The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1097: Hope he has strong willpower

Chapter 1097

For three consecutive days, Ye Chenyu was peaceful.

Of course, he can't be restless...

In three days, Ye Chenyu already knew very well that this place was not the hinterland of the Feng Puppet Group at all.

At most, it can only be used to confuse the outside world.

Ye Chenyu was lying on the hammock between the two trees, with a cigarette in his mouth, and looked idly at ease, unable to hide his irritability.

Maggie came back this time, listening to the hidden meaning of her words over the past two days, she just came back to do the experiment.

And the person who did the experiment was almost the kid who was snatched or abducted by Chen Lu...

But where are these children locked up? !

Ye Chenyu shook slightly, causing his body to swing on the hammock...

The mind was spinning fast, but there was only one final conclusion.

Madder is very careful. To get more useful information, he must gain his trust.

While I was thinking, there was a faint roar...

Ye Chenyu pedaled on the tree trunk, stopped his swaying body, and turned his eyes to the sound source.

After a while, that roar became louder and louder, and then, with wind and waves rushing towards him...

Just when Ye Chenyu's long legs traversed an arc and hurriedly got out of the hammock, the wind and waves swept in, causing things nearby to sway in the wind.

Ye Chenyu frowned, and saw a helicopter slowly stopping in the open space in front of him.

The propeller gradually stopped rotating, and Ye Chenyu looked around, and none of the tents that were **** were uplifted by the wind or waves because of the helicopter coming down.

"It's pretty strong..." Ye Chenyu spit out.

In due course, the helicopter's hatch was opened...

Mai De took the lead to get down, and then, followed by an unusually handsome man in a suit, and two people who seemed to be attendants got out of the cabin.

"Young Master Qin, please..." Maid changed from his fierceness and bloodthirsty that day, looking a little flattering.

Soon, Mede took the three people to the largest tent, smiling all the way.

There was footsteps behind him, Ye Chenyu looked back and saw that it was Maggie, and curiously asked, "Who is that man?"

"A person that our world can't afford." Maggie raised an eyebrow. "This man, how good-looking he is, his methods are directly proportional...His blood is cold!"

Ye Chenyu frowned slightly, and after looking at Maggie, his eyes fell on Shi Shaoqin.

Born to the instinct of a policeman, Ye Chenyu wanted to observe the bad guys a few more times.

After Mai De and Shi Shaoqin entered the tent, Ye Chenyu lay in the hammock again, "When will I go back?"

"Not going back for now..." Maggie leaned against the tree.

Ye Chenyu looked at her coldly, "You brought me here because it made me so boring every day?" He sat up again, "I knew it was like this. I might as well stay in Yangon."

"Forbearance first," Maggie raised her eyebrows, "I will let you see and excite you in these two days..." After a pause, "I'm afraid you won't be able to do it then."

Ye Chenyu's eyes flickered, "What the **** is it?" He sneered, "At best, it's just poisonous and mysterious."

Maggie didn't explain it either. Now that the people are almost the same, they will wait to ship again.

This time it is a big business. If this group of children is done, the Wind Puppet Group will catch up with the Mo Palace in the future. Are you afraid that the road will not go smoothly? !

"Should I walk with you?" Maggie was excited and raised her eyebrows to look at Ye Chenyu.

"It's such a big place, what do you go for?" Ye Chenyu wanted to lie down again without interest.

But before he lay down completely, he was pulled up by Maggie.

"I will take you down today..." While Maggie said, she already pulled Ye Chenyu off the hammock.

Ye Chenyu has already figured out Maggie's temperament these days, the more you resist her, the more she will want to conquer you.

In this respect, women sometimes have stronger desires than men...

It's a pity that the consequences of emotional misuse, no matter what, will only harm yourself.


Los Angeles.

Gu Beichen's eyes fell on Mother Ye who was talking to Jian Mo, and the pupil of Mo gradually deepened.

Then, from the depths, a trace of complex emotions overflowed.

Compared to her, as long as Chenyu can live, he will be happy, right?

Gu Beichen pushed open the door of the small villa, and while pacing in the small garden, there was a trace of solemnity on his face like a sculpture.

Mo Shaochen walked over and handed a glass of water to Gu Beichen, "Is there something going on with Chenyu?"

Gu Beichen took a sip of water and looked forward, "Shaochen, what do you think is suitable for people like Chenyu if they leave a dangerous job?"

Mo Shaochen frowned, "Beichen?"

"I always feel that there is no job suitable for him..." Gu Beichen looked at Mo Shaochen, "What do you think?"

"His job is dangerous, but I have to say that he is suitable." Mo Shaochen held the cup with both hands and turned it. "If possible, I actually want to be selfish and let him change jobs."

Gu Beichen sat a little lazily on the chair under the parasol, curling his legs casually.

"Auntie doesn't tell me, but we all know that every time Chenyu is not around, she may not sleep well..." Mo Shaochen sighed deeply, "Anything aside, it's really not easy of."

Gu Beichen did not answer the conversation, but drank again.

After a while, Gu Beichen turned the subject and asked, "Listen to Mo'er, did you accompany Xiao Yue to the hospital?"

"Yeah." Mo Shaochen nodded, "Xiao Yue wants a child, and I don't want her to face... the problem alone, shouldn't two people face everything?"

"Yes..." Gu Beichen smiled, "It is always good to double happiness and halve pain."

Mo Shaochen leaned over her knees with arms supported, "I also like children, but I don't want to force... it's good to be natural. No, I don't want to burden her."

"Xiao Yue knows you think so?" Jian Mo brought the fruit over and sat down beside Gu Beichen.

"I know," Mo Shaochen felt helpless, "but I'm afraid I am comforting her."

Jian Mo shrugged, because she also thought Xiao Yue would think so.

Mo Shaochen remembered the phone at the right time, then glanced at it and picked it up, "It's done? I'll pick you up..."

He hung up the phone and got up, "I'll pick up Xiao Yue."

"Yeah." Gu Beichen answered faintly.

After Mo Shaochen left, Jian Mo first glanced at the direction of the small villa before asking, "Is Chenyu in danger? After seeing you answer Shi Shaoqin's call, he looked solemn."

Gu Beichen took Jian Mo's shoulder and pulled it into his arms, and said in a quiet voice: "I just hope that everything here can make Chenyu firm..."

Nowadays, the whip is beyond reach, only one step can be taken.


"Shao Qin..." Mai De and Shi Shaoqin said hesitantly after they talked about the matter, "There is someone I like very much, but I'm not completely sure if he can stay.

Shi Shaoqin looked at Mai De.

Mai De said with a smile: "Mo Palace has always had its own way of controlling people...I don't want to learn, just want Qin Shao to help!"

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