The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1459: Doctor He Qiu: It seems calm...

Chapter 1459 What a doctor: Seems calm...

The corner of He Yining's mouth was torn down, looking at the distant vision, it was already very dry.

In the past few days, she could always start to be in a daze so inexplicably, her mind was blank, but the sadness in her heart became more and more intense.

"Assi, what can I do?" He Yining gently flapped her eyelashes, "I am also desperate..."

Jin Shaosi looked at He Yining quietly. Under the cold wind, her face was pale and there was no trace of blood. Although her eyes were swollen, they were red.

"Yining, it will be very hard next," Jin Shaoshi said, "If you can't keep going..."

Jin Shaoshi didn't say the latter words, it was too cruel.

In the past few days, he wanted to tell Yining that if he couldn't stick to it, he would directly tell Li Yunze what had happened in the past, and he would stop everything and start over.

However, he had no way to determine whether Li Yunze would do anything, and how could he let Yining try to tell?

Yining told him about Li Jinxi and Chen Xuan these days.

He seemed to be able to imagine what the two people would be like when Li Yunze knew that the culprit was Yining.

"Let's go..." He Yining spoke lightly, then turned and left.

After Jin Shaoshi glanced deeply at He Yining, he sighed and followed forward.

The romantic Paris can't dispel why Yining's heartache, how much she loves Li Yunze, how desperate she is now.

Jin Shaoshi seemed to feel that she wanted to commit suicide...

"Assi, I sometimes wonder if people die, will everything be over."

Jin Shaoshi frowned suddenly. The feeling he had just now was not a feeling.

Looking at He Yining in amazement, Jin Shaoshi began to breathe quickly, "Yining..."

He Yining smiled, "I won't die."

She stared blankly at the street scene passing by the car window, "I still have to take care of one by one. I can no longer lose my mother one by one because of my fault..." After a pause, she continued, "And, I Keep your life, repent!"

The ugly smile at the corner of his mouth was heartache. Jin Shaoshi pulled He Yining into his arms, gritted his teeth and said, "Yining, do you have to torture yourself like this?!"

"Yeah." Why Ning replied dullly, "People always have to bear for themselves, no one can escape."

No one can choose to forget after making a mistake, as if it did not happen.

"You didn't mean it..." Jin Shaoshi flushed his eyes.

He Yining was bored in his arms and smiled.

"Isn't it possible to avoid responsibility?" He Yining said softly, "No... is it?!"

Jin Shaoshi closed his eyes, his gums clenched, and his temples twitched uncontrollably.

He really wanted to knock Yining out and let her forget this unspeakable memory...

Lu Fan drove the car and looked at the two people in the back seat from the rearview mirror. His faces were also miserable.


Los Angeles.

"Jin Shaoshi, President of the Jin Group, take a romantic trip to Paris with his lover..." In Huakang Hospital, the young nurses huddled together, "Oh my God, who the **** is this woman, has never been exposed!"

"Look at this touching kill, tusk, Jin Shaoshi is a perfect boyfriend."

"Yes, yes." The little nurse clasped her fists to her heart, "I was envious of the love between Gu Beichen and Jian Mo before, but now I suddenly envy this woman... Hey, why are the best men in the world all other women? of?!"

"You can choose to chase Young Master Li!"

"Yes, Young Master Li is also a good man, and he is probably single now..."


The little nurses made jokes one by one, and even some of them just came to the hospital. They blushed after thinking of Li Yunze's serious work, and occasionally joking with everyone.

"Head nurse, does Young Master Li have a girlfriend?" someone asked the head nurse who was writing a record.

The head nurse didn't look up, "I don't know. Why don't you ask Young Master Li and then tell me the answer?"

"Forget it, don't dare!" The little nurse murmured, "However, there are not many scandals among the wealthy people, but there are very few scandalous ones...Last time there was one, the woman was also hard to say."

"A woman like Qu Weiwei must be misunderstood. Young Master Li can't look down on it!" Someone curled his lips, "Don't defile the great **** of our medical world."


Someone agreed and picked up the phone to continue scanning the comments.

"I went, Paparazzi unexpectedly broke the news that there will be an anecdote about Jin Shaoshi in the near future... Isn't it an announcement of marriage or exposure of the heroine?!"

"Let me see, I see..."


Suddenly, the head nurse coughed slightly. The little nurses were still watching the news, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere around them was a little unusual.

Everyone looked towards the place where the breath was condensed, and they saw Li Yunze indifferent, but he was standing there as if some kind of strange breath was condensed on his body, and his eyes fell on a few people.

"Li, Shao Li..." Everyone bit their lower lip and was anxious.

Li Yunze probed his hand and said nothing.

The little nurse handed the phone to Li Yunze timidly, with a bitter expression on her face, thinking even more that the phone she just bought will be confiscated, right? !

Li Yunze took the phone and didn't say anything, just calmly, and there was no extra expression on his face...

Slipping his slender and powerful fingers, Li Yunze watched the news quietly until he reached the picture with the picture.

There is a picture above. The setting sun passes through the Eiffel Tower, and He Yining's body is plated with a halo, so that people can only see her outline, but not who it is.

Jin Shaoshi smiled softly at the corner of his mouth, poked his hands, and gently stroked He Yining's head...

In the romantic city, the romantic scenery, and the warm sunset, the "lover" is doing the warmest thing.

And the second one is on the stairs of a church. The two climbed up the stairs hand in hand. The angle should be to look up at the position of the church slightly...

That church, Li Yunze knew.

In the local area, many lovers come here to pray and worship.

It is because it has achieved too many lovers' love, and in the hearts of locals or tourists, it represents the best blessing for lovers.

Ha ha!

Li Yunze smiled strangely at the corner of his mouth. Whether it was the head nurse or a few young nurses, he was thinking about the meaning of his smile.

Putting the phone on the nurse's desk, Li Yunze didn't say anything, and walked to the elevator indifferently...

Everyone looked at each other and wondered what the situation was with their eyes. !

The head nurse looked at the phone on the nurse's desk, twisted his eyebrows, and his eyes flashed with doubt.

She has been in the hospital for almost ten years, and she knows little about Li Shao. He was too strange just now... Is it because of Jin Shaoshi's news?

While thinking about it, suddenly, there was a loud "bang" in the elevator. In an instant, everyone's eyes widened...

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