The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 838: Shaping biological and specialty resources

After the environment was selected, a virtual three-dimensional structure diagram was unfolded in front of Bai Xiaowen.

There are mountains, valleys, fields, and villages. This is a structural diagram of this treasured space.

Bai Xiaowen clicked on the "Regional Terrain" and "Regional Building" options, which displayed various terrains and buildings that could be added or deleted. It is worth mentioning that changing the terrain also requires psionic particle reserves. The larger the change, the higher the cost.

If Bai Xiaowen was willing to store psionic energy particles, he could even dig a crisscross tunnel network underground ...

But Bai Xiaowen just looked at it and did not spend psionic particle reserves on it.

Clicking on the second largest item, "Biology", Bai Xiaowen was prompted that he could spend psionic particle reserves to create a variety of creatures he had ever seen in this space, used to guard this treasure.

Creatures that conform to this treasure's space style spend the least psionic particle reserves. There is an "Aboriginal Remodeling" option. After Bai Xiaowen opened it, there were actually leaders such as Hua Yurong, Grandpa Hua, Liu Siye, Liu Fu and a large group of elite, ordinary template ghost creatures below.

In the case of the same level and the same template, choose "Aboriginal Remodeling", the psionic particle reserve spent is the least.

Level 10 leader, Feng Shui Charm Master Liu Siye, only needs to spend 10,000 psionic particle reserves.

In contrast, Bai Xiaowen did not choose to reinvent the aborigines and directly created a 10-level leader "Vampire King" out of thin air. It actually cost 20,000 points, which is double the price of Liu Siye. This is still the relationship between the vampire prince as an undead creature and the space environment.

By contrast, it takes 45,000 points to create a 10-level leader, the Archbishop of Light, out of thin air ... it is definitely a loss-making deal.

Bai Xiaowen started the final major project of specialty resources, and also had options such as "remodeling original resources" and "shaping new resources".

In the column of "Reconstruction of Original Resources", Bai Xiaowen can see some resource points in this treasure land space.

[Yinfeng Stone Vein (Barren): Remodeling Price: 5000 psionic particle reserve. 】

[Yinfeng Stone Vein (Common): Remodeling Price: 10,000 psionic particle reserve. Note: Special product occasionally appears in the veins: Yin Sha Shi. 】

[Yinfeng Stone Vein (Rich): Remodeling Price: 20000 Psionic Particle Reserve. Remarks: Special products often appear in the veins: Yin Sha Shi; Occasionally, special products: Crystal Sha. 】

[Jade phosphorus flower (10 years): remodeling price: 3 psionic particle reserve. Note: Can be added to the reasonable area of ​​Baodi Space in batches to generate plants. 】

[Jade phosphorus flower (20 years) ...]

[Ghost Spirit Essence (Small): Remodeling Price: 10 psionic particle reserve. Note: Can be added to the special drop list of corresponding creatures in batches. 】

[Ghost Spirit (Large) ...]

Of course, in "New Resource Creation", there are more types of psionic resources to choose from, as long as it has been seen by Bai Xiaowen, there are dragon graves, ghost reefs, frost vein iron veins, etc. The cost of psionic particle reserves is also more than doubled.

Teammates' eyes were widened.

"So many resources?" Li Shuyi exclaimed.

Although Li Shuyi, such as Yinfeng Stone, Yinsha Stone, and Jade Phosphorus Flower, does not understand the purpose, she knows the "ghost spirit", which can be used on weapons to convert the type of normal attack damage to magical damage. Armor boss works wonders.

Qiao Rui was a little moved, and then sighed, "Unfortunately, it would be nice if all of these generated resources belong to us."

This is of course impossible. The White Phoenix team has previously signed a development agreement with the Awakeners Association. This treasure land space is not Bai Xiaowen's private property and must be open to the outside world. The White Phoenix team and even the Super God Guild have only the access authority and the revenue sharing authority with the Awakeners Association.

In addition, it has been stated in the development agreement that the team that has obtained management authority cannot enter the first phase of the exploration list of Baodi Space, nor can it disclose any information inside Baodi. This is to prevent clan with management authority from entering the treasure space, relying on familiar roads, and plundering resources in the treasure space. This is unfair to other teams.

After reviewing the options of the administrator's console again, Bai Xiaowen said slowly, "I probably understand."

Although it was the first time to contact this "administrator console", Bai Xiaowen quickly understood the situation, and he was able to prioritize.

From the perspective of the administrator of Baodi Space, Bai Xiaowen must ensure that when the Baodi space is opened, it will attract enough awakened people to enter it, find treasure in it, and be happy to become repeat customers ... so that Bai Xiaowen can obtain long-term "ticket income" ".

What is most attractive to the awakened?

Of course, it is the "special product" psionic resource of Baodi Space, so the last "special product" should be the most important.

Of course the second "biology" is also important. Create powerful creatures to protect specialty products from over-exploitation.

Considering that both need to spend psionic particle reserves, and the total amount of reserves is limited, there must be a delicate balance between special products and living things.

If the creatures are too weak and rich in specialty products, it will attract a large number of awakeners in the short term, but each time the treasure space is opened, a large amount of specialty products will be lost, and the speed of automatic generation cannot keep up with consumption. Soon, the treasure space will be overexploited. Deserted.

The creature is too strong, taking up a lot of special product points, which leads to the barrenness of special product resources. The awakening person will go through it once. After being fooled, the treasure will be blacklisted, and gradually become unnoticed.

After Bai Xiaowen expressed his understanding, his teammates also expressed their opinions.

"The creatures in this treasure land are a bit weak, and there is no lord ..." Li Shuyi said, "For the main guild teams, it is not difficult to overthrow the 10th leader ... If they kill all the leaders, wouldn't they be in the treasure land? Do whatever you want? "

Qiao Rui said: "I think we should make a fuss about access permissions ~ ~ Do not grant permissions to those big guilds, or at least restrict the main team ... After all, from the perspective of psionic particle intensity monitoring, this is just a b The difficulty of the level guild missions, we have reasons to do so. "

Han Xu also made a rare comment: "I think the treasure land of the Broken Ridge Great Rift Valley is very well designed. There is a lord-level carving king to guard the most important treasures, and he has set the habit of the carving king to go out for food. The awakened person can only slowly find an opportunity ... The King of the Eagle accidentally killed a returning carbine, and the awakened person was stunned. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "This idea is really good."

Qiao Rui said: "Unfortunately, the psionic particles in this treasure land are too weak to generate a lord. If you don't use the method of" reinventing the aborigines ", but build a lord out of nothing, the psionic particle reserve spent will be amazing, maybe all It ’s not enough to throw all of the 125,000 points in reserve. "

Bai Xiaowen turned to the "biological" column, opened the option of "reinvention of the aborigines", looked at the aboriginal leaders such as Liu Siye and Hua Yurong, and thoughtfully said, "This is not necessarily ..."


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