The Exorcist

Chapter 8 God of Gamblers Chapter 38 Torture

In the forest clearing, a female ghost Pingpingtingting was floating in the air. Even though she is already a spirit body, she still pays great attention to her appearance, probably transfiguring her most beautiful appearance, so she is not scary, but just like a woman, even more gorgeous than the most enchanting woman in the world.

How can you tell? Hong Hao asked.

Inference. Xiao Xia answered, You were taken out from here by Sima Nan. You escaped in Hongqing Town, but without a man to rely on, where else can you go? Besides, who else knows about A Zhan's existence? ? No soul who fought with him can survive, except for you, a fish that slipped through the net.

In fact, it was Hong Haohao's pair of dark eyes that stimulated Xiao Xia's inner memory. Only Hong Hao Hao had such flexible and malicious eyes that made him happy when he saw others suffering, but Xiao Xia didn't say that.

So what if you find out? I won't let you slip out of my net! Hong Haohao smiled arrogantly, I have tormented you for so long, and finally realized that no one is following you. If I eat so much, it will be a big loss. If you don't take precautions, you are really stupid. Let's see how you can escape today! As she spoke, she waved her hand to Xiao Xia, spraying out a stream of black air between her hands and wrapping around Xiao Xia.

Yimu Qinglong, transform into ten thousand swords, kill! The Five Elements Forbidden Wood Technique was cast almost at the same time as Hong Haohao's attack, and because Xiaoxia consciously leaned against a big tree and borrowed the natural power of the tree, the magic was doubled With his strength, he was able to block Hong Haohao's black energy for a moment.

That's right. A bitch who was born in a mortal body and has a super light figure can actually reach this level. Hong Haohao gave a frivolous compliment, but there was no hint of praise in his tone.

You're not bad, you actually learned how to be a spider spirit. Xiaoxia knew that it was irrational to anger the other person, but she couldn't get angry at Hong's good attitude, so she retorted, pretending to trip and fall to the ground, and did some tricks.

She had to find a way to delay until dawn. It was already spring, the days were longer, and the morning in the mountains came earlier. However, it was completely dark when she went up the mountain. Even if Hong had been struggling for a while, it was only just after midnight. It seems that Hong Haohao has practiced the spells that Sima Nan taught her in the past few days, and she feels much stronger. She is unable to fight head-on, so she must find a way to make Hong Haohao not rush to kill her, otherwise she will kill her today. He will definitely not survive.

You scold me, it will only make your death extremely painful, and then I will eat your soul and make you immortal forever! Hong Haohao approached step by step.

Come on! Xiaoxia was scared to death, but on the surface she deliberately showed a confident look, and she glanced quietly into the distance from time to time, as if someone would answer her, Am I afraid of you?

Wan Li once said that Hong Haohao is actually an extremely unconfident woman. She must rely on her beauty and the recognition of many men to feel her existence. Such people are very sensitive and suspicious. Besides, she has been cheated by Ruan Zhan twice. After narrowly escaping from death at the hands of Wan Li, there must be psychological shadow and fear, so she used various methods to spy on Xiao Xia for a long time to make sure that Ruan Zhan or Wan Li did not follow Xiao Xia before showing up.

But can she really be sure? There are so many things that can be hidden in this mountain forest. For Xiao Xia, there is unknown fear, and for Hong Haohao, the same is true.

Sure enough, although Hong Haohao's face was still vicious, there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes, Don't be so harsh, no one will come to save you!

Then why don't you come over? Come and try to kill me!

Hong Hao stopped. The more Xiaoxia said this, the more doubtful she became. Yes, she wanted to kill this woman. She wanted to kill her from the first time she saw her, because she won the hearts of two such outstanding men with her ordinary identity and appearance. Live for her, die for her! As for her, she tried her best but couldn't keep even one man. What she couldn't bear the most was that that ruthless man turned out to be the most affectionate in the world, but his feelings were given to Abai.

She hated Yue Xiaoxia's luck, and because Yue Xiaoxia was A Bai's only friend, she transferred her hatred towards A Bai. Also, because of Yue Xiaoxia, the only person she could rely on left this world. disappeared, it was all Yue Xiaoxia’s fault!

You're lying to me. Hong Haohao just has a dark and complicated heart, but he's not stupid. He was scared by Xiao Xia at first, but now he's come to his senses, They didn't come at all. Those two men treat you like a treasure. Holding it in the palm of my hand, will you let me scare you like this? Haha, stop playing tricks, I won’t be fooled by you, risk your life!”

Yes, they haven't arrived yet, but only now. Xiao Xia felt trembling in her heart, but she was still arguing, I'm not afraid of you killing me, because they will avenge me. Guess, if Ruan Zhan happens to see How will he react if you kill me? Sima Nan is already in his hands, who do you think you are? Guess again, you and I have been fighting here for a long time, won’t he be able to feel your breath? He is so Smart, even I can guess that you are here, how can he not guess it? Do you know how much he loves me? I can guarantee that if I die, he will destroy all the spirits here and bury me with him. When he is crazy, do you think there is something hiding in the dark that will expose you in order to protect himself? It doesn't matter whether he is here now. The problem is that paper cannot contain the fire, unless you want to Die with me, otherwise you won’t be able to run away!”

Ha, if I completely destroy you and then fly away, will he still look for me all over the world? I will try to trick the mud into the sea, how will he look for me? Hong Haohao sneered.

She was angry and scared, so she used her soul to feel the surroundings carefully, and was sure that there was really no human breath. She knew that her strength was far different from Ruan Zhan, but it was not so bad that she couldn't feel it even with such a strong master beside her. Now that she was riding a tiger, she had to do it neatly.

Xiao Xia, who was on the side, saw that her eyes became fierce and regretted that she had frightened Hong Hao Hao too much, making her feel that there was no way out, so she became desperate and continued to ramble: I don't understand, and you and I have nothing to do with each other. Qiu, why do you have to fight with me? Since you have already escaped, why don't you just run away?

You don't have to understand, you just need to know that you are going to die!

Then don't you wonder why I ran up the mountain in the middle of the night? Xiaoxia's life was hanging by a thread, so she had to resort to luring the enemy, hoping to arouse Hong Haohao's curiosity and make her feel that she was not the target of attack, so that she could survive.

Sure enough, Hong paused for a moment, and Xiaoxia secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She understood that Hong Haohao had always been interested in this matter. Hong Haohao had forgotten this question in his anger just now. Now she reminded her to think about it. Although she didn't know what methods Hong Haohao would use to force a confession, at least the danger had been alleviated for now.

What are you doing here? Hong Hao asked sharply.

Then what are you doing here? Xiao Xia asked back, and then guessed before Hong Haohao got angry: You don't know what to do without Sima Nan, and your original home is on the other side of this mountain, so You ran over and stared at Abai, wondering what happened to her and whether it was possible for Sima Nan's remnant soul to recover. You were curious about how Abai could endure living in a dry well for so many years. But you couldn't get down into that well. Because the restriction set by Sima Nan back then is still there, although it imprisons Abai, it also protects her.

so what?

And I was more unlucky. When you were wandering at the foot of the mountain, lusting after the human life, you happened to see me coming, so you used the villagers of Jin Village who fell to death a few days ago to scare me, and then got it from the middle of the mountain. They killed the shop owner and his family, and put on a good show of a white-bone demon transforming into a family of three.

So what? Hong Haohao asked again, I'm curious why you came here. You look very anxious. Ruan Zhan must have abandoned you. You came to your ghost friend A Bai to cry, right?

The speculation and gloating in her tone reminded Xiaoxia that Ruan Zhan's life and death were uncertain, so she burst into tears, He is leaving me! she choked.

She didn't lie. If Ruan Zhan didn't survive, wouldn't he just leave her? At this moment, Hong Haohao talked about her concerns, and she couldn't help but feel sad. Hong Haohao originally didn't believe that Ruan Zhan would abandon Xiaoxia, because she had seen Ruan Zhan's sincere feelings for Xiaoxia with her own eyes. She was just making a malicious guess. She didn't expect Xiaoxia to cry so sadly, and it didn't look like she was faking it at all. She began to doubt that Ruan Zhan really didn't want Yue Xiaoxia anymore. She was so happy that she couldn't help but laugh.

Aren’t all men like that? It doesn't matter how deep you love, you will change your heart in the blink of an eye!

Who are you showing this to? Men are not soft-hearted. Have you never heard of the saying that a man's heart is as strong as iron? And I will not sympathize with you, I will only feel very happy, because you also have this day. Hong Hao laughed. He said: You were bragging to me just now, saying how much Ruan Zhan loves you and will avenge you, but now you are showing your fox tail, right?

He is a kind and righteous person. Even if he has nothing to do with me, do you think he won't come to avenge me? I still- Xiaoxia stopped in time.

What else do you want? You have other reasons for coming here to find Abai, right? Hong Haohao noticed Xiao Xia's eyes twinkling and asked, Tell me as soon as possible so that you won't suffer any more physical pain!

Xiaoxia said nothing. She just wants to suffer some physical pain. Although she has always been most afraid of pain, even going to the hospital to get an injection has to encourage herself for a long time. But as long as Hong Hao is willing to torture her, she will have the opportunity to wear it out until dawn, so that she can survive , to save Ruan Zhan.

Okay, you won't tell me, right? Then try this first! With that said, Hong Haohao pushed it with both hands.

Xiaoxia didn't resist this time, as if she was too sad. When Hong Haohao waved his hands, she clearly didn't see anything in her eyes, but she felt that she was being pushed by countless cold hands, and she hit the big tree behind her, which shook her internal organs to the point that she was even struggling. Before she could react, she felt a cold rope tied around her body, binding her tightly.

You used the energy of wood to block my black cloud energy, but it was just a trick. Hong sneered, Let you see how I use the real power of nature to deal with you. Although you are very experienced, you know that mountain mosquitoes are powerful , before going up the mountain, I also used the mosquito repellent grass juice in the mountains to wipe my whole body, but wouldn’t I make the smell disappear? Then guess what will happen? Mountain mosquitoes, locusts, and all kinds of inexplicable insects will come I'll suck your blood. I heard that some people made mistakes in the past and were tortured to death like this. I'm afraid of Ruan Zhan's revenge, so I don't dare to kill you, but if I tie you here for a few days and create a barrier, Let others not see you. A group of mosquitoes has sucked your blood. I kindly help you get rid of it, and a new batch of more powerful ones will come. Even if you are not poisoned by mountain mosquitoes, your blood will be sucked dry. Yes, how about two more snakes? Haha, you are so white and tender, your blood must be sweet, don't you want to do a good deed? Then feed the mosquitoes!

Let's find another way! After hearing Hong Haohao's words, Xiao Xia was more scared than seeing a ghost and couldn't help blurting out.

This method doesn't sound scary, but it is the most uncomfortable for Xiaoxia. She has lived in a big city since she was a child and is most afraid of bugs. Due to her physical condition, it takes a long time for the swelling and itching to subside after a mosquito bite. Therefore, she is very afraid of mosquitoes. Basically, she feels like facing a powerful enemy when she sees a mosquito. In order to wait for dawn, she came up with a trick to take advantage of Hong Hao Hao's curiosity, thinking that she would beat her or scare her, and was even prepared to be beaten. However, she never expected that Hong Hao Hao would use this trick and almost fainted on the spot. .

Hong Haohao laughed loudly and was very proud of having come up with such a way. I know you are stalling for time and want to wait until dawn, but I trapped you here, are you afraid of running out of time? Let's see who can waste more time! She said As he spoke, he began to form hand seals and pointed towards Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia only felt a chill on her body. Her long clothes and trousers were torn apart by an invisible hand, revealing her snow-white skin. At the same time, she smelled the faint scent of grass disappearing from her body, replaced by the smell of blood. She desperately tried to break free of the invisible restraints, but it was of no use. She could only watch as terrifyingly large mosquitoes and terrifying-looking insects landed on her body.

Xiaoxia screamed as she felt pain like tiny needles pricking her skin. She was not the kind of woman who screamed easily, but this time she was completely out of control. The panic and nausea made her worse than death. She never knew she could scream like that or cry like that, but when her body was covered in mosquito bites, she realized that she was like this when she went crazy. To her, this was the most terrifying torture in the world!

Hong Haohao was extremely happy, almost intoxicated with Xiaoxia's pain, Tell me what you are here for, and I will spare you!

Xiaoxia couldn't bear it and continued to cry, but she gritted her teeth and didn't say a word. If she lies, Hong Haohao will know about it and punish her even more. To be honest, she would never tell Ruan Zhan, it would hurt Ruan Zhan, and she would rather die!

It was only a few hours before dawn, but the torture seemed to last for centuries. Xiaoxia couldn't cry anymore. No part of her skin was intact, and the toxins released by mosquitoes began to make her unconscious. clear.


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