The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1643: Pudge and Vladimir

Sigridari is the second ethnic leader of His Majesty Bai Xiaowen, the King of the Soul tribe.

He temporarily set aside the events of Higdelifa's life, and Bai Xiaowen considered it and chose the leader of the Corpse Demon Clan.

There are two candidates for the corpse monster, one is a butcher who has just been promoted to the rank of leader, who has worked hard for Bai Xiaowen, and one is a new creature that has just appeared from the face of death, a rare leader-level plague monster .

The plague beast is a magnified and fattened version of a lizard. It has a body length of more than five meters, four legs as thick as a stump, a long tail, and a sarcoma on its back.

The skills it possesses are basically related to poison gas. The sarcoma on the back can be closed or opened freely, releasing poisonous mist. In the poisonous mist, the vitality (health) of the plague beast will recover quickly, and the enemy will be affected by the rotting plague.

In addition, the plague monster can spray high concentration of acid solution from the mouth, or shake the huge body, and throw out pieces of parasite poisonous insects to attack.

Finally there is a skill called "vomiting dead corpses". Plague monsters can devour corpses and vomit them out after a while.

The spit corpse turned into an acid zombie of the zombie tribe, but the health value of the acid zombie will automatically decrease due to corrosiveness, leaving a pool of acid on the ground after death.

From this point of view, the plague beast has the potential of the ethnic leader. Naturally, it has the ability to make a zombie servant (zombie), but it is not a permanent servant.

However, Bai Xiaowen did not choose the plague beast, he still chose the butcher.

Elderly qualified employees are the first bonus point. In addition, the butcher's modified stomach bag does have greater growth potential.

As for the plague beast, for the time being a little back.

After the Butcher was injected with 10 points of death by Bai Xiaowen, after ten minutes, the evolution was completed, and then he was named "Pudge" by Bai Xiaowen.

[Pudge (Lord 14)]

[Race: undead species / corpse demon clan]

属性 [Attributes: Strength 168, Dexterity 95, Constitution 204, Spirit 66]

[Health value: 100%]

[Spirit Power: 2300]

After the evolution, the butcher Pudge, from an obese fat man, has become an extremely strong and strong man.

He is two and a half meters tall, with a shoulder width close to two meters. His legs are as thick as pillars and he looks extremely strong in the lower plate.

With two arms, almost as thick as the thigh, that amazing 168-point strength comes from this.

The original suture marks on the crouched belly have disappeared and turned into powerful eight-in-one abdominal muscles. There is also a large iron chain around the waist, and a deformed arm extending behind the shoulder, holding the end of the chain; left and right hands, each holding a kitchen knife.

After feeding the butcher Pudge with a trick, Pudge's pair of dead fish eyes also became alive. Although his manners are still difficult to hide, but the wisdom of the Butcher has indeed grown to the level of ordinary people. degree.

In addition to the previous skills being enhanced, Butcher Pudge has also acquired the "stitch" ethnic leader skills.

的 The deformed arm behind him looks clumsy, but it's actually very smart. He can use a two-handed kitchen knife to chop up the corpse, then select useful parts, use the deformed arm on the back, and maneuver the suspicious silk to sew to create a permanent corpse demon slave.

Finally, there is a place for a blood leader.

Kitts stared at Bai Xiaowen.

"Don't watch, who made you so disappointed that you can't break through to the leader level."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head, and the prerequisite for becoming a leader of the ethnic group was the leader. As a rare elite, Kitts cannot become the leader of the ethnic group. How long does it take for him to wait for his promotion template?

Kitts knelt down and shouted, holding his head half-truth: "Boss, it's useless! You let the newcomer be the leader, I have no complaints!"

Zhen Yan aside, a little bit embarrassed, after all, the skeleton infrastructure team led by Kitts helped Zhen Yan a lot in the beginning of the territory.

However, Zhen Huan will not persuade Bai Xiaowen to change her mind. As an internal helper, she enlightened Kitts.

Called Kitts aside, Zhen Hua said softly, "In fact, you don't have to be sad. In my opinion, you may be better if you don't become a blood leader."

After a pause, Zhen Xuan continued, "Now my husband has elected four leaders of the ethnic groups, which is equivalent to four officials in Fengjiang. And you have been beside your husband, that is, a son of heaven. He is in power, but facing The emperor is also in awe of the three-pointer. What's more, as a minister, you don't need to be on the front line in the battle. You can usually pass an order and feel the role of a commissioner. "

After Kitts became Bai Xiaowen's summoned creature, he also learned some ancient Chinese culture, and Zhen Ye ’s remarks made him realize that “Master and Mother are right! It ’s me who really trusts me most, Let me be by his side— "

Bai Xiaowen called the newly summoned creature-the vampire prince, first infused with the power of death to strengthen, and then fed Tongqiao fruit.

After the evolution of the vampire monarch and the opening of his wisdom, Bai Xiaowen said, "Give you your real name ... it's called Vladimir."

The Vampire Lord Vladimir owed his salute: "I am honored to have your name. Vladimir will always be loyal to you, the great Lord."

Bai Xiaowen learned about the capabilities of the vampire lord as usual.

[Vladimir (Lord 14)]

[Race: undead species / blood]

属性 [Attribute: Strength ~ ~ Agile 211, Constitution 102, Spirit 94]

[Health value: 100%]

[Spirit Power: 2300]

Vladimir is an out-of-the-box speed lord. Passive claws can restore health for himself, and he has the ability to escape as a golden bat colony, and has strong survivability. In addition, he can release golden bats for long-range reconnaissance.

Another thing to say is that Vladimir's ethnic leader skill is "Night Embrace", which can initially embrace life forms and create vampire servants.

In appearance, Vladimir's body shape is the most "normal" of the four kings, with a height of about one meter seven, a slightly thin cheek, and a meticulous aristocratic dress (similar to the death knight's Horses are costumes of spiritual power.) They have more cards than Kitts.

Of course, this is just the shape before the transformation. After transforming, Vladimir's height will quickly rise to more than two meters, like a thin bamboo pole, and will show sharp fangs and claws.

The other three heavenly kings can also change back to "normal" shape. However, the normal body shape will limit some of the strengths of the four heavenly kings. If you really need to encounter a war, you still have to change your body.

"We will always be loyal and pay tribute to the great masters who have given us life!"

The four great kings, kneeling in front of Bai Xiaowen, swore allegiance.

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