The Exorcist

Part 2 Bloody Mary Chapter 12: The Story of the Desolate House (Part 1)......

After more than an hour, Xiao Xia completed the backlog of work, and Wan Li also sent Xiao Xia a large text, telling the story of the year.


I was seven years old that year, and Ah Zhan was also seven years old. That was the first time we met. At that time, he was not very talkative, and people who didn't know him thought he was dumb. He always stayed alone very quietly. He was a little scary at a young age, with cold eyes. For this reason, people in the town had a lot of speculation about his life experience, and many unkind people made up that he was A dead pregnant woman gave birth to a child in a coffin, saying that he was of unknown origin and born a freak.

But I was very curious about him. Since I was young, I was courageous and bold. In addition, my parents are very open-minded people. They usually respect Ah Zhan’s adoptive father. They also feel sorry for him being abandoned by his biological parents at a young age. They encouraged me to make love with him. friend. So no matter how he refuses, I always pester him. (This is similar to you, although it seems that you have come out of nowhere, and I still don't know his true origin, I hope you can solve this mystery.) Maybe he is too lonely, gradually, he is not so repulsive to me Now, although he doesn't talk much, he doesn't object to me talking non-stop by his side. From then on, we went to school, after school, played together, and fought together every day, and we became more and more harmonious. By the way, when I was a child, I had a nickname called Hualouzi. It was the kind of child who hated dogs and hated them very much.

Boys, you know, are born to form cliques and talk and drink, and the school spirit of our school is a bit like that, so there are fights and fights every day. A few senior students may think that the faction of Ah Zhan and I is an eyesore, and they have been calling on the students to exclude us, a pair of elementary school students who are only in the first grade. It's not easy to mess with, we have to eat a fist-sized meal in about three to five days.

The day before the summer vacation that year, I had forgotten that because of some trivial matter, a few senior students who dominated the school took advantage of Ah Zhan's absence to block me in the classroom. They said that I was backed by freaks, and I had no skills to fight them one-on-one. I was so angry that I would go heads-up, so they asked me to go to the deserted house in the east of the town to test my courage that night. Those who didn't go had to bark like a dog at the school gate for three days.

It is said that the desolate house lived in the outer room of a rich man and her two children before liberation, and then they disappeared overnight for no reason. No one knew whether they were dead or alive, or where they went. Anyway, the rich man did not If it reappears, the house will remain unoccupied. Since then, the deserted house has become a strange existence in the town. Everyone is full of imagination about it, but no one dares to take a step closer to it. Years later, some bold people tried to move in, but either they got seriously ill for no reason, or the things in the house would move unconsciously, so the rumors of haunting there became more and more serious. There are also many people who vividly said that they have seen ghosts flashing there, the sound of women singing and children playing, and some people even said that they have seen two children with blurred faces walking on the long street in the middle of the night carrying a lantern. , followed by a beautifully dressed woman.

Regardless of whether the people in the town really believed this, anyway, no one went there to hang out after nightfall, and even if they passed by the door of the deserted house, they would pass by in a hurry and never stop. In fact, I knew the horror there from the adults’ words, and I believed it to a certain extent, but I was stubborn and refused to admit defeat, so I bite the bullet and sneaked there, stubbornly not bowing my head all the way. The older children said that they have heard of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night, but they have never heard of people knocking on the door of the ghosts in the middle of the night. As long as I dare to go, I will be a hero.

In order to be this unworthy hero, I went.

The other children were waiting under a big tree far away. The distance was just right enough to see if I ran away, and if a ghost came out, they could run away safely. And I walked over alone tremblingly, the sound of footsteps was particularly abrupt on the stone-paved street, which made me feel that the footsteps were not mine, and something was following me.

I knocked on the door tremblingly, but there was no answer except my gasp. I knocked again, still dead silence. Just as I was about to knock the third time as agreed, I suddenly felt something moving on the door.

An unnaturally round eye flickered at me through the big crack in the door!

I was so scared that I almost sat on the ground, but at this moment, the door opened without a sound.

A woman stood inside the door, I couldn't see her face clearly in the darkness, but I saw her white teeth, and felt her laughing, a deadly smile, a gloomy smile!

Before I could recover, she suddenly stuffed a small note into my hand, the coldness of the dead and the smell of rotting leaves spread from my hand, my nose to my whole body, and then the door slammed Closed as if it had never been opened.

I was terrified, turned around and ran, but the moon was very good that night, so I could clearly see my own shadow - and another shadow next to my shadow. I looked around, no one followed me, but there were indeed two shadows on the ground, until I returned to the big children waiting for me under the big tree.

They didn't expect me to do this, and the strange thing is that no one saw that the gate of the deserted house was opened, and laughed at me for bragging, and didn't mention the hero at all, and I didn't care about this title , When everyone dispersed, I ran home, afraid to wake up my parents and dared not turn on the lights. In the surprisingly bright moonlight, I saw the note that was almost crumpled by me. There were three words written crookedly on it-hide and seek.

What that means, I don't know. I was just startled and frightened, I threw the note out of the back window, and then closed the window tightly, but when I turned around, I saw the shadow around me again in the moonlight.

I was so frightened that I quickly hid in the bed and was half asleep until dawn. When I woke up the next day, I saw the note returning to my pillow like a long leg.

hide and seek!

These three words seem to have been traced with a red pen, which is more clear than the first night.

I picked up the note, threw it into the stove in panic, and watched it burn to ashes. I don't know if it was a hallucination, but I felt that the note was jumping in the flames, as if it was very uncomfortable, and kept yelling at me——pain—pain—pain.

Think about it, I was only seven years old back then, I wasn’t bragging, it’s pretty good that I didn’t get scared to death on the spot after repeated frights, how dare I tell my parents about my naughty things? That day, my parents only wondered if I was sick. The normal people thought that I had become a good baby. Not only did I not go out to play and run, but I didn’t even get close to the cooking fire. It was really weird. But they were too busy with work, so they asked me a few words when they saw that I had no physical symptoms, and then went to work.

I stayed at home alone, and even though it was broad daylight, I still felt that someone was following me, which caused me to go to the yard to expose myself to the sun in summer. The neighbors said that Wan Li was crazy, but I wanted to prove that I was the only one in the shadow.

However, there are still two shadows!

Although one of them was blurry, even though it was in the midday sun, I still saw another shadow nestled next to my own shadow, like another head growing out of its shoulder.

In the extreme fright, I developed a brute force, desperately stepped on the extra shadow, and kept spinning around in place in order to find its trace. The scene was like a puppy chasing its own tail, amusing everyone who saw it. People laughed. I was terrified in my heart, and I didn't understand why people couldn't see that I had two shadows.

At this time, Ah Zhan came to see me, and I just remembered that because his father was going to a neighboring town to do some errands, he was afraid of coming back late, and he didn’t want him to stay at home alone, so after discussing with my parents, let him come to me today live at home.

When I saw him, I was very happy, and I thought that someone could finally discuss what happened last night, but who knew that he rushed over as soon as he saw me and slapped me hard. I was already terrified and angry about the two shadows, but this time it was okay, and I rushed over to wrestle with him.

He didn't resist my fists that hit him at all, and kept beating my head even though he was being beaten. I was so angry that I even wanted to bite him. The adults in the neighborhood separated us and taught us a few words, but we were still twisting until we entered the house.

As soon as I entered the room, I yelled at him, Why did you hit me?

He said, Your soul is about to come out, I'll help you get in!

It was only later that I found out that part of my body was scared out of my three souls and seven souls that night, and I couldn't return to its place, and it was also the first time since then that I knew that Ah Zhan could see things that others couldn't see.

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