Chapter 1087

Ye Chenyu was so happy, hearing Maggie say this, he subconsciously took the backpack.

He didn't react until he was back on his body, "What's inside?"

"A gift for a friend..." Maggie said casually, already taking Ye Chenyu's arms and heading out.

Ye Chenyu frowned slightly, as if he could guess what was inside, as if he didn't want to think more.

The tangled emotions passed through Maggie's sight without any loss.

She smiled secretly, signaled to Dan Tuo and Miao Ang Deng, everyone left Paramount.

"Ye Chenyu left..."

The two plainclothes who had come in said to the hidden walkie-talkie.

Immediately, the two followed out pretending to be nonchalant...

Maggie and Ye Chenyu got in the car, and Dan Tuo drove.

Ye Chenyu looked at the black backpack taken aside by him, feeling a little abrupt.

"I'll take you to the ice spring..." Maggie said, "This day, ice spring is the most’s more comfortable than bathing in hot springs in winter..."

She did not go on, but looked at Ye Chenyu with a charming smile.

As long as it is a man, he can understand what to say below.

The ice water stimulates the adrenaline, such a place, for men, is simply the best paradise of ice and fire.

Of course, she was referring to...



Chen Lu sat in a car with a local license plate, which was a bit broken.

"We didn't say hello to country M in this operation," the person in the co-pilot said, "So it is more convenient for us to move and cooperate with Ye Chenyu."

After all, they cannot be blatant about it.

In the end, it is cross-border, and many things are naturally avoided.

"Yeah." Chen Lu looked at the time, the receiver in his ears, from time to time there was forward movement, "It feels like Maggie was deliberate."

She frowned slightly.

The person in front smiled, "Maggie is not so easy to deal with."

Chen Lu's eyes narrowed slightly, his face a bit solemn.

"However, this just gives us a chance, doesn't it?" The person in front sighed deeply, then looked back at Chen Lu, "Are you all ready?"

"It's ready."

"Well," the person in front nodded, "according to the timing, we must convince Maggie in one fell swoop."


After Chen Lu answered, he opened the door, put on a peaked cap and got out of the car.


"The people are in that restaurant, you will come back after you send them over," Maggie pointed to the restaurant in front of him, "I'm waiting for you in the car."

"Good." Ye Chenyu answered and got out of the car.

Because it was the afternoon, there was no one to eat at this time, and the waiter in the restaurant lay dozed on the table lazily.

Ye Chenyu doesn't know who to give the stuff to, thinking it should be the restaurant owner, right? !

Thinking about it, others have already stepped up...


"Ye Chenyu!"

Someone shouted from behind.

Ye Chenyu's footsteps stopped suddenly, he squeezed the bag in his hand, and slowly turned around...

Chen Lu looked at him with a complicated expression on his face next to a light pole not far in front.

Secretly spit, Ye Chenyu glanced at the restaurant, now he didn’t care about so much, and after throwing the backpack on his back, he ran away...

At the right time, just hear a few sounds coming from behind.

"Chen Lu, is it Ye Chenyu?"

"It's him, don't let him run away!"



At the same time as the voice fell, Ye Chenyu clearly felt the pace of several people chasing wildly.

Fortunately, it was in Country M. They must have come to catch him secretly, and they didn't dare to disturb the local police too much...

Ye Chenyu ran desperately, turning around.

But the people behind were chasing them, one by one, just like the dog skin plaster, they couldn't get rid of it.

While Ye Chenyu ran, he took out his cell phone and called Maggie.

"Where are you?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Maggie's voice came with worry.

"I was chased by our people. In the alley, you pick me up at the intersection in the back alley..." Ye Chenyu's panting voice was bumped because of the running.

Maggie motioned to Dan Tuo, "Hold on, I'll pass."

"Hurry up, if the **** I am taken away, it will be over..." Ye Chenyu's voice was obviously irritable.

Maggie answered and hurriedly told Danto to drive.

Ye Chenyu continued to run, and as it got longer and longer, he obviously began to pant.

But even so, there were still two people behind him who didn't get rid of them.

"Really desperate..."

Ye Chenyu complained and continued to run.

I don't know how long it took to drill back and forth, Ye Chenyu finally got rid of the people behind him, and hurried to the place agreed with Maggie.


Ye Chenyu stopped.

While he was panting, he grinned secretly as he looked at Chen Lu, who raised his gun in front of him.

"Ye Chenyu, come back with me!" Chen Lu gritted his teeth, "You can't run away today."

Ye Chenyu grinned, staring fiercely and said, "Chen Lu, do you have to see me dead to make you happy?"

"I don't care--" Chen Lu shouted, "You go back with me, you must go back with me today!"

"I won't go back with you!" Ye Chenyu said coldly.

Chen Lu seemed to have been irritated, she roared with red eyes: "If you don't go back with me, you will stay here forever..."

The desperate words are full of forbearance, but it is not difficult to see that Chen Lu can no longer face Ye Chenyu like this.

Ye Chenyu walked over step by step, "Why, do you want to kill me?"

Qing Hu's words were full of sarcasm, "Chen Lu, is this the embodiment of your love for me?"

"You are not the Ye Chenyu I love, you are not!" Chen Yan's eyes reddened, "You even shot A Rui, you are no longer the person I love, no!"

Her eyes grew scarlet, "What's in your backpack? Is it poisonous?"

There was a glimmer of hope in the questioning words.

She hoped that Ye Chenyu denied it.

But Ye Chenyu didn't!

"Ye Chenyu, how many people were killed by that thing, you are a policeman, you know very well...Why do you want to fall like this?!" Chen Lu asked in pain.

"I am willing to fall, so you want to kill me..." Ye Chenyu stared angrily, "Really?!"

As he spoke, people had already reached Chen Lu.

"Chen Lu," Ye Chenyu suddenly buckled Chen Lu's gun, and suddenly pulled it, the muzzle was aimed at his chest, "Then you kill me...Kill me!"

"Do you think I dare not?"

Chen Lu screamed like crazy, looked up at Ye Chenyu, and the two quickly exchanged glances.

"Then you shoot, just as you said, let me stay here forever..." Ye Chenyu sneered.


Chen Lu yelled, looking at Ye Chenyu's eyes with no regrets at all, it was as if he collapsed from despair, and he pulled the trigger uncontrollably...

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