The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1315: Jingzhou to make

Bai Xiaowen was revered by the court as the "Duke of the State of Yan". He was an official and linked to courtiers. He was even more powerful.

There are many courtiers, such as Dong Zhao, etc., who also serve in the government office; no one says that this is illegal.

Although Xi Xiliang was settled, the unification main line task 2 has not yet been completed.

Bai Xiaowen sent Zhang Jian to lead the army north to conquer the bandits. Accompanying the other teammates of the White Phoenix team is also to make a small wave of war contributions to the teammates.

However, for a few days in Badu, Bai Xiaowen never mentioned the attack on Zhang Lu.

This makes Ma Chao a little anxious, sending people to ask many times, and finally to ask in person.

Bai Xiaowen replied: "Now the courts and horses have just passed the war and need to be rested. Bandits and horse thieves in the north have risen, the border is unstable, and it is more unsuitable for expedition. Moreover, Hanzhong is in a critical situation and must be prepared to attack."

Bai Xiaowen said all valid reasons, and Ma Chao had no choice but to worship again: "A murderer who vowed to find out the death of his father, also hoped that Yan Gong would check the situation and borrow troops as soon as possible."

Bai Xiaowen said positively: "Of course I also want to find out the killer. Meng Qi rest assured, as short as 10 days, long as January, I will certainly borrow soldiers from you to seek Hanzhong."

The horse is overjoyed.

Bai Xiaowen also said, "The news should be kept as secret as possible, and never leaked, lest Zhang Lu be prepared."

Ma Machao agreed to go.

Zhang Zhang went north to level the thief, and the first offensive target was the black mountain thief Zhang Yan.

However, I heard that Zhang Ye's soldiers had arrived, and Zhang Yan actually directly led the public to drop.

After Bai Baiwen learned the news, it was not surprising.

Zhang Yan in history is quite visionary and quite different from ordinary bandits. If evaluated by Bai Xiaowen, it is "knowing the current affairs is a handsome person"!

During the period of the Emperor Zhang Yan, he was mixed into a thief, and the people gathered by his Majesty were known as millions-this is of course hydrated. How much moisture depends on Zhang Yan's advocacy ability-the imperial court of the Emperor was unable to annihilate. Let it go.

However, Zhang Yan took the initiative to ask the court to recruit him.

So the Emperor Feng Zhang Yan assaulted the generals, managed the public security and civil affairs in the mountains north of the Yellow River, and even had the power to observe filial piety! Huo Tuotuo became a thorny prince in the mountains.

During the time when the princes were discussing Dong, Zhang Yan was even qualified to make alliances with the princes of all walks of life.

When Yuan Shao and Gong Sunzhen competed for Jizhou, Zhang Yan jumped out and wanted to share a cup of tea, and sent troops to help Gong Sun Yun, but was defeated by Yuan Shao. Later, Yuan Shao condemned Zhang Yan. Although there was no settlement, the Montenegrin thief suffered many injuries.

This probably killed Zhang Yan's heart and let him see the gap between his Majesty's Wuhe people and the vassal army.

In history, Cao Cao calmed down the Yuan family. Before Zhang Yan was beaten, Zhang Yan saw that Cao Cao had a great potential and led the public to surrender Cao Cao to obtain the title of Hou.

Now, Bai Xiaowen's power in the world of the Three Kingdoms is better than that of Cao Cao at the beginning. It is not surprising that Zhang Yan asked to descend.

Xi Bai Xiaowen then dispatched Lidu clerks to receive Zhang Yan's tribe.

Under the final inventory, Zhang Yan's department has more than 100,000 people.

Zhang Pingsu Zhang Yan boasted that she had 100,000 troops. It turned out that all the people were counted. The elderly, women, and children are counted.

Bai Xiaowen sealed Zhang Yan as An Guoting Hou, and there were five hundred households.

After Zhang Yan's lower part, Bai Xiaowen selected thousands of young and strong and joined the army.

The rest of them all returned to the field (in fact, they did not have "A"), and they were scattered to Guanzhong, Sizhou, Bingzhou, and other sparsely populated places.

Bai Xiaowen also ordered the prefecture and county officials in various places to allocate land for cultivation of these people, as well as a series of good governance, such as tax-free food and grain for two years, and so on.

After the order, Zhang Yan's ministry was grateful to Dade, helping the old and the young.

In fact, Bai Xiaowen basically couldn't see the benefits after two years. He did so only because these people had just turned from thieves to the people, and their minds had not settled down; if there was no way to live, they would inevitably scream again in the mountains.

Now promulgation of good governance can quickly settle their minds. Even if Zhang Yan rebels and betrays them, these former members will basically not respond.

Heishan Zhang Yan has become a thing of the past. Zhang Ye led a large army across the border of Jizhou and the state, to seek the horse thief of the state.

Uh ...

Xi Bai Xiaowen met a wave of Jingzhou messengers in Lidu.

刘 Jingzhou Liu Biao, died of serious injuries.

The second son Liu Xuan inherited his father's foundation, but because of his youth, his uncle Liu Bei temporarily took charge of military and political affairs in Jingzhou.

荆 This Jingzhou messenger was sent by Liu Bei to discuss the imperial edicts of the court.

I said it was a seal, but in fact it was a routine notice to the court. Even if Bai Xiaowen did not agree, Jingzhou would not bother.

Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes and asked the Jingzhou ambassador: "I heard that Liu Jingsheng has a second son, the eldest son Liu Qi, and the second son Liu Ye. Why abandon the elder?"

The ambassador of Jingzhou replied, "Back to Yangong Yan, son Liu Qi died prematurely. It has been more than a month."

Bai Xiaowen was shocked.

The time of Liu Qi's death is exactly the time he cut in!

This confirms Bai Xiaowen's speculation.

When he matches the rules of the spirit realm, he selects the identity of two spiritual characters who are about to die (or have just died) on the target spiritual realm for him to choose.

This time Bai Xiaowen cut into the Three Kingdoms plane ~ ~ The spiritual figures who are about to die and meet the famous and prominent status are Yuan Xi and Liu Qi.

If Bai Xiaowen chose Liu Qi's identity, presumably soon, he would also hear the news of Yuan Xi's death.

As for Yuan Xi and Liu Qi who died earlier than in the romance, Bai Xiaowen is not surprised. The historical figures in the spirit world, their appearances and exits, do not exactly match the romance.

Bai Xiaowen said: "Liu Ye is young and not enough to govern the prefectures and counties. The imperial court also sent a distinguished celebrity to govern Jingxiang."

The ambassador of Jingzhou replied: "Although my lord is young, he is clever and eager to learn, and has the uncle Liu Beifuzuo. If the court chooses another person to replace it, it will not only violate the will of the husband, but it will also make Jingzhou people refuse to accept it. source."

Seeing the messenger's answer, Liu Baiwen had no fear, and was curious in his heart, he asked, "Who is the messenger and where does he live?"

The man replied, "In Xiahua, the word Ziyu. It is now a subordinate of Liu Jingzhou."

Bai Xiaowen jumped in his heart.

歆 Hua Ye is not an ordinary person. He is a harder party than Dong Zhao.

In the Romance, Cao Wei usurped the Han, and Hua Yao was the vanguard.

What Bai Xiaowen wanted was just such a talented person, so he got up and went down the stage to solicit: "I heard that the name of the Plain Huaziyu has been for a long time. Why do you respect Jingzhou as a public servant as a scholar? Why not come to Badu, Fang? I can learn everything. "

Seeing Bai Xiaowen's sincere attitude, Qi Huaxu bowed down and said: "I would like to be a pioneer of Yangong."

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