The Exorcist

Part 2 Bloody Mary Chapter 3 Two Boys……………

The main building of T University is an old building. The three floors downstairs are supplementary classrooms, and the four floors above are used for administrative offices. It is in the center of the school, and it takes about fifteen minutes to walk from the gate. I heard that it will be remodeled at the end of the year.

As soon as she entered the school, Xiao Xia found that the impact of this incident on the school and everyone in the school was obvious. It seemed that there was a depressive and hazy air over the school, making it difficult for everyone to breathe. When she came, it was not the time for class, and the hall where people should come and go was deserted. There was only a guard standing outside the gate, and a cleaner was cleaning. She stepped forward to ask where the principal's office was stairs.

After walking a few steps, a huge cloakroom mirror appeared at the corner of the stairs. It is so big that it almost occupies the entire wall, so that people from the first floor to the second floor, no matter whether they are up or down, are inevitably under its cover.

Subconsciously, Xiao Xia only felt that the mirror had a super attractive force, which made her involuntarily come closer and comb her hair in front of the mirror. She didn't stop until she suddenly realized that her face in the mirror was abnormally yellow and her eyes were deeply sunken.

Let's say she is of the yellow race, and she stayed up all night last night, she wouldn't be such a virtuous person!

Xiaoxia's heart contracted, and she suddenly realized that in front of this mirror was the place where the third deceased died, and hurried away, but a hallucination suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

She saw a short-haired girl who was attracted by an inexplicable force like herself, went to the mirror to arrange her hair, and then found that her figure in the mirror suddenly disappeared, leaving only a blank space.

The girl turned around in amazement, and found another girl standing behind her with her back to her, with a similar figure, similar hair, and similar clothes. It was as if there was a mirror behind her, and she could see her own back. She was so frightened that she turned back to face the original full-length mirror, and was horrified to see her own shadow in the mirror again, but it was exactly the same back. Slowly, both figures turned around - it was herself!

She didn't have time to scream, seeing the same two selves dried up and withered at the same time, leaving only skeletons. When she was frightened to death in front of the mirror, the two figures smiled strangely and slowly turned into dripping blood.

This hallucination scared Xiaoxia to the second floor and hid behind the wall. She took a deep breath, and poked her head out of the corner to see if she was hallucinating because she passively accepted some bullshit psychological suggestion of this matter. But as soon as she showed her head, she clearly felt a pair of blood-red eyes staring at her again.

It's over! she thinks. It must be because of Li Jingming's case last time that her sensitivity was strengthened again. She is not a psychic, and her physical eyes can't see things that people shouldn't see, but she has always been sensitive and has experienced ghosts, so her senses are much sharper than ordinary people, and she can perceive weak thoughts. It also gave her fears that no one else had.

She thinks that people who are fortunate to deal with ghosts will probably have two situations. The first is that they will no longer be afraid of ghosts, and the second is that they hope that they will never encounter them again. And she is the second type.

She peeked out again, and it was exactly the same. This situation made her feel a little angry in fear, not knowing what kind of bad luck she had suffered so that she repeatedly intervened in things that should not be intervened by human beings. She used to convince herself with Zhu Erdan's theory in Liao Zhai-Lu Pan - don't be afraid of them, they kill you, you are also like them, so there is nothing to be afraid of! But of course it is easy to reason and shout slogans, but actually doing it is two different things. For example, she now has the urge to jump in front of the mirror and ask loudly what it means, but she just doesn't dare, so she can only hide here and peep.

Perhaps the fear of death is the most primitive fear of human beings!

It's a good thing she's just doing consulting work, and it always comes during the day, so it shouldn't hurt her. As for the hallucinations—it will pass soon. Thinking of this, Xiaoxia went to the principal to do her consulting work, but when she left, she felt worried again.

She will still pass by that big mirror, unless she jumps off the top floor.

Just as she was hesitating, suddenly two familiar figures flashed in front of her, and she was so happy that she shouted without thinking: Liu Tie, Ni Yang! The voice was so abrupt in the empty corridor that the two big boys in front Startled.

Sister Xiao Xia, why are you here? The two looked at each other.

Xiao Xia walked over almost happily, their energetic and fresh temperament made her depressed mood a little less.

These two boys were part-time waitresses at the Night Returner bar, and she lived with Ruan Zhan at that time. Although she didn't show up very much, after a long time, the two who always came up to carry goods still knew her. At first, they thought that their popular lover, the boss, Jinwu Zangjiao, but later saw the weird situation between the two people who were frowning and ignoring each other, and realized that they were more likely enemies from previous lives. However, Xiao Xia got along very well with them, and they also liked this lively and funny sister very much. Regarding this matter, Xiaoxia's explanation is that she was a first-class good person, and it was someone who caused the confrontation. Anyway, it is right that she is not responsible.

A business matter, she said. Now even if those red eyes were staring at her, she wasn't afraid to go downstairs anymore.

What job? Ni Yang, who has a lively personality, asked curiously, Isn't it a secret that you can't tell? Oh, by the way, you are a lawyer. You must have come here for the school case. Here we come. When he said this, he happened to pass by the mirror, Xiao Xia's back was still numb, but she felt a lot more relaxed holding the arms of two sunny boys from left to right.

Sure enough, more people are more powerful!

Our firm has served as the school's legal advisor, and I'll come to help, Xiaoxia said. As for the others, they are professional secrets and are inconvenient to disclose.

Tch, there is no secret about this matter, it has been spread throughout the school.

Oh, let's hear it. Xiao Xia asked Ni Yang standing on the stone steps at the entrance of the main building. It may be her occupational disease to ask questions, but she should really investigate the situation with insiders.

Is there an informant fee?

You've watched too many police dramas. Xiao Xia slapped Ni Yang, Reporting the situation truthfully is a citizen's obligation. Now, fulfill your obligation immediately, or I will force your boss to deduct your salary.

You haven't been there for a long time. My boss probably forgot who you are.

I have the ability to make him remember me.

Maybe I have the ability to give my boss a headache. Liu Tie, who had been silent all this time, said with a smile. Except on the basketball court, he is originally a relatively shy and quiet person, but he will relax a little when he is easy-going and sloppy Xiao Xia.

If you 'praise' women like this, you won't please girls!

He's so popular with girls. Ni Yang interjected, I'm also the main force of the school basketball team, but my fans are only half of his, and even the one who started this incident is one of his cheerleaders. Gossip!

Really? Xiao Xia was surprised.

Don't listen to his nonsense. Liu Tie blushed, I want to do a research on the folk culture of Xiangxi, which is her hometown, so I asked her about it.

Ah, so it's for studying, serious business! Xiao Xia's tone was teasing, but when she thought that this poor girl had already passed away, she felt that she shouldn't be joking. She just likes to see Liu Tie's cramped look, women are too strong now, so shy boys like him are very popular. It's not like someone, with a gentle and kind face and a cold and heartless heart, only a blind woman will fall in love with such a man, although it seems that there are quite a lot of blind women at present.

Anyway, tell me about this girl. Xiao Xia continued to inquire.

But it's almost four o'clock, and we still have to go to work. Ni Yang looked at his watch, Why don't you go to the bar at night, and I'll tell you the details.

Go to the bar—— Ruan Zhan's face flashed in Xiao Xia's mind, he hesitated, Okay, eight o'clock in the evening. Maybe she should go and see that hateful person, anyway, he also helped her.

After the two boys bid farewell to Xiao Xia, Liu Tie asked, Why do you insist on letting Xiao Xia go to the bar?

Don't you want to see the black face of the gentle boss in the world?

That's why I said, you are the worst guy. Liu Tie smiled.

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