The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1576: What does the doctor ask for: Substituting research

Chapter 1576 What Do Doctors Need: Substitute Research

The other party actually knew that Yining had emotional illness? !

This recognition made Li Yunze's uncontrollable heart tremble...

how come?

There are not many people who know that Yining has emotional illness. How can the other party know that Yining has emotional illness?

The questions were brushed in my mind over and over again, and in the end, they all became He Yining's collapse due to emotional illness.

"Oh, it seems that Jian Mo is about to give birth..." Meng Yi chuckled, "Ah, although it is a bit of a loss of identity to threaten people with a woman, what should I do? No matter He Yining or Jian Mo, I really want to I know, what will happen to any one of them except things?"

Li Yunze's hand holding the phone clenched unconsciously, gritted his teeth and squeezed out his teeth word by word, "I'll do what you said, don't hurt her!"

"You're obedient, of course, I won't hurt her..." After Meng Yi's voice was processed, it made people feel hairy. "Li Yunze, I know that your Fourth Young Master is in the sphere of influence in Los Angeles. I warn you once, if you have to take risks, then I will definitely make you regret it."

Li Yunze's hand gripping the phone became tighter and tighter, and the sound of "babble" uttered a strange anger.

"What do you want?" Li Yunze gritted his teeth.

Meng Yi looked at the workers working in front of him, smiled at the corner of his mouth and slowly said, "What do I want, don't you know?"

Of course Li Yunze knew that the only thing that can take care of these people is the research of the older brother.

However, he is confident that from the beginning to the end of the protection, it is impossible for those people to know that the research has come out, or even sent it to the Patent Office.

He must not mess!

"You kidnapped my woman, how do I know what you want?" Li Yunze asked angrily.

Meng Yi coldly snorted, "At this moment, are you still struggling?" After a pause, his eyes shot out viciously and said, "It's a pity, you woman, but you are not as smart as you."

Li Yunze only felt that his heart had contracted suddenly, not because of anything else, but because he was worried that He Yining would be frightened.

"Li Yunze, if you want He Yining... just substitute research!" Meng Yi said directly, "Also, withdraw all the materials that have been sent to the Patent Office."

"Impossible!" Li Yunze said coldly.

"Oh, it's impossible..." Meng Yi chuckled lightly, "I'll give you one day. If I can't see the research and the materials you submitted by this time tomorrow..." He paused on purpose, "Don't worry, I I won't kill He Yining, I will only make her... life is better than death."

"Dare you?!" Li Yunze stared.

"I really dare!" Meng Yi didn't care about Li Yunze's threat at all, "One day, remember, you only have one day to think about it!"

When the words fell, Meng Yi had already hung up without giving Li Yunze a chance to speak again.

Li Yunze opened the door and got out of the car and returned to the bar.

"A number without caller ID can find the location based on the line?"

"Did the other party contact you?" Xiao Qiang asked subconsciously.

Li Yunze didn't dare to take a bet on why Yining, but said ambiguously: "No one is talking after the phone call, I doubt it is the other party?!"

"Let me see if I can find the path from your phone..." Xiao Qiang took Li Yunze's phone and planned to find some traces on the electronic board.

"The other party dialed it using an internet phone," Xiao Qiang said, twisting his eyebrows, "I didn't intentionally cover up the path, but the IP was displayed in Luxembourg... Obviously, the other party did it intentionally.

Li Yunze was actually very clear in his heart that the other party would never give him the chance to find.

However, he had a little hope.

Li Yunze turned and left without saying anything. Xiao Qiang hurriedly asked, "Young Master Li?"

"You continue to look at the road conditions and find that express car..."

Li Yunze kept walking out of the bar and got into the car. There was a bang, and his fist hit the steering wheel.

Gritting his teeth, Li Yunze's eyes turned scarlet, looking at the line of sight ahead, full of anger under self-blame.

He should be more careful, he shouldn't feel foolproof...

Yining, you must have nothing to do, you must not!

Li Yunze closed his eyes in pain. He is not afraid of anything now. He is afraid that because of this incident, Yining will put all the responsibilities on her, completely falling into a comprehensive emotional illness...

Li Yunze's body trembled as he endured it forbearing, and regrets that had never been seen before came to him, making him powerless to fear.

The other party obviously knew him well and cut off his back.

Even Xiao Qiang and Xiao Yu couldn't find anyone for a while...

Li Yunze opened his eyes, his eyes flushed with anger.

Now that Yining is in the hands of the opponent, the opponent has grabbed his fate.

He knew too well that if Yining was emotionally sick and learned that he would become the key to his eldest brother's medicine, how regretful he would be, and he would never recover.


Why Ning Se shrank her body, her mind was empty, but the position of her heart shrank dramatically.

The cold air from all around enveloped her. She forgot about the cold, but her body was trembling... I didn't know if it was because of the cold, fear, or both.

Li Yunze, don't...don't!

In the end, He Yining only left this sentence in his mind.

She didn't dare to think about what the consequences would be if Li Yunze was threatened and studied it.

She has killed Brother Yun Hao, she can no longer let Li Yunze have an accident, let alone hurt more people...

No, no!

He Yining's body was shaking more and more severely, and his face became embarrassed.

"Why Yining seems something is wrong?" Zheng Hao said while looking at the monitor.

Meng Yi walked over, looked at He Yining who was shivering and trembling, and slightly curled his eyebrows.

The weather at night is still very cold, but the container is processed, sound insulation is good, and the heat and cold insulation effect is also good, it is absolutely impossible to be cold like this...

"That's right." Meng Yi suddenly remembered, "Last night someone said that He Yining was addicted..." He paused, "I haven't had time to confirm, today you temporarily said that you want to bring He Yining."

"The dose is estimated not to be heavy." Meng Yi said, "But it's okay... you have a slight poisoning, plus emotional illness. As long as you use it properly, isn't Li Yunze obedient?"

"In those days, Li Yunhao even committed suicide in order to protect the research. Do you think Li Yunze can really ignore Li Yunhao's efforts for a woman?" Zheng Hao was a little worried.

Meng Yi didn't speak. After a while, his eyes fell on He Yining in the monitor, and he slowly said, "No matter what, this time is a desperate move. Otherwise, how many years of deployment and patience will be spent in vain. ."

Zheng Hao sighed and looked at He Yining and said, "I hope she really has a transcendent position in Li Yunze's heart."

Meng Yi squinted his eyes slightly, watching He Yining's vision filled with vicious light, "Then you can only see, whose heart is... cruel!"

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