The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1075: Deadly

"Even if it's confirmed, what's the point? We can't directly affect the indigenous people of the planet." Auguste did not know why.

"No, Ouyang told me."

Andre recalled: "Cecilia he met was an aboriginal of the spirit world, and later became a follower of the Aboriginal Awakener of the Earth ... Yes, it was the cold blood of the north that we mentioned Devil ', the man whose name is Dior Skelboom. I have a hunch that this person is likely to be our enemy. "

"If it is confirmed that he is, I need to start collecting his information and intelligence in advance for future confrontation."

Andre squeezed his fist: "This time, we are in the bright place, they are in the dark, and we are fiercely posing with us ... next time, I will never give him such a chance."

"Ah ..." Auguste laughed. "How do you keep the past wins in your mind? It's enough to do the present ..."

However, Auguste's voice had not yet landed. Suddenly, the dome of the cave shuddered, and earth and gravel fell down.

"what happened?"


The awakeners in the underground cave were all stunned.

Andre suddenly converged his mental strength, compressing a large range of induction to a small range of precise scanning.

His face suddenly changed: "Not good, there are enemies ... a lot!"

"Where?" August suddenly drew out a gold spear.

"Overhead, below ... all!"

Andre's face turned pale, but the words didn't fall. A pair of powerful spider legs and claws, like spears, broke through the earth and stones behind him, whistling and piercing his vest!

At the critical moment, Auguste's beast-like instinct saved Andre, the former screamed angrily, and the golden spear made a dazzling arc.

Under the powerful swing, the two spider legs were broken to the ground stiff! Subsequently, a spider-elf who was shot with partial disability stumbled from the rock wall, the upper body of the human form was bare, and the scarlet eyes shot a vicious light.

The ground squirmed irregularly, and hordes of mud rushed out.

"Let's go! Escape back to the ground!" Andrea said sharply. He knew that the most dangerous place came from overhead.


The cave dome collapsed, countless rocks were thrown, and a group of people were buried alive!

Cavalier Captain Marco, standing on a high hillside, is surrounded by a drow army of elves.

Mother Cynthia reluctantly endured her temper and dealt with this humble human male. After all, the report of this human male has affected the fate of the Knossolis tribe to some extent.

"This raid worked very well, and the enemy didn't respond." Marco said.

"Of course, the drow itself is the king of raids," said Mother Cynthia quite proudly. "How to avoid the mage's telepathy, we have a set of effective tactics."

"But Lord Lord of the City said that these alien speculators are not so easy to deal with. The priestess Carmela, who had been placed in high hope by the hostess, is just one of them." Marco reminded.

"Camilla! That bitch, she can't escape my palm!"

However, before the mother Cynthia had finished speaking, the collapsed ground shook again.

Pieces of rock were thrown from the bottom of the pit.

This scene is a bit amazing. These heavy stones, like gravel and gravel, were scattered everywhere. A group of people who were originally buried at the bottom of the pit see the sun again.

And standing in front of a group of awakeners at the bottom of the pit, the awakened man with a strong body like a bull, holding a big stone in one hand and grinning his teeth.


The big stone suddenly smashed at Mother Cynthia.


Mother Cynthia opened her five fingers, a wave of shadow energy surged, and the big stone was torn apart and fell to the ground.

August's provocation was obvious.

Mother Cynthia narrowed her eyes and clenched her teeth:

"Kill them! Especially the waste that dare to throw stones at me, kill without pardon!"

Shouting, the drow elf unit began a siege.

For the awakening of the Holy Court, it is still impossible for seven or eight people to fight against a whole army.

What's more, they were suddenly attacked and almost buried alive. Everyone was dissatisfied. They had bad luck and even had less than half their health. They did not have the capital to fight the drow elves.

"Break out, don't fall in love!" Auguste, holding a gold rifle, rushed into the crowd of the Drow Elves tribe.

At the start of the war gun, blood rain blew.

Auguste was not a reckless husband. The first wave of provocation was his intention. The purpose was to attract the hatred of the drow elf forces so that his friends could escape.

With the golden battle gun waving, even the slightest blood mist was sucked into Auguste's body, he was bathing in blood all over, but he got more and more brave.

"Leader!" Andrei was a little unwilling and even more lonely.

"Come on! I want to go, anytime!" August said confidently.

Andre sighed: "It's useless ... we have no hope."

Shiraishi collar actually came to the door in advance, and even reached a strategic alliance with the drow elves! The lack of these two points of information is fatal.

This is also the sequel to the defeat of Xisha Province. All four members of the intelligence team under Andrei were expelled. He lost his eyes and ears, which caused the intelligence capacity of the Shenting training camp to drop significantly.

You can only send members such as the suppression group, the attack group, and even the auxiliary group to make temporary guest appearances to gather intelligence. Compared with professional intelligence team members, it is too inefficient and it is easy to miss key information.

The biggest advantage of the Awakeners in the spirit world lies in the asymmetry of information and information, which can flexibly and flexibly break the soft underbelly of the spirit army. But head-to-head confrontation is by no means their specialty.

When besieged by a large number of spirit army, it was doomed.

"Don't tell me to give up until the last minute," Auguster irritated infrequently, "Andre! You TMD listened to me, break out immediately! When the safety zone comes, send a signal again!"

Andre sighed, and could only follow the other awakenings and kill from another weak direction.

These sacred court awakeners did have their own unique skills. Several high-power skills were thrown out, and they actually killed a blood path from the side. The bodies of drow mage samurai and spider spiders were everywhere.

However, some awakenings in the Holy Garden were attacked repeatedly and their health reached the danger line. With all of the hole cards exhausted, the only way to escape from Kane's plane is to use the return item.

One, two.

Looking at the white light flashing ~ ~ Auguster was a little dull. There was nothing he could do, it was his limit to hold the elves of the drow.

Augustus was pleased that a total of five people, including Andre, rushed out of the encirclement of the drow elves.

However, the next second, August's face changed.


On the hillside, Captain Marco raised his rifle.

Behind him, rows of archers were already ready.


The dense sound of raindrops rang out, and the covered arrow rain completely drowned the five men of Andre.

Andrea shook his head: "I said, hopeless."

Bai Guang lit up for the second time, and the awakenings of the Divine Court had to use means such as returning to the city to escape the dead!

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