The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 819: Dirty stuff behind

Among the clumps of grass, there were pale white flowers, swaying gently with the breeze.

"These flowers ... seemed like medicinal herbs."

Bai Xiaowen gathered together. As a pharmacist, he had a keen sense of medicinal materials.

Throwing insight into a small white flower, Bai Xiaowen got the information.

[Jade Phosphorus Flower: Flowers and herbs condensed by anger and resentment have certain medicinal value. 】

Although I have not seen this kind of flower before, and there is no record in the Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia, Bai Xiaowen can still infer the reasonable way of picking through the quality of the jade and phosphorus flower itself. Changing to an awakener who has no pharmaceutical foundation may damage his appearance due to careless picking.

With the leaves aside, Bai Xiaowen gently lifted the stems of the flowers, pumping out the stems with flowers inch by inch, and then using the soil near the roots of the jade phosphorus plant to form small **** to wrap the delicate stems.

After picking, Bai Xiaowen will be able to see the composition and year of the jade phosphorus flower.

"Bring a sample and send it to the Awakeners' Association for research. Well, I'll take some more."

Bai Xiaowen has no taboo about the grave bag, and he directly picked up all the jade phosphorus flowers in this small cemetery and put them in the storage space.

This is the advantage of Baodi Space, which can take away the obtained psionic items at will, without any psionic particles resonating.

When picking flowers, Bai Xiaowen still spent some energy to alert the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, he heard light footsteps.

Standing straight up, Bai Xiaowen looked at the sound, and saw an old woman with gray hair and carrying his back on his cane, walking slowly towards him.

"Aboriginal people? Or ... ghosts?"

Bai Xiaowen threw an insight, but he got a hint:

"The other party is blessed by Youbai, immune to all damage and cannot be designated."

Actually appeared "cannot specify" the target!

"You Baishi ... what is it? Treasure?" Bai Xiaowen felt the secret of this treasure space deeply. Since it is immune to damage, there is no need to try offensive means.

"Young man, what are you doing here?" The old woman raised her face, her face wrinkled and very old. She speaks the same as the nursery rhymes just now, all in Chinese, but with a local accent.

Bai Xiaowen took a closer look at the old woman. The old man looked quite normal, at least in appearance, not like a ghost.

"I came after two children and wanted to ask for directions." Bai Xiaowen decided not to tell the truth.

"Child?" The old woman's hazy eyes looked at Bai Xiaowen. "This is a graveyard, where will there be any children ... young people, you are probably wrong."

"Maybe?" Bai Xiaowen followed her words and said, "Old man, what are you doing in the graveyard?"

"Someone has to watch the grave and scan the grave ..." The old woman sighed. "The people in Huaiwang Village are busy with work, so this old lady of mine is idle and was sent over to keep the grave."

Talking, the old woman also pointed to a low thatched cottage not far away, and a string of white paper money hung at the entrance of the cottage, shaking with the wind and making a slight rattle.

Bai Xiaowen finally heard the place name, and he hurriedly said, "Old man, I just want to go to Huaiwang Village, please show me the way."

The old woman opened her toothless mouth and showed an ugly smile: "Aren't you from Huaiwang Village? The people in the village are not very hospitable. The old lady advises you to leave early."

"It's okay, I'm not going to be a guest." Bai Xiaowen smiled harmlessly.

"Well ... if you really want to go, Huaiwang Village is in this direction," said the old woman, pointing her skinny fingers behind, and finally said, "But I still advise you to go back and don't forget to go home Worship the Buddha in the temple and burn some paper money. "


Bai Xiaowen walked towards Huaiwang Village. However, before going too far, he quietly summoned the Shadow Assassin and went into a lurking state. The original way returned to the cemetery hut, and he planned to monitor the movement of the old woman.

"Well? What about people?"

The Shadow Assassin returned to the hut and peeped, but the hut was empty. Looking around at the cemetery again, the empty man disappeared.

The old woman disappeared like nowhere.

The shadow assassin entered the hut, and Bai Xiaowen saw from the shared vision that there was only one broken table and two worn stools in the hut.

"From this point of view, the old woman is most likely a ghost, not a gravekeeper. The other party is immune to damage, my attack is invalid, and I can only find the‘ youbaishi ’before I make a plan.”

As for the direction of the Huaiwang Village pointed by the old woman, Bai Xiaowen planned to explore in the past.

"How do you feel wrong?"

Bai Xiaowen took two steps and suddenly felt chilly behind him, as if someone was blowing into his neck. He turned around and saw nothing.

Bai Xiaowen took a few more steps, but felt that his physical exertion was a bit fast, and his pace was not as light as usual. The coolness behind it is getting stronger and stronger, but when you look back, you can see nothing.

Bringing up his own property panel, Bai Xiaowen looked at his state, but was shocked.

[Evil stalks: you are entangled in unclean things, which may have unknown effects. 】

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes, and he raised his hand to summon the vampire Kitts.

"Well, boss!" Kitts greeted with a grin, and suddenly narrowed his arms around his neck, "Well, it's so cold here."

"Are you a vampire afraid of cold?" Bai Xiaowen said helplessly.

"Hey, get used to it," Kitts glanced at Bai Xiaowen, but yelled, "Well, boss, who are you carrying?"

Bai Xiaowen raised an eyebrow: "Is there anyone behind me?"

"It's on your back ..." Kitts scratched his hair. "No, it's so heavy on your back, can't you feel it?"

"Tell me what that thing looks like." Rao is brave and white, and a little bit furry. He felt that his back seemed to be a bit heavy, and suddenly he seemed to have gained more weight.

Kitts scratched her head and said, "Well ~ ~ with long hair ... covering her face, she can't see her face, but she should be a woman? Nails are pretty long ... well, why is there blood on her clothes?"


When Kitts talked about "long hair", Bai Xiaowen suddenly felt cold hair and touched his own neck. When talking about "nails are very long", I felt that there seemed to be sharp nails on my shoulders. When talking about "blood stains", Bai Xiaowen immediately smelled a thick **** gas.

Bai Xiaowen reacted quite quickly and stopped Kitts without letting him continue to describe it.

"Before Kitz described it, I just felt cold, but after he described it, the dirty things behind him became clear little by little ..."

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes. Originally, he could share the vision by summoning creatures, and "see" what is behind him without turning his head, but now he is a little dare. (https: //) "Eye of Evolution" only represents the opinion of the author Acherero. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only dedicated to providing healthy green Reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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