The Exorcist

Part 2 Bloody Mary Chapter 10 Missing...

At noon the next day, Xiao Xia came to T University at the time and place that she had agreed in advance. From afar, she saw two boys surrounded by a girl sitting on a bench by the lake in the campus, talking about something.

That girl is very delicate, with a well-educated, generous and elegant attitude and gentle and decent manners. Xiaoxia can't imagine that she is the person who made a contract with the devil. I hope that I and Ruan Zhan's analysis is wrong.

Sister Xiaoxia! The two boys greeted her warmly after seeing her. She purposely got closer to Liu Tie, secretly observed Tao Xiaochun's reaction, and saw that although her expression did not change, her eyes revealed her extreme dislike for Xiaoxia. It seems that she has strong sensitivity and hatred for women who are close to Liu Tie.

Xiaoxia said that she came to the school because of business, and pretended to inadvertently reveal that she was also very familiar with Liu Tie in private, and then began to talk about it, and finally brought the topic to the basketball game at the beginning of the semester.

Aside from dunking to attract girls, you guy doesn't know any other tricks, right? She asked using a topic that she had researched in advance.

Isn't it! Ni Yang said naturally, looking at Liu Tie, who was also natural, without any abnormal expression, it made Xiao Xia feel that they should go to film and television school, anyway, their appearance is so good, and their acting level is also first-class. Old Liu almost had three very handsome dunks that day, one of which was half-turned, so handsome that all the girls couldn't stop screaming, right, Xiaochun?

Tao Xiaochun hesitated for a moment, then nodded solemnly, everyone could see her admiration for Liu Tie. However, the eyes of the other three people changed, because Liu Tie's foot was injured that day, so there was no such thing as a half-turned dunk performance.

As a super fan of Liu Tie, why is she not there on this occasion? Why is she lying?

As a result, several people were not in the mood to chat anymore, and after a while they each made excuses to leave. Liu Tie and Ni Yang didn't know why Xiaoxia asked them to co-act a play to test Tao Xiaochun. They only vaguely felt that it might be related to the school's case, but they couldn't find out why, so they could only stay suspicious for a while and then left. But Xiao Xia was exhausted until the end, because she had to find an opportunity to talk to Tao Xiaochun, but she didn't want Liu Tie and Ni Yang, who knew little about it, to participate, so she kept following Tao Xiaochun until she was far away from the range of the two boys. Only to catch up.

Why did you do that? she asked bluntly.

Tao Xiaochun was puzzled, not knowing what she was asking. What did I do? She paused.

Signing a contract with Bloody Mary is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, don't you understand?

Xiao Xia's words were like thunder, causing Tao Xiaochun's face to lose all color in an instant. She looked at Xiao Xia in shock, her eyes flickering with suspicion and panic alternately, constantly speculating on the credibility of these words. But at this time, Xiaoxia was absolutely sure that she was the contractor, and wished to go up and slap her a few times, but she couldn't imagine that a girl with such a cute appearance could kill the classmates around her.

What are you doing for?

I don't know what you're talking about! Tao Xiaochun pretended to be calm and said, I'm going to class, I don't have time to joke with you!

Xiao Xia stopped Tao Xiaochun, who was panicked and about to flee, You know what I'm talking about, don't make mistakes, how many people have to die before you stop!

It's not that I want to kill— Tao Xiaochun blurted out, but then realized that he had made a slip of the tongue and slammed on the brakes. It's not me, it's not me, I didn't do anything! Don't pester me!

You signed a contract with it, right? Xiao Xia was so angry that she lost her mind and pressed her every step of the way. You know very well that you didn't help it fulfill the stipulations in the contract. Do you think it will let you go? So you have to tell me the truth and let me help you. Otherwise, do you want to be killed by it or help it continue to hurt others? , Both of these are not something you can afford.

Don't tell me so much, in fact, you don't know anything!

But I know it's not gone! Right?

Tao Xiaochun couldn't speak, his face was cloudy and uncertain. She didn't understand why someone would know about this, and she suspected that Xiao Xia was cheating on her. Her chest was full of huge contradictions, they were deadlocked and confronted, and finally the selfish mentality prevailed.

This woman has no proof! Otherwise, it should be the police who are talking to her! She must be cheating on her! No matter how she knew it, no one would believe it anyway, and as long as she didn't look in the mirror at night school, that witch couldn't do anything to her! It's amazing that she dropped out of school and left here forever. After a long time like this, it will naturally leave, or try to find a way to realize its wish. What's more, it's not that she didn't fulfill her promise, it's the witch's own fault that she fell short. Nothing to do with her, nothing to do with her! The witch hadn't fulfilled the wish promised to her anyway, so whoever was next was none of her business. It's not her fault, she has no responsibility at all!

Thinking of this, she violently pushed and held Xiao Xia, and ran away desperately.

Her expression told Xiao Xia the terrible fact—after Bloody Mary was summoned, she would not leave without fulfilling the contract, which meant that people in this school would still have accidents unless she found a way to drive it away.

Xiao Xia struggled to get up and chased after two steps, but she could only watch Tao Xiaochun run away without a trace. She looked at her feet with resentment, wondering what high heels to wear, if she wore sneakers, she would be able to catch up with that selfish new human being who caused a catastrophe but refused to bear it.

What's more terrible is that from that moment on, Tao Xiaochun disappeared.

For three whole days, there was no news of her at home or school, neither her clothes nor money was moved. I don't know where she could go, or what happened to her? Xiaoxia felt very guilty about this, thinking that if she hadn't been too impatient and hadn't asked her about the contract in person immediately, this situation would not have happened at all. What happened to Tao Xiaochun, she deserved what she deserved, but if her mistake caused other people's casualties, how could she feel sorry for it!

She was sitting in a bar that was not yet open, drinking fruit juice and crying sobbingly, so that Ruan Zhan didn't know how to comfort her, but just patted her shoulders and back indiscriminately. Xiao Xia grabbed his hand and put it on her hair, This is called comforting, you beat me to the point of internal injury!

Ruan Zhan stroked her hair clumsily a few times, which really made Xiao Xia, who was sobbing, stop a little after he breathed a sigh of relief.

Do you know what my nickname was when I was in school? Xiao Xia pulled up Ruan Zhan's sleeve to wipe away tears, It's called Smashing Tinker.

Ruan Zhan didn't speak, and let her condemn herself, knowing that she would be more comfortable after venting her dissatisfaction with herself.

Do you know why I am called this nickname? Because I always do wrong things, one thing is good, as soon as I get started, I will mess it up, and I always do bad things with good intentions. You said why I am so impatient, so No plan, no strategy!

Who said that? You - very good. This is the only compliment Ruan Zhan can say, usually he is very comfortable with the female guests who come to him, but he always doesn't know what to say to Yue Xiaoxia.

What the hell! I cut off the only clue. I was—I was so angry at the time, and I couldn't help but question her. I didn't know it would be like this. Now it's all right, what should I do next? Just ignore it? But I didn’t know about it, since I knew the consequences but allowed it to happen, this is an indirect intention in law! I’m simply a murderer! At least an accomplice!” hat.

How can it be so serious! We can look for the clues if they are gone, and there will always be a way.

Us? Xiao Xia noticed Ruan Zhan's words and was extremely conflicted.

Honestly speaking, when she first contacted Ruan Zhan because of Li Jingming's case, she never thought that exorcism and catching ghosts would be dangerous for a person with natural spiritual power like him. She only felt that Ruan Zhan was selfish and refused to help her. It wasn't until he nearly trapped the evil ghost of a scholar in the water that she realized that it was not just gesticulation, chanting, and pasting two messy talismans. , sometimes even endangering the life of the exorcist.

Although she was always rude when she relied on Ruan Zhan, she was not vicious enough to disregard his life. The Zhang Xue incident that day left her no time to think about it, but after Ruan Zhan was injured, she regretted it very much. Even when she realized that he would help her, she thought that she could just find a contractor and solve the matter from the outside. But now it's clearly a head-to-head situation. Of course, she can't let go of the disaster she caused, but how could the innocent him be involved in this matter. And without him, she can't do anything, even if she goes all out, she will be sacrificed automatically, and the amount does not meet the requirements. Ask him for help, it seems that this Bloody Mary is very powerful, and might put him in danger.

Why don't you teach me how to exorcise demons and catch ghosts? I can always learn that talisman or something? She was whimsical.

Ruan Zhan laughed, Do you think people without spiritual power can just learn to paint and paint?

Can't you learn?

You don't have natural talents, maybe you can practice Taoism for one or two decades.

You mean it's too late?

Completely correct.

Xiao Xia lowered her head in frustration.

Ruan Zhan understood her entangled mood, and couldn't help being very 'natural' soft-hearted, I'm not helping you. He said, I'm a Chinese 'mage', how can I let foreign evil spirits come and play wild, it's too bad Save face!

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