The Exorcist

Part 2 Bloody Mary Chapter 26 Head-to-head Confrontation (Part 2)

In another space at the same moment, Ruan Zhan and Bloody Mary confronted each other!

Ruan Zhan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Xiaoxia called Wanli by his name, and felt that his aura had become calm. He knew that Xiaoxia had found the exit of the enchantment through cooperation with Wanli.

Fortunately, he gave her a brief 'training' before coming here, and gave her that talisman of light. Fortunately, although she has a confused personality, she will be particularly sober under heavy pressure and has a strong resistance.

You still have reinforcements! Bloody Mary said suddenly. At this time, she was a scorched human-shaped skeleton, and Ruan Zhan was restraining each other, and neither of them could move.

How can I be careless when dealing with you! Ruan Zhan said coldly, but he was glad that he didn't let Xiao Xia be taken hostage.

So what? Can you trap me? It pointed at the shards of the talisman water bottle on the ground, with extreme contempt, I never fight spells with men, I'm leaving! But, tell that woman to be careful of revenge!

You can't go!

Really? It took a provocative step forward, Can you stop me, pretty man?

You don't know until you compare it!

Before he finished speaking, Ruan Zhan took advantage of Bloody Mary's slack and pointed at the mirror, only to hear a 'pop', and another bottle of the same talisman water hit the mirror. The mirror wasn't broken, but it was instantly pitch black and no longer reflected any light.

Bloody Mary yelled 'Ah', with anger and fear mixed in her voice.

You— it pointed at Ruan Zhan, You killed yourself!

Ruan Zhan didn't answer, he just stood there, ready for Bloody Mary to attack at any time.

Since he knew it was insidious, cunning, and vengeful, how could he only prepare one plan. Even if it lures Xiao Xia to sprinkle the talisman water on its substitute, he will have a second or third plan. Xiao Xia only appeared to lure it out, not to spearhead him, Ruan Zhan would not be so worthless that a woman stood in front of him.

Now that the mirror is sealed, Bloody Mary has no escape route to hide her tracks, only to subdue it and sign a new contract.

Seeing that Ruan Zhan was on guard all over in anger, Bloody Mary suddenly hissed and laughed.

You haven't seen the other side of me, have you? Its voice suddenly became sweet, and it turned around.

On the back of it is another person. It seems that two people with only the front body are stuck together back to back, no matter how they turn around, they will always be front. The body on this side is extremely beautiful, and the snow-white naked body forms a weird contrast with the scorched black on the other side.

This is probably called the real human side, ghost side.

Don't like my face? It continued in a seductive voice, Then I'll change it.

Following its voice, its face quickly changed into faces of girls of different races and eras, and each one had a seductive smile on it. It also slowly approached Ruan Zhan, but stopped suddenly, staring angrily at the wooden sword pointed at it. Although the sword looks ugly and has no absolute power to subdue it, its spiritual power is not small, making it unable to act rashly for a while.

The beauty trick is useless. Ruan Zhan said mockingly, knowing that it was casting a spell on him, so he intentionally provoked it, Especially I have seen your true colors.

Bloody Mary stopped there, not as furious as imagined, but smiled lightly, If you don't like me, I'll give you more women! She waved her hand, and almost instantly, Ruan Zhan was surrounded by people people.

No, it's a ghost.

There was a gust of wind and ghostly voices, and they approached Ruan Zhan with strange voices and giggling. Ruan Zhan's wooden sword was still pointing at Bloody Mary, and he quickly drew a talisman with the other hand, and blew a 'boo' breath, setting up an invisible protective cover behind him and beside him, so that those who don't feel When the soul body touched it, it screamed and disappeared immediately.

Illusion is useless to me. He stared at it, not flinching.

Really? Then try this! It suddenly opened its mouth, and exhaled a cloud of black air. There was a bright red eye in the black air. Ruan Zhan used the mahogany sword to block it, but it wasn't a bloodwood sword after all. Although the sword was covered with spells, it could only block the red eyes, but the black air hit his face.

He only felt dizzy for a while, but when he looked around, it was empty, his whole body seemed to be in the dark mid-air, with nothing falling up, down, left, or right.

This feeling of having no coordinates made him shake and almost fell down.

This is hallucination! He told himself, trying to ignore his feelings, trying to keep his balance. He knew that behind the impenetrable curtain was Bloody Mary, the mirror witch could only torture her opponent by creating hallucinations without a mirror. Today, his most successful thing is to destroy the tools it uses from the very beginning, not only keeping her trapped in this room and unable to escape, it is equivalent to destroying its weapons, reducing its powerful evil power, so that he can have a fight Opportunity.

Suddenly, he felt a huge sense of weightlessness, and felt that he was falling rapidly. Although he repeatedly told himself that this was an illusion, Bloody Mary's strength beyond his imagination made it all too real, and finally made him staggered and couldn't stand steadily.

He felt that he had collided with many objects during his fall, although he knew that they were just wardrobes, tables and chairs in the dressing room, but he couldn't avoid them, and he couldn't grab them either. The abyss under his feet seemed endless, and he was falling faster and faster.

He knows that if this goes on, he will definitely die, and Bloody Mary will reward him with a piece of hard land or a stone after getting tired of the fun of tormenting people, so that he will be 'thrown to death' here by the information and illusory feelings sent by the brain, and it will It doesn't take a little effort, and use the time before dawn to dispel the magic power of the water rune on the mirror, and return to the days of doing whatever you want again.

He bit the tip of his tongue, the pain made him wake up a little bit, but it didn't have much effect in front of Bloody Mary's powerful illusion. He knew that he couldn't crack such a high-end illusion, so he could only use the magic spell hidden in his clothes in advance. That was his defensive effort after he got Wanli's information.

There is only one mantra for purifying the gods, which was left to him by his father. He didn't have the ability to make a charm of this level, and he wanted to use his own power to eradicate this evil spirit, so he didn't want to use it. But besides this, he couldn't even keep his life.

However, his decision was still a bit late. When he pressed his hand on his chest and recited the spell silently, he had already seen the ground lined with strange rocks coming towards him. The spell stuck on the skin burned under his urging, and the great pain was transmitted to his brain in time, breaking the restraint of the hallucination in time, but at the same time, the brain also gave him the information of landing on the ground again, His whole body was shaken, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground unable to move.

With a mischievous smile on Bloody Mary's face, looking at Ruan Zhan, who was lying motionless on the ground, and the messy cabinet he had knocked into in his hallucination, feeling that he was completely out of breath, she smiled contemptuously, Pretty man , This is the fate of being right with me. Do you think I must have this mirror? There are not many mirrors here!

Saying that, it left the place without turning around, but the weird half dragged the other half away. It opened a cabinet, only to find that there was no mirror in it. Opened another one, still nothing. Look again, still nothing!

Only then did it realize that Ruan Zhan was much more meticulous than it thought, and had already made various preparations in advance, taking away all the mirrors except cabinet No. 1. It will not be so easy to leave, unless the spell of the original mirror is broken. But it has already consumed too much energy for making a person with extremely strong nerves like Ruan Zhan fall into the illusion.

As a result of being designed by someone, it was so angry that it rushed to Ruan Zhan who was still lying on the ground, trying to tear his 'corpse' into pieces. It turned to the scorched but more powerful side, and stretched out its withered fingers to grab Ruan Zhan. But a wooden sword pierced through the slanting stab, directly touching its eyeballs, making it stop.

You're not dead! It was terrified, no human being could break its illusion.

I'm dead, so no one will play with you? Ruan Zhan struggled to get up from the ground.

Just now, the Purifying Mantra and Bloody Mary's hallucination worked together. Fortunately, the Purifying Mantra worked a little earlier than the hallucination. It was also this slight difference that made him not 'fall to death' but 'fall to injury'.

He endured the pain, the tip of the sword still pointed directly at the mirror witch's eyes, and with the other hand, he took out the broken streamer from his pocket, drove it to grow bigger, and firmly covered it on top of its head.

He has been only defending and not shooting, but he knows that his ability is far from it. Even if he destroys the mirror, he is not sure of victory, he must seize the opportunity.

The process of waiting for the opportunity was so dangerous that he almost died in the illusion. Fortunately, he used the magic spell in time. Fortunately, he kept holding the wooden sword tightly. Fortunately, all his blood was sprayed on the tip of the sword. Mary was so angry that she lost her mind and automatically exposed her weakness - its eyes were in front of him, giving him time to sacrifice the broken banner. Although he was so painful that he was about to collapse now, he had a chance to hit it with one blow!

Don't move! He reminded the enemy who intends to fight back, Yes, this sword is not very powerful, but fortunately it is aimed at your life gate, your death spot, and if you act recklessly, you will be killed. Arrested in the banner, so you have no chance.

While talking, he took out a few pieces of real fire spells that he had prepared earlier, and after lightly chanting the driving spell, he pointed the spell along the tip of the sword at Bloody Mary, and immediately a ball of flames flew out in a straight line along the blade. Turn it into a ring of fire and surround it in the middle.

It died at the stake, and this is what it fears most!

Outside the window, the rain gradually slowed down.

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