The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2195: I'm not happy, it makes no sense, you smile often

"What?" When Zhu Xinyi heard it, she immediately looked at Ling Yiyan, her eyes full of anger from the cub guard, "Yiyan, you mean Lin Xiangnan has other girls in her heart, might she just play with Xiye?"

Ling Yiyan glanced at Zhu Xinyi, but did not answer.

Everyone grew up in Los Angeles, and his parents didn't know something, but that doesn't mean he didn't know.

Lin Xiangnan Daxiao and Su Xiaoxiao did something together. Although they were not in a circle, they were not incapable of hearing anything.

"I know." Ye Ziyu was calm. "He didn't hide from me... I also know that the girl is her fiancee." After that, she felt a little sorry, "However, the girl seems to be away. Up."

"Like?" Two words filled Ling Yiyan's lips coldly.

Ye Ziyu nodded, "It seems to mean...sometimes too sad, I don't want to say too absolute."

"Are you stupid?" Zhu Xinyi immediately stared, "Although I don't have to make that woman impossible, but if you and Lin Xiangnan are all healed, if the girl suddenly appears, what will you do? do?"

Ye Ziyu had just forked a piece of pineapple, and when she heard Zhu Xinyi's question, she was dumbfounded by the question.

When Zhu Xinyi saw it, she immediately twisted her eyebrows and said, "Xiye, what if this is the case?"

"I don't know..." Ye Ziyu suddenly felt a little bored. After putting the pineapple in her mouth angrily, after chewing twice, she felt a bit astringent, "Should... it won't happen, right? "

"Should?" Ling Yiyan's voice was oppressive, looking at the hesitation on Ye Ziyu's face, a little angry.

The real Xiye left, and the entire Ling family, the girl in front of him who looked five or six points like Xiye, was really a younger sister.

Because she was treated as a family member, everyone spoiled her and naturally did not want her to be harmed.


Standing in the domestic departure hall of Fengcheng Airport, Ouyang Meng looked at the planes taking off through the glass, her expression dull and unwilling.

The hand holding the boarding pass was slightly squeezed. She knew that she was acting impulsively, but she couldn't wait for a moment. She was going to Los Angeles to verify whether it was Lin Xiangnan and the girl named Ling Xiye. Together!

The phone ringtone came when Ouyang Meng was jealous, and his body was agitated.

She retracted her gaze and took out her phone. Seeing that it was Qiao Yun, she frowned slightly, then picked it up, "Hello?"

"I heard that you took annual leave?" Qiao Chen's voice came out with doubts.

"Yeah." Ouyang Meng said faintly, "I'm a little tired, I want to take a break."

"Why haven't you heard it before?" Qiao Chen's voice came with a smile, but he felt a little cool. Ouyang Meng sneered secretly, turned around, and walked towards the boarding gate. At the same time, she said, "Could it be that the most rare thing is not a walk-and-go trip?" She chuckles, "I'm not here recently, I'm studying You have to worry about entering... But, I heard that Chief Xi also came back these two days

Up. "

Qiao Xun grabbed her hands slightly, knowing that Ouyang Meng was taunting her for not getting Lin Xiangnan, even Xi Hongwen couldn't take it. "Are you going to Los Angeles?" She said with a chuckle, "I wish you success."

Ouyang Meng stopped slightly, and just wanted to speak, but only his lips moved. Before he had time to say anything, Qiao Yan smiled and said faintly, "I'm busy now, have a good trip", and hung up the phone.

"Heh!" Ouyang Meng snorted, "Why is it always a woman who embarrassed a woman?"

Because, I'm not happy, why do you laugh so often? !

Qiao Chen, we are half a catastrophe, I'm having a hard time, but you are having a hard time?

Ha ha!

After another sneer, Ouyang Meng raised her foot and continued walking towards the boarding gate...

At the right time, Fang Xiran, who had just passed the security check, frowned slightly while watching Ouyang Meng in doubt, and looked at his boarding gate, which was also the direction, and then walked there too...

"She's going to Los Angeles too?!" Fang Xiran glanced lightly at the information screen at the boarding gate that Ouyang Meng had stopped, and muttered. The phone rang when he was thinking about going to say hello.

After taking it out, seeing that it was Jin Shaoshi, Fang Xiran immediately switched to the little girl mode, and forgot to say hello to Ouyang Meng in the past. After picking it up, he went to the front and went to Los Angeles, but he was not on the same plane Go away...

"Where are you?" On the phone, Jin Shaosi's soft but strong voice came.

"Airport." Fang Xiran's footsteps became light, "I have less than an hour to fly." After a slight pause, she asked with a smile, "Are you still there, or have you arrived?"

"I just arrived in Los Angeles, this will be in the car..." Jin Shaoshi tilted his head slightly, looking at it as if it had been changing, but there was a view of Los Angeles that seemed to have never changed. "I will go to the vineyard first. Zhuang waits for me."

"Yeah, good." Fang Xiran responded with a smile, and the steps under her feet sped up a bit, as if she could take off immediately after arriving at the gate.

Hanging up the phone, Fang Xiran's heroic face was filled with a joyful smile.

Although it didn't take the eight years of the War of Resistance against Japan, it was her biggest gain in these two years that Jin Shaoshi's heart that had been closed rather tightly was gradually opened.

Of course, her gain was based on Lin Xiangnan's pain.

Because it was not easy for Lin Xiangnan to give her Jin Shaoshi information while licking her wounds.

Thinking of Lin Xiangnan, Fang Xiran sighed with regret.

At the beginning, although he was a little frustrated, when he left the army, the parties involved in the matter knew that his departure also protected some people in disguise.

For example, she, Wei Chen, Xu Zhao...

The army is a disciplinary team. Under such circumstances, they all violated discipline, but Lin Xiangnan had to bear everything.

His departure also left some people waiting for Lalin's family or some old stubborns speechless. Naturally, their violations of discipline have not happened.

Fang Xiran sat down in the chair, her thoughts suddenly stopped, as if looking back at something...

She couldn't see Ouyang Meng because the shopping store blocked her sight.

"Ouyang Meng went to Los Angeles because of Lin Xiangnan?!" Fang Xiran murmured, after thinking about it, he took his mobile phone and sent Lin Xiangnan a WeChat.

In any case, if Lin Xiangnan helped her so much, she must have some gossip in return.

Well, whether she is a gossip or not, she takes it anyway, at least she can make her own happiness come with peace of mind.


Lin Xiangnan returned to Li Yunze's villa after sending Ziyu Yu. The brothers hadn't gotten together for a long time. He was in a different mood before returning to Tzuyu. In addition, he wanted to hear his third brother's opinion on Silence when he looked back.

"Fang Nan, is your phone on the table? It seems there is information..." Warm walked over with the little biscuits just baked.

"Well, mine." Lin Xiangnan got up, went to grab the phone, and opened...

Fang Xiran: I ran into Ouyang Meng at the airport. It seemed that I was also going to Los Angeles. We did not have a different flight. Lin Xiangnan frowned suddenly, looking at the information, with a gloomy look.

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