The Exorcist

Related works (reposted) Zombies in Tibet (Part 2)

3. The hometown of the corpse

The world-famous Hoh Xil area is due to the high cold, lack of oxygen and lack of water plants. The herdsmen living in this area, due to the environment, can only wander around, live by water and grass, and move their houses every three days. They are in a nomadic state all year round. The people there did not have stable settlements during their lifetime, nor did they have a fixed sky burial platform after death. At the same time, there are no temples or monks in these areas, let alone those complicated funeral ceremonies, and people generally practice wild burials and abandoned burials. Wild burial means that after a person dies, the body is taken off and thrown into the wild, where the death is and where it is left. Abandoned burial means that after a person dies, the living family members pull out the tent and move it away, leaving the deceased on the old site. Anyone who adopts this method of burial usually takes off his clothes, and the clothes he put on during his lifetime will remain intact on the body of the deceased, and it looks like a living person is sleeping.

The burial custom of this nomadic tribe is more likely to cause corpses. Although they couldn't build low gates to resist the corpse, people also took some corresponding measures when there was no other way. For example, when corpses, especially those with signs of corpse formation, are thrown into the wild, a rope is used to tie them to natural stone stakes or large rocks, so as to avoid corpses from escaping and harming others. Nonetheless, corpses are unavoidable from time to time. There are also frequent encounters with corpses. Example 1, Sima Township, Amdo County, Wen Zhaduo (this person used to be a robber), one year he rode with a knife and went to the Nacang tribe in the northwest of Nagqu (now under the jurisdiction of Nima County) to grab a horse. After he grabbed a good horse, he hurriedly embarked on the return journey. One evening after running for several days and nights in a row, I dismounted from the horse in an empty place, and tied the two horses to a small stake with Duore (the long rope used for tying a horse in the northern Tibetan shepherd language), Sitting cross-legged by the stake to make a fire and make tea (this is the habit of all robbers), I wanted to let the horses eat some grass under the cover of night, and I wanted to fill my hungry stomach, but the two hungry horses did not. Eating grass, he just looked behind him in horror, roaring from his nostrils. Zado looked back in confusion, only a few steps away from him, stood a naked zombie, staring at him like a wild beast, with a wool rope tied to his left leg, which was tied to him. Where, I didn't see it at all, maybe it was because of the extreme tension at that time. Desperately, he got on his horse and ran away. In the dim moonlight he could clearly see that the corpse had caught up. About five kilometers away, there is a small hill where about ten herdsmen live at the foot of the mountain. As a robber, Zado was naturally unable to be discovered, so he circled the mountain and hid at the top of the mountain, his heart was still beating wildly. About a quarter of an hour later, when he heard the people in the pastoral village at the foot of the mountain screaming and barking, he knew in his heart that a corpse had entered the village. He rode on horseback and fled back to his hometown. Those tent pastoral villages with neither housing nor low gates were attacked by corpses, and the outcome can be imagined!

Example 2, Babu, the head of Sewu Township, Amdo County, was on his way to the Nacang tribe to steal horses. I know the household has just moved in. He wanted to go in to take shelter from the wind for a while, but just took a step forward and found a brand new seven-colored lace sheepskin robe in the southeast corner of the earth and stone enclosure. The person lying in the robe was clearly a woman. When he took a closer look, the head of the female corpse had already raised his head, and he was looking at him with his eyes open, needless to say that she was abandoned and buried with a female corpse. Fortunately, it was discovered in time to avoid disaster.

Example 3: There was a shepherd named Wuerba in my tribe in Nagqulai (now under the jurisdiction of Nima County). After his death, on the afternoon of the day when his body was sent to the wild for burial, a crow fell and pecked, just a few Then, the zombie suddenly got up, grabbed the crow with one hand and ran away, so the saying Wurba corpse catches bird was left in the tribe.

Example 4: There was a shepherd named Merta in Sima Township, Amdo County. His slave girl lived under the mountain of Galbu. Because she was poor, she never even had a name. People used the name of the mountain where she lived. She is Mrs Galb.

One day in the early spring of 1967, Mrs. Galbu finally ended her miserable life and lay quietly in the tattered tent that could only accommodate herself. Although this place is in the heart of the county, and in different remote areas, she can be sent to the place of life by the crisp French bell, but because she is single, she cannot enjoy the treatment she deserves at the end of her life. An eminent monk of Andoma Temple and the sky burial master of the headquarters, Dallo, went to recite the scriptures for her out of pity and sent her to the sky burial.

When they came to her side, the poor old lady had half of her face exposed, her eyes were closed, her mouth was half cracked, her skinny body took up all the space in the tent, and the chanting and the burial master had no choice but to borrow the shepherd's help. Chanting in a corner of the house. While chanting the scriptures, the eminent monk asked the sky burial master to look at the old lady's body. When the funeral director went to see it, he found that the old lady's head was all exposed outside the collar. When she looked at it for the second time, the old lady had already sat up with her eyes open. Her complexion was dark, and the blood vessels on both sides of her nose swelled to the size of her fingers. He quickly told the monk about the situation. The eminent monk immediately blew the human bone horn and used tantra magic to break the blood. After a while, she saw blood flowing from her nostrils, and then fell down to restore her original calm. It can be seen that she belongs to the Blood category. Also somehow? When they carried the old lady's body on horseback to the sky burial platform, they found that her body was heavier than any body, so heavy that the strong stallion fell several times on the road. This is what Dallo, the burial master, saw with his own eyes, and he said it himself.

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