The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1455: What does the doctor ask for: bipolar love

Chapter 1455 What a Doctor Does: Bipolar Love

"Get the certificate tomorrow," Li Yunze thought for a while, but still didn't say one by one for the time being, "we will have a wedding about a year ago."

"That's okay, there is still some time to prepare for the wedding..." Li Jiyuan nodded, "It just so happens that your happy event also relieves Jinxi."

Li Yunze smiled and nodded, thinking that tomorrow he and He Yining would become a legally uncut husband and wife. That is a sacred feeling, not a sense of stability that can be interpreted by a sentence of "I love you".

"It's getting late, let's live here at night." Li Jiyuan looked at the time, "It just so happened that Ah Qiao made the soup. You can drink later."

"Okay." Li Yunze responded, "I'll go up and wash down first."

"Yeah." Li Jiyuan watched Li Yunze leave and opened the album again.

He took out a picture and looked at Li Yunhao’s brilliant and confident smile for a while, then slowly flipped the picture, his eyes fell on the words behind...

Who would have thought that after a few pages of Yun Hao's research were lost because of the first draft, he would break it down and write it behind the photo?

Even if it is placed in the most obvious place, I am afraid, no one will be bored to take out the photos to look at...

At least, no one has ever found out after all these years, hasn't he? !


He Yining was too tired to cry, and finally fainted directly from crying.

Jin Shaoshi carried her into a bedroom reserved for her a long time ago, and saw her still choking in her sleep, his eyes were completely distressed.

Turning around and twisting the hot towel, Jin Shaoshi gently wiped the tears on He Yining's face, looked at her with a sigh, and said, "Yining, if this is the pain you can't let go of in your life, then, I'll help you."

The soft voice echoed in the bedroom, fluttering gently, expressing distress.

Jin Shaoshi has never regretted, but he has used all the regrets in his life for today.

In my mind, it was the helplessness of He Tianshu's handwriting, which carried too much, too much.

——The death of Li Yunhao is not only the sorrow of the medical profession, but also the pain of the Li family. After Li Yunhao committed suicide, Yining accompanied Li Yunze every day and night. No one knew how deep Yining's company was.

She followed silently during the day and at night, under Li Yunze's window, quietly accompanied.

I love my daughter, but I have never stopped it.

But the truth came off guard, making people wonder how to face it.

Who would have thought that the disaster in the Li family would be caused by the few pages of paper that Yining brought back?

Who would have thought that after Yining brought it back, I thought it was a calculation of my research on the wine ratio data, and it was mixed in my file, so that I didn't know it and passed it to someone with a heart?

Jin Shaoshi raised his hand, his fingertips lightly stroked He Yining's cheek, his eyes darkened...

No one would know that unconscious actions once caused such a big tragedy.

"Yining, in this life, you won't forgive yourself, right?" Jin Shaoshi lightly narrowed his eyes. "Happy, courageous Yining, can't go back anymore...Is it?"

The only answer to Jin Shaoshi was He Yining's sobs.

Jin Shaoshi closed his eyes and covered the pain.

"Yining," Jin Shaoshi's voice trembled slightly, "Since you are afraid that he knows, let him hate you!" He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes a little scarlet, "You can't love, maybe...only hate can Make you feel better!"


In the early morning, arrived in the mist.

I don't know when it rained at night, making the cold air even colder, as if winter's footsteps had come quietly.

He Yining snorted, she only felt a splitting headache, and her eyes were dry and unable to open, as if her eyelids were heavy.

After a while, she tried to open her eyes, but it was just a gap.

Because of crying for too long, the entire eyelid was swollen like goldfish eyes.

"Wake up?!" Jin Shaoshi walked in at the right time.

He Yining looked at him silently, without the sharpness of last night, at this moment, she was silent and hollow.

Jin Shaoshi sat down by the bed and said, "It's a bit cold outside, I'll send someone some clothes over to change you..." He paused, "What do you want to eat, I'll get it!"

"I..." He Yining wanted to speak, but couldn't make a hoarse voice.

"Bring some porridge?!" Jin Shaoshi said, "you wash it first."

He Yining nodded silently, and after watching Jin Shaoshi go out, he dragged his heavy and exhausted body to get up.

The hot water from the shower washed his body, so why Ning was inexplicably crying again.

I don't know how long it took until Jin Shaoshi knocked on the door outside, and he got He Yining's thoughts back.


He Yining did not speak, but turned off the shower.

Seeing that there was no voice, Jin Shaoshi secretly sighed and said, "I'm waiting for you downstairs..."

He Yining made no sound, but silently wiped his body, changed clothes and went downstairs.

Looking at He Yining's red eyes, Jin Shaoshi knew that she had cried again, but he didn't expose it.

"I asked you to leave," said Jin Shaoshi, "I will explain the company's affairs. I will take you out for a relaxing flight at 3 o'clock in the afternoon."

He Yining did not refute, but said in a dry voice: "I want to see my father and mother later."

"Okay," Jin Shaoshi answered, "Let Lu Fan send you there."



When Li Yunze came to pick up He Yining from the vineyard, the workers said that she had left with Jin Shaoshi.

Slightly frowned, he called He Yining, but he couldn't get through.

Just when I wanted to call Jin Shaoshi, the hospital called for an emergency call. After sending a text message to He Yining, he hurried back to Huakang.

By the time the work was over, it was already over ten.

"Young Master Li, this is..." Yan Miao came over with a case.

"Let Dr. Feng handle it!" Li Yunze kept walking to the elevator, and while walking, he called He Yining.

I can’t connect...

People like to think wildly when they are unknown.

Li Yunze inexplicably thought of what Jin Shaoshi said last night...

"People are sometimes willful, and once they become willful, they will do things they don't usually do."

"Jin Shaoshi won't hide Yining because of his willfulness?!" Li Yunze murmured, thinking that his thoughts were ridiculous.

But although ridiculous, he still called Jin Shaoshi, but unfortunately no one answered.

Li Yunze felt a little hairy in his heart. He found the number and dialed the examination office of the Health and Family Planning Commission, "I am Li Yunze... Help me find out why Yining came to get the certificate?"

"He Yining...not yet!"

"Okay, I see." Li Yunze thanked him and hung up the phone. He was already in the car.

Sitting in the car, Li Yunze curled his eyebrows and looked forward. His anxiety began to spread. It was an inexplicable feeling, as if something was slowly pulling away.

"Will you go to the cemetery?!" Li Yunze thought, he started the car and drove to the cemetery.

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