The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1663: beat

However, Liu Ye ’s reaction was unexpectedly fierce, and he screamed angrily, “The demon is outside, dare to hold the army coach! What poison did you do? Hurry up and give me the antidote, otherwise not only you, but also Gulong Suffer from sin! "

Vladimir's eyes, now Liu's race has changed from humanoid and human race to undead and blood. This is a change of race, which is completely different from poisoning. How can there be any antidote?

However, Liu Ye quickly realized the changes that had taken place in him.

Such as extremely low temperature, pale skin and so on.

But after Liu Ye saw the dark nails emerging from his fingertips and felt his abnormal canine teeth, he was finally convinced that he was not poisoned.

It was transformed into a monster! No longer a human.

"It looks like you finally figured out the situation, and we can talk about the following things." Vladimir exhaled.

Liu Ye's eyes widened. "Monster! I am at odds with you!"

He leaped sharply, pulled out his sword, wrapped in black gas, and hacked at Vladimir.

However, before this beating hit Vladimir, Liu Ye's body suddenly stopped.

From his eyes, ears, and mouth, at the same time, black stained blood appeared, followed by the black mist on the surface of Liu Xie's body. As if exposed to the sun, the pale skin became red and ulcerated, and soon died.

"You killed him!" Higdrifa was surprised and upset, grabbing Vladimir's collar.

Vladimir's face was also inexplicable. He slowly shook his head and said, "No, it was not my original intention ... as a blood slave, he used his slave to bite the Lord, and the blood of the vampire died in the body."

Higglifa pushed abruptly, and Vladimir stepped back two steps.

Higdelif said coldly, "Whether it is your intention or not, but Liu Xie's death, you are the direct cause! Soon Song Jun will track Liu Xie's whereabouts, sooner or later, we will be found on our heads. Vladimir Mill, your reckless actions have caused a serious crisis in the master's plan, which is likely to turn into a major setback. You, wait for the master to guilt! "

There was a hint of frustration and panic on Vladimir's face, but it was indeed his responsibility. He couldn't say anything. He could only bow his head and said, "I ... I'm too arrogant. I'm willing to accept any punishment from the master."

"In short, report this to the owner first." Seeing Vladimir's attitude of confession was okay, Higdrifa did not continue to chase after him. After all, everyone is a colleague, and there is usually some disagreement, but Higdlefa method did not rejoice in such a major event.


That night, through the thousands of miles of musical notes, Bai Xiaowen, who received this secret report, rushed to the Huaidong battlefield.

The four great kings met, and Higglifa straightforwardly described the course of the event without modification.

Vladimir dropped his head and didn't speak.

Bai Xiaowen's eyes shot like "you, you violated my order."

Vladimir knelt and said, "My subordinates are guilty. Ask the master to punish them, and their subordinates will have no complaints."

Bai Xiaowen snorted, "Vladimir, do you think your position is as stable as Tarzan?"


"I think you dare!"

Bai Xiaowen said faintly: "First, I invested a common trick in you to help you open up wisdom, and it costs a lot of money. Second, my Majesty's blood members are too few, and Kitz's template is too poor, only As the leader, you can serve as the leader of the ethnic group. Third, you have developed multiple **** slaves, including two senior officials in the chapel! If I move you, those two senior officials will die directly, so you have no fear, right? "

As a vampire, Vladimir was cold and sweaty, and fell down to the ground. "My subordinates have never thought of it that way!"

"Whether you think so or not, I can responsibly warn you," Bai Xiaowen said slightly coldly. "Kitts has a bad template, but he has a good foundation. He may be promoted to the leader level at any time. You are not without successors. As for Tongqiao Kitts do n’t even need wisdom to start! Even if the two court officials are violent, as long as I control Shi Miyuan, the Southern Song Dynasty Church will still not be out of my control. "

Vladimir Voldy said, "Great master, subordinates ... subordinates just want to take the initiative to show their abilities, so as to get higher attention in your heart, that's it!"

Of course, Bai Xiaowen also knows that Vladimir is telling the truth, but he is only eager to make a contribution.

As for "bringing slaves by himself," he was a little careful, but which of the other three heavenly kings did not.

Alas, the butcher may not have.

Bai Xiaowen beat Vladimir a bit, and finally aggravated his tone and concluded, "As a blood king, obedience is the most important. If you disobey my order for performance, then no matter how much loss I can only take you Power back. "

"Yes, the subordinates must remember the teachings of the Lord." Vladimir remained on the ground, maintaining the posture of "under the soil."

"Get up and talk."

Bai Xiaowen said slowly, "I will not be held accountable for your first offense. In the future, no matter who you are, as long as you touch the red line of" violation ", I will never condone."

"Yes!" The four heavenly kings agreed at the same time.

At last glanced at Liu Ye's body, Bai Xiaowen sighed slightly and said, "Vladimir, do you know why Liu Ye is different from the court ministers and unwilling to be a blood slave?"

Vladimir shook his head ~ ~ Bai Xiaowen said, "These ministers are all about to die, and you are giving them a second spring. In contrast, it is not unacceptable to take orders from you, and Those people are the ones I have observed and understood beforehand, knowing that they are not bone-minded courtiers. However, Liu Ye is different. He is a middle-aged man and the coach of an army. How can he be at your mercy? "

Vladimir nodded to teach. Higdelif said, "Master, this Liu Ye is not a good thing. We clearly contributed, but he shouted and killed. The southern army is obviously stronger than the northern army. Under the leadership of this waste coach, but He has been stubborn and dare not fight. "

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "The most taboo of marching is that the orders are inconsistent. When you fight against the order, Liu Xun is not happy in his heart. It is because of your merits that you haven't really punished you. It's light to threaten you. In addition, it is beneficial to the Southern Song Dynasty to stick to the fight, because Song Ting has cut off the supply of money and food for Li Quan's thief, and Li Quan's army can't support it for a few months, it will run out of food. Naturally it can be done in one go. "



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