The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1189: Yuan Shao's Study

Bai Xiaowen left the main room with a complicated mood.

Through the communication on the team's channel, Li Shuyi and Cecilia quickly walked out of the chamber in disguise (fantasy), followed behind Bai Xiaowen, and walked out of the general gate from the small gate.

"Xiaowen, what did you say to Zhen Ye? Why do you feel like you look handsome again."

By the moonlight, Li Shuyi carefully looked at Bai Xiaowen.

"Look at it yourself ..." Bai Xiaowen showed the status of "Liu Yun Yu Yun" to the two.

"His ... 20 charm?"

"Well ... 72 hours!"

Li Shuyi and Cecilia both opened their eyes wide. Their emphases are different, but they sum up the tyrannical state of this lingering aftertaste.

Bai Xiaowen said: "In addition to a special technique with a vague description, there are four dance techniques, one of which is Liuliqu."

Bai Xiaowen roughly recounted the conversation he just had with Zhen Yan.

Li Shuyi was shocked, then shocked, and said after the three shocks, "This woman ... is unusual!"

Earlier, Rongrong advised the husband-in-law to focus on major issues and not dare to "use the prince to entertain you." This is a common practice of virtue and internal help.

After learning that Bai Xiaowen had a big plan, Zhen Yan seemed to have no brain to support the husband, but in fact it was not. The last sentence revealed her cleverness.

Bai Xiaowen's "big plan" is premised on persuading Tian Feng and Zhen family owners. If these two people cannot be convinced, nothing will happen naturally, of course, Zhen Huan need not worry.

If the two are persuaded, it shows that Bai Xiaowen's plan has high feasibility and benefits, and Zhen Ye's full support is even more correct.

In any case, Tian Feng and Zhen's housekeepers have checked. That's why Zhen Huan never asked the specific content of the plan.

Although Li Shuyi could not think of so much in haste, she instinctively felt that Zhen Huan was very powerful.

"Xiaowen, how much charm do you have now?" Li Shuyi asked.

"Glamour value is a hidden attribute. I do n’t see my basic charm, so it ’s not clear. Above the fixed value, these 20 points are added; then the percentage bonus is added, and the emperor crown is increased by 30%. Because of the ancient Chinese background, it should be close to the 30% ceiling. "

Bai Xiaowen said with a bit of emotion, "I feel that now my charm value is a special skill ... When I met Mrs. Liu, I clearly felt the role of charm value, Mrs. Liu's attitude towards me, and Yuan Hee ’s attitude is completely different. ”

"It's so powerful! Then you go directly to Yuan Shao and see if he will make you an heir?" Li Shuyi laughed.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "The charm value is not used this way. No matter how high the charm value is, it only makes the subconscious mind of the spiritual world feel better about you. The reasonable suggestions you put forward are more likely to be accepted by the other party. "Qi" is almost the same, but it does not mean that it is a halo of wisdom. It is impossible for others to change their minds or accept obvious absurd proposals. "

"Even if we go to see Yuan Shao, he will at least change my perception. With his indecisive character, it is never possible to make a decision immediately, but we must rely on our own efforts." Bai Xiaowen pulled the topic back.

"Then why are you looking for Tian Feng and Zhen's owner?" Li Shuyi asked.

Bai Xiaowen said: "These two people are the most suitable ally candidates I can find in Jizhou combined with Yuan Xi's memory. Tian Feng is the same as in the romance, because he just persuaded Yuan Shao and was imprisoned by Yuan Shao. As for Zhen ’s house owner, It surprised me a bit. "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen continued: "At this time, the Zhen family owner is still Zhen Ye's father, Zhen Yi."

"What's weird about this," Li Shuyi said.

"In history, Zhen Yi died when Zhen Zheng was three years old," Bai Xiaowen said. "But in Yuan Xi's memory, my cheap father-in-law has always been healthy ..."

"Uh ... well, the appearance and exit times of the characters in the Three Kingdoms of the Spirit Realm may not be consistent with the romance and history." Li Shuyi said.

"This brings me to a rule," said Bai Xiaowen. "People in the spirit world, perhaps because their physical qualities are far superior to ordinary people, so those who leave because of" illness and death "are likely to be in good health and lively. You see Look at Zhang Jiao, a great mentor. He died of illness long ago in the romance. He is still jumping, but he is just missing. "

Li Shuyi thought for a while and nodded, it looks like this is indeed the case.

"Fortunately, I did not choose Liu Qi's identity to cut in," Bai Xiaowen sighed. "In the romance, Liu Biao was also ill and died ... So here, Liu Biao is likely to be still healthy! Liu Qi's identity is cut in, and he wants to wait until Liu Biao dies and seizes power, completely. It was dreaming, and I couldn't afford time. "

"The death of Yuan Shao ... seems to be a sick death, too?" Li Shuyi said a little uncertainly.

"Well, Yuan Shao died of illness shortly after returning to Jizhou," said Bai Xiaowen.

"Then according to you, Yuan Shao should survive strong." Li Shuyi pouted.

Bai Xiaowen smiled inexplicably: "No, he can't survive."

"Aren't you trying to kill him, right? Get up, son, father, and reputation will be ruined."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "Yuan Shao and Cao Cao fought. This radical environment is suitable for us to do things. On the way to Yuan Shao's defeat, everything is possible. For Liu Biao, the environment is comfortable and there is no such opportunity. "

"Then we should go to Zhen's first or Tian Feng first?" Cecilia asked.

Bai Xiaowen said, "No, go to Yuan Shao's study first."


The three walked through the court and swayed forward. When they met the sergeant on patrol at night, Bai Xiaowen revealed the identity of the second son Yuan, and no one dared to stop.

In front of Yuan Shao's study, two guards stopped Bai Xiaowen.

"Second son, here is the general's study, please be careful." One of them said.

Bai Xiaowen said: "The situation in Youzhou is unstable, and Wusong seems to be in trouble. I need to find my father's information about the Hu people over the years ~ ~ in order to formulate countermeasures. You will let go!"

"This ..." Both guards were hesitant.

This is the advantage of Yuan Xi's identity. For ordinary people, the two guards drew the knife directly. Whoever is more BB than you.

Bai Xiaowen photographed two gold ingots: "You two are hard at work at night, and my son will not let you do it for nothing."

"Yes, thank you second son ..." Perhaps the charm value played a role, and the two guards gave way after saluting.

Yuan Shao was not strict, and under the control of Cao Cao, the son absolutely did not have such a big face, and could go straight to Cao Cao's study.

However, if the guards insist on blocking, Bai Xiaowen is not without other means, such as the shadow assassin sneaking in. But that is definitely not as convenient as Bai Xiao's text.

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