The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1114: Being cruel to him is also cruel to yourself!

Chapter 1114 is cruel to him and cruel to himself!


Ye Chenyu suddenly roared, sharp in panic.

The tip of the needle stopped less than two centimeters away from Chen Lu's arm. She gritted her teeth and looked at Ye Chenyu, "Didn't you say that I can't feel your pain? Then I will accompany you!"

"Chen Lu, are you crazy?!" Ye Chenyu yelled at Chen Lu.

"Yes, I'm crazy!" Chen Lu yelled back, not to be outdone, "Ye Chenyu, if you can't make it anymore, then I will accompany you..."

Ye Chenyu looked at Chen Lu with scarlet eyes. At that moment, no one could understand the complicated emotions in his eyes.

"On the edge of the cliff," Chen Lu couldn't help crying again. "In addition to the gunshot wound at that time, you actually had a drug addiction, right?"

Ye Chenyu gasped. At this moment, he instinctively endured the uncomfortable feeling in his body.

Chen Lu's tears fell down.

After that year, Uncle Lin died before her eyes, and she seemed to have forgotten to cry.

In training, she bleeds and never shed tears.

Everyone admired her strength, but no one knew that she was just afraid of being weak...

But in front of Ye Chenyu, it seemed that she had become vulnerable from the beginning.


Whether it's telling his "secret" or acting, or being shocked and moved by him.

Until now, she looked at such a fragile Ye Chenyu who seemed to be wiped out at any time, and she couldn't help herself.

"But like that, you didn't give up on me..."

Chen Lu cried and talked.

"You are even joking with me, still diverting my attention, hope I will hold on for a while... even for a while!"

"But what about you now?"

"You tell me, after you instilled all your beliefs in others, did you keep some for yourself—"

The sound of collapse and pain was on the verge of madness.

Chen Lu’s hand holding the needle was trembling, "Ye Chenyu, you gave me Chen Lu’s rebirth, and you also saved my Chen Lu’s life... If you can’t control yourself because of addiction, then I’ll accompany you. ."

A touch of horror flashed across Ye Chenyu's eyes.

"Don't you like to think about others? Don't you see others fall? Then because of you, I have fallen, can you wake up?"

A series of questions reveals that he will not flinch under confrontation.

Chen Lu held the needle tighter and tighter, watching Ye Chenyu's madness again, slowly raised his hand again...

She looked at Ye Chenyu without blinking. At that moment, as long as he couldn't bear it, she would attack in front of him.

Is it cruel?

Chen Lu didn't know whether he was cruel to Ye Chenyu or himself.

However, she clearly knew what she was doing...

"Ye Chenyu, is this really what you want to see?"

With sorrow under pleading, with tears of helplessness.

"For the mission, the news came back that I was'dead'. My father turned his head almost overnight and my mother almost collapsed." Chen Lu said cruelly, "Because of you, I walked out of Med's shadow, but I have to bear the same poison as you The pain caused by thumping... is this the last thing you want to see?"

Chen Lu laughed, "That Ye Chenyu, who was incapable of meeting me for the first time, wouldn't do this..."

She sniffed, "That evil ruffian Ye Chenyu, who broke my stubborn strength on the field battlefield, won't do that."

"That..." Chen Lu gritted his teeth, "I don't know when I fell in love with Ye Chenyu, let alone do this!"

While she was talking, she slowly dropped her hand, and once again placed the needle on her arm.

If it is painful, she will bear it together and will not turn back...

The knock on the door came in due course.

Outside, some people from the drug rehabilitation center slapped the iron gates.

"Chen Ju, you are crazy..." the people outside yelled, "Did you take the poison test agent in the laboratory?"

"Chen Ju, don't be stupid, this is not a joke..."

"Chen Ju, you are joking about your future... Open the door!"


The sound of anger outside is endless.

If Ye Chenyu still suspected that Chen Lu was just scaring him, then he dare not doubt it at this moment.

"Chen Lu, what do you want?" Ye Chenyu gritted his teeth and endured the uncomfortable growl like thousands of insects and ants in his body.

"Don't you know what am I going to do?" Chen Lu yelled at Ye Chenyu.

Ye Chenyu was uncomfortable and couldn't restrain himself, the ruthless light in his eyes was mixed with repressed pain.

Chen Lu's needle had touched the flesh on his arm, and even pressed down a small groove.

Just push forward a little bit and the needle tip will pierce the cortex...

"Chen Lu, you stop..." Ye Chenyu's eyes grew scarlet, and his whole body was full of hostility.

"Can't you bear it?" Chen Lu asked sharply.

Ye Chenyu closed his eyes and said nothing.

As soon as Chen Lu opened his eyes, the tip of the needle moved forward again...

Ye Chenyu's eyes flashed across his eyes, "I endure, I endure...I endure!"

The frantic voice was anxious, Ye Chenyu looked at Chen Lu's attempt to push the needle with a look of shock.

"Chen Lu, I said, I will bear it, you stop--"

The roar stopped Chen Lu's movements.

"Are you lying to me or are you serious?" Chen Lu asked without pulling out the needle.

Ye Chenyu was already uncomfortable. This change took only a few minutes, but he seemed to have endured it for half a century.

But as Chen Lu thought, Ye Chenyu's personality is too caring about others...

With her cruelty to herself, she would definitely be able to force him, even for a while.

"I'm serious!" Ye Chenyu gritted his teeth, "but I don't guarantee how long I can endure..."

Chen Lu closed his eyes and swallowed, and while opening it, he pulled out the needle and gritted his teeth and said, "It can always get through...I will be with you, no matter how difficult it is, I will be with you!"

There was a layer of mist in Ye Chenyu's eyes.

I don’t know if it’s because of uncontrollable natural reaction because of being too uncomfortable, or because of Chen Lu...

Chen Lu sniffed. At this moment, she had no time to grieve.

She opened the door, ignoring the actions of those people rushing to **** the needle in her hand, but called the doctor Gu Beichen had found to treat Ye Chenyu's arm wound again.

Chen Lu weakly leaned against the wall outside, and his whole body was as if he had emptied his soul.

"Chen Ju, you really scared us to death..." The person in the drug rehabilitation center looked at the liquid in the needle, "After a long time, there is water in it."

Chen Lu took out the injection in the laboratory from his pocket and handed it to them, tugging at the corner of his mouth, "I'm not that stupid."

She looked down, "If I became like him, I'm afraid I would not face each other together, but wait for death together."

The people in the drug rehabilitation center secretly sighed, and looked at Chen Lu, who was clearly facing collapse, and they all felt admiration.

At this time, her head can still be sober, it is definitely not accidental that she was a regional deputy at such a young age.

"Juju Chen, this trick you came here today is still useful to deal with Team Ye..." the person in the drug rehabilitation center wrinkled his eyebrows and said, "but he can't stand it anymore.

Chen Lu was silent, his body leaning against the wall became weaker...

She didn't know what to do next, but she knew very well that her persecution would gradually lose its effectiveness to Ye Chenyu.

Now, she can only hope that Gu Beichen can think of a way.

At least let Ye Chenyu's body state can withstand, and in a tolerable state...get rid of drug addiction!

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