The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 899: Long March Exercise

After circling for three weeks, Yiyi did not fall, but flew high and flew in the direction it came.

Harold looked at the scene doubtfully: "Her commander, isn't that your pet? What does this weird behavior mean?"

Yahan laughed: "It's nothing. Maybe it sees a living person below and is unwilling to come down. Let it fly for a while."

Harold was still a little puzzled. Yahan shook his hand, "lost companionship."

Yahan walked into the ship's command room, let the guard back down, and took out a linen bag from his waist.

Inside the linen bag is a piece of parchment.

After reading the text on the parchment, Yahan thought for a moment, then walked out of the command room.

"Exercise enters the next item: long-distance marching! All members are in place!"

Yahan's order was passed to the leaders of the fleets of other countries through semaphores.

With regard to this order, the leaders of all countries were confused and sent people to ask.

Knight Harold and Yahan were on the same ship and immediately questioned: "The most important thing now is the training of the underwater combat ability of the sailors. At present, the training project has only half completed. Do you want to stop?"

"Yes," Yahan nodded.

Another female elf came over in a small boat, a Dorothy ’s commander, and said as she approached, “Hello Commander, Ms. Dorothy, say hello. Her opinion is that the long march is not necessary for the exercise This is the job of the helmsman and navigator. There is no improvement for the sailors. They can only sleep in the cabin ... so I hope to continue the underwater combat training. "

Seeing that there were boats in the fleets of other countries carrying commanders, obviously they did not support Yahan's decision.

Yahan felt a headache, and he deeply realized that although the nations of the mainland formed a "coalition", they had different commands, which was essentially a loose sand. Subordinates questioned the commander's orders during military exercises, something unimaginable in a disciplined regular army.

No wonder the prophet Dior proposed that the nations should form a true alliance, not only to bring out the most elite troops to participate in the war, but also to have unified command of the army.

The current problem of the coalition forces, in addition to the "unification of command" that Yahan feels deeply, is that the quality is average. Countries sent by Bonus in the waters are basically second-class troops, not the most elite.

For example, the sword slayer of the elven kingdom, the heavily armored warrior of the dwarven kingdom, and the "wing of freedom" air cavalry of Calchino ... these truly elite arms have remained in the country. That is to say, Queen Carmelo sent a small part of the elite mage to face, and eight of them were the backbone of the mage group.

In the final analysis, countries have not yet done so, and sincerely cooperate, they still have deep suspicions about each other.

The orc kingdom did not join the coalition, which led to the elf kingdom in war with it, and did not dare to send elite troops to participate in the war in the waters of Bonus, and Camelot did not dare to go all out. Other countries naturally have everything to learn, and they are afraid that their elite army will suffer damage.

Taking a deep breath, Yahan recalled the content on the parchment paper and said decisively: "All the members are in place, follow my flagship and conduct long-distance marching exercises! If you don't listen to the commander, you will be deemed to automatically withdraw from this exercise. Immediately return to the port of Chacarlo. "

After speaking, Yahan directly ordered sailing. The flagship sailed all the way to the east.

Several commanders hurriedly returned to their respective forces to report to the leaders.

The leaders of all countries have a strange response to Yahan. It seems that the commander is angry?

For this little thing, there is no need to disobey the will of Lord Yahan. After weighing the gains and losses, the leaders of various countries quickly ordered the suspension of underwater combat exercises, chaotically followed Yahan's flagship, and headed east.

Yahan stood on the bow of the ship, staring at the white vulture in the clouds ahead.

"Her commander, is the white vulture guiding us?" Said the female mage Catherine thoughtfully. "This long march may not be part of a military exercise, but it has a different purpose."

"Of course it is part of the military exercise, and it is an important part," Yahan said.

"Well, let me believe what you say." Catherine shook her head. She had seen the White Eagle one by one, and knew that there must be a mysterious connection between the White Eagle and the Prophet Dior. However, Yahan did not want to disclose, and she stopped talking quietly.

After the White Eagle led the fleet for some distance, it suddenly began to circle. After two weeks of hovering, he spread his wings and no longer advanced.

After Yahan saw it, he immediately ordered the flagship to stop moving forward and stand by for two hours.

The fleets of countries that followed were a little confused, and the leaders of the countries sent inquiries, but Yahan did not explain this time, and did not even give them a chance to meet.

The leaders of the countries felt that Yahan was really angry. They can only respond to Yahan's will, stand by, and wait for the next high-level military conference before questioning the commander.

It was said to be on standby for two hours, but two hours had passed, and when the sun was about to set, Yahan still did not order to sail. He sat calmly at the bow of the flagship ship, staring at the white eagle who was constantly gliding but not advancing.

Catherine walked over quietly.

"Her commander, the time to stand by has passed, shall we continue our march?"

"Wait a minute ..." Yahan hadn't finished speaking, and suddenly he heard the white carving chirping, flapping his wings to fly to the east, and while he was flying, he gave out a clear carving.

"The time has come!"

Yahan jumped up suddenly and said loudly, "The order was set aside and the ship was ready for naval warfare! Send a commander and make it clear to the command of the fleets of various countries that this is not an exercise!"


The ghost ship ~ ~ At this time, a sea battle has erupted in the sea where the ship is located!

Just like what Bai Xiaowen saw on the prophetic slate (Bracelet of Doom), ghost ships were emerging one after another from the bottom of the sea. In front, there are assault boats, carrying the assassin warriors and launched an assault.

At this time, on the ghost ship, Qiao Rui, Han Xu and Li Shuyi had disappeared, and only Cecilia accompanied Bai Xiaowen.

It's dusk. Those Carmelo Masters were already convinced by Bai Xiaowen's ability as a prophet.

"Fire! Take turns shooting, with the odd battery first, and the double battery last!" Bai Xiaowen ordered loudly, "Give me the ghost ship and fight again, don't worry about those assault boats! Don't panic, the reinforcements are already on the road!"

The mage rushed into place.


The magic crystal cannon roared.

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