..."

"Missing in the chase?" Bai Xiaowen asked subconsciously ~ ~ I wondered that when they just entered, the expressions on the faces of these coalition representatives were not right ...

Yahan nodded, and said with a touch of apology, "Sorry, Dior, we wasted a great opportunity."

Bai Xiaowen suddenly flashed a light in his head and said, "I see. You must have encountered another snake-man priest, Orwin ... Good guy, this priest has always been nearby! He is the hidden backup of Morken. . "

Bai Xiaowen came to this conclusion is very simple. Snake-man priest Orwin did not stay at the base, so where did the tribe he led? The answer is obvious. The priest Orwin, like Morken, came near the island that besieged the ghost ship, but was always lurking under the sea. The two priests estimated that they could not deal with Bai Xiaowen from the beginning. Go up, so one by one and the other is Austrian aid.

If Olwin and Morken assembled their biggest forces as soon as they appeared, dozens of ties with hundreds of elite snakemen holding halberd warriors, and thousands of slave warriors would attack in a nest. Bai Xiaowen really couldn't delay that long. Use the White Eagle to fly away.

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